Passing variables in remote ssh command in shell script - linux

Right now I have this file so far...
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh "$( cat <<'EOT'
cd /web/$DIRECTORY || exit
unset GIT_DIR
git log --oneline -n 10 --decorate
git branch
Why does the pwd just print out "/web/"? It doesn't actually seem to be using my variable. Then all the git commands throw errors about being in the web directory.
If I have it echo $DIRECTORY out before ssh-ing, it echos out my variable, but refuses to pass it through to the ssh command?

This happens because you quote the here doc delimiter. Here's POSIX:
If any character in word is quoted, the delimiter is formed by performing quote removal on word, and the here-document lines will not be expanded. Otherwise, the delimiter is the word itself.
And here's an example:
cat << 'end'
With quotes: $var and \$var
cat << end
Without quotes: $var and \$var
When executed:
With quotes: $var and \$var
Without quotes: 42 and $var


Use bash to write a bash script? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
echo "#!" fails -- "event not found"
(5 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
echo "#!/bin/bash\nls -l /home/" > /home/
bash: !/bin/bash\nls: event not found
My script should be:
ls -l /home/
Why does it ignore the echo "" string and think that there is some sort of event? Why does it not recognize #!/bin/bash as a special word?
the same thing happens when I
echo "#!/bin/bash" > /home/
so it's not the new line!
echo -e "#\!/bin/bash" > /home/
writes the file content as:
Why is this simple action going miserably wrong?
From the bash manpage:
Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of
all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \,
and, when history expansion is
enabled, !.
So either use single quotes, or disable history expansion with set +o history.
But don't use echo. Instead, do :
printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/bash' 'ls -l /home/' > /home/myscript
cat > /home/myscript << 'EOF'
ls -l /home/
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nls -l /home/' > /home/
a combination of -e and using single quote fixed it.

Output of a command within here-document

I have a script which contains the code block:
cat << EOF >
echo "$(pwd)" >> log.txt
The script is set to run at a later time. Bash recognizes the $(pwd) within the script and evaluates it before it looks at the entire EOF block, so the pwd of the current directory is output instead of the pwd of when it is run. Why is this the case (what logic does bash use to know to evaluate $(command)) and what is the best solution to this?
By adding an escape $, \$ , you can solve this issue.
cat << EOF >
echo "\$(pwd)" >> log.txt
Unless you put single quotes around the EOF marker, the contents of the here-doc are treated like a double-quoted string, so all variables and command substitutions are expanded immediately.
To leave them as literals, use
cat << 'EOF' >
echo "$(pwd)" >> log.txt

Using escape characters inside double quotes in ssh command in bash script

I want to run some commands each time when I log in to a remote system. Storing commands in .bashrc on remote is not an option.
What is the proper way to escape the escape chars inside of quotes in bash script for ssh?
How can I write each command in new line?
My script
remote_PS1=$'\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\[\033[03;80m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\!:\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
ssh -t "$#" 'export SYSTEMD_PAGER="";' \
'export $remote_PS1;' \
'echo -e "set nocompatible" > /home/root/.vimrc;' \
'bash -l;'
didn't work.
Escaping escape characters inside double-quotes and run them on remote server is way too complicated for me :)
Instead, I wrote a remoterc file for remote and a small remotessh script.
In remotessh, first I copy remoterc on remote machine and run bash command with that remoterc file interactively.
PS1="\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\[\033[03;80m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\!:\w\[\033[00m\]\$ "
echo -e "set nocompatible" > /home/root/.vimrc
scp remoterc "$1":/home/root/
ssh "$1" -t "bash --rcfile remoterc -i"
It works :)
You can use Bash's printf %q.
According to help printf:
%q      quote the argument in a way that can be reused as shell input
See the following example:
$ cat
ps1='\[\033[1;31m\]\u:\w \[\033[0m\]\$ '
ps1_quoted=$( printf %q "$ps1" )
ssh -t foo#localhost \
'export FOO=bar;' \
"export PS1=$ps1_quoted;" \
'bash --norc'

Using a for loop inside a ssh statement replaces variable with empty string

I have the following statement in a bash script:
ssh $host "cd /directory; for i in *$date.gz; do echo $i; done; exit"
I expect it to print the name of each file in the directory that ends with the date, and is a zip file. By ssh-ing to the host on the command line, and searching the directory, I find that there should be 5 such files. However, this script returns 5 blank lines. I checked if the $date variable was properly defined inside the quotes (it was). When I replaced $i with 'adf', the script printed
So it is correctly filtering out those 5 files, but it is just not printing their names, and is replacing the $i in the statement with nothing (so that that line is just echo). Why is it doing this, and how can I make it print the filenames? The same thing happens when I run this line on the command line.
By double-quoting your command, the variable expansion occurs before the ssh call.
So when you call this command line:
ssh $host "cd /directory; for i in *$date.gz; do echo $i; done; exit"
It calls the ssh command with two arguments: $host and "cd /directory; for i in *$date.gz; do echo $i; done; exit"
The second argument picks the content of the date variable and the i variable when the string is built. But at this time, you do NOT have the correct value for i yet.
I think that escaping $i into \$i should solve your issue:
ssh $host "cd /directory; for i in *$date.gz; do echo \$i; done; exit"

Unable to use local and remote variables within a heredoc or command over SSH

Below is an example of a ssh script using a heredoc (the actual script is more complex). Is it possible to use both local and remote variables within an SSH heredoc or command?
FILE_NAME is set on the local server to be used on the remote server. REMOTE_PID is set when running on the remote server to be used on local server. FILE_NAME is recognised in script. REMOTE_PID is not set.
If EOF is changed to 'EOF', then REMOTE_PID is set and `FILE_NAME is not. I don't understand why this is?
Is there a way in which both REMOTE_PID and FILE_NAME can be recognised?
Version 2 of bash being used. The default remote login is cshell, local script is to be bash.
ssh user#host bash << EOF
# run script with output...
You need to escape the $ sign if you don't want the variable to be expanded:
$ x=abc
$ bash <<EOF
> x=def
> echo $x # This expands x before sending it to bash. Bash will see only "echo abc"
> echo \$x # This lets bash perform the expansion. Bash will see "echo $x"
So in your case:
ssh user#host bash << EOF
# run script with output...
Or alternatively you can just use a herestring with single quotes:
$ x=abc
$ bash <<< '
> x=def
> echo $x # This will not expand, because we are inside single quotes
> '
external=$(ls /home/)
ssh -T -i ${private_key} -l ${remote_user_name} ${instance_ip} << END
internal=\$(ls /home/)
echo "\${internal}"
echo "${external}"
