doc2vec: Pull documents from inferred document - doc2vec

i am new in word/paragraph embedding and trying to understand via doc2vec in GENSIM. I would like to seek advice on whether my understanding is incorrect. My understanding is that doc2vec is potentially able to return documents that may have semantically similar content. As a test, i tried the following and have the following questions.
Question 1: I noted that every run of training with the exact same parameters and examples will result in a model that produces very different results from previous trains (E.g. Different vectors and different ranking of similar documents eveytime).. Why is this so indeterministic? As such, can this be reliably used for any practical work?
Question 2: Why am i not getting the tag ids of the top similar documents instead?
Results: [('day',0.477),('2016',0.386)....
Question 2 answer: The problem was due to model.most_similar, should use model.docvecs.most_similar instead
Please advise if i misunderstood anything?
Data prep
I had created multiple documents with a sentence each. I had deliberately made it such that they are distinctly different semantically.
A: It is a fine summer weather, with the birds singing and sun shining bright.
B: It is a lovely day indeed, if only i had a degree in appreciating.
C: 2016-2017 Degree in Earth Science Earthly University
D: 2009-2010 Dip in Life and Nature Life College
Query: Degree in Philosophy from Thinking University from 2009 to 2010
I trained the documents (tokens as words, running index as tag)
docstring=['It is a fine summer weather, with the birds singing and sun shining bright.',
'It is a lovely day indeed, if only i had a degree in appreciating.',
'2016-2017 Degree in Earth Science Earthly University',
'2009-2010 Dip in Life and Nature Life College']
for para in docstring:
tokens=tokenize(para) #This will also strip punctuation
td=TaggedDocument(gensim.utils.to_unicode(str.encode(' '.join(tokens))).split(), str(counter))
model=gensim.models.Doc2Vec(tdlist,dm=0,alpha=0.025, size=20, min_alpha=0.025, min_count=0)
for epoch in range(200):
model.train(tdlist, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.iter)
I then attempted to infer the query. Although they are many missing words in the vocab for the query, i would expect closest document similarity results for C and D. But the results only gave me a list of 'words' followed by a similarity score. I am unsure if my understanding is wrong. Below is my code extract.
mydocvector=model.infer_vector(['Degree' ,'in' ,'Philosophy' ,'from' ,'Thinking' ,'University', 'from', '2009', 'to', '2010'])

Doc2Vec doesn't work well on toy-sized datasets - few documents, few total words, few words per document. You'll absolutely want more documents than vector dimensions (size), and ideally tens-of-thousands of documents or more.
The second argument to TaggedDocument should be a list of tags. By supplying a single string-of-an-int, each of its elements (characters) will be seen as tags. (With just documents 1 to 4 this won't yet hurt, but as soon as you have document 10, Doc2Vec will see it as tags 1 and 0, unless you supply it as ['10'] (a single-element list).
Yes, to find most-similar documents you use model.docvecs.most_similar() rather than model.most_similar() (which only operates on learned words, if any).
You are using dm=0 mode, which is a pretty good starting idea – it's fast and often a top-performer. But note that this mode doesn't train word-vectors too. So anything you ask for from the top model, like model['summer'] or model.most_similar('sun'), will be nonsense results based on randomly-initialized but never-trained words. (If you need words trained too, either add dbow_words=1 to the dm=0 mode, or use a dm=1 mode. But for pure doc-vectors, dm=0 is a pretty good choice.)
There's no need to call train() in a loop - or indeed at all, given the line above it. The form you've used to instantiate Doc2Vec, with an actual corpus tdlist as the first argument, already triggers model-setup and training, using the default number of iter passes (5) and the supplied alpha and min_alpha. Now, for Doc2Vec training you often want more passes (10 to 20 are common, though smaller datasets might benefit from even more). And for any training, for properly gradient-descent, you want the effective learning-rate alpha to gradually decline to a negligible value, such as the default 0.0001 (rather than a forced same-as-starting value).
The only situation where you'd usually call train() explicitly is if you instantiate the model without a corpus. In that case, you'd need to both call model.build_vocab(tdlist) (to let the model initialize with a discovered vocabulary), and then some form of train() - but you'd still need only one call to train, supplying the desired number of passes. (Allowing the default model.iter 5 passes, inside an outer loop of 200 iterations, means a total of 1000 passes over the data... and all at the same fixed alpha, which is not proper gradient-descent.)
When you have a beefier dataset, you may find results improve with a higher min_count. Usually words that appear only a few times can't contribute much meaning, and thus only serve as noise slowing training and interfering with other vectors becoming more expressive. (Don't assume "more words must equal better results".) Throwing out the singletons, or more, usually helps.
Regarding inference, almost none of the words in your inference text are in the training set. (I only see 'Degree', 'in', and 'University' repeated.) So in addition to all the issues above, inferring a good vector for the example text would be hard. With a richer training set, you'd likely get better results. It also often helps to increase the steps optional parameter to infer_vector() far above its default of 5.


