Massive azure wasp JSON folder(450 GB) read in spark optimized way - azure

i have processed file in azure spark . It takes long time to process the file . can anyone please suggest me the optimized way to achieve less process timings . Also attached my sample code with this.
// Azure container filesystem, it is contain source, destination, archive and result files
val azureContainerFs = FileSystem.get(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
// Read source file list
val sourceFiles = azureContainerFs.listStatus(new Path("/"+sourcePath +"/"),new PathFilter {
override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = {
val name = path.getName
// Ingestion processing to each file
for (sourceFile <- sourceFiles) {
// Tokenize file name from path
val sourceFileName = sourceFile.getPath.toString.substring(sourceFile.getPath.toString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
// Create a customer invoice DF from source json
val customerInvoiceDf ="json").schema(schemaDf.schema).json("/"+sourcePath +"/"+sourceFileName).cache()
Thanks in Advance!

Please write us a bit more about your stack, and processing power (number of masters, slaves, how you deploy code, things like that)


What does each section of the Parquet file name written with Apache Hudi represent?

Apache Hudi writes out each parquet file like below:
I'm trying to understand what each section of the file represents. Here is my current understanding but I would like confirmation and clarification from anyone that might know.
0743209d-51cb-4233-a7cd-5bb712fba1ff = file group/file name
-0 = file chunk
20211117172738 = timestamp of the batch
I'm unsure what the below section represents:
Here's what I discovered:
hudi file format -- 0743209d-51cb-4233-a7cd-5bb712fba1ff-0_21-64-5300_20211117172738.parquet
first part is a unique identifier of the file group.
next is write token.
and then the commit time.
Write token is to assist with detecting spark write failures.
public static String makeDataFileName(String instantTime, String writeToken, String fileId, String fileExtension) {
return String.format("%s_%s_%s%s", fileId, writeToken, instantTime, fileExtension);

Load a master data file to spark ecosystem

While building a log processing system, I came across a scenario where I need to look up data from a tree file (Like a DB) for each and every log line for corresponding value. What is the best approach to load an external file which is very large into the spark ecosystem? The tree file is of size 2GB.
Here is my scenario
I have a file contains huge number of log lines.
Each log line needs to be split by a delimiter to 70 fields
Need to lookup the data from tree file for one of the 70 fields of a log line.
I am using Apache Spark Python API and running on a 3 node cluster.
Below is the code which I have written. But it is really slow
def process_logline(line, tree):
row_dict = {}
line_list = line.split(" ")
row_dict["host"] = tree_lookup_value(tree, line_list[0])
new_row = Row(**row_dict)
return new_row
def run_job(vals):
tree_val = open(SparkFiles.get('somefile'))
lines = spark.sparkContext.textFile("log_file")
converted_lines_rdd = l: process_logline(l, tree_val))
log_line_rdd = spark.createDataFrame(converted_lines_rdd)

How to identify or reroute bad xml's when reading xmls with spark

Using spark, I am trying to read a bunch of xmls from a path, one of the files is a dummy file which is not an xml.
I would like the spark to tell me that one particular file is not valid, in any way
Adding "badRecordsPath" otiton writes the bad data into specified location for JSON files, but the same is not working for xml, is there some other way?
df = ('json')
As far as I know.... Unfortunately it wasnt available in xml package of spark till today in a declarative way... in the way you are expecting...
Json it was working since FailureSafeParser was implemented like below... in DataFrameReader
* Loads a `Dataset[String]` storing JSON objects (<a href="">JSON Lines
* text format or newline-delimited JSON</a>) and returns the result as a `DataFrame`.
* Unless the schema is specified using `schema` function, this function goes through the
* input once to determine the input schema.
* #param jsonDataset input Dataset with one JSON object per record
* #since 2.2.0
def json(jsonDataset: Dataset[String]): DataFrame = {
val parsedOptions = new JSONOptions(
val schema = userSpecifiedSchema.getOrElse {
TextInputJsonDataSource.inferFromDataset(jsonDataset, parsedOptions)
ExprUtils.verifyColumnNameOfCorruptRecord(schema, parsedOptions.columnNameOfCorruptRecord)
val actualSchema =
StructType(schema.filterNot( == parsedOptions.columnNameOfCorruptRecord))
val createParser = CreateJacksonParser.string _
val parsed = jsonDataset.rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
val rawParser = new JacksonParser(actualSchema, parsedOptions, allowArrayAsStructs = true)
val parser = new FailureSafeParser[String](
input => rawParser.parse(input, createParser, UTF8String.fromString),
sparkSession.internalCreateDataFrame(parsed, schema, isStreaming = jsonDataset.isStreaming)
you can implement the feature programatic way.
read all the files in the folder using sc.textFile .
foreach file using xml parser parse the entries.
If its valid redirect to another path .
If its invalid, then write in to bad record path.

