Updating visibility of dynamically created content - haskell

Duplicating this from github as per #HeinrichApfelmus's suggestion:
This may be just a usage error on my part, but I am noticing a strange phenomenon when trying to set up conditional visibility/layout for dynamically created UI elements (in WX of course). As somewhat of a toy-example, I tried to create a widget that created StaticText elements on the fly and allowed the user to "browse" through these elements through '<' '>' buttons.
The problem I am noting is that all labels are invisible until a new one is created, at which point the current widget in focus becomes visible. Whether this is a bug or just a paradigm I am misusing, or a subtlety with reactive frameworks, I am unsure as to how to resolve this. Here is the code I have at this point, which exhibits the problem:
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Test.Adder where
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.WX
import Graphics.UI.WX.Attributes
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event, newEvent, empty, Identity)
import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (Event, Timer, empty, Identity, newEvent)
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Frame
-- | Combine Unit-Events
anyEvent :: [Event ()] -> Event ()
anyEvent = foldl1 (unionWith (\_ _ -> ()))
-- | Unsugared if-then-else function
if_ :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
if_ True x _ = x
if_ False _ y = y
-- | Apply a function to the value at an index, or return a default value
-- if the index is out of range
(!?) :: (a -> b) -> b -> Int -> ([a] -> b)
(f!? ~y) n xs
| n < 0 = y
| otherwise = case drop n xs of
x:_ -> f x
[] -> y
main :: IO ()
main = start test
create :: Window w -> Int -> Behavior Int -> Event Int -> Event () -> MomentIO (StaticText ())
create t i bi ei eRef = do
let tx = replicate i '\t' ++ show i
x <- liftIO $ staticText t [ text := tx ]
let beq = (==i) <$> bi
let eMe = filterE (==i) ei
sink x [ visible :== beq ]
reactimate (refresh x <$ anyEvent [ eRef, () <$ eMe ])
return x
test :: IO ()
test = do
f <- frame [text := "Test"]
add <- button f [ text := "+" ]
prv <- button f [ text := "<" ]
cur <- staticText f []
nxt <- button f [ text := ">" ]
tab <- panel f [ clientSize := sz 200 300 ]
deb <- staticText f []
ref <- button f [ text := "refresh" ]
let networkDescription :: MomentIO ()
networkDescription = mdo
eAdd <- event0 add command
eRef <- event0 ref command
let bNotFirst = (>0) <$> bCur
bNotLast = (<) <$> bCur <*> bNext
sink prv [ enabled :== bNotFirst ]
sink cur [ text :== show <$> bCur ]
sink nxt [ enabled :== bNotLast ]
ePrev <- event0 prv command
eNext <- event0 nxt command
let eDelta :: Enum n => Event (n -> n)
eDelta = unions [ pred <$ whenE bNotFirst ePrev
, succ <$ whenE bNotLast eNext ]
eChange = flip ($) <$> bCur <#> eDelta
bCur <- stepper 0 $ eChange
(eIndex, bCount) <- mapAccum 0 ((\x -> (x, succ x)) <$ eAdd)
let bView = (\n i -> if_ (n==0) (0) i) <$> bCount <*> bCur
bNext = pred <$> bCount
eCreate = (\n -> create tab n bView eChange $ anyEvent [eRef,eAdd]) <$> eIndex
reCreate <- execute eCreate
bItemer <- accumB id $ flip (.) . (:) <$> reCreate
let bItems = ($[]) <$> bItemer
bThis = (widget!?(nullLayouts!!0)) <$> bCur <*> bItems
sink tab [ layout :== bThis ]
liftIO $ set f [ layout := column 5 [ margin 10 $ row 5 [ widget add
, widget prv
, widget cur
, widget nxt
, widget ref
, fill $ widget tab
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network


