Using tmux through Cygwin: "open terminal failed: not a terminal" - cygwin

I'm trying to use tmux on a Windows Computer. I successfully installed tmux using
apt-cyg install tmux
I can confirm successful installation because I get the following:
$ tmux -V
tmux 2.3
However, when I try to type "tmux" in the console, I get the following error:
open terminal failed: not a terminal
Any thoughts?

It sounds like the terminal you're using doesn't support full tty emulation. Clients like mintty (comes with Cygwin---or should, anyway), putty, rxvt for Windows, &c. will handle that. CMD, ConEmu, and Cmder won't.
There's not much to be done here without a huge ordeal (See second comment: Unsatisfying though it may be, the best answer is to make sure you're running mintty. CYGWIN.bat should run it out of the box, so if that's not working, try running it directly from Explorer instead of from CMD. Otherwise, you might need to poke around in the batch file and make sure C:\Cygwin64\bin\mintty (or what have you) is being called.


after installing node, node is not detected when first open terminal

i install node in zsh terminal.. node sucessfully installed
but to use it i have to switch in bash terminal then switch again to zsh terminal
i dont know why this happen.
beside solution can you tell me whats happening in background
i expect to use node without switch between bash first and switch again to zsh
Since you haven't mentioned how you installed node and what all steps you've tried, my hunch is that the config isn't loaded in your zsh session.
Could you try to reload your zsh config?
Try this command in zsh terminal:
exec $SHELL -l
Judging by what you mentioned, it looks like node is installed in your system and is in the path as well, but the terminal config isn't loaded.
If this command doesn't solve the issue, I'd suggest:
Quit all the instances of the terminal and then open a fresh terminal
and try.
Try to reboot your system (if you haven't already) and try once.
P.S: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "i install node in zsh terminal". How did you set it up so that it only works in zsh and not the bash one?

VirtualBox Terminal: Not Responding / Inactive

I am having a problem using terminal in a Linux VirtualBox Terminal. This terminal is being used to compliment the StanfordOnline "Compilers" course on edX, the language for the class is called "cool".
Within this terminal I used the command "emacs" in order to open the file "" with emacs. After I enter this command the file is successfully opened but the command prompt does not reappear, instead everything I type is just greyed text (see screenshot - Terminal is black window on left).
Why is this happening? I can start typing commands again if I close and then re-open terminal, but I think there must be a reason why this happens. Anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance, let me know if I can provide any more helpful information regarding the course or the software. Running VirtualBox on MacOS Catalina 10.15.4 if it makes any difference.

Git bash, using VIM 8.1 on Windows :Term command. Node REPL not working correctly

I'm working on a corporate network (windows pc) with little access to tools like tmux, cmder etc.. however after recent update to git bash, we have access to Vim v8.1 which has a terminal built in.
I can load up vim and the type :term to load up a terminal... it works for standard terminal operations such as ls or git push etc.. but when you run node it seems to crash. And it doesn't render the node repl prompt.
Anyone know how I can get this working? (As predicted it works on the mac)... this is really useful to test out an algorithm quickly without leaving vim.
I also tried just typing !node to execute outside of vim and this has the same effect.
Any clues would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
I figured it out...
You just type node -i for interactive (This isn't needed on the vim 8.1 on the mac)

How do I create a shortcut for a command line command in Raspbian Stretch?

I am attempting to install RetroPie as an app on Raspbian Stretch and I am done except for creating a desktop shortcut for it. The problem is that the only way to open RetroPie seems to be running a command in the command line. I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window. Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut or am I going to have to find another way of doing this?
P.S. Here is the tutorial that I followed to install RetroPie:
Probably your shell (on the raspberry) is GNU bash. So read the manual of GNU bash.
You probably want (once) to edit some Bash startup file (such as ~/.bashrc) to define functions and aliases there, and you could add executable shell scripts somewhere in your $PATH. I recommend having a $HOME/bin/ directory containing your scripts and executables, and have $HOME/bin/ early in your $PATH.
I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window.
Perhaps you need some display server (such as Xorg or Wayland) running (with a desktop environment or a window manager). You could run Xorg on your PC (on which you could install Linux) and connect to the raspberry using ssh -X then remote applications running on your Raspberry are displayed on your PC. IF your Raspberry is directly connected to a screen (via HDMI) you might run some Xorg server on it.
Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut
Yes, by making a shell alias or shell function or shell script. You need to understand how they work and change or create some appropriate file using some source code editor (I recommend GNU emacs, but the choice is yours and you might use any other editor such as vim, gedit, etc...): functions and aliases could be defined in your ~/.bashrc; shell scripts would usually have their own file with a shebang under your $HOME/bin/...

Cygwin content disappear issue

I am working on an Android App and just start to use Cygwin for ndk-build. When I build my c lib, the output may disappear while scrolling down fast. The same will happen when I try to make other libraries based on Linux through Cygwin. Although I can reopen the cmd window and make the project again to see the output that really matters, such as, warnings, errors, but it's really annoying to do it again and again.
Does someone encounter the same question? How to solve it?
What terminal are you using? By default cygwin just runs bash under the usual windows cmd.exe, which is definitely not all that great; installing and using mintty (simplest way to do so is through cygwin's setup.exe) and setting the scrollback buffer size to accommodate your needs should fix the problem.
You could use other terminals too- PuTTY, xterm, rxvt, etc (even the KDE and Gnome terminals are available through Cygwin Ports)- but mintty is probably the best option for most cygwin users' needs (it's rather simple, small, and fast, and it integrates well with Windows).
Another option would be to redirect compilation messages: use > to redirect stdout to a file, overwriting it if it already exists, >> to append, and add a & if you want both stdout and stderr redirected, e.g. gcc mysource.c &>compilelog.
