Pandas: Check whether a column exists in another column - python-3.x

I am new to Python and pandas. I have a dataset that has the following structures. It is a pandas DF
city time1 time2
a [1991, 1992, 1993] [1993,1994,1995]
time1 and time2 represnts the coverage of the data in two sources. I would like create a new column that indicates whether time1 and time2 have any intersection, if so return True otherwise False. The task sound very straightforward. I was thinking about using set operations on the two columns but it did not work as expected. Would anyone help me figure this out?
I appreciate your help.

You can iterate through all the columns and change the lists to sets and see if there is are any values in the intersection.
df1 = df.applymap(lambda x: set(x) if type(x) == list else set([x]))
df1.apply(lambda x: bool(x.time1 & x.time2), axis=1)
This is a semi-vectorized way that should make it run much faster.
df1 = df[['time1', 'time2']].applymap(lambda x: set(x) if type(x) == list else set([x]))
(df1.time1.values & df1.time2.values).astype(bool)
And even a bit faster
change_to_set = lambda x: set(x) if type(x) == list else set([x])
time1_set =
time2_set =
(time1_set & time2_set).astype(bool)

Here is kind of ugly, but vectorized approach:
In [37]: df
city time1 time2
0 a [1970] [1980]
1 b [1991, 1992, 1993] [1993, 1994, 1995]
2 c [2000, 2001, 2002] [2010, 2011]
3 d [2015, 2016] [2016]
In [38]: df['x'] = df.index.isin(
...: pd.DataFrame(df.time1.tolist())
...: .stack().reset_index(name='x')
...: .merge(pd.DataFrame(df.time2.tolist())
...: .stack().reset_index(name='x'),
...: on=['level_0','x'])['level_0'])
In [39]: df
city time1 time2 x
0 a [1970] [1980] False
1 b [1991, 1992, 1993] [1993, 1994, 1995] True
2 c [2000, 2001, 2002] [2010, 2011] False
3 d [2015, 2016] [2016] True
In [54]: df = pd.concat([df] * 10**4, ignore_index=True)
In [55]: df.shape
Out[55]: (40000, 3)
In [56]: %%timeit
...: df.index.isin(
...: pd.DataFrame(df.time1.tolist())
...: .stack().reset_index(name='x')
...: .merge(pd.DataFrame(df.time2.tolist())
...: .stack().reset_index(name='x'),
...: on=['level_0','x'])['level_0'])
1 loop, best of 3: 253 ms per loop
In [57]: %timeit df.apply(lambda x: bool(set(x.time1) & set(x.time2)), axis=1)
1 loop, best of 3: 5.36 s per loop


The output of my code comes out too slowly.. How can i speed up my process

Thanks to the help from some users of this sites.
My code seems to work fine, but it's taking too long..
I'm trying to compare two data frames.(df1 has 1,291,250 rows / df2 has 1,286,692 rows)
if df1.iloc[0,0] == df2.iloc[0,0] and df1.iloc[0,1] == df2.iloc[0,1], then compare df1.iloc[0,2], df2.iloc[0,2].
If the first(df1.iloc[0,2]) is larger, I want to put the first index into the list, and if the second(df2.iloc[0,2]) is larger, I want to put the second index into the list.
Example DataFrame
In [1]: df1 = pd.DataFrame([[0, 1, 98], [1, 1, 198], [2, 2, 228]], columns = ['A1', 'B1', 'C1'])
In [2]: df1
A1 B1 C1
0 0 1 98
1 1 1 198
2 2 2 228
In [4]: df2 = pd.DataFrame([[0, 1, 228], [1, 2, 110], [2, 2, 130]], columns = ['A2', 'B2', 'C2'])
In [5]: df2
A2 B2 C2
0 0 1 228
1 1 2 110
2 2 2 130
In [7]: def find_high(df1, df2) # def function code is below
Out[8]: ([2], [0]) # The result what i want
This is just simple example. my data is bigger than this
my code is:
for i in range(60):
setattr(mod, f'df_1_{i}', np.array_split(df1, 60)[i])
getattr(mod, f'df_1_{i}').to_pickle(f'df_1_{i}')
import glob
files = glob.glob('df_1_*')
def find_high_pre(df1 = files, df2):
subtract_df2 = []
subtract_df1 = []
same_data = []
for df1_index, line in enumerate(df1.to_numpy()):
for df2_idx, row in enumerate(df2.to_numpy()):
if (line[0:2] == row[0:2]).all():
if line[2] < row[2]:
elif line[2] > row[2]:
return df1.iloc[subtract_df1].index.tolist(), df2.iloc[subtract_df2].index.tolist(), df1.iloc[same_data].index.to_list();
data_1 = []
for i in files:
e_data = pd.read_pickle(i)
num_cores = 30
df_split = np.array_split(e_data, num_cores)
data_1 +=, df_split, pm_pbar=True, pm_processes =num_cores)
My code seems to work fine, but it's taking too long..
Chances are that replacing your nested for loops with a DataFrame.merge operation will take less time:
keys = ['A', 'B']
df1.columns = [*keys, 'C1']
df2.columns = [*keys, 'C2']
df = df1.reset_index().set_index(keys).merge(
df2.reset_index().set_index(keys), on=keys)
# now we have a merged dataframe like this:
# index_x C1 index_y C2
# A B
# 0 1 0 98 0 228
# 2 2 2 228 2 130
# therefrom we can easily extract the wanted indexes
data = [df.loc[df['C1'] > df['C2'], 'index_x'].values,
df.loc[df['C1'] < df['C2'], 'index_y'].values]

