How to connect GOIP GSM Gateway with SIP Phone - voip

Is there any way to connect a sip/ip phone directly with a goip GSM gateway.
I am using GOIP16
Firmware Version: GST-1.01-68


What does a device require for X509 provisioning to send down the telemetry to the IotHub

Here is the scenario:
The device calls the endpoint(Function App/WebService) with some device information.
The endpoint will have embedded intermediate certificate(X509)(created using root cert) this intermediate certificate is uploaded to the enrollment group
The endpoint will create device id and leaf certificate for device and call the DPS service(using DPS sdk) to register the device
DPS registers the device successfully.
Now, the endpoint needs to return some information to the device that'd tell the device that it has been provisioned and registered in the iothub and it can start sending the telemetry.
I am not sure what the device will require in this step. If we use symmetric key, we'd normally use the device id and symmetric key to create device client and use device client to send device to cloud messages.
The endpoint will create device id and leaf certificate for device and call the DPS service(using DPS sdk) to register the device
When we reach this step we then need to install the leaf certificate in a secure way to the device - how is this being achieved in your architecture? Always make sure that you are protecting your device's private key on this process. Using a secure silicon chips in the form of Hardware Secure Modules (HSM) for protecting device private keys.
Now, the endpoint needs to return some information to the device that'd tell the device that it has been provisioned and registered in the iothub and it can start sending the telemetry.
If you can trust that the endpoint is secure, then the information to be exchanged with the device is the leaf certificate containing the private key for the Proof-of-possession needed when establishing a connection with IoT Hub.
Devices manufactured for X.509 CA authentication are equipped with device unique certificates and a certificate chain from their respective manufacturing supply chain. Device connection, even for the very first time, happens in a two-step process: certificate chain upload and proof-of-possession.

Securing an IoT device along with TLS

I am developing an IoT device that uses TI's tm4c129encpdt microcontroller, cc3100 wifi chip and TI RTOS, and I am using TLS for secure communication with the server (HTTPS).
I just want to make my device more secure by adding some authentication methods. I am already assigning tokens to the device through a server.
Is there any standard way to add authentication method to an IoT device based on which I can assure to my clients that it has secured communication and authentication method?
Thanka and Regards
Akhilesh Gangwar
Use the 2-way authentication using TLS.

How to send notifications to iOS and Android using Python

I have created some code for sending alerts, for now only by emails. I was wondering if there is an easy way to send push notifications to iOS and Android mobiles using Python. Thanks a lot.
Without getting device tokens from the devices (iOS / Android), and without a valid APNS certificate for the iOS app, there is no way to send push notification to any app.
For iOS, device token and certificate is must.
For Android, a Firebase project has to be setup, and the device token has to be fetched from the app.
If you are the owner of the backend that the mobile apps are using, it is easy to send device tokens from the apps provided you have access to the Firebase project (for Android) and the certificate used (for iOS).

Bad Gateway 502 on Mobile Phone

When using Pusher over mobile internet we're getting these error messages while it tries to connect through the ws:// protocol. After failing it connects successfully through wss://.
What can I do?
Purchase the encrypted plan, and tell the client to connect "Encrypted: true" and all your troubles will disappear!

Receive sms on specific port j2me

I am developing j2me app. I need to receive sms on specific port. Which is the best port to define for receiving sms?
Thanks for advice
The SMS spec (JSR 120) says you can't have a port that another app is using at that time, and also you can't have any of the ports that are specified in the following table.
For security reasons, Java applications are not allowed to send SMS messages to the port numbers listed in Table A-4. Implementations MUST throw a SecurityException in the
MessageConnection.send() method if an application tries to send a message to any of these port numbers.
Table A-4: Port Numbers Restricted to SMS Messages
Port number Description
2805 WAP WTA secure connection-less session service
2923 WAP WTA secure session service
2948 WAP Push connectionless session service (client side)
2949 WAP Push secure connectionless session service (client side)
5502 Service Card reader
5503 Internet access configuration reader
5508 Dynamic Menu Control Protocol
5511 Message Access Protocol
5512 Simple Email Notification
9200 WAP connectionless session service
9201 WAP session service
9202 WAP secure connectionless session service
9203 WAP secure session service
9207 WAP vCal Secure
49996 SyncML OTA configuration
49999 WAP OTA configuration
Oddly, I can't see any restriction on any other values of the port number. I'm sure this must be set out somewhere but I can't find it in the spec.
However, I strongly suggest restricting yourself to port numbers between 1 and 65535.
Generally 5001 port is use for such operation. you can see very good example here.