Apache Spark write to multiple outputs [different parquet schemas] without caching

I want to transform my input data (XML files) and produce 3 different outputs.
Each output will be in parquet format and will have a different schema/number of columns.
Currently in my solution, the data is stored in RDD[Row], where each Row belongs to one of three types and has a different number of fields. What I'm doing now is caching the RDD, then filtering it (using the field telling me about the record type) and saving the data using the following method:
var resultDF_1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_1, schema_1)
// the same for filtered_data_2 and filtered_data_3
Is there any way to do it better, for example do not cache entire data in memory?
In MapReduce we have MultipleOutputs class and we can do it this way:
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_1", DataType1OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_2", DataType2OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_3", DataType3OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs<Void, Group> mos = new MultipleOutputs<>(context);
mos.write("data_type_1", null, myRecordGroup1, filePath1);
mos.write("data_type_2", null, myRecordGroup2, filePath2);
We had exactly this problem, to re-iterate: we read 1000s of datasets into one RDD, all of different schemas (we used a nested Map[String, Any]) and wanted to write those 1000s of datasets to different Parquet partitions in their respective schemas. All in a single embarrassingly parallel Spark Stage.
Our initial approach indeed did the hacky thing of caching, but this meant (a) 1000 passes of the cached data (b) hitting a lot of memory issues!
For a long time now I've wanted to bypass the Spark's provided .parquet methods and go to lower level underlying libraries, and wrap that in a nice functional signature. Finally recently we did exactly this!
The code is too much to copy and paste all of it here, so I will just paste the main crux of the code to explain how it works. We intend on making this code Open Source in the next year or two.
val successFiles: List[String] = successFilePaths(tableKeyToSchema, tableKeyToOutputKey, tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs)
// MUST happen first
info("Deleting success files")
successFiles.foreach(S3Utils.deleteObject(bucket, _))
if (saveMode == SaveMode.Overwrite) {
info("Deleting past files as in Overwrite mode")
parDeleteDirContents(bucket, allDirectories(tableKeyToOutputKey, tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs, partitions, continuallyRunStartTime))
} else {
info("Not deleting past files as in Append mode")
rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex {
case (index, records) =>
records.toList.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( {
case (regularKey: RegularKey, data: List[NotProcessableRecord Either UntypedStruct]) =>
val (nprs: List[NotProcessableRecord], successes: List[UntypedStruct]) =
val filename = s"part-by-partition-index-$index.snappy.parquet"
data = successes,
schema = toMessageType(tableKeyToSchema(regularKey.tableKey)),
fsMode = fs,
path = s3 / bucket / tableKeyToOutputKey(regularKey.tableKey) / regularKey.partition.pathSuffix /? / filename
nprs = nprs,
fsMode = fs,
path = s3 / bucket / tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs(regularKey.tableKey) / regularKey.partition.pathSuffix /? / filename
} pipe Iterator.single
}.count() // Just some action to force execution
info("Writing _SUCCESS files")
successFiles.foreach(S3Utils.uploadFileContent(bucket, "", _))
Of course this code cannot be copy and pasted as many methods and values are not provided. The key points are:
We hand crank the deleting of _SUCCESS files and previous files when overwriting
Each spark partition will result in one-or-many output files (many when multiple data schemas are in the same partition)
We hand crank the writing of _SUCCESS files
UntypedStruct is our nested representation of arbitrary schema. It's a little bit like Row in Spark but much better, as it's based on Map[String, Any].
NotProcessableRecord are essentially just dead letters
Parquet.writeUntypedStruct is the crux of the logic of writing a parquet file, so we'll explain this in more detail. Firstly
val toMessageType: StructType => MessageType = new org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.SparkToParquetSchemaConverter().convert
Should be self explanatory. Next fsMode contains within it the com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials, then inside writeUntypedStruct we use that to construct org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration setting fs.s3a.access.key and fs.s3a.secret.key.
writeUntypedStruct basically just calls out to:
def writeRaw(
data: List[UntypedStruct],
schema: MessageType,
config: Configuration,
path: Path,
compression: CompressionCodecName = CompressionCodecName.SNAPPY
): Unit =
)(writer => data.foreach(data => writer.write(transpose(data, new SimpleGroup(schema)))))
where SimpleGroup comes from, and ExampleParquetWriter extends ParquetWriter<Group>. The method transpose is a very tedious self writing recursion through the UntypedStruct populating a Group (some ugly Java mutable low level thing).
Credit must go to for figuring out how these underlying libraries work, and labouring out the code, which like I said, we intend on making Open Source soon!
AFAIK, there is no way to split one RDD into multiple RDD per se. This is just how the way Spark's DAG works: only child RDDs pulling data from parent RDDs.
We can, however, have multiple child RDDs reading from the same parent RDD. To avoid recomputing the parent RDD, there is no other way but to cache it. I assume that you want to avoid caching because you're afraid of insufficient memory. We can avoid Out Of Memory (OOM) issue by persisting the RDD to MEMORY_AND_DISK so that large RDD will spill to disk if and when needed.
Let's begin with your original data:
val allDataRDD = sc.parallelize(Seq(Row(1,1,1),Row(2,2,2),Row(3,3,3)))
We can persist this in memory first, but allow it to spill over to disk in case of insufficient memory:
We then create the 3 RDD outputs:
filtered_data_1 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(1)==1) // //
filtered_data_2 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(2)==1) // use your own filter funcs here
filtered_data_3 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(3)==1) // //
We then write the outputs:
var resultDF_1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_1, schema_1)
var resultDF_2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_2, schema_2)
var resultDF_3 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_3, schema_3)
If you truly really want to avoid multiple passes, there is a workaround using a custom partitioner. You can repartition your data into 3 partitions and each partition will have its own task and hence its own output file/part. The caveat is that parallelism will be heavily reduced to 3 threads/tasks, and there's also the risk of >2GB of data stored in a single partition (Spark has a 2GB limit per partition). I am not providing detailed code for this method because I don't think it can write parquet files with different schema.