Is there a good way to summarize a given text to specific length?

1. Why asking
I'm doing a regression task using transformers.BertModel (i.e. passing a text to the model, output a score for the text). To my knowledge, Bert can only receive max_length=512 input and my average training data length is 593. Of course, I can use truncation and padding to modify the input, but this can result in a loss in the performance (I'm aware of this by comparing "tail_truncate" and "head_truncate" result, also with some domain knowledge).
2. What is the problem
I want to apply a text summary preprocessor for my input text, the expected output text length should be no more than 510 but as near as possible (i.e. I don't want a one-line summary). Is there a method, a model, a library exists to do so?
3. What I've tried
As I've mentioned above, I have tried to implement tail truncation. For any given text, simply text[-511:-1] (consider the special token [CLS] and [SEP], the actual text length should be 510) then pass to the Bert Model. This improved 2% performance on my task and it is expected since the nature of the text.
The problem is that there are quite a few texts length more than 512 (or even 800), a truncation could lose tons of useful information. I think text summary could be a way out and there should be existing solutions since it's a heavily demanded NLP task. However, I can only find whether TextRank, LSA methods (provided by library PyTextRank) that tells you which sentence is more important, or give you a "one-line" summary (provided by library PaddleNLP)
More details about the texts:
The task is that given a commutation verdict, predict the reduction of months in jail.
The corpus is in Chinese, and it structured like this: what crime did the criminal committed, how does he/she behave in jail, what is the judge's opinion toward commutation.

