Data from a table getting printed to csv in a single line - python-3.x

I've written a script to parse data from the first table of a website. I've used xpath to parse the table. Btw, I didn't use "tr" tag cause without using it I can still see the results in the console when printed. When I run my script, the data are getting scraped but being printed in a single line in a csv file. I can't find out the mistake I'm making. Any input on this will be highly appreciated. Here is what I've tried with:
import csv
import requests
from lxml import html
response = requests.get(url).text
outfile=open('Data_tab.csv','w', newline='')
tree = html.fromstring(response)
for titles in tree.xpath("//table[#class='ism-table']")[0]:
# tab_r = titles.xpath('.//tr/text()')
tab_d = titles.xpath('.//td/text()')

You might want to add a level of looping, examining each table row in turn.
Try this:
for titles in tree.xpath("//table[#class='ism-table']")[0]:
for row in titles.xpath('./tr'):
tab_d = row.xpath('./td/text()')
Or, perhaps this:
table = tree.xpath("//table[#class='ism-table']")[0]
for row in table.xpath('.//tr'):
items = row.xpath('./td/text()')
Or you could have the first XPath expression find the rows for you:
rows = tree.xpath("(.//table[#class='ism-table'])[1]//tr")
for row in rows:
items = row.xpath('./td/text()')


Passing Key,Value into a Function

I want to check a YouTube video's views and keep track of them over time. I wrote a script that works great:
import requests
import re
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import time
def check_views(link):
todays_date ='%d-%m')
now_time ='%H:%M')
#get the site
r = requests.get(link)
text = r.text
tag = re.compile('\d+ views')
views = re.findall(tag,text)[0]
#get the digit number of views. It's returned in a list so I need to get that item out
#append to the df
df.loc[len(df)] = [todays_date, now_time, int(cleaned_views)]
#df = df.append([todays_date, now_time, int(cleaned_views)],axis=0)
return df
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Date','Time','Views'])
while True:
df = check_views('')
But now I want to use this function for multiple links. I want a different CSV file for each link. So I made a dictionary:
link_dict = {'link1':'',
#this makes it easy for each csv file to be named for the corresponding link
The loop then becomes:
for key, value in link_dict.items():
df = check_views(value)
That seems to work passing the value of the dict (link) into the function. Inside the function, I just made sure to load the correct csv file at the beginning:
#Existing csv files
But then I'm getting an error when I go to append a new row to the df (“cannot set a row with mismatched columns”). I don't get that since it works just fine as the code written above. This is the part giving me an error:
df.loc[len(df)] = [todays_date, now_time, int(cleaned_views)]
What am I missing here? It seems like a super messy way using this dictionary method (I only have 2 links I want to check but rather than just duplicate a function I wanted to experiment more). Any tips? Thanks!
Figured it out! The problem was that I was saving the df as a csv and then trying to read back that csv later. When I saved the csv, I didn't use index=False with df.to_csv() so there was an extra column! When I was just testing with the dictionary, I was just reusing the df and even though I was saving it to a csv, the script kept using the df to do the actual adding of rows.

How to Append List in Python by reading csv file

I am trying to write a simple program that should give the following output when it reads csv file which contains several email ids.
email_id = ['','',''] #required format
but the problem is the output I got is like this following:
[[''], ['']]
[[''], [''], ['']] #getting this wrong format
here is my piece of code that I have written: Kindly suggest me the correction in the following piece of code which would give me the required format. Thanks in advance.
import csv
email_id = []
with open('contacts1.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = ',')
for row in reader:
NB.: Note my csv contains only one column that has email ids and has no header. I also tried the email_id.extend(row) but It did not work also.
You need to move your print outside the loop:
with open('contacts1.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = ',')
for row in reader:
print(sum(email_id, []))
The loop can also be like this (if you only need one column from the csv):
for row in reader:

Stop reading the CSV file after finding empty rows python

I am trying to read a CSV file that has four parts that are on the same page but distinguished by putting some empty rows in the middle of the spreadsheet. I want to somehow ask pandas to stop reading the rest of the file as soon as it finds the empty row.
Edit: I need to elaborate on the problem. I have a CSV file, that has 4 different sections that separated with 3-4 empty rows. I need to extract each of these sections or at least the first section. In other words, I want read_csv stop when it finds the first empty row(of course after skipping rows with detail about the file)
url = urlopen("")
zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(
data = pd.read_csv('30_Industry_Portfolios.CSV'),
header = 0, index_col=0,
You could use a generator.
Suppose the csv module is generating rows.
(We might use yield from sheet,
except that we'll change the loop in a moment.)
import csv
def get_rows(csv_fspec, skip_rows=12):
with open(csv_fspec) as fin:
sheet = csv.reader(fin)
for _ in range(skip_rows):
next(sheet) # discard initial rows
for row in sheet:
yield row
df = pd.DataFrame(get_rows(my_csv))
Now you want to ignore rows after encountering some condition,
perhaps after initial column is empty.
Ok, that's simple enough, just change the loop body:
for row in sheet:
if row[0]:
yield row
break # Ignore rest of input file.

Extract data from embedded script tag in html

I'm trying to fetch data inside a (big) script tag within HTML. By using Beautifulsoup I can approach the necessary script, yet I cannot get the data I want.
What I'm looking for inside this tag resides within a list called "Beleidsdekkingsgraad" more specifically
["Beleidsdekkingsgraad","107,6","107,6","109,1","109,8","110,1","111,5","112,5","113,3","113,3","114,3","115,7","116,3","116,9","117,5","117,8","118,1","118,3","118,4","118,6","118,8","118,9","118,9","118,9","118,5","118,1","117,8","117,6","117,5","117,1","116,7","116,2"] even more specific; the last entry in the list (116,2)
Following 1 or 2 cannot get the case done.
What I've done so far
soup=BeautifulSoup(url.text, 'html.parser')
all_scripts = soup.find_all('script')
This, however, is not satisfying since each time the indexing has to be changed if new numbers are added.
What I'm looking for an easy way to extract the list from the script tag, second to catch the last number of the extracted list (i.e. 116,2)
You could regex out javascript object holding that item then parse with json library
import requests,re,json
r = requests.get('')
p = re.compile(r'window\.infographicData=(.*);')
data = json.loads(p.findall(r.text)[0])
result = [i for i in data['elements'][1]['data'][0] if 'Beleidsdekkingsgraad' in i][0][-1]
Or do whole thing with regex:
import requests,re
r = requests.get('')
p = re.compile(r'\["Beleidsdekkingsgraad".+?,"([0-9,]+)"\]')
Second regex:
Another option:
import requests,re, json
r = requests.get('')
p = re.compile(r'(\["Beleidsdekkingsgraad".+?"\])')

Can't perform reverse web search from a csv file

I've written some code to scrape "Address" and "Phone" against some shop names which is working fine. However, it has got two parameters to be filled in to perform it's activity. I expected to do the same from a csv file where "Name" will be in first column and "Lid" will be in second column and the harvested results will be placed across third and fourth column accordingly. At this point, I can't get any idea as to how I can perform the search from a csv file. Any suggestion will be vastly appreciated.
import requests
from lxml import html
Names=["Literati Cafe","Standard Insurance Co","Suehiro Cafe"]
for Name in Names and Lids:
Page_link=""+Name.replace(" ","-")+"-"+Name
response = requests.get(Page_link)
tree = html.fromstring(response.text)
titles = tree.xpath('//article[contains(#class,"business-card")]')
for title in titles:
Address= title.xpath('.//p[#class="address"]/span/text()')[0]
Contact = title.xpath('.//p[#class="phone"]/text()')[0]
You can get your Names and Lids lists from CSV like:
import csv
Names, Lids = [], []
with open("file_name.csv", "r") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for line in reader:
(nevermind PEP violations for now ;)). Then you can use it in the rest of your code, although I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve with your for Name in Names and Lids: loop but it's not giving you what you think it is - it will not loop through the Names list but only through the Lids list.
Also the first order of optimization should be to replace your loop with the loop over the CSV, like:
with open("file_name.csv", "r") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for entry in reader:
page_link = "{}-{}".format(entry["Name"].replace(" ","-"), entry["Lid"])
# rest of your scraping code...
