webpack-dev-server error on node js app deployment on gcloud - node.js

I am trying to deploy my node js application on gcloud app engine. Project uses web pack-dev-server as a dev dependency. When I run it on gcloud as a localhost using npm install all works fine and there is no compilation error. But when I am deploying using gcloud app deploy I get the error below.
> webpack-dev-server --content-base src --inline --hot --progres
ssh: 1:webpack-dev-server: not found
I tried giving root access to node_module folder. I am using node v6.11.0 and npm 3.6.0. Any idea what could be the issue?


Build Vue.js in production serve

I want to build the default template of Vue.js
vue init webpack
with this command
node build/build.js
Instead of having the same page that I have when running npm run dev I have a blank page.
Also I run npm run build
How to convert this site into a non-develop website ?
Vue version 2.9.6
Node version v8.15.1

Procfile commands was not found with dokku and node js

I'm trying to deploy my nuxt app with dokku but web:command was not found
i'm trying to run:
web: npm run start
but it gives me:
web:: command not found

Node server does not start when using yarn workspaces

I'm trying to use Yarn Workspaces to slit up my React. This is my folder structure.
app 1
app 2
The commonComponents folder is installed into the node_modules of app 1 and app 2.
While my builds succeed, I'm not able to startup my node server. The following error is thrown:
I assume that babel doesn't transpile correctly. Any help?

Deployment on IIS of Nestjs application

I have tried to deploy my Nestjs deploying on IIS server. I have configured iisnode on IIS that works fine for express application but I am getting errors for missing modules for nestjs. I have tried following commands for building production package
npm run start:prod
npm run webpack
but failed to deploy on IIS. How can I build a deployment package?? so I can deploy. I am new with nodejs and Nestjs.
Look at the project's package.json. You'll see that start:prod is a script that runs node on the compiled output of the project. You get the compiled output by running:
npm run prestart:prod
that will re-build your app into the dist folder.
So you can
Zip up the dist folder
deploy to the target host
Unzip it
Try running iisnode on it
let me know how that works

execute ng serve pointing to the angular directory from current directory

working with angular2 App, and i am writing .bat scripts to automate the angular build and serving the application, as part of the ng serve. I have to do like
c:\abc\edf>ng serve --server=d:\angualr2\demoApp
Here demoApp is angular2 and node_modules already installed i need to up the angulap app by my batch script.
Where as everyone knows it works and working for me too.
d:\angualr2\demoApp>ng serve
if you build the application, then you don't serve it with ng serve
the flag --server is unknown to me, and to the CLI documentation (--help)
If you have a path issue, start by goign into the right folder of your file explorer with cd D:\angular2\demoApp (not sure about it, I'm more of a Linux man)
ng works because NPM added it to your PATH. If you work on another computer, it won't work. Consider running with the local package with a npm command such as npm run build, where build: "ng build --prod"