Why word embedding technique works

I have look into some word embedding techniques, such as
CBOW: from context to single word. Weight matrix produced used as embedding vector
Skip gram: from word to context (from what I see, its acutally word to word, assingle prediction is enough). Again Weight matrix produced used as embedding
Introduction to these tools would always quote "cosine similarity", which says words of similar meanning would convert to similar vector.
But these methods all based on the 'context', account only for words around a target word. I should say they are 'syntagmatic' rather than 'paradigmatic'. So why the close in distance in a sentence indicate close in meaning? I can think of many counter example that frequently occurs
"Have a good day". (good and day are vastly different, though close in distance).
"toilet" "washroom" (two words of similar meaning, but a sentence contains one would unlikely to contain another)
Any possible explanation?
This sort of "why" isn't a great fit for StackOverflow, but some thoughts:
The essence of word2vec & similar embedding models may be compression: the model is forced to predict neighbors using far less internal state than would be required to remember the entire training set. So it has to force similar words together, in similar areas of the parameter space, and force groups of words into various useful relative-relationships.
So, in your second example of 'toilet' and 'washroom', even though they rarely appear together, they do tend to appear around the same neighboring words. (They're synonyms in many usages.) The model tries to predict them both, to similar levels, when typical words surround them. And vice-versa: when they appear, the model should generally predict the same sorts of words nearby.
To achieve that, their vectors must be nudged quite close by the iterative training. The only way to get 'toilet' and 'washroom' to predict the same neighbors, through the shallow feed-forward network, is to corral their word-vectors to nearby places. (And further, to the extent they have slightly different shades of meaning – with 'toilet' more the device & 'washroom' more the room – they'll still skew slightly apart from each other towards neighbors that are more 'objects' vs 'places'.)
Similarly, words that are formally antonyms, but easily stand-in for each-other in similar contexts, like 'hot' and 'cold', will be somewhat close to each other at the end of training. (And, their various nearer-synonyms will be clustered around them, as they tend to be used to describe similar nearby paradigmatically-warmer or -colder words.)
On the other hand, your example "have a good day" probably doesn't have a giant influence on either 'good' or 'day'. Both words' more unique (and thus predictively-useful) senses are more associated with other words. The word 'good' alone can appear everywhere, so has weak relationships everywhere, but still a strong relationship to other synonyms/antonyms on an evaluative ("good or bad", "likable or unlikable", "preferred or disliked", etc) scale.
All those random/non-predictive instances tend to cancel-out as noise; the relationships that have some ability to predict nearby words, even slightly, eventually find some relative/nearby arrangement in the high-dimensional space, so as to help the model for some training examples.
Note that a word2vec model isn't necessarily an effective way to predict nearby words. It might never be good at that task. But the attempt to become good at neighboring-word prediction, with fewer free parameters than would allow a perfect-lookup against training data, forces the model to reflect underlying semantic or syntactic patterns in the data.
(Note also that some research shows that a larger window influences word-vectors to reflect more topical/domain similarity – "these words are used about the same things, in the broad discourse about X" – while a tiny window makes the word-vectors reflect a more syntactic/typical similarity - "these words are drop-in replacements for each other, fitting the same role in a sentence". See for example Levy/Goldberg "Dependency-Based Word Embeddings", around its Table 1.)
‘Embedding’ mean a semantic vector representation. e.g. how to represent words such that synonyms are nearer than antonyms or other unrelated words.
Embeddings algorithms like Word2vec maps entities be it e-commerce
items or words (say in English language), to N-dimensional vectors.
Now since you have a mathematical representation of the entities in
a Euclidean space, you can use associated semantics such as distance
between vectors. e.g:
For a given item say ‘Levis Jeans’ recommend the most related items
which are often co-purchased with it.
This can be easily done: search the nearest vectors to the vector of
‘Levis Jeans’, and recommend them. You will find that the nearest
vectors correspond to items such as T-shirts etc., which are
relevant to the Levis Jeans. Similarly it preserves
distance/similarity between words e.g.: King - Queen = Man - Woman !
Yes, Word2vec captures such co-occurrance relationships, when
mapping the items/words to vectors also called as ‘item/word
This is not specifically targeted to sentence embeddings but nevertheless here you get some crucial insights extremely relevant to the core logic behind embedding generation. Read till the end.

Getting less than 1 score while trying to check the cosine similarities of same document

