SQL injection ,why should you write 0 or 1=1 - security

In SQL injection, why should you use 0 or 1=1, isn't this automatically evaluated as 1 in boolean operation? I don't understand why we should write it that way. Can someone explain?
Thanks in advance

Because it makes the condition always true.
For example, if someone's SQL code is:
string query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Password = '" + somePassword + "'";
(Username clause omitted for brevity.)
Then you can enter something like this as the password:
' OR 1 = 1;--
Which would make the resulting query:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Password = '' OR 1 = 1;--'
The semicolon ends the statement, and -- denotes a comment so everything thereafter is ignored. So it simplifies to:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Password = '' OR 1 = 1
This will match all records in the table. Always. Because 1 = 1 is always true. Depending on how the application handles this response, you may be logged in. Perhaps even as the first user in the table, which is likely to be the admin user.
For SQL-injectable code, it's basically a universal password. (Provided you guess a correct username, which isn't difficult.)
Edit: I just noticed the 0 part of your question as well. This would be used when you expect the injected value to be looking for a number rather than a string. For example, consider a similar SQL statement:
string query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = " + someID;
The leading 0 in the injected value prevents a syntax error. So the resulting query would be:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 0 OR 1 = 1
Same concept as above. This will match all records every time.

Here is a brief explanation for this:-
select title, text from news where id=$id
In the example above the variable $id contains user-supplied data, while the remainder is the SQL static part supplied by the programmer; making the SQL statement dynamic.
Because the way it was constructed, the user can supply crafted input trying to make the original SQL statement execute further actions of the user's choice. The example below illustrates the user-supplied data β€œ10 or 1=1”, changing the logic of the SQL statement, modifying the WHERE clause adding a condition β€œor 1=1”.
select title, text from news where id=10 or 1=1
so the query will still get executed


Getting "Please rebuild this data combination" on a computer but not on another one

This is my first try at using the Power Query... I've build a "dynamic" query in which I can change the retrieved fields as well as the filtering fields and values to be used by the query.
It's working perfectly on my computer but as soon as I try to execute it on another computer, I get the "Please rebuild this data combination" error. I saw some post saying I'll have to kind of split my query but I have not been able to figure it out.
Here is what my 2 tables look like:
Condition and fields selection
and here is my Query with the error:
This might not be very elegant, but it allow me, thru a VBA script, to generate the list of fields to be retrieved and to generate the condition to be used by the SQL.
Any idea why it's not working on the other computers or how to improved the solution I'm using?
Thank you!
Hi, all my Privacy Level are already set to 'None'.
I've tried to parametrize my code but I can't figure how. The Where condition is dynamic: it could be Where Number = "1234" but in other condition, the where might be like: 'Where Assignee = "xyz"'.
Here is a simplified example of my code:
Source = Sql.Database("xxxx", "yyyy", [Query=
"Select network, testid
from CM3T1M1 "
& paramConditions[Conditions]{0} &
" "])
rebuild query, Formula.Firewall
That's a feature to prevent prevent accidentally leaking data. You can change the privacy level to ignore it
See also: docs.microsoft/dataprivacyfirewall
Is the dynamic query inserting those cells into the SQL query ? Report Parameters are nice for letting the user change variables without having to re-edit the query.
Parameterized native SQL queries
from: https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2016/12/11/passing-parameters-to-sql-queries-with-value-nativequery-in-power-query-and-power-bi/
Source = Sql.Database("localhost", "Adventure Works DW"),
Test = Value.NativeQuery(
WHERE EnglishMonthName=#MonthName AND
MonthName = "March",
DayName = "Tuesday"
Dynamic Power Query version of SQL Query
To dynamically generate this SQL Query
select NUMBER, REQUESTED_BY from SourceTable
where NUMBER = 404115
Table.SelectRows is your Where.
SelectColumns is your select
Source = ...,
filterByNum = 404115,
columnNames = {"NUMBER", "REQUESTED_BY"},
removedColumns = Table.SelectColumns(
Source, columnNames, MissingField.Error
// I used 'MissingField.Error' so you know right away
// if there's a typo or bug
// assuming you are comparing Source[NUMBER]
filteredTable = Table.SelectRows(
Source, each [NUMBER] = filterByNum

Kentico Repeater with Custom Query

OK Here we go.
Using Kentico 11/Portal Engine (no hot fixes)
Have a table that holds Content only page Types. One field of importance is a Date and time field.
I am trying to get rows out of this table that match a certain month and year criteria. For instance give me all records where Month=2 and Year=2018. These argument will be passed via the query string
I have a custom Stored proc that I would like to receive two int(or string) arguments then return a collection of all matching rows.
I am using a RepeaterWithCustomQuery to call the procedure and handle the resulting rows. As you can see below the querystring arguments are named "year" and "monthnumber".
The Query
When my Webpart is set up in this configuration I get the following error:
In my Query, I have tried:
EXEC Proc_Custom_PRDetails #MonthNumber = ##ORDERBY##; #Year = ##WHERE##<br/>
EXEC Proc_Custom_PRDetails #MonthNumber = ##ORDERBY##, #Year = ##WHERE##<br/>
EXEC Proc_Custom_PRDetails #MonthNumber = ##ORDERBY## #Year = ##WHERE##<br/>
Any help would be appreciated (Thanks in advance Brendan). Lastly, don't get too caught up in the names of specific objects as I tried to change names to protect the innocent.
Those macros for queries are not meant to be used with stor procs. The system generates this false condition 1=1 in case if you don't pass anything so it won't break the sql statement like the one below:
FROM View_CMS_Tree_Joined AS V
ON V.DocumentForeignKeyValue = C.MenuItemID AND V.ClassName = N'CMS.MenuItem'
You need to convert you stor proc to SQL statement then you can use these SQL macros or use stor proc without parameters
If look at the query above top and where are not good because system will do adjustment, but you can use order by and columns, but they both must be present (I think it passes them as is):
exec proc_test ##ORDERBY##, ##COLUMNS##
Honestly I would advice against doing this, plus you won't gain much by calling stor proc.