Spark Streaming Desinging Questiion

I am new in spark. I wanted to do spark streaming setup to retrieve key value pairs of below format files:
file: info1
Note: Each info file will have around of 1000 of these records. And our system is continuously generating these info files. Through, spark streaming i wanted to do mapping of line numbers and info files and wanted to get aggregate result.
Can we give input to spark cluster these kind of files? I am interested in the "SF" and "DA" delimiters only, "SF" corresponds to source file and "DA" corresponds the ( line number, count).
As this input data is not the line format, so is this the good idea to use these files for the spark input or should i need to do some intermediary stage where i need to clean these files to generate new files which will have each record information in line instead of blocks?
Or can we achieve this in Spark itself? What should be the right approach?
What i wanted to achieve?
I wanted to get line level information. Means, to get line (As a key) and info files (as values)
Final output i wanted is like below:
line178 -> (info1, info2, info7.................)
line 2908 -> (info3, info90, ..., ... ,)
Do let me know if my explanation is not clear or if i am missing something.
Thanks & Regards,
You could do something like this. Having your DStream stream:
// this gives you DA & FP lines, with the line number as the key
val validLines =":")).
filter(line => Seq("DA", "FP").contains(line._1)).
map(line => (line._1, line._2))
// now you should accumulate values
val state = validLines.updateStateByKey[Seq[String]](updateFunction _)
def updateFunction(newValues: Seq[Seq[String]], runningValues: Option[Seq[String]]): Option[Seq[String]] = {
// add the new values
val newVals = runnigValues match {
case Some(list) => list :: newValues
case _ => newValues
This should accumulate for each key a sequence with the values associated, storing it in state
