Code runs fine in .vbs file but not in a UFT script - Error 429 - excel

I have a line of code:
Dim objExcel
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Msgbox Err.number
When I run this code in a .vbs file, It gets executed successfully without throwing any error(Err.number=0).(I just created a text file on desktop, changed its extension from txt to vbs, inserted this code, saved and double-clicked the vbs file -It ran correctly without errors - Not sure if this approach uses 32 bit or 64 bit wscript.exe by default. I need to understand this. Could someone please explain this also apart from the main issue below?)
When I place this code in a UFT script, It is throwing the error 429 - ActiveX component can't create Object. It remains stuck on the line Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") for some time and finally throws the error 429.
Additional Info:
Windows 7(64 Bit)
UFT - 32 Bit - Version: 12.02
Excel - 32 Bit(version - 14.0.7181.5000)
I have looked at a lot of places for this issue and I think It has something to do with some architecture mismatch as mentioned in a few answers here(Not sure If I am pointing you guys to the correct place).
I would really appreciate If someone explains why the code runs fine in vbs but not in UFT script? I really need to make it work in UFT scripts.
Thanks for helping.

CreateObject("Excel.Application") throws replay error when ActiveX is not selected.
Make sure that the ActiveX add-in is selected, in the UFT add-in manager.


AutoSaveOn throw runtime error 50289 in Auto-Open

Does anyone have any idea, why the assignment
ActiveWorkbook.AutoSaveOn = False
inside Auto_Open might SPORADICALLY trigger runtime error 50289? Something about being unable to execute while Project is protected. Reloading the workbook has so far always overcome the problem. Re-running Auto_Open (via F8) does not cure the problem.
This is using Excel365, loading a file from SharePoint (via OneDrive).

How to work around Excel 2016 halting without message when trying to assign variable to VBProject?

System Details.
Windows 10
Excel 365 64-bit V16.0 (Apps for Enterprise)
I have a macro that opens a file, checks if the user has allowed programmatic access to the VBA Project in the trust center and raises an alert if they have not. This works fine on windows 7 machines with both 32bit and 64bit Excel from 2013 onwards.
The specific problem I am having on the Windows 10 machine is that when is executed the file opens but in the VBA Project explorer window the VBAProject object for that file does not appear. I also get a popup saying that code cannot be run in break mode when I try this while stepping through the code. When run on Win 7 with this version of Excel and others both 32 and 64-bit the VBAProject object appears and no popup is generated.
This lack of the VBA Project causes an issue later when I run set vbproj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject. At this point when stepping through the code execution halts with no messages at all. The Project pops up in the Project explorer window and it takes me to a module in the opened workbook. This gets opened with Design Mode turned on and when you click to turn it off I get an error message saying 'Macros have been disabled'
set vbproj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject works fine if the file is open and the VBAProject is visible in the Project explorer window.
If the file being opened does not contain a macro then it works correctly.
I have made sure that the files are in a Trusted Location.
I have set Enable all macros in the Macro Settings of the Trust Center.
When opening the files manually I do not get any alerts that macros have been disabled by an administrator and I do not get any message asking if I want to enable macros.
I have looked at W10 group policies to see if there is one that would block VBAProjects / Macros from files opened via VBA and there does not appear to be one as far as I can see.
The Trust Center setting for programmatic access to the VBA Project does not matter to this test case. It will return True if it is allowed and False if it is not allowed.
This has been tested on another Windows 10 laptop with the same version of Excel 64-bit and it has the same result so is not an issue with a specific users laptop.
I removed the folder from the Trusted Location on the Windows 7 machine and the code still executes correctly and returns True/False.
In the actual macro this check is done for each opened file in a loop and the variant vbproj is used to remove data from the modules within that project. I have considered working around the issue by using Application.onTime and that may be a solution but have not spent much time on that and with how it halts it may not be viable.
Attempted Solutions
I have tried set wb = to open the workbook and then using set vbproj = wb.VBProject but it has the same behavior as above.
I have tried doing ActiveWorkbook.Activate and similar actions to see if that will make the VBA project appear, it does not.
I have tried setting Application.FileValidation = msoFileValidationSkip before opening the file, this does not change the behavior.
I have tried setting Application.EnableEvents=False before opening the file, this does not change the behavior.
I have tried making vbproj a variant, an object and a VBProject, this does not change the behavior.
Steps to Recreate
Create a new workbook.
Put the below code into Module 1.
Function projectAccess()
Dim vbproj As Variant
On Error GoTo noaccess
Set vbproj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject 'If access is denied an error is raised.
projectAccess = True
Exit Function
projectAccess = False
End Function
Sub openfile()
Dim filepath As String
filepath = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path
Workbooks.Open (filepath & "\openfile.xlsm")
Debug.Print projectAccess
End Sub
Save the workbook
Create a 2nd workbook, in my case it was called openfile.xlsm and put some code into Module 1.
put both workbooks in the same location and make sure it is a Trusted Location in Excel.
run openfile().
If successful the immediate window will display True / False depending on the Trust Center setting.
I am out of ideas. Any suggestions for some setting that I may have overlooked to make the Win 10 machines behave the same as the Win 7 machines or suggestions for a possible work around?
Even if it is a group policy setting that would be something I can raise with IT as long as I know what to ask for.
Many Thanks
EDIT: Thanks to Rory in the comments the issue was making sure that the automation security was set like so Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityLow as the way the new Win 10 + Office 64 systems have been set up by my IT dept is to have it default to msoAutomationForceDisable

