I am trying to extract the STG representation of a Haskell source as a String via Outputable, but it looks like coreToStgArgs is panicing with the following dump:
user#machine ~/Desktop/hue $ runhaskell test.hs
[foo :: forall a. Num a => a -> a
[GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType] =
\r srt:SRT:[] [$dNum a1] + $dNum a1 a1;,
bar :: Int -> Int
[GblId,test.hs: test.hs: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 7.10.3 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
coreToStgArgs I# 3
Please report this as a GHC bug: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug
Here is the file FooBar.hs that I want to extract:
module FooBar where
foo a = a + a
bar :: Int -> Int
bar b = b + 3
Here is the source of test.hs that I used:
import CoreToStg
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
import Outputable
import StgSyn
mkDynFlags :: IO DynFlags
mkDynFlags = runGhc (Just libdir) getSessionDynFlags
mkSTG :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [StgBinding]
mkSTG proj src = do
dflags <- mkDynFlags
ghc_core <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setSessionDynFlags (dflags {importPaths = [proj]})
compileToCoreSimplified src
-- compileToCoreModule src
coreToStg dflags (cm_module ghc_core) (cm_binds ghc_core)
mkIOStr :: (Outputable a) => a -> IO String
mkIOStr obj = do
dflags <- mkDynFlags
let ppr_str = showPpr dflags obj
return ppr_str
main :: IO ()
main = do
let proj = "/home/user/Desktop/hue"
let src = proj ++ "/FooBar.hs"
res <- mkIOStr =<< mkSTG proj src
putStrLn res
It looks like someone several years before me has run into a similar problem:
However, I have no idea what has happened since. I am also not sure if this is the correct way to go about extracting the STG of an arbitrary Haskell source, so if there are better alternatives that work, I would like to hear about them.
STG translation appears successful for the following program where bar b = b + 3 is changed to bar b = 3:
module FooBar where
foo a = a + a
bar :: Int -> Int
bar b = 3
In fact, at first glance, things appear to work if the induced Core Haskell does not force primitive operations to be performed. For instance bar b = 3 + 9 fails.
Many thanks to melpomene for pointing out something I missed in the documentation.
Here is the modified source of the test.hs that works:
import CorePrep
import CoreToStg
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
import GhcMonad
import HscTypes
import Outputable
import StgSyn
import System.IO
mkSTG :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [StgBinding]
mkSTG proj src = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
env <- getSession
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
setSessionDynFlags (dflags {importPaths = [proj]})
target <- guessTarget src Nothing
setTargets [target]
load LoadAllTargets
mod_graph <- getModuleGraph
let mod_sum = head mod_graph -- This is bad practice
pmod <- parseModule mod_sum
tmod <- typecheckModule pmod
dmod <- desugarModule tmod
let guts = coreModule dmod
let loc = ms_location mod_sum
let binds = mg_binds guts
let tcs = mg_tcs guts
prep <- liftIO $ corePrepPgm env loc binds tcs
liftIO $ coreToStg dflags (mg_module guts) prep
mkIOStr :: (Outputable a) => a -> IO String
mkIOStr obj = do
dflags <- runGhc (Just libdir) getSessionDynFlags
let ppr_str = showPpr dflags obj
return ppr_str
main :: IO ()
main = do
let proj = "/home/celery/Desktop/hue"
let src = proj ++ "/FooBar.hs"
res <- mkIOStr =<< mkSTG proj src
putStrLn res
I am not sure what the best way to recover a ModSummary (and hence the ModuleName) from a Target is, but I do vaguely remember it being the first element of the ModuleGraph, which is defined as type ModuleGraph = [ModSummary].
The type signature for corePrepPgm is also different between GHC 7 and 8:
Suggestions for improvement are welcome :)
EDIT: I have found instances of counter examples to this -- the head of a ModuleGraph is not always the target. My current workaround is to see if any ModSummary within the ModuleGraph contains a location which matches that of the initial source file location.
