How to set the Spark streaming receiver frequency? - apache-spark

My requirement is to process the hourly data of a stock market.
i.e, get the data from source once per streaming interval and process it via DStream.
I have implemented a custom receiver to scrap/monitor the website by implementing onStart() and onStop() methods and its working.
Challenges encountered:
Receiver thread is fetching the data continuously i.e, multiples times per interval.
Unable to coordinate receiver and DStream execution time interval.
Options I tried:
Receiver Thread to sleep for few seconds (equal to streaming interval).
In this case data is not the latest data while processing.
class CustomReceiver(interval: Int)
extends Receiver[String](StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2) {
def onStart() {
new Thread("Website Scrapper") {
override def run() { receive() }
def onStop() {
/** Create a socket connection and receive data until receiver is stopped */
private def receive() {
println("Entering receive:" + new Date());
try {
while (!isStopped) {
val scriptsLTP = StockMarket.getLiveStockData()
for ((script, ltp) <- scriptsLTP) {
store(script + "," + ltp)
println("sent data")
System.out.println("going to sleep:" + new Date());
Thread.sleep(3600 * 1000);
System.out.println("awaken from sleep:" + new Date());
println("Stopped receiving")
restart("Trying to connect again")
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
restart("Error receiving data", t)
println("Exiting receive:" + new Date());
How to make the Spark Streaming receiver in sync with DStream processing?

This use case doesn't seem a good fit for Spark Streaming. The interval is long enough to consider this as a regular batch job instead. That way, we can make better use of the cluster resources.
I would rewrite it as a Spark Job by parallelizing the target tickers, using a mapPartitions to use the executors as distributed web scrappers and then process as intended.
Then schedule the Spark job to run each hour with cron or more advanced alternatives, such as Chronos at the exact times wanted.


slow performance of spark

I am new to Spark. I have a requirement where I need to integrate Spark with Web Service. Any request to a Web service has to be processed using Spark and send the response back to the client.
I have created a small dummy service in Vertx, which accepts request and processes it using Spark. I am using Spark in cluster mode (1 master, 2 slaves, 8 core, 32 Gb each, running on top of Yarn and Hdfs)
public class WebServer {
private static SparkSession spark;
private static void createSparkSession(String masterUrl) {
SparkContext context = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Web Load Test App").setMaster(masterUrl)
.set("", "hdfs://x.x.x.x:9000")
.set("spark.hadoop.fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://x.x.x.x:9000")
.set("spark.hadoop.fs.hdfs.impl", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.class.getName())
.set("spark.hadoop.fs.hdfs.server", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode.class.getName())
.set("spark.hadoop.conf", org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration.class.getName())
.set("spark.eventLog.enabled", "true")
.set("spark.eventLog.dir", "hdfs://x.x.x.x:9000/spark-logs")
.set("spark.history.provider", "org.apache.spark.deploy.history.FsHistoryProvider")
.set("spark.history.fs.logDirectory", "hdfs://x.x.x.x:9000/spark-logs")
.set("spark.history.fs.update.interval", "10s")
.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
//.set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max", "1g")
//.set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer", "512m")
spark = SparkSession.builder().sparkContext(context).getOrCreate();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
String masterUrl = "local[2]";
if(args.length == 1) {
masterUrl = args[0];
System.out.println("Master url: " + masterUrl);
WebServer webServer = new WebServer();
private void start(Vertx vertx) {
int port = 19090;
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
System.out.println("Server started # " + port);
} else {
System.out.println("Server failed to start # " + port);
private void calWordFrequency(RoutingContext routingContext) {
WordCountRequest wordCountRequest = routingContext.getBodyAsJson().mapTo(WordCountRequest.class);
List<String> words = wordCountRequest.getWords();
Dataset<String> wordsDataset = spark.createDataset(words, Encoders.STRING());
Dataset<Row> wordCounts = wordsDataset.groupBy("value").count();
List<String> result = wordCounts.toJSON().collectAsList();
routingContext.response().setStatusCode(300).putHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
When I make a post request with payload size of about 5kb, then it is taking around 6 seconds to complete the request and the response back. I feel it is very slow.
However, if I carry a simple example of reading file from Hbase and performing transformation and displaying result, it is very fast. I am able to processes a file of 8Gb file in 2mins.
master_node = 'spark://x.x.x.x:7077'
spark = SparkSession.builder.master(master_node).appName('Avi-load-test').getOrCreate()
log_data =
word_count = (log_data.groupBy('value').count())
What is the reason for my application to run so slow? Any pointers would be really helpful. Thank you in advance.
Spark processing is asynchronous, you are using it as part of a synchronous flow. You can do that but can't expect the processing to be finished. We have implemented similar use case - we have a REST service which triggers a spark job. The implementation does return spark job id(takes some time). And we have another end point to get job status using the Job Id, but we didn't implement a flow to return data from spark job through REST srvc and it is not recommended.
Our flow
REST API <-> Spark Job <-> HBase/Kafka
The REST endpoint triggers a Spark Job and the Spark job reads data from HBase and does the processing and write data back to HBase and Kafka. The REST API is called by a different and they receive the data that is processed through Kafka.
I think you need to rethink your architecture.

