Output a linux command to a url/port or scocket instead of writing it to a file - linux

I have a command which out outputs certain data which i store in a ext file using a '>>' command.Now Instead of doing that I want to have a socket or a port on any server which will catch the output of the command.Basically i want to output all my script data to a socket or url which ever is possible.
Any help in this direction is most welcomed.

You can use socat to listening on a port 12345 and echo any data sent to it like this:
socat -u TCP-LISTEN:12345,keepalive,reuseaddr,fork STDOUT
If you want to capture it to a file as well (file.log), you can use the same command with tee:
socat -u TCP-LISTEN:12345,keepalive,reuseaddr,fork STDOUT | tee file.log
You can run your program to output to bash's TCP virtual device:
./prog > /dev/tcp/localhost/12345
If you don't want to use bash magic then you can also use socat to send the data:
./prog | socat - TCP-CONNECT:localhost:12345
The above example assume you are running your program and "logger" on the same system but you can replace "localhost" with the hostname or address of the system you wish to send to (where the socat is listening).


redirect the ouput of command into a socket on linux

I'm using netcat to connect to a server.
the problem is that i want to send somme non printable to the server caracters.
I wanted to achieve this with a command redirection in linux.
lets say this is the command: nc hostname port
so when i checked the file descriptors of the command nc in the folder: cd /proc/$(pidof nc)/fd is saw the there was another fd with number 3 that conserns the socket. 3 -> socket:[1675643]
the problem is that i wanted to redirect the output of let's say echo -ne '\xff\x0f\xab\xde' > ./3 to the socket.
I couldn't do so and the ouput is: bash: ./3: No such device or address
One cannot output something to a socket which is opened only by another process.
In order to first use interactive input/output and afterwards send the echo string, you can do:
(cat; echo -ne '\xff\x0f\xab\xde')|nc hostname port
(press the EOF character Ctrl-D to end your input and start the echo).

How to interact with telnet using empty

I need to replace a very simple expect script that looks like this:
spawn telnet
expect {
"assword" {send "lamepassword\r"}
With the equivalent bash script using empty, like this:
empty -f -i in -o out telnet
empty -w -i out -o in "assword" "lamepassword\n"
After which I need the user to interact with telnet, which I do not know how to do. The closest thing that comes to my mind is binding stdin and stdout with named pipes using something like socat - in. Any suggestions are more than welcome!
I tried cat out & cat /dev/stdin >in, it works, but it has an extra
newline, tab completion does not work and ctr+c terminates cat and
not the running host process. I am trying to persuade socat to act
according to those needs.
Using socat for transmitting keyboard input to the telnet process is a good idea. Example:
cat out & socat -u -,raw,echo=0 ./in
For allowing Ctrl-C to terminate socat, add escape=3:
cat out & socat -u -,raw,echo=0,escape=3 ./in
But note that this will not terminate the telnet session, since it did start in daemon mode, so you can reconnect to telnet by executing socat again. To end telnet, you could just logout.

Use netcat and write to stdin for remote shell

I am exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability (for university) on a running server and I am able to redirect the process to exec a shell.
My exploit looks like this:
perl -e 'print "\xaa\xaa\..."' | nc -q0 machineAtUni 1234
So the server reads from the socket, eip will be overwritten and a shell executed. The problem is that I see some message from the shell but I can't insert anything. I think that the shell itself reads from stdin till EOF but how can I achieve that I can send commands to it (that the connection stays open and I am able to write to stdin)?
netcat's stdin is connected to the pipe, not your terminal, so it's not sending anything you type. You can do:
{ perl -e 'print "\xaa\xaa\..."'; cat; } | nc -q0 machineAtUni 1234
so that when the perl script finishes, cat will read from the terminal and write to the pipe.

How can I have tcpdump write to file and standard output the appropriate data?

I want to have tcpdump write raw packet data into a file and also display packet analysis into standard output as the packets are captured (by analysis I mean the lines it displays normally when -w is missing).
Can anybody please tell me how to do that?
Here's a neat way to do what you want:
tcpdump -w - -U | tee somefile | tcpdump -r -
What it does:
-w - tells tcpdump to write binary data to stdout
-U tells tcpdump to write each packet to stdout as it is received, rather than buffering them and outputting in chunks
tee writes that binary data to a file AND to its own stdout
-r - tells the second tcpdump to get its data from its stdin
Since tcpdump 4.9.3 4.99.0, the --print option can be used:
tcpdump -w somefile --print
Wednesday, December 30, 2020, by mcr#sandelman.ca, denis and fxl.
Summary for 4.99.0 tcpdump release
User interface:
Add --print, to cause packet printing even with -w.
tcpdump ${ARGS} &
tcpdump ${ARGS} -w ${filename}
kill $PID
If you want a way to do it without running tcpdump twice, consider:
sudo tcpdump port 80 -w $(tty) | tee /tmp/output.txt
From the interactive command prompt you could use $TTY instead of $(tty) but in a script the former wouldn't be set (though I'm not sure how common it is to run tcpdump in a script).
Side-note: it's not very Unix-y the way tcpdump by default makes you write to a file. Programs should by default write to stdout. Redirection to a file is already provided by the shell constructs. Maybe there's a good reason tcpdump is designed this way but I don't know what that is.

How to delay pipe netcat to connect on first input

Running in bash under Ubuntu:
I have a source that generates me some output, but not straight away. Let's assume it is a first netcat listening on a socket: netcat -l 12345.
And I would like to pipe it to an outgoing netcat (connecting over TCP), e.g. netcat -l 12345 | netcat localhost 54321. But the tricky bit is, that I know there is nothing listening for that incoming connection on localhost 54321 when I run the command, but I know there will be one when the first actual character arrives through the pipe.
So my question is: is there a way either:
to delay the execution of the outgoing netcat until the first character arrives into the pipe, or
to delay the outgoing netcat from trying to establish the TCP connection until it receives the first character on its standard input? (no straight option for that in man, switching to UDP is not acceptable)
Thanks in advance!
Edit: In reality, the source is more complex than a netcat, namely it is a listening netcat piped through all sort of stream modification.
Using the research you already did and that I commented to (by not knowing it was an answer to your own question), here is the full delayed_netcat.sh:
read line
netcat "${#}" < <(echo $line ; cat)
This first waits for a line of input and later prepends that line using a simple echo to the "newly generated" input to the actual netcat. The rest of stdin is just redirected using cat which slurps it from stdin and adds it to the input of netcat. It also supports passing commandline options and arguments to the "real" netcat.
The usage is as follows:
netcat -l 12345 | cmd1 | cmd2 | ... | ./delayed_netcat.sh localhost 54321
The netcat is delayed till the first line is read. If you really want to start it after the first character is read the parts with read and echo need some rewrite.
Port Forwarding or Port Mapping with netcat:
ncat -l -p 12345 -c 'ncat localhost 54321'
Using socat:
socat TCP4-LISTEN:12345 TCP4:localhost:54321
This command exits after the first connection is done.
I have found an answer to my question, but it is awful... so still looking for something better.
netcat -l 12345 | gawk '(NR==1){print""}{print;fflush()}' | ./delayed_netcat.sh
where ./delayed_netcat.sh:
read line
netcat localhost 12345
So the read line delays the netcat localhost 12345 by waiting for and consuming the first input line, and I use gawk '(NR==1){print""}{print;fflush()}' to insert an empty line just before the first record... I'm sure there is room for much improvement to that!
