Using time.sleep(X) pauses execution - python-3.x

I tried to add some time.sleep(.1) to a loop I'm using, but it seems to stuck the execution (after hitting CTRL+C on my IDLE I get time.sleep(.1)... KeyboardInterrupt which confirms my thoughts)
I tried playing with the code, and found that adding a print() after that line prevents the pause, but I still don't understand why it happened in the first place...
I have no problems whatsoever running this without the sleep, so I think there are no other problems that can cause that. Another thing that worked for me is using sleep(0). Any positive value I entered stuck the execution again.
The suspicious line is at the end of the loop.
This is the whole code:
import time
def main():
with open(r'txt.bin') as f:
code =
data = [0 for i in range(22)]
data_p = 0
code_p = 0
reverse_code = code[::-1]
l = len(code)
flag = False
while code[code_p] != '.':
if data_p == 1:
#print('char read {0} {1}: {2}'.format(c, data_p,data[1]))
c = code[code_p]
if c == '+':
data[data_p] += 1
data[data_p] %= 256
elif c == '-':
data[data_p] -= 1
if data[data_p] < 0:
data[data_p] = 255
elif c == '>':
data_p += 1
elif c == '<':
data_p -= 1
elif c == ',':
old = int(data[data_p])
data[data_p] = int(input('enter value at {0} (current value is {1}): '.format(data_p, data[data_p])))
print('replaced {0} with {1} at {2}'.format(old, data[data_p],data_p))
flag = True
elif c == '[':
if data[data_p] is 0:
old = int(code_p)
code_p = code.find(']', code_p)
print('started at loc {0} with val {1}\nnow at loc {2} with val {3}'.format(old, code[old], code_p, code[code_p]))
elif c == ']':
if data[data_p] is not 0:
reverse_code_p = l-1-code_p
old = int(code_p)
code_p = l-1-reverse_code.find('[', reverse_code_p)
print('started at loc {0} with val {1}\nnow at loc {2} with val {3}'.format(old, code[old], code_p, code[code_p]))
if flag:
code_p += 1


I've tried running the code but it says list index is out of range

from typing import List
# You are given an integer n, denoting the no of people who needs to be seated, and a list of m integer seats, where 0 represents a vacant seat. Find whether all people can be seated, provided that no two people can sit together
When I run this code in geeks for geeks for submission I get a error that List index is out of range.
but seems to work fine when I run it as a script.
class Solution:
def is_possible_to_get_seats(self, n: int, m: int, seats: List[int]) -> bool:
vacant_seats = 0
if len(seats) == 2:
if seats[0] or seats[1] == 1:
return False
return True
for x in range(len(seats)):
if x == 0:
if seats[x] == 0 and seats[x+1] == 0:
seats[x] = 1
vacant_seats += 1
elif x == len(seats)-1:
if seats[x] == 0 and seats[x-1] == 0:
seats[x] = 1
vacant_seats += 1
if seats[x] == 0:
if seats[x+1] == 0 and seats[x-1] == 0:
seats[x] = 1
vacant_seats += 1
if vacant_seats < n:
return False
return True
# {
# Driver Code Starts
class IntArray:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def Input(self, n):
arr = [int(i) for i in input().strip().split()] # array input
return arr
def Print(self, arr):
for i in arr:
print(i, end=" ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = int(input())
for _ in range(t):
n = int(input())
m = int(input())
seats = IntArray().Input(m)
obj = Solution()
res = obj.is_possible_to_get_seats(n, m, seats)
result_val = "Yes" if res else "No"
# } Driver Code Ends

Character Countdown

I'm trying to create a function. Function; it will simply be designed to increase the last letter sequence from its position in the alphabet or letter list.
import time
def CountDown(text,reply=3):
abc = list("ABCDEFGHIJ")
c = 1
text_list = list(text)
while 1:
Index = abc.index(text_list[-c])
if not list(filter(lambda a: a!=abc[-1], text_list)):
return "".join(text_list)
if text_list[-c] == abc[-1]:
text_list[-c] = abc[0]
c += 1
while 1:
text_list[-c] = abc[(Index+s) if (Index+s)<len(abc) else 0]
if text_list.count(abc[(Index+s) if (Index+s)<len(abc) else 0])+1<reply:
text_list[-c] = abc[(Index+s) if (Index+s)<len(abc) else 0]
return "".join(text_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
while 1:
The code doesn't give an output after a while. I think there is something wrong.
How can I fix this code sample?