Pandas - Fastest way indexing with 2 dataframes

I am developing a software in Python 3 with Pandas library.
Time is very important but memory not so much.
For better visualization I am using the names a and b with few values, although there are many more:
a -> 50000 rows
b -> 5000 rows
I need to select from dataframe a and b (using multiples conditions)
a = pd.DataFrame({
'a1': ['x', 'y', 'z'] ,
'a2': [1, 2, 3],
'a3': [3.14, 2.73, -23.00],
'a4': [,,]
a1 a2 a3 a4
0 x 1 3.14 NaN
1 y 2 2.73 NaN
2 z 3 -23.00 NaN
b = pd.DataFrame({
'b1': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'k', 'l'],
'b2': [2018, 2019, 2020, 2015, 2012]
b1 b2
0 x 2018
1 y 2019
2 z 2020
3 k 2015
4 l 2012
So far my code is like this:
for index, row in a.iterrows():
# create a key
a1 = row["a1"]
mask = b.loc[(b['b1'] == a1) & (b['b2'] != 2019)]
# check if exists
if (len(mask.index) != 0): #not empty
a.loc[[index], ['a4']] = mask.iloc[0]['b2']
except KeyError: #not found
But as you can see, I'm using for iterrows that is very slow compared to other methods and I'm changing the value of the DataFrame I'm iterating, that is not recommended.
Could you help me find a better way? The results should be like this:
a1 a2 a3 a4
0 x 1 3.14 2018
1 y 2 2.73 NaN
2 z 3 -23.00 2020
I tried things like this below, but I didnt made it work.
a.loc[ (a['a1'] == b['b1']) , 'a4'] = b.loc[b['b2'] != 2019]
*the real code has more conditions
I benchmark using: iterrows, merge, set_index/loc. Here is the code:
import timeit
import pandas as pd
def f_iterrows():
for index, row in a.iterrows():
# create a key
a1 = row["a1"]
a3 = row["a3"]
mask = b.loc[(b['b1'] == a1) & (b['b2'] != 2019)]
# check if exists
if len(mask.index) != 0: # not empty
a.loc[[index], ['a4']] = mask.iloc[0]['b2']
except: # not found
def f_merge():
a.merge(b[b.b2 != 2019], left_on='a1', right_on='b1', how='left').drop(['a4', 'b1'], 1).rename(columns={'b2': 'a4'})
def f_lock():
df1 = a.set_index('a1')
df2 = b.set_index('b1')
df1.loc[:, 'a4'] = df2.b2[df2.b2 != 2019]
#variables for testing
number_rows = 100
number_iter = 100
a = pd.DataFrame({
'a1': ['x', 'y', 'z'] * number_rows,
'a2': [1, 2, 3] * number_rows,
'a3': [3.14, 2.73, -23.00] * number_rows,
'a4': [,,] * number_rows
b = pd.DataFrame({
'b1': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'k', 'l'] * number_rows,
'b2': [2018, 2019, 2020, 2015, 2012] * number_rows
print('For: %s s' % str(timeit.timeit(f_iterrows, number=number_iter)))
print('Merge: %s s' % str(timeit.timeit(f_merge, number=number_iter)))
print('Loc: %s s' % str(timeit.timeit(f_iterrows, number=number_iter)))
They all worked :) and the time to run is:
For: 277.9994369489998 s
Loc: 274.04929955067564 s
Merge: 2.195712725706926 s
So far Merge is the fastest.
If another option appears I will update here, thanks again.
a1 a2 a3 a4
0 x 1 3.14 2018.0
1 y 2 2.73 NaN
2 z 3 -23.00 2020.0

