How can I sum multiple columns in Spark? For example, in SparkR the following code works to get the sum of one column, but if I try to get the sum of both columns in df, I get an error.
# Create SparkDataFrame
df <- createDataFrame(faithful)
# Use agg to sum total waiting times
head(agg(df, totalWaiting = sum(df$waiting)))
##This works
# Use agg to sum total of waiting and eruptions
head(agg(df, total = sum(df$waiting, df$eruptions)))
##This doesn't work
Either SparkR or PySpark code will work.
For PySpark, if you don't want to explicitly type out the columns:
from operator import add
from functools import reduce
new_df = df.withColumn('total',reduce(add, [F.col(x) for x in numeric_col_list]))
you can do something like the below in pyspark
>>> from pyspark.sql import functions as F
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([("a",1,10), ("b",2,20), ("c",3,30), ("d",4,40)], ["col1", "col2", "col3"])
>>> df.groupBy("col1").agg(F.sum(df.col2+df.col3)).show()
|col1|sum((col2 + col3))|
| d| 44|
| c| 33|
| b| 22|
| a| 11|
org.apache.spark.sql.functions.sum(Column e)
Aggregate function: returns the sum of all values in the expression.
As you can see, sum takes just one column as input so sum(df$waiting, df$eruptions) wont work.Since you wan to sum up the numeric fields, you can dosum(df("waiting") + df("eruptions")).If you wan to sum up values for individual columns then, you can df.agg(sum(df$waiting),sum(df$eruptions)).show
sparkR code:
df <- createDataFrame(sqlContext,faithful)
You can use expr():
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
numeric_cols = ['col_a','col_b','col_c']
df = df.withColumn('total', f.expr('+'.join(cols)))
PySpark expr() is a SQL function to execute SQL-like expressions.
I have a dataframe in pyspark which I read as follow:
df = spark.table('db.table')
F.to_date('move_out_date', 'yyyyMMdd').alias('move_out_date'))
Now I want to compare the move_out_date column with a date which is 20151231. But the code below isn't working
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df.filter(F.datediff(F.col('move_out_date'), F.to_date('20151231', 'yyyyMMdd')) > 0)
How do you compare to_date columns with one single value?
It's because to_date() expects a column as parameter and you are passing a string. To solve add lit() as parameter and the date that you want compare.
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
from pyspark import Row
from import spark
df = spark.createDataFrame([
Row(key=1, date='20151231'),
Row(key=2, date='20160101'),
Row(key=3, date='20160102')
df ='key').alias('key_a'),
f.to_date(f.col('date'), 'yyyyMMdd').alias('move_out_date'))
df = df.filter(f.datediff(f.col('move_out_date'), f.to_date(f.lit('20151231'), format='yyyyMMdd')) > 0)
| 2| 2016-01-01|
| 3| 2016-01-02|
I Have Dataframe,I want get first value and last value from DataFrame column.
|test|count| support|
| A| 5| 0.23809523809523808|
| B| 5| 0.23809523809523808|
| C| 4| 0.19047619047619047|
| G| 2| 0.09523809523809523|
| K| 2| 0.09523809523809523|
| D| 1|0.047619047619047616|
expecting output is from support column first,last value i.e x=[0.23809523809523808,0.047619047619047616.]
You may use collect but the performance is going to be terrible since the driver will collect all the data, just to keep the first and last items. Worse than that, it will most likely cause an OOM error and thus not work at all if you have a big dataframe.
Another idea would be to use agg with the first and last aggregation function. This does not work! (because the reducers do not necessarily get the records in the order of the dataframe)
Spark offers a head function, which makes getting the first element very easy. However, spark does not offer any last function. A straightforward approach would be to sort the dataframe backward and use the head function again.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
Finally, since it is a shame to sort a dataframe simply to get its first and last elements, we can use the RDD API and zipWithIndex to index the dataframe and only keep the first and the last elements.
size = df.count()
.filter(lambda x : x[1] == 0 or x[1] == size-1)\
.map(lambda x : x[0].support)\
You can try indexing the data frame see below example:
df = <your dataframe>
first_record = df.collect()[0]
last_record = df.collect()[-1]
You have to pass the column name as well.
df = <your dataframe>
first_record = df.collect()[0]['column_name']
last_record = df.collect()[-1]['column_name']
Since version 3.0.0, spark also have DataFrame function called
.tail() to get the last value.
This will return List of Row objects:
I am using pyspark to read a parquet file like below:
my_df ='hdfs://myPath/myDB.db/myTable/**')
Then when I do my_df.take(5), it will show [Row(...)], instead of a table format like when we use the pandas data frame.
Is it possible to display the data frame in a table format like pandas data frame? Thanks!
The show method does what you're looking for.
