DNS not pointing to my website - dns

I am very new to hosting. I have just got VPS with no prior experience (just a little bit working with in a shared hosting with Cpanel)
The VPS came with CentOS and Cpanel installed. So, I just needed to go through initial setup of WHM. I did not change any thing. Apparently, there name severs and an IP were already allocated to my host. I did not change them.
Right after Creating Cpanel for a website I already had somewhere else (and It was working), I went and changed the name servers of domain to names servers of my new host.
I know it can take up to 48 hrs for name servers to propagate through internet but it is close to 48hrs and I still have below situation
https://IP of my host -> new website shows up
http:// IP of my host -> websites doesn't show up(the gray sorry! page ....)
www.mywebsite.com -> websites doesn't show up (nothing at all)
I have already flushed my dns so it has nothing to do with cash
I have checked with DNS checker websites. My dns name servers ARE propagated.
IP of name servers and my host IP is also returns positive.
just www.mydomain.com does not return result.
Should I wait more or there is something wrong with server configuration or do I need to reset something on server?
Thanks in advance

Make sure that you have a valid CNAME record set for www.yourdomain.com . If your non-www domain name works fine and the www doesn't , you should set a CNAME record for www.yourdomain.com to resolve to yourdomain.com .


www.example.com is not openning while example.com is working fine how to resolve it?

when i am trying to access my domain with www it shows an error like "This site can’t be reached
www.sustainabletourism.co.in’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for sustainable tourism co
and working with out wwww.
all dns records are set correctly
plz help me
As you mentioned DNS is configured corrent, than its is most probably due to wrong setup of virtual host for web server. Depending of the web server in use(eg. Apache or nginx or some other) you can correct this.
In the server alias, you need to add both www and without www of your domain.

Using GoDaddy domain with No-Ip

I have a GoDaddy domain www.exmaple.com which points to (fake IP of course). My web server is behind a router that forwards port 80 to the appropriate port. All fine and dandy. However, like 99% of people out there, I have a dynamic IP. So I set up a hostname with noip.com called helloworld.ddns.net, set up their update client on my server (so it can update them whenever the IP changes (hasn't happened yet but i'm hoping it works as advertised), and then went to godaddy.com to change my records. Which is where stuff gets as hairy as harambe.
I started off by removing my A record, and changing my CNAME to point to helloworld.ddns.net.
Didn't work.
Googled around, and found that I need/should use the noip NSs. So I went back to godaddy, and changed my nameservers from theirs to the noip ones... ns[1,2,3,4,5].no-ip.com.
Still doesn't work. Should also point out, that after I made this change I lost the ability to set any records on my domain name. Which I guess makes sense since there's no point in godaddy having a record if I'm not using their NSs.
Tl;dr: How do I point godaddy domain, www.example.com, to a noip hostname, helloworld.ddns.net, which in turn points to my dynamic home ip, x.x.x.x.
Finally managed to solve my own issue, and I feel very silly for not realizing what the issue was before. The problem was that the CNAME was pointing to a subdomain (www) and therefore one couldn't access the site without including this in the URL. Summarised solution:
GoDaddy now has CNAME with a specific host name (ex www) and the noip domain as the value
No A record
Kept the default GoDaddy NSs
Configured forwarding w/o masking, to www.example.com... therefore, when someone tries to access example.com, they are automatically forwarded to the www subdomain.
A little bit of patience for propagation and everything was up and running.

Can I use Bluehost as a host for a .fr domain, Gandi.net being my registrar?

I have a .fr domain registered at Gandi.net.
Yesterday I subscribed to Bluehost for the hosting (being a beginner, it is easier to install Wordpress through Bluehost).
I had to change the DNS on Gandi. I did that and also created a DNS zone on Gandi (not sure if I should have done both). It worked and I started creating my website today.
All of a sudden, the website just switched back to Gandi as a host (since the default Gandi page is showing instead of my Wordpress page).
Now I just read this page:
Does this mean that I will not be able at all to host a .fr domain through Bluehost?
As the article says, get the A record for your server from Bluehost (just ask them for it) and go to Gandi's control panel and set the A record to that IP.
If you also use email on that domain, set the MX record in the same way (ask Bluehost for it and change it in Gandi's control panel).

How to do a no-DNS site preview, when a wildcard redirect is in place

I'm looking to figure out how to replicate the functionality of GoDaddy's PreviewDNS when I'm moving a site to my own web host based in cpanel.
My setup is this: I have a wordpress multiuser site setup with a subdomain install, and a wildcard redirect.
I can't figure out how I can preview the website for an account before the DNS is switched over to my host from the old host.
I've been able to sorta do this by creating an A record of a subdomain over to my host, but I still have the issue of not being able to test the actual files instead of a copy in a subdomain.
I have two IP addresses attached to the server, one to the server itself and all the shared domains, and the other dedicated to the WP multisite.
When I go to http://ipaddress/~username/, I either get an error, or get redirected to the wordpress multisite's default "this site doesn't exist, sign up now to create it" page. I've tried this with both IP addresses with no avail.
Any ideas?
I think what you're trying to do is ensure that everything is working on the new server before having the DNS globally changed for all users? You could change your local computers hosts file to point the domain (and any subdomains you wish to test) over to the new dedicated IP address, which is essentially moving the DNS over for just yourself.
Here's a pretty good guide on how to do it: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27350/beginner-geek-how-to-edit-your-hosts-file/

How do I redirect to a shared virtual hosted site in the hosts file?

I want to change my hosts file to redirect a web address to my site...
normally I would just do... ping mysite.com then in the hosts file, if the IP came out as, I'd write... siteiwanttoredirect.com
But in this case my site is on virtual shared hosting... which means the IP I get back from the ping is the same as a few other sites and if I type that IP in the address bar, www.mysite.com won't come up. Here's a bit more details: someone who asked a question about why pinging it wouldn't give the correct IP.
So what I would like to know is... if you're on virtual shared hosting, how can you specify redirects to your site in the hosts file?
You cannot. With the hosts file you can change the IP address, but your shared hosting provider needs the HTTP Host header to be set up correctly -- which in your case will still be siteiwanttoredirect.com and not mysite.com . Your hosting provider will therefor not know who's site to show.
What you could do is redirect to some host you control (f.i. localhost) and run a proxy server there. If you set up Apache on your machine, with a virtual host for siteiwanttoredirect.com which does a reverse proxy to mysite.com , it should work.
This is handled via the host header of the website, and not anything on your local machine, like your hosts file.
I would make sure your host has that set up, then as long as people visit your sit via the website name, and not IP, everything should work.
On a shared host, the website you get is determined by the domain name you ask for thanks to the Host HTTP header. For this to work properly the web server needs to be configured correctly so it knows what website to serve in response to which Host request - this is usually called 'Add-on Domains' on CPanel driven shared hosting.