IEventProcessor processes message two times

Hi I am using Event hub for ingesting data at the frequency of 1 second.
I am continuously pushing simulated data from console application to event hub and then storing into the SQL data base.
Now its been more than 5 days and I found every day some times my receiver process data two times that why i got duplicate records into the database.
Since it happen only once or twice in a day so I am not even able to trace.
Can any one faced such situation so far ?
Or is it possible then host can process same messages twice ?
Or is it an issue of async behavior of receiver ?
Looking forward for the help....
Code snippet :
public class SimpleEventProcessor : IEventProcessor
Stopwatch checkpointStopWatch;
async Task IEventProcessor.CloseAsync(PartitionContext context, CloseReason reason)
Console.WriteLine("Processor Shutting Down. Partition '{0}', Reason: '{1}'.", context.Lease.PartitionId, reason);
if (reason == CloseReason.Shutdown)
await context.CheckpointAsync();
Task IEventProcessor.OpenAsync(PartitionContext context)
Console.WriteLine("SimpleEventProcessor initialized. Partition: '{0}', Offset: '{1}'", context.Lease.PartitionId, context.Lease.Offset);
this.checkpointStopWatch = new Stopwatch();
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
async Task IEventProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync(PartitionContext context, IEnumerable<EventData> messages)
foreach (EventData eventData in messages)
string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.GetBytes());
// store data into SQL database / database call.
// Call checkpoint every 5 minutes, so that worker can resume processing from 5 minutes back if it restarts.
if (this.checkpointStopWatch.Elapsed > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(0))
await context.CheckpointAsync();
if (messages.Count() > 0)
await context.CheckpointAsync();
Event Hub guarantees at least once delivery:
It has the following characteristics:
low latency
capable of receiving and processing millions of events per second
at least once delivery
So you can expect this to happen.
Also take in account the situation that checkpointing just has occurred, then some more message (lets call them A and B) are processed and then the process fails. The next time the reading process is started again after the failure message consumption will start at the last checkpointed message, so in other words, message A and B will be processed again.

io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: ABORTED when using Grpc client in Spark

I'm trying to run a spark (2.2) job to get some data from the server using GRPC (1.1.2) client calls. I get this error when I run this code through spark. Running the same job for a small set works fine. From what I researched, I understand that ABORTED message is because of some concurrency issues, so I'm guessing it is because the client is unable to create more than a certain number of stubs, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Also, I know for a fact that the GRPC server works well with large number of requests and I'm well below the number of requests it can handle. Any ideas?
Adding more information as requested:
My client CatalogGrpcClient has these methods to handle channels and the request:
private List<ManagedChannel> getChannels() {
return IntStream.range(0, numChannels).mapToObj(x ->
ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(channelHost, channelPort).usePlaintext(true).build()
private ManagedChannel getChannel() {
return channels.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(channels.size()));
private ListingRequest populateRequest(ListingRequest.Builder req, String requestId) {
return req.setClientSendTs(System.currentTimeMillis())
.setRequestId(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(req.getRequestId(), requestId))
.setSchemaVersion(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(req.getSchemaVersion(), schema))
private List<ListingResponse> getGrpcListingWithRetry(ListingRequest.Builder request,
String requestIdStr,
int retryLimit,
int sleepBetweenRetry) {
int retryCount = 0;
while (retryCount < retryLimit) {
try {
return, requestIdStr)), Spliterator.ORDERED), false).collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception " + e.getCause().getMessage());
retryCount = retryCount + 1;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
throw new StatusRuntimeException(Status.ABORTED);
I use the method getCatalogListingData in the method extract which is used to map to a case class in the spark job
def extract(itemIds: List[Long], validAspects: Broadcast[Array[String]]): List[ItemDetailModel] = {
var itemsDetails = List[ItemDetailModel]()
val client = new CatalogGrpcClient()
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val listings = client.getCatalogListingData( => x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]).asJava).asScala
Here's the spark code which calls extract. itemsMissingDetails is a dataframe with a column "item" which is a list of unique item ids. The zipWithIndex and the following map is so that I pass 50 item ids in each request to the GRPC svc.
.map(x => (x._2 / 50, List(x._1.getLong(0))))
.reduceByKey(_ ++ _)
.flatMap(items => extract(items._2, validAspects))
.option("sep", "\t")
.option("escapeQuotes", false)
The ABORTED error is actually thrown by my client after a long time (~30 min to 1 hour). When I start this job, it gets the info I need from the GRPC svc for a few thousand items on every worker. After this, the job hangs up (on each worker) and after a really long wait (~30 min to 1 hour), it fails with the above exception or proceeds further. I haven't been able to consistently get StatusRuntimeException.