Concatenating scrapeURL results from multiples scrapings into one list

I am scraping https://books.toscrape.com using Haskell's Scalpel library. Here's my code so far:
import Text.HTML.Scalpel
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
data Entry = Entry {entName :: String
, entPrice :: Float
, entRate :: Int
} deriving Eq
instance Show Entry where
show (Entry n p r) = "Name: " ++ n ++ "\nPrice: " ++ show p ++ "\nRating: " ++ show r ++ "/5\n"
entries :: Maybe [Entry]
entries = Just []
scrapePage :: Int -> IO ()
scrapePage num = do
items <- scrapeURL ("https://books.toscrape.com/catalogue/page-" ++ show num ++ ".html") allItems
let sortedItems = items >>= Just . sortBy (\(Entry _ a _) (Entry _ b _) -> compare a b)
>>= Just . filter (\(Entry _ _ r) -> r == 5)
maybe (return ()) (mapM_ print) sortedItems
allItems :: Scraper String [Entry]
allItems = chroots ("article" #: [hasClass "product_pod"]) $ do
p <- text $ "p" #: [hasClass "price_color"]
t <- attr "href" $ "a"
star <- attr "class" $ "p" #: [hasClass "star-rating"]
let fp = read $ flip (!!) 1 $ splitOn "£" p
let fStar = drop 12 star
return $ Entry t fp $ r fStar
r f = case f of
"One" -> 1
"Two" -> 2
"Three" -> 3
"Four" -> 4
"Five" -> 5
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ scrapePage [1..10]
Basically, allItems scrapes for each book's title, price and rating, does some formatting for price to get a float, and returns it as a type Entry. scrapePage takes a number corresponding to the result page number, scrapes that page to get IO (Maybe [Entry]), formats it - in this case, to filter for 5-star books and order by price - and prints each Entry. main performs scrapePage over pages 1 to 10.
The problem I've run into is that my code scrapes, filters and sorts each page, whereas I want to scrape all the pages then filter and sort.
What worked for two pages (in GHCi) was:
i <- scrapeURL ("https://books.toscrape.com/catalogue/page-1.html") allItems
j <- scrapeURL ("https://books.toscrape.com/catalogue/page-2.html") allItems
liftM2 (++) i j
This returns a list composed of page 1 and 2's results that I could then print, but I don't know how to implement this for all 50 result pages. Help would be appreciated.
Just return the entry list without any processing (or you can do filtering in this stage)
-- no error handling
scrapePage :: Int -> IO [Entry]
scrapePage num =
concat . maybeToList <$> scrapeURL ("https://books.toscrape.com/catalogue/page-" ++ show num ++ ".html") allItems
Then you can process them later together
process = filter (\e -> entRate e == 5) . sortOn entPrice
main = do
entries <- concat <$> mapM scrapePage [1 .. 10]
print $ process entries
Moreover you can easily make your code concurrent with mapConcurrently from async package
main = do
entries <- concat <$> mapConcurrently scrapePage [1 .. 20]
print $ process entries

Define a Recursive Function in Template Haskell

I want to implement a generic recursion operator for (at first simple) ADTs.
(Simple means that only with constructors whose argument types are the defined one.) The general idea is to be able to use something as simple as $(recop ''Alg).
It is easy to write down the recursion operator manually for a given type.
data D = E | C D D
recD :: t -> ((D, t) -> (D, t) -> t) -> D -> t
recD rE rC = let r = recD rE rC in \case
E -> rE
C pC0 pC1 -> rC (pC0, r pC0) (pC1, r pC1)
I wanted to use templates for that. My problem is the recursive call e.g. r pC0. I got it working without the recursive call.
newNames :: String -> Int -> Q [Name]
newNames stem n = sequence [ newName (stem ++ show i) | i <- [1::Int .. n] ]
match' :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> MatchQ
match' pat exp = match pat (normalB exp) []
recop :: Name -> ExpQ
recop name = do
TyConI (DataD _ algName [] {-_-} ctors _) <- reify name
let ctorNames = [ ctorName | NormalC ctorName _ <- ctors ] :: [Name]
let ctorTypes = [ [ typ | (_, typ) <- bts ] | NormalC _ bts <- ctors ]
rs <- newNames ("r" ++ nameBase algName) (length ctorNames)
pss <- sequence [ newNames ("p" ++ nameBase algName ++ nameBase ctorName) (length ctorTypes) | (ctorName, ctorTypes) <- zip ctorNames ctorTypes ]
let pats = zipWith conP ctorNames (map varP <$> pss) :: [PatQ]
let prs = zipWith (\p r -> tupE [varE p, r]) ps "recursive calls"
lamE (varP <$> rs) $ lamCaseE [ match' pat $ foldl appE (varE r) prs | (r, pat, ps) <- zip3 rs pats pss ]
I don't know how to get the hole of "recursive calls" filled. I have no idea and suspect that it's not easily doable.
You do it exactly the same way you've done it in your concrete code; you generate let r = .. in .. and refer to that r to construct the recursive calls. Right now, you are just constructing the \case { .. } portion. Keep in mind you can rewrite recD as
recD =
recD_ = \rE rC ->
let r = recD_ rE rC
in ...
in recD_
Credit goes to user2407038 who answered the question in a comment.
The general pattern is to use an additional let construct:
recursive = let recursive_ = expression in recursive_
so you can refer to recursive_ in expression.