Nested subquery in FOR ALL ENTRIES

Consultant sent me this code example, here is something he expects to get
SELECT m1~vbeln_im m1~vbelp_im m1~mblnr smbln
FROM mseg AS m1
INNER JOIN mseg AS m2 ON m1~mblnr = m2~smbln
AND m1~mjahr = m2~sjahr
AND m1~zeile = m2~smblp
AND m2~bwart = '102'
AND 0 = ( select SUM( ( CASE
when SHKZG = 'S' THEN 1
when SHKZG = 'H' THEN -1
else 0
into lt_mseg-summ
from mseg
VBELN_IM = m1~vbeln_im
and VBELP_IM = m1~vbelp_im
The problem is I don't see how that should work in current syntax. I think about deriving internal select and using it as condition to main one, but is there a proper way to write this nested construction?
As i get it, if nested statement = 0, then main query executes. The problem here is the case inside nested statement. Is it even possible in ABAP? And in my opinion this check could be used outside from main SQL query.
Any suggestions are welcome.
the logic that you were given is part of Native/Open SQL and has some shortcomings that you need to be aware of.
the statement you are showing has to be placed between EXEC SQL and ENDEXEC.
the logic is platform dependent.
there is no syntax checking performed between the EXEC and ENDEXEC
the execution of this bypasses the database buffering process, so its slower
To me, I would investigate a better way to capture the data that performs better outside of open/native sql.
If you want to move forward with this type of logic, below are a couple of links which should be helpful. There is an example select using a nested select with a case statement.
Test Program
Example Logic
This is probably what you need, it works at least since ABAP 750.
FROM vbfa
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_vbfa).
DATA(rt_vbeln) = VALUE range_vbeln_va_tab( FOR GROUPS val OF <line> IN lt_vbfa GROUP BY ( low = <line>-vbeln ) WITHOUT MEMBERS ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = val-low ) ).
SELECT m1~vbeln_im, m1~vbelp_im, m1~mblnr, m2~smbln
FROM mseg AS m1
JOIN mseg AS m2
ON m1~mblnr = m2~smbln
AND m1~mjahr = m2~sjahr
AND m1~zeile = m2~smblp
WHERE m2~bwart = '102'
AND m1~vbeln_im IN ( SELECT vbelv FROM vbfa WHERE vbelv IN #rt_vbeln )
GROUP BY m1~vbeln_im, m1~vbelp_im, m1~mblnr, m2~smbln
HAVING SUM( CASE m1~shkzg WHEN 'H' THEN 1 WHEN 'S' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END * m1~menge ) = 0.
Yes, aggregating and FOR ALL ENTRIES is impossible in one SELECT, but you can trick the system with range and subquery. Also you don't need three joins for summarizing reversed docs, your SUM subquery is redundant here.
If you need to select documents not only by delivery number but also by position this will be more complicated for sure.

How to make case sensitive query with nodejs + pg

How to make case sensitive query with nodejs + pg
I want to select column content == 'a#gmail.com',
but it seems become select column == 'a#gmail.com'?
[error: column "a#gmail.com" does not exist]
var userEmail = 'a#gmail.com';
var query = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = "'+userEmail+'")';
dbClient.query(query, function(error, result) {
For use binding parameters you must number it begining with $1 (then $2 and so), then put the parameters in an Array:
var query = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = $1)';
dbClient.query(query, [userEmail], function(error, result) {
Always pass the parameters in an array. Is most secure.
Remember do not pass a function to query if you have a very big table unless you want to read all the table before returns the control to de function. Else you can use the "on" event or use a promise way (like https://www.npmjs.com/package/pg-promise-strict)
This doesn't have anything to do with case. The problem is that you're putting the email address in double-quotes, and in (most varieties of) SQL double-quotes indicate a column name or table name. That's why the error message says column "a#gmail.com" does not exist.
Use single-quotes around values:
var userEmail = 'a#gmail.com';
var query = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = \'' + userEmail + '\')';
Ideally, though, you should just use parameter binding so you don't have to worry about quoting values at all. When you use string concatenation to build SQL queries you very often open yourself up to SQL injection attacks.

findAll validates input fields

I have problems with findAll(), it "fires" validation and that makes problems when I want to select/find a row by ID using LIKE... For example the query would look like this
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id LIKE '%345%'
In my model the id column is set to INTEGER so I get error message that says:
"%345%" is not a valid integer
Is there a way to skip the validation when I use findAll etc. or is it a bad idea, does the validation maybe prevent SQL injection?
You could form your where clause as follows
var id =345;
.findAll({where: ["id like ?", '%' + id + '%']});