For example, given the following dataframe of 3 rows, I can print just the first two rows like this:
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("baz", 3)], ('k', 'v'))
which yields:
| k| v|
|foo| 1|
|bar| 2|
only showing top 2 rows
As mentioned by #Brent in the comment of #maxymoo's answer, you can try
to get a prettier table in Jupyter. But this can take some time to run if you are not caching the spark dataframe. Also, .limit() will not keep the order of original spark dataframe.
Let's say we have the following Spark DataFrame:
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
(1, "Mark", "Brown"),
(2, "Tom", "Anderson"),
(3, "Joshua", "Peterson")
('id', 'firstName', 'lastName')
There are typically three different ways you can use to print the content of the dataframe:
Print Spark DataFrame
The most common way is to use show() function:
| id|firstName|lastName|
| 1| Mark| Brown|
| 2| Tom|Anderson|
| 3| Joshua|Peterson|
Print Spark DataFrame vertically
Say that you have a fairly large number of columns and your dataframe doesn't fit in the screen. You can print the rows vertically - For example, the following command will print the top two rows, vertically, without any truncation.
>>>, truncate=False, vertical=True)
-RECORD 0-------------
id | 1
firstName | Mark
lastName | Brown
-RECORD 1-------------
id | 2
firstName | Tom
lastName | Anderson
only showing top 2 rows
Convert to Pandas and print Pandas DataFrame
Alternatively, you can convert your Spark DataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame using .toPandas() and finally print() it.
>>> df_pd = df.toPandas()
>>> print(df_pd)
id firstName lastName
0 1 Mark Brown
1 2 Tom Anderson
2 3 Joshua Peterson
Note that this is not recommended when you have to deal with fairly large dataframes, as Pandas needs to load all the data into memory. If this is the case, the following configuration will help when converting a large spark dataframe to a pandas one:
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled", "true")
For more details you can refer to my blog post Speeding up the conversion between PySpark and Pandas DataFrames
Yes: call the toPandas method on your dataframe and you'll get an actual pandas dataframe !
By default show() function prints 20 records of DataFrame. You can define number of rows you want to print by providing argument to show() function. You never know, what will be the total number of rows DataFrame will have. So, we can pass df.count() as argument to show function, which will print all records of DataFrame. --> prints 20 records by default --> prints 30 records according to argument --> get total row count and pass it as argument to show
If you are using Jupyter, this is what worked for me:
dsp = users
This shows well-formated HTML table, you can also draw some simple charts on it straight away. For more documentation of %%display, type %%help.
Maybe something like this is a tad more elegant:
# OR'column1').display()
This question already has answers here:
Spark DataFrame: Computing row-wise mean (or any aggregate operation)
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Suppose I have a Dataset/Dataframe with following contents:-
name, marks1, marks2
Alice, 10, 20
Bob, 20, 30
I want to add a new column which should have the average of column B and C.
Expected Result:-
name, marks1, marks2, Result(Avg)
Alice, 10, 20, 15
Bob, 20, 30, 25
for Summing or any other arithmetic operation I use df.withColumn("xyz", $"marks1"+$"marks2"). I cannot find a similar way for Average. Please help.
Additionally:- The number of columns are not fixed. Like sometimes it might be average of 2 columns, sometimes 3 or even more. So I want a generic code which should work.
One of the easiest and optimized way is to create a list of columns of marks columns and use it with withColumn as
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
marksColumns = [col('marks1'), col('marks2')]
averageFunc = sum(x for x in marksColumns)/len(marksColumns)
df.withColumn('Result(Avg)', averageFunc).show(truncate=False)
and you should get
|name |marks1|marks2|Result(Avg)|
|Alice|10 |20 |15.0 |
|Bob |20 |30 |25.0 |
the process is almost same in scala as done in python above
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, lit}
val marksColumns = Array(col("marks1"), col("marks2"))
val averageFunc = marksColumns.foldLeft(lit(0)){(x, y) => x+y}/marksColumns.length
df.withColumn("Result(Avg)", averageFunc).show(false)
which should give you same output as in pyspark
I hope the answer is helpful
It's as easy as using User Defined Functions. By creating a specific UDF to deal with average of many columns, you will be able to reuse it as many times as you want.
In this snippet, I'm creating a UDF that takes an array of columns, and calculates the average of it.
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, array
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType
avg_cols = udf(lambda array: sum(array)/len(array), DoubleType())
df.withColumn("average", avg_cols(array("marks1", "marks2"))).show()
| name|marks1|marks2| average|
|Alice| 10| 20| 15.0|
| Bob| 20| 30| 25.0|
With the Scala API, you must process the selected columns as a Row. You just have to select the columns using the Spark struct function.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
import scala.util.Try
def average = udf((row: Row) => {
val values = => Try(x.toString.toDouble).toOption).filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get)
if(values.nonEmpty) values.sum / values.length else 0.0
df.withColumn("average", average(struct($"marks1", $"marks2"))).show()
As you can see, I'm casting all any values to Double with Try, so that if the value cannot be casted, it won't throw any exception, performing the average only on those columns that are defined.