I have used doc2vec to find the similarities in multiple documents, but when i am checking the same document which i created my model, the score should be '1' right? as the used document and the to be predict document is same. Sadly, I am getting different score when trying to find the similarities. Below is the attached code. Please tell me how to make this right, I can't find what is wrong here. Pleas help me...doc2vec - calculating document cosine similarity
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
df['Tagged_data'] = df['sent_to_word_tokenize_text'].apply(lambda x: [TaggedDocument(d, [i]) for i, d in enumerate(x)])
sadguru_model = Doc2Vec(df['Tagged_data'][0], vector_size = 1000, window = 500, dm = 1, min_count = 1, workers = 2, epochs = 100)
test_doc = word_tokenize(' '.join([word for word in df['Sentence_Tokenized_Text'][0]]))
# Sadguru model document
index0 = sadguru_model.docvecs.most_similar(positive=sadguru_model.infer_vector(test_doc)], topn =1) output: index0 = [(4014, 0.5270981788635254)]
output: index0 = [(4014, 0.5270981788635254)]
Doc2Vec doesn't discover true, unique vectors for every input document. Rather, it progressively learns useful-approximation vectors, using an internal algorithm that itself makes use of a lot of random initialization and random sampling. As a result:
if your training data includes the same document (same words) twice, with different document-ids, they won't get identical vectors
re-inferring vectors on a trained model, with the exact same words as an in-training document, won't result in identical vectors to the same original document
For more info, see the Gensim FAQ questions 11 & 12.
If your data & parameters are sufficient, then you can expect that two identical documents should have "very close" vectors, and a re-inference of the same document-words creates a vector "very close" to the same document in the original training set. (There's no precise definition of "very close", but in a working model, such same-word documents will be closer to each other than other documents in the training set.)
So you should expect 'high' similarities approaching 1.0, but essentially never 1.0 exactly, unless you've made two identical vectors on purpose with a lot of special effort.
However, you're not even seeing that 'very close' result, because it looks like your training parameters (and probably, training corpus) are way out-of-whack compared to normal or best practices. Specifically:
A vector_size=1000 is only appropriate for gigantic datasets, of millions (ideally tens-of-millions) of documents. If you're using vectors larger than your data can fill with meaningful distinctions, your models' results will appear increasingly random - especially in the case of identical or very-similar documents, because now instead of the stochastic, iterative process gradually nudging them to the same 'neighborhood' of values, they could wind up all over the place.
A window=500 is unprecedented. The default is 5, sometimes values up to 20 are used, or occasionally giant values **if and only if* the documents themselves are tiny, such that the effective window is still just "the whole document of a manageable size". On a real-sized corpus with documents over 500 words, window=500 would be amazingly expensive to calculate & likely result if far-worse vectors than a more typical value.
A min_count=1 is almost always a bad idea. Words that appear only once, or a few times, don't have the variety of subtly-varying uses that are needed for Doc2Vec (& related algorithms like Word2Vec, FastText, etc) to learn meaningful representations. Instead, single/rare uses contribute weird nonrepresentative examples, and often just function as noise preventing other words with enough examples from being better-understood. Far more people should be increasing the value over 5, as their training data grows, than reducing it.
An epochs=100 is highly uncommon, mostly used if struggling to squeeze some results from insufficient data by intensively re-training on it. (The cases where that makes the most sense would also be those where, due to small data, you decrease the vector_size to below the default of 100.) For Doc2Vec, epochs of 10-20 is most common in published results.
Try a vector_size no larger than the square root of the count of unique documents you have, leave the min_count at its default (or at least 2), leave the window at its default (unless you specifically have very-small documents), and try epochs=20 (unless you have very few documents and find improvement with slightly more).
Then you'll likely find your self-similarity test to return some high value – perhaps 0.9 or more – rather than 0.52, but still not 1.0.

Information Retrieval: How to combine different word results when using tf-idf?