I want to compile a Haskell module to GHC Core, with optimisations applied, and use the resulting core output. However, when I use compileToCoreSimplified it doesn't seem to run all the normal optimisations. Taking the program:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
module LensOpt(pick) where
import Control.Lens
data Record = Record {_field :: String}
field = lens _field $ \r x -> r{_field=x}
pick = Record "test" ^. field
When run through ghc -ddump-simple I get the optimal output:
LensOpt.pick1 :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
LensOpt.pick1 = "test"#
pick :: String
pick = GHC.CString.unpackCString# LensOpt.pick1
However, when compiled using compileToCoreSimplified I get the output:
s1 :: Addr#
s1 = "test"#
s2 :: [Char]
s2 = unpackCString# s1
s3 :: Record
s3 = Record s2
pick :: String
pick = case s3 of { Record ds -> ds }
I am invoking compileToCoreSimplified with:
import GHC
import GhcPlugins
import GHC.Paths
main = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setTargets []
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
setSessionDynFlags dflags{hscTarget = HscNothing}
res <- compileToCoreSimplified "LensOpt.hs"
liftIO $ writeFile "lens_api.txt" $ showSDoc dflags $ ppr res
How do I drive the GHC API to apply the full optimisations?
You need to turn on the optimizations you want to run in the DynFlags.
You can do that either by specifying an optimization level (0..2) and setting optimizations based on that (updOptLevel), or by turning on individual optimizations such as Opt_Specialise:
main = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setTargets []
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
setSessionDynFlags $ updOptLevel 2 $ dflags{hscTarget = HscNothing}
I have a question regarding use of Exceptions with a transformer stack.
I am a trying to develop some networking software, specifically implement
the GTP control protocol on S5 interface.
I am finding it difficult to get Exceptions work the transformer stack.
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
data GtpcModSt = GtpcModSt { sock :: Socket
, rcvdBytes :: BS.ByteString
, s5cTeidKey :: Word32
---- ....
} --deriving (Show)
type EvalGtpC a = (StateT GtpcModSt (ExceptT GtpcExceptions IO )) a
-- deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
gtpcProcess = loop
where loop = do
rcvAndProcessGtpc `catch` (\e -> do
print "Exception handler"
print (e :: SomeException))
rcvAndProcessGtpc :: EvalGtpC ()
rcvAndProcessGtpc = do
sock <- gets sock
(msg, addr) <- liftIO $ recvFrom sock 1000
modify (\x -> x {rcvdBytes = msg, sndrAddr = addr})
processMsg :: EvalGtpC ()
processMsg = do
-- validateSrc
msg <- gets gtpMsg
processGtpc $ msgType msg
-- createSessionRequest
processGtpc :: Word8 -> EvalGtpC ()
processGtpc 32 = do
myState#GtpcModSt {..} <- get
sessParams <- return $ foldl ieInfo (SessionParams { imsi = Nothing
, mei = Nothing
, msisdn = Nothing
, senderFteidKey = Nothing
, senderIpV4Addr = Nothing
, senderIpV6Addr = Nothing
, pgwFteidKey = Nothing
, pgwIpV4Addr = Nothing
, pgwIpV6Addr = Nothing
, apn = Nothing
, paaPdnType = Nothing
, pco = Nothing
, bearerContext = []
, unDecodedIe = []
, unSupportedIe = []
}) $ msgIeList gtpMsg
ueApn <-return $ fromMaybe (throwE BadIe) (apn sessParams)
apnCfg <- return $ fromMaybe (throw BadIe) $ Map.lookup ueApn apnProfile
thisSndrFteidKey <-return $ fromMaybe (throw BadIe) (senderFteidKey sessParams)
I think that I should use throwE/catchE from Control.Monad.Trans.Except. However, throwE does not even compile when used with my transformer monad, as shown here:
apnCfg <- return $ fromMaybe (throw UnknownApn) $ Map.lookup ueApn apnProfile
Using throw from Control.Exception gets past the compilation stage but I am not sure it will work.