Getting Data from EventHub is delayed

I have an EventHub configured in Azure, also a consumer group for reading the data. It was working fine for some days. Suddenly, I see there is a delay in incoming data(around 3 days). I use Windows Service to consume data in my server. I have around 500 incoming messages per minute. Can anyone help me out to figure this out ?
It might be that you are processing them items too slow. Therefore the work to be done grows and you will lag behind.
To get some insight in where you are in the event stream you can use code like this:
private void LogProgressRecord(PartitionContext context)
if (namespaceManager == null)
var currentSeqNo = context.Lease.SequenceNumber;
var lastSeqNo = namespaceManager.GetEventHubPartition(context.EventHubPath, context.ConsumerGroupName, context.Lease.PartitionId).EndSequenceNumber;
var delta = lastSeqNo - currentSeqNo;
$"Last processed seqnr for partition {context.Lease.PartitionId}: {currentSeqNo} of {lastSeqNo} in consumergroup '{context.ConsumerGroupName}' (lag: {delta})",
the namespaceManager is build like this:
namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString("Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=yyy;SharedAccessKey=zzz");
I call this logging method in the CloseAsync method:
public Task CloseAsync(PartitionContext context, CloseReason reason)
return Task.CompletedTask;
logWriter is just some logging class I have used to write info to blob storage.
It now outputs messages like
Last processed seqnr for partition 3: 32780931 of 32823804 in consumergroup 'telemetry' (lag: 42873)
so when the lag is very high you could be processing events that have occurred a long time ago. In that case you need to scale up/out your processor.
If you notice a lag you should measure how long it takes to process a given number of item. You can then try to optimize performance and see whether it improves. We did it like:
public async Task ProcessEventsAsync(PartitionContext context, IEnumerable<EventData> events)
// process items here
await CheckPointAsync(context);
$"Processed {events.Count()} events in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms using partition {context.Lease.PartitionId} in consumergroup {context.ConsumerGroupName}.",

collecting results asynchronously from gpars parallel executor

We've got some code in Java using ThreadPoolExecutor and CompletionService. Tasks are submitted in large batches to the pool; results go to the completion service where we collect completed tasks when available without waiting for the entire batch to complete:
ThreadPoolExecutor _executorService =
new ThreadPoolExecutor(MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS, new LinkedBlockingQueue(20));
CompletionService _completionService =
new ExecutorCompletionService<Callable>(_executorService)
//submit tasks
_completionService.submit( some task);
//get results
Future result = _completionService.poll(timeout);
//process result
The total number of workers in the pool is MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS; tasks submitted without an available worker are queued; up to 20 tasks may be queued, after which, tasks are rejected.
What is the Gpars counterpart to this approach?
Reading the documentation on gpars parallelism, I found many potential options: collectManyParallel(), anyParallel(), fork/join, etc., and I'm not sure which ones to even test. I was hoping to find some mention of "completion" or "completion service" as a comparison in the docs, but found nothing. I'm looking for some direction/pointers on where to start from those experienced with gpars.
Collecting results on-the-fly, throttling producers - this calls for a dataflow solution. Please find a sample runnable demo below:
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowQueue
import groovyx.gpars.scheduler.DefaultPool
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
ThreadPoolExecutor _executorService =
new ThreadPoolExecutor(MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS, MAX_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue(200));
final group = new DefaultPGroup(new DefaultPool(_executorService))
final results = new DataflowQueue()
//submit tasks
30.times {value ->
group.task(new Runnable() {
void run() {
println 'Starting ' + Thread.currentThread()
sleep 5000
println 'Finished ' + Thread.currentThread()
group.task {
results << -1 //stop the consumer eventually
//get results
while (true) {
def result = results.val
println result
if (result == -1) break
//process result