Let's say I have a user search query which looks like:
"the happy bunny"
I have already computed tf-idf and have something like this (following are made up example values) for each document in which I am searching (of coures the idf is always the same):
tf idf score
the 0.06 1 0.06 * 1 = 0.06
happy 0.002 20 0.002 * 20 = 0.04
bunny 0.0005 60 0.0005 * 60 = 0.03
I have two questions with what to do next.
Firstly, the still has the highest score, even though it is adjusted for rarity by idf, still it's not exactly important - do you think I should square the idf values to weight in terms of rare words, or would this give bad results? Otherwise I'm worried that the is getting equal importance to happy and bunny, and it should be obvious that bunny is the most important word in the search. As long as rare always equals important then it would be always a good idea to weight in terms of rarity, but if that is not always the case then doing so could really mess up the results.
Secondly and more importantly: what is the best/preferred method for combining the scores for each word together to give each document a single score that represents how well it reflects the entire search query? I was thinking of adding them, but it has become apparent that that is going to give higher priority to a document containing 10,000 happy but only 1 bunny instead of another document with 500 happy and 500 bunny (which would be a better match).
First, make sure that you are computing the correct TF-IDF values. As others have pointed they do not look right. TF is relative to specific documents, and we often do not need to compute them for queries (since raw term frequency is almost always 1 in queries). There are different types of TF functions to pick from (check the Wikipedia page on tf-idf, it has a good coverage). Log Normalisation is common and the most efficient scheme, since it saves an extra disk access to get the respective document's total frequency maxF that is needed for something like Double Normalisation. When you are dealing with large volumes of documents this can be expensive, especially if you can't bring these into memory. A bit of insight on inverted files can go a long way in understanding some of the underlying complexities. Log normalisation is efficient and is a non-linear function, therefore better than raw frequency.
Once you are certain on your weighting scheme, then you may want to consider a stop list to get rid of very common/noisy words. These do not contribute to the rank of documents. It is generally recommended to use a stop list of high frequency, very common words. Do a search and you will find many available, including the one that Lucene uses.
The remaining lies on your ranking strategy and that will depend on your implementation/model. The vector space model (VSM) is simple and readily available with libraries like Lucene, Lemur, etc. VSM computes the Dot product or scalar of the weights of common terms between the query and a document. Term weights are normalised via vector length normalisation (which solves your second question), and the result of applying the model is a value between 0 and 1. This is also justified/interpreted as the Cosine of the angle between two vectors in a planar graph, or the Euclidean distance divided by the Euclidean vector length of two vectors.
One of the earliest comprehensive studies on weighting schemes and ranking with VSM is an article by Salton (pdf) and is a good read if you are interested in Information Retrieval. A bit outdated perhaps (notice how log normalisation is not mentioned in the article).
Your best read I believe is the book Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher Manning. It will take you through everything that you need to know, from indexing to ranking schemes, etc. A bit lacking on ranking models (does not cover some of the more complex probabilistic approaches).
You should reconsider your TF and IDF values, they do not look correct. The TF value is usually just how often the word occurs, so if the word "the" appeared 20 times it's tf value would be 20. A word like "the" should have a very low IDF value (possibly around 4 decimal places, 0.000...).
You could use stop word removal if word like the are not necessary, they would be removed rather than just given a low score.
A vector space model could be used for this.
can you compute tf-idf for amalgamated terms? That is, you first generate a sentiment that considers each of its component as equal before treating the sentiment as a single term for which you now compute the tf-idf