Should I not be using Exception in a transformer monad that has IO as its base?
I think that I should use throwE/catchE from Control.Monad.Trans.Except. However, throwE does not even compile when used with my transformer monad, as shown here:
apnCfg <- return $ fromMaybe (throw UnknownApn) $ Map.lookup ueApn apnProfile
Using throw from Control.Exception gets past the compilation stage but I am not sure it will work.
This can be solved by following the types. In your do-block, we have:
-- I won't use the synonym here, for the sake of explicitness:
return :: a -> StateT GtpcModSt (ExceptT GtpcExceptions IO) a
The type of throwE is:
throwE :: Monad m => e -> ExceptT e m a
That being so, what you want is:
apnCfg <- maybe (lift $ throwE UnknownApn) return $ Map.lookup ueApn apnProfile
Firstly, you only need return if you aren't throwing (maybe is more convenient than fromMaybe for expressing that). Secondly, throwE produces an ExceptT computation that you need to lift to the outer, StateT layer. You can make the lift implicit by using mtl instead of transformers directly. To do that, change your imports from...
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
... to:
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Except
Then you can simply write (using the throwError method from MonadError):
apnCfg <- maybe (throwError UnknownApn) return $ Map.lookup ueApn apnProfile
I have a code that reads files and parses using UU.Parsing lib that returns an abstract sintax tree and shows on the screen.
I received the error message "No instance for Show" in my functions originated in tokensParserToByteString and applyParser using parseIO (of UU.Parsing lib) and inherited signatures until main. I fixed the signatures but my problem is in the main function. I added the instance Show in the signature but I have the next compilation error:
No instance for (Show (IO J2s)) arising from a use of ‘main’
In the expression: main
When checking the type of the IO action ‘main’
The complete error message is:
$ cabal build
Building java2scala-1.0...
Preprocessing library java2scala-1.0...
In-place registering java2scala-1.0...
Preprocessing executable 'java2scala' for java2scala-1.0...
Preprocessing executable 'test' for java2scala-1.0...
[5 of 5] Compiling Main ( test/Main.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.o )
No instance for (Show (IO J2s)) arising from a use of ‘main’
In the expression: main
When checking the type of the IO action ‘main’
Some idea, about the problem?
Main module
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import UU.Parsing
import Content
main :: (Show (IO J2s)) => IO()
main = do f <- getLine
let command = test f
test :: (Show (IO J2s)) => String -> IO()
test "testparser" = testParser
Test module
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module J2s.Parser.Test where
import Content
import J2s.Ast.Sintax
import J2s.Parser
import UU.Parsing
testParser :: (Show (IO J2s)) => IO()
testParser = (runSafeIO $ runProxy $ runEitherK $
contentsRecursive "path/of/my/tests" />/ handlerParser) :: (Show (IO J2s)) => IO()
Content module
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Content where
import Control.Monad(forM, liftM)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath ((</>), splitExtension, splitFileName)
import J2s.Parser
import J2s.Ast.Sintax
import UU.Parsing
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Proxy.Safe hiding (readFileS)
import J2s.Scanner.Token
import Text.Show
import UU.Parsing
:: (CheckP p)
=> FilePath -> () -> Producer (ExceptionP p) FilePath SafeIO ()
contentsRecursive path () = loop path
loop path = do
contents path () //> \newPath -> do
respond newPath
isDir <- tryIO $ doesDirectoryExist newPath
let isChild = not $ takeFileName newPath `elem` [".", ".."]
