is it posible to SCP remote server to remote server to local in one command line? - linux

I am connected to a bridge server and from there I am connected to another server, so I wanted to know if it's possible to use SCP command to copy files or folders in just one line, without having to stand on the bridge and scp from remote to bridge and then scp from bridge to local.
If its not possible I will understand.
Thank you for any response.

Yes, if your first server supports IO redirect:
scp -oProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p user1#server1" user2#server2:/path/to/remote.file local.file


SSH access parent host folder

After connecting to a remote server (A) through ssh is it possible to access host's folder/files?
This server A has access to another server (B) which I can't access from my computer. I need to run some commands on B using some config files on my computer.
I ended up copying the files from my computer to A using scp and run the commands there.

sublime text sftp tunnel wbond

To work remotely I need to SSH into the main server and then again into the departmental server.
I would like to set up a tunnel using sublime text 3 wbond sftp package to view and edit files remotely but I can't seem to find any information for setting up a tunnel. Is this even possible?
The reason I'm interested in this particular package is because I am unable to install any packages locally on the server, hence using something like rsub is not possible.
Any other suggestions besides sublime sftp are welcome.
I'm not sure the SFTP plugin would allow to do this directly.
What i would suggest is for you to use ssh -L to create a tunnel.
ssh -L localhost:random_unused_port:target_server:22 username_for_middle_server#middle_server -nNT
Use the password/identity_file for the middle server
The -nNT is to avoid opening an interactive shell in the middle server.
IMPORTANT: You need to keep the ssh -L command running so keep that shell open.
In this way you can connect to the target_server as such:
ssh username_for_target_server#localhost -p random_port_you_allocated
Similarly you can setup the SFTP plugin file as such
"ssh_key_file": "path_to_target_server_key",
As a sidenote, always use the same port to tunnel to the same server, otherwise, with the default ssh configuration, you will be warned of a "Man in the middle attack" because the signature saved in the .ssh/known_hosts will not match with the previous one. This can be avoided by disabling this feature but I wouldn't recommend it.

Issues with using Jump Host

How do I transfer a file from my local machine to a remote host to which I need to get through a jump host? These are the steps I follow to connect to the remote host
1. ssh myname#jump-host
2. enter password
3. sudo su - another-random-name
4. ssh name#remote-host
Now I want to transfer a file from my local machine to the remote-host. How would I achieve this? I have already tried scp -oProxyCommand but I don't quite know where I should include step 3 as part of this command?
Use port forwarding to get third host ssh port on your localhost, in this way:
ssh -L 2222:remote-host:22 myname#jump-host
then (on another tab/shell on first host):
scp -P 2222 file myname#localhost:
will copy directly to remote host.
On the jump host under another-random-name run
ssh -L 2222:remote-host:22 myname#jump-host
then on your local computer you can run
scp -P 2222 file name#jump-host:
SCP will try to connect to jump-host, while in fact this connection will be forwarded to jump-host. And will use name as it is connecting to remote-host.
You are probably still facing problem with certificate for another-random-user. You can either create certificate on your machine for your-local-user and put public key on remote-host in user allowed keys.

SCP command not working - need to copy file from Windows localhost to Linux

I need to copy file from C:\wamp\www\jdhemumbai060714\webfiles (Windows) to /var/www/html/ (Linux). I am using following command::
scp C:\wamp\www\jdhemumbai060714\webfiles\ username#hostname:/var/www/html/
But it does not work and gives error::
ssh: Could not resolve hostname C: Temporary failure in name resolution
I am logged in Linux server using SSH
I think that it is bug in SCP port.
Only way is skip "C:" and use only "\wamp\www\jdhemumbai060714\webfiles\"
It will work if current directory is on the same disk like file for upload.
Or you can use pscp.exe
Well firstly is your DNS server able to resolve the HOSTNAME your copying too? My Advice would be to use IP Address.
scp C:\wamp\www\jdhemumbai060714\webfiles\ username#
Open Windows CMD, and Type
Real Example:
scp -i C:\Users\Keypair.pem C:\Users\File.txt ubuntu#
You are done.

How to put a .jsp file on tomcat in Linux terminal?

I want to ask a question about the tomcat and the Linux terminal. I have a jsp file and a tomcat server. After I use the terminal to login in my Linux computer, I want to put the file to the tomcat server. However, I don't know the cmd of this action. Does anyone can help me?
P.S can also provide some basic cmd for the Linux system?
Do you mean a Remote linux terminal ? Do you use ssh ? Or you are sitting in front of it. If so, you type command "locate tomcat" it should print out the path, and then "cd path" as it was printed out. Then "cp /home/user/path/to/your/file.jsp ./"
But it's just a hint how to do that, not exact instructions. If it is on remote server, you need to run "$ ssh" This way you can get to the remote server and copy the file from your home and do there whatever you want. Or the other way around. Copy jsp from your home and then ssh to the remote server
Copy the file "file.jsp" from the local host to a remote host
$ scp file.jsp
Copy the file "file.jsp" from a your home to the linux host after you SSHed
$ scp /path/to/tomcat/dir
scp filename.jsp username#servername:/location-of-tomcat-servlet-root
