Android Studio Error when Creating New Project - android-studio

I started the Android Studio and tried to create New Project and got the error.
Click Here for Screenshot
The error is: Your Android SDK is missing, out of date or missing templates. But, Android SDK is already installed in the directory.

It seems that you Android SDK is having problems.
Have you checked already?
On the bottom right of the Menu, Click on "configure"
Check if the location of your SDK is correct.
If the problem persists, try to reinstall the Android Studio.


Can't access android SDK in android studio settings

I downloaded the latest android studio version, and trying to load some code from github, but when it was trying to open it, it asked me for the sdk location. I gave it but nothing changed. Then I went to settings to checks what's up there and noticed that the android sdk tab doesn't load.
Picture from settings
What could be causing this?

Cannot create new Flutter project

I'm trying to create a new flutter project and start the fist app. When open android studio and click "create new Flutter application", set project name, then click next. At this point, Android Studio freezes.
Click create Flutter App
Set project name and select flutter sdk path.
select design pattern
then click finish
Android studio freezes when I get to the fourth step.
That might happening because of your system configuration. This is the minimum system requirement Google decided for installing android studio:
If your system doesn't meet the minimum above try Installing Visual Studio Code (VSCode) from here. And try to configure your first project through this tutorials.
Alternatively, you can create a new project in terminal..
flutter create <name>
Hope it helps..!
Flutter doesn't tell you, but if you try to run any flutter command such as "create project" or "doctor" without administrator rights your CLI or IDE will freeze.
Try running Android Studio as administrator.

How to open an existing Flutter Project in Android Studio

I might sound noob here but I can't see a clear way of opening existing Flutter Project in Android Studio 3.1.2.
I checked this but it didn't work. So I want to know if there is a standard IDE way of doing this? I also can't find any docs clearly mentioning it. Do I need to install a 3rd party plugin?
After opening it as an Existing Android Studio Project, I get the following error:
The error is solved by running Get Dependencies. Is it a normal behavior?
Install Flutter plugin for Android studio:
Open Android Studio
Open existing Android Studio project by using one of below methods:
EASIEST WAY: Drag your project folder and drop to Android Studio.
Other ways:
What works for me was to open existing Android Studio project like mentioned above, and then go to menu
Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
Then configuration window will open and ask you to locate flutter sdk. After locating the sdk, click OK and then the flutter functions will be available (Pub buttons, runs menu). After that you can proceed to get the dependencies (pub get).
It's basically cleaning the project folder of previous setting(s) which might conflicting with the system (android studio). But that won't happen if you get the project from source repository because all of the junk files wont be in the project folder.
The quickest way on macOS is
open -a Android\ Studio android when you are in the root project directory.
Alternatively, if you use the jetbrains toolbox, you can enable "Shell Scripts" in its settings. This will create a binary in the folder of your choice, so you have to add this folder to your PATH. Then, you can use studio . inside the Android folder, or studio android in the flutter project. The benefit of this, is it also works with other Jetbrains products (e.g. charm project_dir or clion project_dir. Unfortunately this method glitches out (for pycharm at least).
Looks like Android Studio can't load Android Application module from Flutter project automatically. I also have same problem, so in my situation Gradle can't be found, because of lack of Android project.
There's important note from official site:
Important: Do not use the New > Project from existing sources option for Flutter projects
I suggest, same is for Open option.
Just Open your project as normal, and then in [Android Studio > Preferences > Languages&Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK path] select the path where you downloaded & unpacked Flutter SDK.
I know it's already late, but you can open an existing Flutter project in Android Studio by following these steps (make sure you have already installed Flutter & Dart plugin and Flutter SDK):
Click Open from File menu in Android Studio,
Go to the path of the project,
Click Open from the dialog,
When the project opens in Android studio, it will show an error of packages and dependencies. So, click on Get Dependencies on the top. Android Studio will automatically add all the required dependencies and packages.
There is a simple way of doing this in android:
Just Open your project as normal, and on the top right corner, click on Flutter Attach option, and voila!
See Attached screen grab!
Usually you can open your Flutter project in Android Studio simply when you right click on the android folder > Flutter > Open Android module in Android Studio but sometimes this option could be disabled, check this answer to enable..

Android Studio - Cannot see an option to create AVD or SDK Manager

This is my first time using Android Studio, and i probably am missing something silly.
On following the React Native getting started guide - , I remember i did setup the Android SDK, HAXM and virtual device. But i don't see any such options on my Android Studio.
Some screenshots -
AVD is not present under Tools -
On Help>Find action , there is no "sdk manager"
Appearance & Behavior → System Settings does not have "Android SDK" either.
Also i see this message at the bottom. Im not even trying to save anyting, this just popps up when i start Android Studio -
I'm on a windows machine currently, the project "AwesomeProject" is created using react-native cli.. and i've tried reinstalling Android Studio too. Your help is appreciated.
If you have set android home and path in your bash then you can access the sdk manager and avd from the terminal.
For avd - 'android avd'
For sdk manager - 'android'
It seems something broke when i closed the amulator via the windows task manager. What i did then was manually delete android studio (shift+delete).. then installed Android Studio normally, and the SDKs.
Now things work fine.

Android Studio Clicking on "Project Structure " not working

I have met a strange question about Android Studio and I have tried to find a solution on the Internet but it failed.
Here is my question:
I open the Android Studio and the project can be installed to my device correctly. However, when I tried to open the Project Structure, it failed without any response. I just clicked on the button below but the Project Structure dialog didn't show up:
I have SDK installed below:
Please help me how to open the Project Structure dialog.
I have found a method to avoid my problem. My way is that uninstalling my sdk which version is Android 4.4. After doing that my project structure shows up. try deleting your current sdk for an attempt.