Comparing the values of 2 lists without built-ins

I'm trying to make and anagram checker without any built-in functions. So far, I've managed this:
def isa1(s1, s2):
a = s1.lower()
b = s2.lower()
c = list(a)
d = list(b)
l = len(s1)
counter = 0
for i in range(l):
if c[i] == d[0]:
del d[0]
counter += 1
elif c[i] == d[1]:
del d[1]
counter += 1
elif c[i] == d[2]:
del d[2]
counter += 1
elif c[i] == d[3]:
del d[3]
counter += 1
elif c[i] == d[4]:
del d[4]
counter += 1
elif c[i] == d[5]:
del d[5]
counter += 1
if counter == len(s1):
return True
return False
I'm happy with the start, bar the assignment naming, but I cant figure out how to iterate through my second string, s2, without the for-loop being ridiculous. Plus this code will only work for a string/list 6 characters long.
Sorry if this seems simply, I'm just starting Python and programming in general
if you are okay with using for in side of for you can do:
def isa1(s1, s2):
a = s1.lower()
b = s2.lower()
c = list(a)
d = list(b)
l = len(s1)
counter = 0
for i in range(l):
for j in range(len(d)):
if c[i] == d[j]:
del d[j]
counter += 1
break # to continue to the next letter
if counter == len(s1):
return True
return False
this solution will check against each letter in the second list, and if it finds a match it will break the inner loop going to the next letter.

My minesweeper program works just fine until I click on the top left tile. Everything looks fine

