Headphones no sound - audio

Today I've connected my bluetooth headphones(Ausdom M08) with PC(via bluetooth dongle).
When I open Skype or Discord I hear no sound on youtube, browser and so on. It only works on Skype and Discord - bad sound, not stereo.
I checked in Sounds Options and I have Ausdom M08 Stereo and Ausdom M08 Hands-Free. First one is default device and second one is default communication device.
When I try to force Skype and Discord to use that default device for sound output I hear no sound then, too!
What I tried:
-Disabling Hands Free Telephony, but I lose microphone function then.
-Tried to uninstall drivers and install again. Still the same.
-Disabling enhancements and exclusive controls of devices.
Literally I tried everything I found on internet or that I thought it can be.
Nothing works.
So the question is: How to make my PC output Stereo Sound from my headphones and still to be able to use microphone from it?

There are a lot of missing information here: What PC dongle are you using? Which windows version?
From what I can see about the tech specs of Ausdom M08, it supports few basic profile (HSP/HFP/A2DP/AVRCP). A2DP profile lets you hear stereo audio (Ausdom M08 Stereo). HSP/HFP lets you use the microphone to Skype, but audio is limited to 8K-16K Hz sampling rate (Ausdom M08 Hands-Free). You can't use both Bluetooth profiles at the same time.
So to answer you question: You can't have stereo audio from your headphone while having microphone input.
There are proprietary codec developed by Qualcomm called aptX, which may support microphone over A2DP. But, you'll have to make sure both transmitter and receiver supports this codec.


Does Bluetooth 5.x / LE Audio also improve calls? (HSP/HFP profiles)

This article describes my main annoyance with Bluetooth: They are perfectly fine for listening to music with AptX (and the new LC3).
But till now, it was impossible to replace a "traditional" headset (whether wired or with a proprietary USB dongle) with a bluetooth headset because as soon as you activate the mic, it switches to the HSP/HFP profiles, which use low bitrate, bad codec mono audio, and quality drops to terrible.
That means I can't drop into discord and watch a movie. (Well I can, but audio will suck)
Has there been any progress on this with Bluetooth 5.x / Bluetooth LE Audio? Have the HSP/HFP profiles been updated to also use LC3, or are there new bi-directional profiles?
The LE audio website hilariously only focuses on hearing aids. The information content regarding microphone quality is damn near 0 (and the spec isn't out yet), but in one side remark of a talk there was a slight hint that microphone quality could be better.
This impression is aided by the new architecture allowing high quality audio and some microphone transmission simultaneously. The use case presented was talking to a voice assistant while listening to music, but one can hope it'll also apply to acceptable quality voice calls.
However, as for some reason regarding the topic, none of the so far available press releases by Qualcomm or Nordic Semiconductor are mentioning this as a feature.
there seems to be an extension called FastStream, which supports a voice backchannel in A2DP.
In that reddit post is a non authorative, non-exhaustive list of supported features per device. None of my BT headphones support FastStream, so I can not test that.

How to make A2DP and HSP work simultaneously

I have a bluetooth headset. When connecting it to Windows 10, it installs two profiles in Playback devices list:
Hands-Free. (HSP profile)
Stereo. (A2DP profile)
The Second one (Stereo) is set to be the "Default Device" and the "Default Communication Device" on the system.
When I start any program that uses the mic (recorder, chat, VoIP Calls, gaming, etc.) The sound suddenly stops working And I can only use the mic until I stop the recorder or the call.
To enable the sound again I need to make the Hands-Free (HSP) profile handle both input and output (sound and mic). Unfortunately, HSP gives really poor sound quality.
I want to know If there is a way, using code, I can change Bluetooth behavior so the two profiles work simultaneously. One handles the sound and one handles the mic so I can have high quality sound and use the mic at the same time.
You will probably never find a solution. I had the same problem (I was trying to create a walkie talkie with 2 headsets connected to the same smartphone).
On Windows (but also on Android) you can't access directly to a BT-microphone or BT-speaker because it is automatically detected as BT headset and the OS take the control of the device.
Your app can then access the OS-device and not directly the hardware device. The only OS able to do that was Symbian I think which had the most BT-protocols. On Windows you will probably never be able to do that and on Android you have to write your own A2DP-protocol if you want to access the device directly without OS interference.
So sad...
Luckily, under windows you can define different devices for communications and sound.
So, you have two choices:
Choosing Hands-free for both mic/speaker only for communication (which will switch back to A2DP after the call/teams).
Choosing another mic for communication which allow you to still use the speaker profile even in communication.
That is a bluetooth restriction : A2DP (high quality audio) cannot be use simultaneously with HFP (hands-free profile)

