Foursquare - Venue Claim - foursquare

We're working on uploading businesses to Foursquare via the API option. We ran a test and have a question but first, here's some background on our situation:
We managed to get venues/add working however, we had issues with venues/claim.
When we attempted to claim a clinic which already existed on Foursquare,
we received the response code 403 and the following details:
{meta={code=403, errorType=not_authorized,
requestId=59416bb6db04f547b5e4b8a5, errorDetail=not authorized to
claim via api}, response={}, notifications=[{item={unreadCount=0},
The API documentation indicates that the user performing this API call “Must be venue manager”. We don’t know whether our account is a venue manager and foursquare hasn't been too helpful in telling us if it is or isn't.
Can anyone please let us know how can we become a venue manager?
We are going to have approximately 2,000 locations uploaded via API and of that amount, we anticipate existing clinics to be a reoccurring theme so any insights in making this an efficient process would be greatly appreciated!

Venue claims are generally not available via API. Business owners will usually go through this page ( to claim their business.
If you're interested in claiming via API, please send us a note at!


Instagram official public_content API vs unofficial JSON API

It seems that Instagram has two means of scraping public data. There is the official API for which you need to get an API key and permissions, as described in the guide For a tag-specific search, the official API uses the endpoint:{tag-name}?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
But it also seems that many people are scraping Instagram by using a different public API (which I think is the one accessed by the front-end of the website). This "unofficial" API uses the endpoint:{tag-name}/?__a=1
I cannot find any information regarding support for the "unofficial" version. Does anybody know what limitations may exist on this API? If this method of retrieving data satisfies the requirements of our application, is there any reason we should still engage the rigorous API token review process to get our application approved for "official" API public_content permissions?
As far as I know
Does anybody know what limitations may exist on this API?
It is a direct violation of Instagram terms of use as in here
10.We prohibit crawling, scraping, caching or otherwise accessing any content on the Service via automated means, including but not
to, user profiles and photos (except as may be the result of standard
search engine protocols or technologies used by a search engine with
Instagram's express consent).
And as a developer there is no grantee that these API remain
unchanged. so you probably experiencing system fail and be forced to
re develop parts of your code times to time.
Also it worth mentioning that users won't easily give you username
and passwords of their account, as the public API just requires
confirmation to access limited account resources.
is there any reason we should still engage the rigorous API token
review process to get our application approved for "official" API
public_content permissions?
Same as a bow

herenow api has been rolled out. Is there any way to get the checkedin userdetail?

We have integrated hereNow api in our appliction to show the checked in customers for the particular venue. Now because of the policy change in the hereNow api we are not getting any results. Is there any way to get the checkedin user details for the venue without being as a store manager?
No. The identities of users currently checked in to a venue are only available to apps making requests on the behalf of friends, other people checked in to the venue, or to a manager of the venue.

How can I retrieve the check-in object from foursquare by querying with a checkin id?

I have obtained the 4sq checkin id from twitter streaming api and I want to get the details of the checkin such as userid, time, venueid etc.
However, when I check the 4sq api, I find that the related endpoint requires an acting user. So can anybody suggest what could be an alternative way to get this information? (especially user_id)
Right now there is no alternative way:
The Checkin endpoint requires authentication, it will return the data you are looking for.
Foursquare requires you to act as a user (via OAuth) to get user related information.
The only thing that does not require authentication is the Venues Platform, but you cannot get information about checkins from it, just number of people who checked in a place.

Is it possible to get sharing stats for each checkin using the Foursquare API?

While reviewing the foursquare API documentation, I noticed that we can get stats on the number of checkins that were shared on Twitter and Facebook during a certain time period, thanks to the Venue Stats for our venue.
We'd like to get that information for each checkin, however. Is this currently possible with the API? The checkin object doesn't seem to include that information, but I might be looking at the wrong place.
Foursquare doesn't support retrieving that information at the single check-in level (neither in the merchant console, nor the API).

How to crawl foursquare check-in data?

Is it possible to crawl check-in data from foursquare in a greedy way? (even if I don't have friendship with all the users) Just like crawling publicly available twitter messages. If you have any experience or suggestions, please share. Thanks.
If you have publicly available tweets containing links to foursquare, you can resolve the foursquare short links ( by making a HEAD request. The head request will return a URL with a check-in ID and a signature. You can use those two values to retrieve a check-in object via the foursquare API /checkins/ endpoint. You're only allowed to access 500 of these per hour.
You must abide by both the Twitter and foursquare terms of service -- in fourquare's case, you may not display this information to anyone, nor may you retain any user information for more than 3 hours (since the user has not authorized your application).
You can only get the check-in data for a location if the manager of the location gives you OAuth access to your application. If you have that, you can use the real-time API defined here:
No, it is not possible to crawl check-in data similar to Twitter. This information is considered personal data and is not public.
You can crawl twitter data for foursquare data =)