And that's all :)
I have a very big pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame named df.
I need some way of enumerating records- thus, being able to access record with certain index. (or select group of records with indexes range)
In pandas, I could make just
Here I want something similar, (and without converting dataframe to pandas)
The closest I can get to is:
Enumerating all the objects in the original dataframe by:
df_indexed=df.withColumn('index', indexes)
Searching for values I need using where() function.
Why it doesn't work and how to make it working? How to add a row to a dataframe?
Would it work later to make something like:
df1.where("index in indexes").collect()
Any faster and simpler way to deal with it?
It doesn't work because:
the second argument for withColumn should be a Column not a collection. np.array won't work here
when you pass "index in indexes" as a SQL expression to where indexes is out of scope and it is not resolved as a valid identifier
PySpark >= 1.4.0
You can add row numbers using respective window function and query using Column.isin method or properly formated query string:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, rowNumber
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
w = Window.orderBy()
indexed = df.withColumn("index", rowNumber().over(w))
# Using DSL
# Using SQL expression
indexed.where("index in ({0})".format(",".join(str(x) for x in indexes)))
It looks like window functions called without PARTITION BY clause move all data to the single partition so above may be not the best solution after all.
Any faster and simpler way to deal with it?
Not really. Spark DataFrames don't support random row access.
PairedRDD can be accessed using lookup method which is relatively fast if data is partitioned using HashPartitioner. There is also indexed-rdd project which supports efficient lookups.
Independent of PySpark version you can try something like this:
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, LongType
row = Row("char")
row_with_index = Row("char", "index")
df = sc.parallelize(row(chr(x)) for x in range(97, 112)).toDF()
## +----+
## |char|
## +----+
## | a|
## | b|
## | c|
## | d|
## | e|
## +----+
## only showing top 5 rows
# This part is not tested but should work and save some work later
schema = StructType(
df.schema.fields[:] + [StructField("index", LongType(), False)])
indexed = (df.rdd # Extract rdd
.zipWithIndex() # Add index
.map(lambda ri: row_with_index(*list(ri[0]) + [ri[1]])) # Map to rows
.toDF(schema)) # It will work without schema but will be more expensive
# inSet in Spark < 1.3
If you want a number range that's guaranteed not to collide but does not require a .over(partitionBy()) then you can use monotonicallyIncreasingId().
from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonicallyIncreasingId"rowId"),"*")
Note though that the values are not particularly "neat". Each partition is given a value range and the output will not be contiguous. E.g. 0, 1, 2, 8589934592, 8589934593, 8589934594.
This was added to Spark on Apr 28, 2015 here:
from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id
df.withColumn("Atr4", monotonically_increasing_id())
If you only need incremental values (like an ID) and if there is no
constraint that the numbers need to be consecutive, you could use
monotonically_increasing_id(). The only guarantee when using this
function is that the values will be increasing for each row, however,
the values themself can differ each execution.
You certainly can add an array for indexing, an array of your choice indeed:
In Scala, first we need to create an indexing Array:
val index_array=(1 to df.count.toInt).toArray
index_array: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
You can now append this column to your DF. First, For that, you need to open up our DF and get it as an array, then zip it with your index_array and then we convert the new array back into and RDD. The final step is to get it as a DF:
final_df = sc.parallelize((
x=>(x(0),x(1))) zip index_array).map(
The indexing would be more clear after that.
monotonicallyIncreasingId() - this will assign row numbers in incresing order but not in sequence.
sample output with 2 columns:
| RowNo | Heading 2 |
| 1 | xy |
| 12 | xz |
If you want assign row numbers use following trick.
Tested in spark-2.0.1 and greater versions.
dfRowId = spark.sql("select *, row_number() over (partition by 0) as rowNo from df")
sample output with 2 columns:
| RowNo | Heading 2 |
| 1 | xy |
| 2 | xz |
Hope this helps.
Selecting a single row n of a Pyspark DataFrame, try:
df.where( == n).show()
Given a Pyspark DataFrame:
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, 143.5, 5.6, 28, 'M', 100000),\
(2, 167.2, 5.4, 45, 'M', None),\
(3, None , 5.2, None, None, None),\
], ['id', 'weight', 'height', 'age', 'gender', 'income'])
Selecting the 3rd row, try:
df.where('id == 3').show()
df.where( == 3).show()
Selecting multiple rows with rows' ids (the 2nd & the 3rd rows in this case), try:
id = {"2", "3"}