GetUserMedia get computer audio

I'm trying to share the computer's audio via webRTC and GetUserMedia, but I don't know if it is possible to obtain this stream.
On Linux and Firefox, when I request the GetUserMedia with the following constrains
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio:true})
In the popup I can choose alsa_output.pci and share the computer's audio. But when I tried on Chrome/Chromium or I changed to Windows neither Firefox nor Chrome show me any option to capture the internal audio, only my headset microphone.
Are there any option for the getUserMedia or any workaround to get this audio? I tried all the examples of WebRTC samples and Muaz's examples but no one displayed me this option, only Firefox under Linux.
There's no way to do this from the JavaScript code.
In Windows, you just have to use as input for WebRTC Stereo mix (or Wave out mix on some laptops/sound cards). If you don't have it on your list of recording devices, try to update your sound card driver. If you do have it in the list, but it is marked as Currently unavailable, then right click on it and select Set as Default Device. This would make it available.
If your sound card doesn't support Stereo mix, then you can use something like Virtual Audio Cable.

Audio output with A2DP and audio input with HFP can be used at the same time?

I want to develop the application to input the voice from the microphone of the Bluetooth headset and to output into the Bluetooth speaker.
I think that use of HFP to input and A2DP to output.
The two profile can be used at the same time?
I'm interested in this as well. From what I can find, it sounds possible but I've yet to see many hardware vendors specifically market it as a feature.
Creative recently released their BT-W2 bluetooth dongle that supports what they're calling a "voice-back channel". Might be similar to what we're talking about but it's hard to find tech specs that confirm it.
Below is a link to some documentation I found on the Bluetooth SIG website that appears to support the fact that it's possible. Maybe it'll help you:

Change flash player audio output device

Is there a way to change flash players audio output device? if not, is there a swf player who has this possibility? Thanks!
I had an issue until a few minutes ago regarding this.
Two audio devices are available to my XP box: an iMic USB audio I/O device, in which I have permanently plugged my desktop speakers; and a pair of USB headphones with microphone that I plug in occasionally.
The USB headset would take precedence over the USB iMic for applications because apps appear to access the last device plugged in to a USB port. With this in mind, here was my issue:
I would be listening to some Internettings on my USB headset.
Later, I would want to use my desktop speakers for the Internettings.
This entailed unplugging my headset, shutting down Firefox and opening it up again. Because the desktop speakers are considered the most recently plugged in device, they would be default for plugins.
This is damned annoying, I said to myself, and decided a little hacker mode was in order.
Keeping Firefox open, I used Task Manager to kill the "plugin-container.exe" process. This showed a crash screen on any Flash Player applet in Firefox. Then I unplug the headset, and reload the Web page with the applet. Without restarting Firefox, Flash will then play through my desktop speakers.
If I wish to listen on the headset again, I plug the headset in, kill plugin-container.exe, and reload the page. Wham.
For as rare as I intend to switch audio devices, this will cover up part of the mess Adobe left.
I am 99% sure that setting the audio device used by the flash player is something you would need to do on an OS level. You can change the device that flash uses for microphone and video input from the player's settings, but I don't think you can change audio output.
I have found a solution, at least for the Firefox browser, to direct HTML5 audio to a specific audio device:
Note: this is a new Firefox addon waiting to be reviewed developed by a friend of mine.
I have been waiting for this for years.
I wanted to use this when my wife is seeing YouTube on her Chrome browser and me seeing anything like Coursera online MOOC lectures (FF) on the TV which is connected to the pc. I wanted to hear my classes on the headset and my wife on the speakers for YouTube.
I have 2 mouses (one for me, wireless) and have installed a neat program called TeamPlayer which gives multiple cursors (each cursor for each mouse).
So I have now literally the capability of 2 persons working on 1 pc.
And on top of that it works seamlessly with "Enounce Myspeed" for speeding up the video lectures' playback.