Supervised Learning for User Behavior over Time

I want to use machine learning to identify the signature of a user who converts to a subscriber of a website given their behavior over time.
Let's say my website has 6 different features which can be used before subscribing and users can convert to a subscriber at any time.
For a given user I have stats which represent the intensity on a continuous range of that user's interaction with features 1-6 on a daily basis so:
D1: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D2: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D3: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D4: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
Let's say on day 5, the user converts.
What machine using algorithms would help me identify which are the most common patterns in feature usage which lead to a conversion?
(I know this is a super basic classification question, but I couldn't find a good example using longitudinal data, where input vectors are ordered by time like I have)
To develop the problem further, let's assume that each feature has 3 intensities at which the user can interact (H, M, L).
We can then represent each user as a string of states of interaction intensity. So, for a user:
Would mean on day one they only interacted significantly with features 5 and 6, but by the third day they were interacting highly with features 3 through 6.
N-gram Style
I could make these states words and the lifetime of a user a sentence. (Would probably need to add a "conversion" word to the vocabulary as well)
If I ran these "sentences" through an n-gram model, I could get the likely future state of a user given his/her past few state which is somewhat interesting. But, what I really want to know the most common sets of n-grams that lead to the conversion word. Rather than feeding in an n-gram and getting the next predicted word, I want to give the predicted word and get back the 10 most common n-grams (from my data) which would be likely to lead to the word.
Amaç Herdağdelen suggests identifying n-grams to practical n and then counting how many n-gram states each user has. Then correlating with conversion data (I guess no conversion word in this example). My concern is that there would be too many n-grams to make this method practical. (if each state has 729 possibilities, and we're using trigrams, thats a lot of possible trigrams!)
Alternatively, could I just go thru the data logging the n-grams which led to the conversion word and then run some type of clustering on them to see what the common paths are to a conversion?
Survival Style
Suggested by Iterator, I understand the analogy to a survival problem, but the literature here seems to focus on predicting time to death as opposed to the common sequence of events which leads to death. Further, when looking up the Cox Proportional Hazard model, I found that it does not event accommodate variables which change over time (its good for differentiating between static attributes like gender and ethnicity)- so it seems very much geared toward a different question than mine.
Decision Tree Style
This seems promising though I can't completely wrap my mind around how to structure the data. Since the data is not flat, is the tree modeling the chance of moving from one state to another down the line and when it leads to conversion or not? This is very different than the decision tree data literature I've been able to find.
Also, need clarity on how to identify patterns which lead to conversion instead a models predicts likely hood of conversion after a given sequence.
Theoretically, hidden markov models may be a suitable solution to your problem. The features on your site would constitute the alphabet, and you can use the sequence of interactions as positive or negative instances depending on whether a user finally subscribed or not. I don't have a guess about what the number of hidden states should be, but finding a suitable value for that parameter is part of the problem, after all.
As a side note, positive instances are trivial to identify, but the fact that a user has not subscribed so far doesn't necessarily mean s/he won't. You might consider to limit your data to sufficiently old users.
I would also consider converting the data to fixed-length vectors and apply conceptually simpler models that could give you some intuition about what's going on. You could use n-grams (consecutive interaction sequences of length n).
As an example, assuming that the interaction sequence of a given user ise "f1,f3,f5", "f1,f3,f5" would constitute a 3-gram (trigram). Similarly, for the same user and the same interaction sequence you would have "f1,f3" and "f3,f5" as the 2-grams (bigrams). In order to represent each user as a vector, you would identify all n-grams up to a practical n, and count how many times the user employed a given n-gram. Each column in the vector would represent the number of times a given n-gram is observed for a given user.
Then -- probably with the help of some suitable normalization techniques such as pointwise mutual information or tf-idf -- you could look at the correlation between the n-grams and the final outcome to get a sense of what's going on, carry out feature selection to find the most prominent sequences that users are involved in, or apply classification methods such as nearest neighbor, support machine or naive Bayes to build a predictive model.
This is rather like a survival analysis problem: over time the user will convert or will may drop out of the population, or will continue to appear in the data and not (yet) fall into neither camp. For that, you may find the Cox proportional hazards model useful.
If you wish to pursue things from a different angle, namely one more from the graphical models perspective, then a Kalman Filter may be more appealing. It is a generalization of HMMs, suggested by #AmaçHerdağdelen, which work for continuous spaces.
For ease of implementation, I'd recommend the survival approach. It is the easiest to analyze, describe, and improve. After you have a firm handle on the data, feel free to drop in other methods.
Other than Markov chains, I would suggest decision trees or Bayesian networks. Both of these would give you a likely hood of a user converting after a sequence.
I forgot to mention this earlier. You may also want to take a look at the Google PageRank algorithm. It would help you account for the user completely disappearing [not subscribing]. The results of that would help you to encourage certain features to be used. [Because they're more likely to give you a sale]
I think Ngramm is most promising approach, because all sequnce in data mining are treated as elements depndent on few basic steps(HMM, CRF, ACRF, Markov Fields) So I will try to use classifier based on 1-grams and 2 -grams.