when (isDir && isChild) $ loop newPath
applyParser :: (Proxy p, Show (IO J2s)) => String -> Consumer p B.ByteString IO ()
applyParser path = runIdentityP loop
loop = do
bs <- request ()
let sc = classify (initPos path) (B8.unpack bs)
lift $ B8.putStrLn (tokensParserToByteString sc)
tokensParserToByteString :: (Show (IO J2s)) => [Token] -> B.ByteString
tokensParserToByteString tokens = B8.pack(show (parseIO pJ2s tokens))
handlerParser :: (CheckP p, Show (IO J2s)) => FilePath -> Session (ExceptionP p) SafeIO ()
handlerParser path = do
canRead <- tryIO $ fmap readable $ getPermissions path
isDir <- tryIO $ doesDirectoryExist path
isValidExtension <- tryIO $ evaluate ((snd (splitExtension path) == ".java" || snd (splitExtension path) == ".mora") && (snd (splitFileName path) /= "EncodeTest.java") && (snd (splitFileName path) /= "T6302184.java") && (snd (splitFileName path) /= "Unmappable.java"))
when (not isDir && canRead && isValidExtension) $
(readFileSP 10240 path >-> try . applyParser) path
:: (CheckP p)
=> Int -> FilePath -> () -> Producer (ExceptionP p) B.ByteString SafeIO ()
readFileSP chunkSize path () =
bracket id (openFile path ReadMode) hClose $ \handle -> do
let loop = do
eof <- tryIO $ hIsEOF handle
unless eof $ do
bs <- tryIO $ B.hGetSome handle chunkSize
respond bs
A signature like Show (IO J2s) => IO () almost never makes sense. What this expresses is basically “provided the universe is crafted such that IO J2s has a Show instance, I give you an IO () action”. Well, if the universe has that property, then give us IO () action right now. Keep nasty chipsconstraints!
Constraints only really make sense if you apply them to type variables, i.e. if you're writing code that's polymorphic over several different, but not all types. (Like with CheckP p). But a constraint applied to concrete types does little more than defer type errors.
IO J2s has no Show instance. And it can't have such an instance: this is an IO action. It could be a complete subprogram that might execute costly computations, call commercial third-party library code, launch some missiles... and only in the very end return a J2s value. How do you expect to pack all the information of something so possibly complex into a simple string?
What possibly does have a Show instance is J2s. If you're in the IO monad anyway and have an IO J2s action, you can at any point fetch the J2s value from it by monad-binding that action (i.e. executing the subprogram) and just showing the J2s value. In your case:
tokensParserToByteString :: [Token] -> IO B.ByteString
tokensParserToByteString tokens = fmap (B8.pack . show) $ parseIO pJ2s tokens
I case you're confused about fmapping in the IO functor, this is equivalent to
tokensParserToByteString :: [Token] -> IO B.ByteString
tokensParserToByteString tokens = do
j2sValue <- parseIO pJ2s tokens
return . B8.pack $ show j2sValue
Of course you then need to adapt applyParser because tokensParserToByteString is now an IO action. Easy enough with the =<< operator:
applyParser :: Proxy p => String -> Consumer p B.ByteString IO ()
applyParser path = runIdentityP loop
loop = do
bs <- request ()
let sc = classify (initPos path) (B8.unpack bs)
lift $ B8.putStrLn =<< tokensParserToByteString sc
1) I need to pass a field constructor parameter to a function. I made some tests but i was unable to do so. Is it possible? Otherwise, is it possible with lens package?
2) Is it possible in a MonadState to modify a field using modify? (I made a few attempts, but without success. For example: modify (second = "x") does not work.