Constantly getting Err 1004 when trying to using Application.AddIns.Add

I'm trying to implement a bootstrap installer for my add-ins workbook, such that I can easily install the add-in for new users and send out updates. It works fine on my machine, but when having others test it, I get a runtime error when I try to call Set AI = Application.AddIns.Add(fileName:=fullPath, copyfile:=True). Specifically, the error is "1004: Unable to get the Add property of the AddIns class". I thought this was because the user needed to have "Trust access to the VBA project object model" enabled, but the error seems to occur even after they've toggled that box.
Other things I've checked:
The fullPath to the add-in is valid and the user can access the directory and the file
The user has the folder located at Application.UserLibraryPath
Any ideas?
Figured it out. It appears that the issue isn't one of permissions, but rather of whether a workbook is already open. Opening any workbook before running the Addins.Add prevented the error from occurring so I've simply added that into the program:
If Application.Workbooks.Count = 0 then Set wb = Application.Workbooks.Add()
Set AI = Application.AddIns.Add(fileName:=fullPath, copyfile:=True)
If not wb is nothing then wb.Close
Duke, perhaps it's the Trust Center settings on the recipients' machines. I have found this and may be helpful.
Check out VBA videos on ExcelVBADude on YouTube.

Injecting module into excel and run it

In VBScript I'm injecting a module into excel files and then I want to run them. The injection goes fine but when I run it says it can't find it. I've put the location in the trust center so it should trust it just fine. The module has a public sub named Run as well.
Dim XL
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim book
Set book = XL.Workbooks.Open(wkpath + "\" + wkname, 0, false)
book.VBProject.VBComponents.Import "C:\MyModule.bas"
XL.Application.Run("'" + wkname + "'!Run")
The paths and names all work out. Am I doing something wrong with this? What are my next debugging steps here.
Actually it looks like some references aren't being selected now so it's getting an error about user-defined type not defined, but that's not the error that I get from VBScript. I had to do what is happening manually and then I saw that error.
So I was missing a reference but the error was pretty bogus. I figured this out by stopping my process once the excel file was open and adding in the module manually and trying to run the function. So I added the following in vbscript and it worked:
book.VBProject.References.AddFromFile "path to my xlam that has the type I use"

Compatibility Between MS-Access 2003 and MS-Excel 2013

This is similar to a question that I've asked yesterday, but I've managed to find a fair bit more information: enough to warrant a new question, I feel.
My office has recently moved to Windows 7 along with Office 2013 - with the except of Access which has stayed as 2003.
Access works absolutely fine except when I try to automate Excel. This is a feature of nearly all my applications.
When I load an old project, the reference is automatically updated to "Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library" - it is held as an EXE file in Program Files (x86). Note: it does not say the reference is missing.
When I try to run any code which uses early binding, it fails with the following error message: "Error in loading DLL"
I've since tried late binding by doing the following:
Dim app As Object
Dim wb As Object
Set app = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
app.Visible = True
Set wb = app.Workbooks.Add
This creates the Application, it becomes visible, a Workbook is added, but then I get the following error: "Run-time error '1004':
Application-definted or object-defined error"
If I try to access VBA in the new Workbook I get the following error: "An error occurred initializing the VBA libraries (1004)" The Workbook is loaded in "Compatibility Mode"
The above leads me to believe that the 2 applications may not be compatable, but the following is worth considering:
If I try to use early binding I don't get the Intellisense drop-downs but words like Workbook and Worksheet do auto-capitalise themselves as you would normally expect them to. The code won't compile at all if I don't have the reference set, but it does compile - and throw and error - when it is. I've since tried Word 2013 - who's Object Reference is an OLB file rather than EXE - and I get the full Intellisense features I would except, but it still throws the same error when trying to run.
In a nut shell, does anyone know if I stand any chance of having the 2 work together?