I am attempting to make minesweeper in Python by using tkinter. When the program checks for bombs, it works just fine unless the tile clicked is at 0, 0 (top left), in which case the program always has tileNorth and tileWest True, causing the program to check a variable that doesn't exist. This causes an error and leaves the 0, 0 tile blank. The checking works in every other tile, including corners, just not the top left. This should not be happening.
My minesweeper program works just fine, but it always messes up at 0, 0 and creates an error. I don't understand what's wrong...
The Error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/tkinter/", line 1705, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "<string>", line 11, in <lambda>
File "/home/pi/Documents/Python/Minesweeper/", line 133, in tileClicked
File "<string>", line 56
if bomb_-1_-1 == True:
SyntaxError: invalid token
It mentions bomb_-1_-1 which doesn't exist and can't exist... This is why that one if statement needs to work.
My Code:
import random
import tkinter
# Functions
def tileClicked(x, y): # Function is ran when a tile is clicked. The tile is defined by the inputted 'x' and 'y' values.
global tileNorth, tileEast, tileSouth, tileWest
if y > 0:
tileNorth = True
tileNorth = False
if x < game.size[0] - 1:
tileEast = True
tileEast = False
if y < game.size[1] - 1:
tileSouth = True
tileSouth = False
if x > 0:
tileWest = True
tileWest = False""")
print("{x}, {y}")
if bomb_{x}_{y} == True:
game.failed = True
if x == 0 and y == 0:
tileValue = int(0)
if tileNorth == True:
if tileEast == True:
if bomb_{x + 1}_{y - 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileEast == True:
if bomb_{x + 1}_{y} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileSouth == True:
if tileEast == True:
if bomb_{x + 1}_{y + 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileWest == True:
if bomb_{x - 1}_{y + 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if bomb_{x}_{y + 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileWest == True:
if bomb_{x - 1}_{y} == True:
tileValue += 1
tileValue = int(0)
if tileNorth == True:
if tileEast == True:
if bomb_{x + 1}_{y - 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileWest == True:
if bomb_{x - 1}_{y - 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if bomb_{x}_{y - 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileEast == True:
if bomb_{x + 1}_{y} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileSouth == True:
if tileEast == True:
if bomb_{x + 1}_{y + 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileWest == True:
if bomb_{x - 1}_{y + 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if bomb_{x}_{y + 1} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileWest == True:
if bomb_{x - 1}_{y} == True:
tileValue += 1
if tileValue == 0:
tileValue = "Clear"
# Classes
class game:
title = "Minesweeper"
bg = "white"
fg = "black"
size = [10, 10]
tileWidth = 3
tileHeight = 2
failed = False
bombFrequency = 4
flagMode = False
# Execution
window = tkinter.Tk() # The window.
window.config(bg =
mainFrame = tkinter.Frame(window, bg = # Main frame that everything is located in.
titleFrame = tkinter.Frame(mainFrame, bg = # Title frame.
titleLabel = tkinter.Label(titleFrame, bg =, fg = game.fg, text = game.title, font = "none 20").grid(row = 0, column = 0)
titleFrame.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
tileFrame = tkinter.Frame(mainFrame, bg = # Frame where tiles are located.
x = 0
y = 0
for tiles_x in range(game.size[0]): # Generates tiles.
for tiles_y in range(game.size[1]):
exec(f"""global tile_{x}_{y}, stringVar_{x}_{y}, bomb_{x}_{y}
bomb_{x}_{y} = random.randint(1, game.bombFrequency)
if bomb_{x}_{y} == 1:
bomb_{x}_{y} = True
bomb_{x}_{y} = False
stringVar_{x}_{y} = tkinter.StringVar(tileFrame)
tile_{x}_{y} = tkinter.Button(tileFrame, bg = 'lightgrey', fg = 'black', width = game.tileWidth, height = game.tileHeight, textvariable = stringVar_{x}_{y}, command = lambda: tileClicked({x}, {y})).grid(row = {y}, column = {x})""")
y += 1
x += 1
y = 0
tileFrame.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
mainFrame.pack() # The main frame is packed so everything is centered.
I don't care if you think dynamic variables are inefficient, it's my choice. I don't want people to comment on my methods of accomplishing a task... unless it's causing the problem...
Using dynamic variables is bad practice, and your experience is a good demonstration why.
Variable names cannot have a minus sign in them. The minus sign is interpreted as the arithmetic operator. So bomb_-1_-1 is interpreted as bomb_ - 1_ - 1. The bomb_ part is understood as a variable name, the 1 as a number, but the underscore following that number is triggering the syntax error.
This also demonstrates that dynamic code is not that great: syntax errors only pop up when certain circumstances are created (like selecting a particular cell).
A quick fix, just to show a work around, is to test first the values of x and y:
if {x} >= 0 and {y} >= 0 and bomb_{x}_{y} == True:
You would have to do similar tests for any other place where you create a dynamic reference like that. So also:
if {x} >= 1 and {y} >= 1 and bomb_{x-1}_{y-1} == True:
But this is really patching a terrible design.
Note that even if only one of the variables is negative, you'll evaluate an expression that you did not really intend. You could get this for when only y == -1: bomb_5_-1. This produces no syntax error, but it evaluates as bomb_5_ minus 1. Obviously that is not intended by the algorithm.
Instead of dynamic variables and parsing code at run-time, use lists. They can be nested to have the 2D coverage.

Local variable 'result ' value is not used even though I am assigning values to it, can any tell why is 'result' unused

my result variable is unused, even though I am assigning values to it, can any tell why is 'result' unused
def caught_speeding(speed, is_birthday):
if speed in range(0, 61):
result = 0
elif speed in range(61, 81):
if is_birthday == True:
result = 0
result = 1
elif speed >= 81:
if is_birthday == True:
result = 0
result = 2
result = None
caught_speeding(60, False)
caught_speeding(65, False)
caught_speeding(65, True)
Modify to return the result:
def caught_speeding(speed, is_birthday):
if speed in range(0, 61):
result = 0
elif speed in range(61, 81):
if is_birthday == True:
result = 0
result = 1
elif speed >= 81:
if is_birthday == True:
result = 0
result = 2
result = None
return result