Simple Haskell program not behaving correct

I'm new to Haskell and trying to write simple program to find maximal element and it's index from intput. I receive values to compare one by one. Maximal element I'm holding in maxi variable, it's index - in maxIdx. Here's my program:
loop = do
let maxi = 0
let maxIdx = 0
let idx = 0
let idxN = 0
replicateM 5 $ do
input_line <- getLine
let element = read input_line :: Int
if maxi < element
then do
let maxi = element
let maxIdx = idx
hPutStrLn stderr "INNER CHECK"
hPutStrLn stderr "OUTER CHECK"
let idx = idxN + 1
let idxN = idx
print maxIdx
Even though I know elements coming are starting from bigger to smaller (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) program enters INNER CHECK all the time (it should happen only for the first element!) and maxIdx is always 0.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Anyway, let's have fun.
loop = do
let maxi = 0
let maxIdx = 0
let idx = 0
let idxN = 0
replicateM 5 $ do
input_line <- getLine
let element = read input_line :: Int
if maxi < element
then do
let maxi = element
let maxIdx = idx
hPutStrLn stderr "INNER CHECK"
hPutStrLn stderr "OUTER CHECK"
let idx = idxN + 1
let idxN = idx
print maxIdx
is not a particularly Haskelly code (and as you know is not particularly correct).
Let's make if Haskellier.
What do we do here? We've an infinite loop, which is reading a line 5 times, does something to it, and then calls itself again for no particular reason.
Let's split it:
import Control.Monad
readFiveLines :: IO [Int]
readFiveLines = replicateM 5 readLn
addIndex :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
addIndex xs = zip xs [0..]
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex xs = snd (maximum (addIndex xs))
loop :: ()
loop = loop
main :: IO ()
main = do xs <- readFiveLines
putStrLn (show (findMaxIndex xs))
snd returns the second element from a tuple; readLn is essentially read . getLine; zip takes two lists and returns a list of pairs; maximum finds a maximum value.
I left loop intact in its original beauty.
You can be even Haskellier if you remember that something (huge expression) can be replaced with something $ huge expression ($ simply applies its left operand to its right operand), and the functions can be combined with .: f (g x) is the same as (f . g) x, or f . g $ x (see? it's working for the left side as well!). Additionally, zip x y can be rewritten as x `zip` y
import Control.Monad
readFiveLines :: IO [Int]
readFiveLines = replicateM 5 readLn
addIndex :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
addIndex = (`zip` [0..])
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex = snd . maximum . addIndex
main :: IO ()
main = do xs <- readFiveLines
putStrLn . show . findMaxIndex $ xs
As for debug print, there's a package called Debug.Trace and a function traceShow which prints its first argument (formatted with show, hence the name) to stderr, and returns its second argument:
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex = snd . (\xs -> traceShow xs (maximum xs)) . addIndex
That allows you to tap onto any expression and see what's coming in (and what are the values around — you can show tuples, lists, etc.)
I think alf's answer is very good, but for what it's worth, here's how I would interpret your intention.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.State
data S = S { maximum :: Int
, maximumIndex :: Int
, currentIndex :: Int }
update :: Int -> Int -> S -> S
update m mi (S _ _ ci) = S m mi ci
increment :: S -> S
increment (S m mi ci) = S m mi (ci+1)
next :: (MonadIO m, MonadState S m) => m ()
next = do
S maxi maxIdx currIdx <- get
input <- liftIO $ getLine
let element = read input :: Int
if maxi < element
then do
modify (update element currIdx)
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "INNER CHECK"
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "OUTER CHECK"
modify increment
run :: Int -> IO S
run n = execStateT (replicateM_ n next) (S 0 0 0)
main :: IO ()
main = do
S maxi maxIdx _ <- run 5
putStrLn $ "maxi: " ++ (show maxi) ++ " | maxIdx: " ++ (show maxIdx)
This uses a monad transformer to combine a stateful computation with IO. The get function retrieves the current state, and the modify function lets you change the state.