import Control.Monad.State
data Test = Test {first :: Int, second :: String} deriving Show
dataTest = Test {first = 1, second = ""}
test1 = runStateT modif1 dataTest -- OK
test2 = runStateT (modif2 "!") dataTest -- OK
test3 = runStateT (modif3 second) dataTest -- WRONG
-- modif1 :: StateT Test IO ()
modif1 = do
st <- get
r <- lift getLine
put $ st {second = "x" ++ r}
-- modif2 :: String -> StateT Test IO ()
modif2 s = do
stat <- get
r <- lift getLine
put $ stat {second = "x" ++ r ++ s}
-- modif3 :: ???? -> StateT Test IO ()
modif3 fc = do
stat <- get
r <- lift getLine
put $ stat {fc = "x" ++ r}
-- When i try to load the module, this is the result:
-- ghc > Failed:
-- ProvaRecord.hs:33:16:`fc' is not a (visible) constructor field name
As you said, you're probably looking for lenses. A lens is a value that allows to read, set or modify a given field. Usually with Control.Lens, you define fields with underscores and you use makeLenses to create full-featured lenses.
There are many combinators that allow lenses to be used together within MonadState. In your case we can use %=, which in this case would be specialized to type
(MonadState s m) => Lens' s b -> (b -> b) -> m ()
which modifies a state value using a given lens and a function that operates on the inside value.
Your example could be rewritten using lenses as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
data Test = Test { _first :: Int
, _second :: String
deriving Show
-- Generate `first` and `second` lenses.
$(makeLenses ''Test)
-- | An example of a universal function that modifies any lens.
-- It reads a string and appends it to the existing value.
modif :: Lens' a String -> StateT a IO ()
modif l = do
r <- lift getLine
l %= (++ r)
dataTest :: Test
dataTest = Test { _first = 1, _second = "" }
test :: IO Test
test = execStateT (modif second) dataTest
Suppose I have an arbitrary module
module Foo where
foo :: Moo -> Goo
bar :: Car -> Far
baz :: Can -> Haz
where foo, bar, and baz are correctly implemented, etc.
I'd like to reify this module into an automatically-generated data type and corresponding object:
import Foo (Moo, Goo, Car, Far, Can, Haz)
import qualified Foo
data FooModule = Foo
{ foo :: Moo -> Goo
, bar :: Car -> Far
, baz :: Can -> Haz
_Foo_ = Foo
{ foo = Foo.foo
, bar = Foo.bar
, baz = Foo.baz
Names must be precisely the same as the original module.
I could do this by hand, but that is very tedious, so I'd like to write some code to perform this task for me.
I'm not really sure how to approach such a task. Does Template Haskell provide a way to inspect modules? Should I hook into some GHC api? Or am I just as well off with a more ad-hoc approach such as scraping haddock pages?
(This is for GHC-7.4.2; it probably won't compile with HEAD or 7.6 because of some changes in Outputable). I didn't find anything to inspect modules in TH.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
import GHC
import GHC.Paths -- ghc-paths package
import Outputable
import GhcMonad
main :: IO ()
main = runGhc (Just libdir) $ goModule "Data.Map"
goModule :: GhcMonad m => String -> m ()
goModule modStr = do
df <- getSessionDynFlags
_ <- setSessionDynFlags df
-- ^ Don't know if this is the correct way, but it works for this purpose
setContext [IIDecl (simpleImportDecl (mkModuleName modStr))]
infos <- mapM getInfo =<< getNamesInScope
let ids = onlyIDs infos
liftIO . putStrLn . showSDoc . render $ ids
onlyIDs :: [Maybe (TyThing, Fixity, [Instance])] -> [Id]
onlyIDs infos = [ i | Just (AnId i, _, _) <- infos ]
render :: [Id] -> SDoc
render ids = mkFields ids $$ text "------------" $$ mkInits ids
mkFields :: [Id] -> SDoc
mkFields = vcat . map (\i ->
text "," <+> pprUnqual i <+> text "::" <+> ppr (idType i))
mkInits :: [Id] -> SDoc
mkInits = vcat . map (\i ->
text "," <+> pprUnqual i <+> text "=" <+> ppr i)
-- * Helpers
withUnqual :: SDoc -> SDoc
withUnqual = withPprStyle (mkUserStyle neverQualify AllTheWay)
pprUnqual :: Outputable a => a -> SDoc
pprUnqual = withUnqual . ppr