New column based on a row with conditions in Pandas

I'm trying to do an operation with Dataframes but i'm not sure how I can solve the problem using the built-in Pandas Operations (Actualy my code is based on a for so I'm trying to build a more elegant solution).
Given the following Dataframes, defined with the columns described below
original_df = [o1, o2, o3, o4]
weights_df = [w1, w2, w3, w4]
conditions_df = [c1, c2, c3, c4]
I need to built a new column on original_df based on the division of o1/w1 but depending on the value of c1, with takes the values ["+" or "-" I need to do the -o1/w1 operation.
As long as I did was:
orignal_df['newcolumn'] = original_df / weights_df
Where of course I divided the two terms but without applying the condition, I'm trying to do with map and apply functions but I'm not sure how I can add the third column into the function.
original_df = [100, 200, 300, 400]
weights_df = [10, 20, 30, 40]
conditions_df = [1, 2, 3, 4]
df = pd.DataFrame({'x':original_df, 'y':weights_df, 'z':conditions_df})
def div(x, y, z):
if z > 2:
return float(x/y)
return float(-1*x/y)
df['new_feature'] = df.apply(lambda p: div(p['x'], p['y'], p['z']), axis=1)
This is one way of solving. If your conditions_df contains '+'/'-' then you can change the condition in def div(x, y, z) accordingly.
You can use numpy.where for mask by condition:
#data from lisa answer
#df = pd.DataFrame({'x':original_df, 'y':weights_df, 'z':conditions_df})
df['new_feature'] = df['x'] / df['y'] * np.where(df['z'] > 2, 1, -1)
print (df)
x y z new_feature
0 100 10 1 -10.0
1 200 20 2 -10.0
2 300 30 3 10.0
3 400 40 4 10.0
#4k rows
df = pd.concat([df]*1000).reset_index(drop=True)
#lisa answer
In [95]: %timeit df['new_feature1'] = df.apply(lambda p: div(p['x'], p['y'], p['z']), axis=1)
10 loops, best of 3: 123 ms per loop
In [96]: %timeit df['new_feature2'] = df['x'] / df['y'] * np.where(df['z'] > 2, 1, -1)
1000 loops, best of 3: 595 µs per loop

How to extract date in YYYY-MM-DD format from a column with dates in quarter-year format

I have a dataframe of shape (96,3). There is a column 'Date' with values as Q1-93,Q2-93, Q3-93, Q4-93 etc till 2016. I want to extract the date as 1993-03-31 from Q1-93.And apply the same on entire column
dataframe with columns:
Please find below the code which i tried:
I have tried in this way for one year alone, could not iterate on multiple years
df['Quarter'], df['Year'] = zip(*df['Date'].apply(lambda x: (x[:2], x[3:])))
for n in range (0,4):
if df['Quarter'].loc[n]=='Q1':
elif df['Quarter'].loc[n]=='Q2':
elif df['Quarter'].iloc[n]=='Q3':
Have tried to get year in one more method but that also did not give relevant output:
from dateutil.rrule import rrule, MONTHLY
from datetime import datetime
a = datetime(1993, 3, 31)
for dt in rrule(freq=MONTHLY, dtstart=a, count=96, interval=3):
print (dt)
I'd do it this way:
In [193]: df
0 Q1-93
1 Q2-93
2 Q3-93
3 Q4-93
4 Q1-01
5 Q1-10
6 Q2-16
In [194]: def f(s):
...: t = s.str.extract(r'(Q\d+)-(\d+)', expand=True)
...: t[1] = pd.to_numeric(t[1], errors='coerce')
...: t[1] += np.where(t[1] < 35, 2000, 1900)
...: return pd.PeriodIndex(t[1].astype(str)+t[0], freq='Q') \
...: .astype(np.datetime64) + \
...: pd.offsets.QuarterEnd()
In [195]: df['new'] = f(df['Date'])
In [196]: df
Date new
0 Q1-93 1993-03-31
1 Q2-93 1993-06-30
2 Q3-93 1993-09-30
3 Q4-93 1993-12-31
4 Q1-01 2001-03-31
5 Q1-10 2010-03-31
6 Q2-16 2016-06-30

Append to dataframe with for loop. Python3

I'm trying to loop through a list(y) and output by appending a row for each item to a dataframe.
y=[datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 29), datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 30), datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 31)]
Desired Output:
Index Mean Last
2017-03-29 1.5 .76
2017-03-30 2.3 .4
2017-03-31 1.2 1
Here is the first and last part of the code I currently have:
import pandas as pd
import datetime
for item0 in y:
df=df.rename(columns = {0:'Mean'})
df4=pd.concat([df, df3], axis=1)
print (df4)
print (df5)
My code only puts one row into the dataframe like as opposed to a row for each item in y:
Index Mean Last
2017-03-29 1.5 .76
y = [datetime(2017, 3, 29), datetime(2017, 3, 30),datetime(2017, 3, 31)]
m = [1.5,2.3,1.2]
l = [0.76, .4, 1]
df = pd.DataFrame([],columns=['time','mean','last'])
for y0, m0, l0 in zip(y,m,l):
data = {'time':y0,'mean':m0,'last':l0}
df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True)
and if you want y to be the index:
df.index = df.time
There are a few ways to skin this, and it's hard to know which approach makes the most sense with the limited info given. But one way is to start with a dataframe that has only the index, iterate through the dataframe by row and populate the values from some other process. Here's an example of that approach:
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
y=[datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 29), datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 30), datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 31)]
main_df = pd.DataFrame(y, columns=['Index'])
#pop in the additional columns you want, but leave them blank
main_df['Mean'] = None
main_df['Last'] = None
#set the index
main_df.set_index(['Index'], inplace=True)
that gives us the following:
Mean Last
2017-03-29 None None
2017-03-30 None None
2017-03-31 None None
Now let's loop and plug in some made up random values:
## loop through main_df and add values
for (index, row) in main_df.iterrows():
main_df.ix[index].Mean = np.random.rand()
main_df.ix[index].Last = np.random.rand()
this results in the following dataframe which has the None values filled:
Mean Last
2017-03-29 0.174714 0.718738
2017-03-30 0.983188 0.648549
2017-03-31 0.07809 0.47031