reactive-banana throttling events

I would like to implement a certain type of throttling of events in reactive-banana. It should work such that an event is not let through if arrives at less then delta seconds from the last event that passed through. If it is not let through then it is stored and is fired after delta seconds from the last fired event.
Below is a program that implements this for lists of time stamped numbers. Would it be possible to translate this to reactive-banana ?
Also, in reactive-banana how do I fire an event x seconds after some other event comes in ?
module Main where
import Data.List
-- 1 second throtling
-- logic is to never output a value before 1 second has passed since last value was outputed.
main :: IO()
main = print $ test [ (0.0, 1.0), (1.1, 2.0), (1.5,3.0), (1.7,4.0), (2.2, 5.0) ]
--should output [ (0.0, 1.0), (1.1, 2.0), (2.1,4.0), (3.1, 5.0) ]
test :: [(Double,Double)] -> [(Double,Double)]
test list = g v (concat xs)
(v, xs) = mapAccumL f (-50,Nothing) list
g (t, Just x) ys = ys ++ [ (t+1,x) ]
g _ ys = ys
f (lasttime, Just holdvalue) (t,x) = if t > (lasttime+1) then
if t > (lasttime + 2) then
( (t, Nothing), [ (lasttime+1,holdvalue), (t,x)] )
else ( (lasttime+1, Just x) , [ (lasttime+1,holdvalue) ] )
( (lasttime, Just x), [] )
f (lasttime, Nothing) (t,x) = if t > (lasttime+1) then
( (t,Nothing) , [ (t, x ) ] )
else ( (lasttime, Just x), [] )
As of reactive-banana-0.6, it is definitely possible to implement the functionality you desire, but it is a little involved.
Basically, you have use an external framework like wxHaskell to create a timer, which you can then use to schedule events. The Wave.hs example demonstrates how to do that.
At the moment, I have opted to not include a notion of time in the reactive-banana library itself. The reason is simply that different external framework have timers of different resolution or quality, there is no one-size that fits it all.
I do intend to add common helper functions that deal with time and timers to the library itself, but I still need to find a good way to make it generic over different timers and figure out which guarantees I can provide.
Ok, I managed to implement what I described in my question. I'm not so happy that IO is needed to control the timer via reactimate. I wonder if it would be possible to have a throttle with signature throttle::Event t a -> Int -> Event t a ...
ps: I'm very novice in Haskell so the code could probably a lot more compact or elegant.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- allows "forall t. NetworkDescription t"
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.WX
import Data.Time
data ThrottledValue a = FireStoredValue a | FireNowAndStartTimer a| HoldIt a | Stopped deriving Show
data ThrottledEvent a = TimerEvent | RealEvent a deriving Show
main = start $ do
f <- frame [text := "Countercesss"]
sl1 <- hslider f False 0 100 []
sl2 <- hslider f False 0 100 []
set f [ layout := column 0 [widget sl1, widget sl2] ]
t <- timer f []
set t [ enabled := False ]
let networkDescription :: forall t. NetworkDescription t ()
networkDescription = do
slEv <- event0 sl1 command
tick <- event0 t command
slB <- behavior sl1 selection
let (throttledEv, reactimates) = throttle (slB <# slEv) tick t 100
reactimate $ fmap (\x -> set sl2 [selection := x]) throttledEv
net <- compile networkDescription
actuate net
throttle::Event t a -> Event t () -> Timer -> Int -> (Event t a, NetworkDescription t () )
throttle ev tick timer dt = (throttledEv, reactimates)
all = union (fmap (\x-> RealEvent x) ev) (fmap (\x -> TimerEvent) tick)
result = accumE Stopped $ fmap h all
h (RealEvent x) Stopped = FireNowAndStartTimer x
h TimerEvent Stopped = Stopped
h (RealEvent x) (FireNowAndStartTimer _) = HoldIt x
h TimerEvent (FireNowAndStartTimer _) = Stopped
h (RealEvent x) (HoldIt _) = HoldIt x
h (TimerEvent) (HoldIt y) = FireStoredValue y
h (RealEvent x) (FireStoredValue _) = HoldIt x
h (TimerEvent) (FireStoredValue _) = Stopped
start (FireStoredValue a) = Just $ resetTimer timer dt
start (FireNowAndStartTimer a) = Just $ resetTimer timer dt
start _ = Nothing
stop Stopped = Just $ stopTimer timer
stop _ = Nothing
reactimates = do
reactimate $ filterJust $ fmap stop result
reactimate $ filterJust $ fmap start result
filterFired (FireStoredValue a) = Just a
filterFired (FireNowAndStartTimer a) = Just a
filterFired _ = Nothing
throttledEv = filterJust $ fmap filterFired result
startTimer t dt = set t [ enabled := True, interval := dt ]
stopTimer t = set t [ enabled := False ]
resetTimer t dt = stopTimer t >> startTimer t dt

displaying database content in wxHaskell

Im using tutorials from wxHaskell and want to display content of table movies in the grid.
HEre is my code :
Test Grid.
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.WX
import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (Event)
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 (connectSqlite3)
import Database.HDBC
= start gui
gui :: IO ()
= do f <- frame [text := "Grid test", visible := False]
-- grids
g <- gridCtrl f []
gridSetGridLineColour g (colorSystem Color3DFace)
gridSetCellHighlightColour g black
appendColumns g (movies) -- Here is error:
-- Couldn't match expected type `[String]'
-- against inferred type `IO [[String]]'
--appendRows g (map show [1..length (tail movies)])
--mapM_ (setRow g) (zip [0..] (tail movies))
gridAutoSize g
-- layout
set f [layout := column 5 [fill (dynamic (widget g))]
focusOn g
set f [visible := True] -- reduce flicker at startup.
return ()
movies = do
conn <- connectSqlite3 "Spop.db"
r <- quickQuery' conn "SELECT id, title, year, description from Movie where id = 1" []
let myResult = map convRow r
return myResult
setRow g (row,values)
= mapM_ (\(col,value) -> gridSetCellValue g row col value) (zip [0..] values)
gridCtrl :: Window a -> [Prop (Grid ())] -> IO (Grid ())
gridCtrl parent props
= feed2 props 0 $
initialWindow $ \id rect -> \props flags ->
do g <- gridCreate parent id rect flags
gridCreateGrid g 0 0 0
set g props
return g
appendColumns :: Grid a -> [String] -> IO ()
appendColumns g []
= return ()
appendColumns g labels
= do n <- gridGetNumberCols g
gridAppendCols g (length labels) True
mapM_ (\(i,label) -> gridSetColLabelValue g i label) (zip [n..] labels)
appendRows :: Grid a -> [String] -> IO ()
appendRows g []
= return ()
appendRows g labels
= do n <- gridGetNumberRows g
gridAppendRows g (length labels) True
mapM_ (\(i,label) -> gridSetRowLabelValue g i label) (zip [n..] labels)
convRow :: [SqlValue] -> [String]
convRow [sqlId, sqlTitle, sqlYear, sqlDescription] = [intid, title, year, description]
where intid = (fromSql sqlId)::String
title = (fromSql sqlTitle)::String
year = (fromSql sqlYear)::String
description = (fromSql sqlDescription)::String
What should I do to get rif of error in code above (24th line)
The error message says that appendColumns g expects a value of type [String], but that movies is of type IO [[String]].
So you need to fix two things:
movies is an IO-action that returns a value, but you need the value it returns.
appendColumns g (movies)
movieList <- movies
appendColumns g movieList
(Incidentally, the brackets in the first line? They don't do anything.)
You need to feed appendColumns g a list of strings, but you are trying to give it a list of lists of strings. You either need to turn the list of lists into a list of strings, or you need to give each list of strings to appendColumns g in turn.
I'm guessing you want the latter, so you get a row on-screen for each row in the database. (I'm not familiar with wxhaskell, so I may misunderstand what appendColumns does.)
movieList <- movies
mapM_ (appendColumns g) movieList
