Remotely manage IIS on NANO 2016 using IIS Manager - iis

Is it possible to remotely manage an IIS server, running on Server 2016 NANO using the IIS Manager 10 from the client?
I have a newly created nano VM. I've installed IIS, dotnet, IIS Administration API, and File Services on it. IIS is working from the client side. I can see the default page when I browse to the VM's IP address. I can authenticate to the IIS Administration API through the browser. I can copy files from the client machine to the server's inetpub\wwwroot directory through Windows Explorer. Everything seems to be working but when I open IIS Manager 10 on my client machine and try to connect it to the nano server, I get an error message that says "Could not connect to the specified computer. Details: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."
I've already followed the instructions at
That's how I've gotten as far as I have but now I'm just stuck and can't seem to find any path forward.
EDIT: BTW, I am able to connect to the site and administer it with

As far as I can tell, it's not possible.
You can see what's available with dism /online /get-feature, but IIS-WebServerManagementTools is not in that list.


Cannot access IIS manager on my server 2019 through windows 10

I created a VM server 2019 and I don't want my employees to have remote access to the server. But I want them to be able to access the IIS on the server through a windows 10 machine. I went to the IIS manager in the server and added the users to the IIS manager permission through active directory. On my windows 10, I went to control panel-Programs-Turn Windows Feature on or off and enabled the IIS. So what's happening is that they can find the IIS Manager app under the start menu on windows 10, but when they try to open it there's a pop-up asking if want to allow changes to the device, then it asks for their passwords. And after they enter the password a new pop-up comes up saying I need to be an Administrator to use IIS manager. They are not admin to windows 10 and I don't want for them to be admin. Any idea how I can fix this?
Remote administration 1.2 no longer available for download.
Make sure the WinRM IIS Extension is checked and installed on Win Server 2019 (Under "Feature" selection. (Add Roles and Features Wizard)
This is the missing piece that took me an hour to figure out in the latest version.
It sounds like you need to delegate IIS administration to non-admin user.
Then you need to install IIS manager for remote administration 1.2 as lex said. Once you install it, IIS will no longer as for administrator prevelige.
The next you need to do is install IIS management and create IIS manager user. Then you could add your win10's IP to management service IP restirction, so only your win 10 have permission to connect the server.
PS:Please remember to allow 8172 in windows firewall.

Web deployment task failed - Issue when connecting to remote server from local machine

I was trying to publish a web application to remote server (amazon windows server 2012) using Visual Studio 2012. Following is the error I am getting.
Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("amazon-server-name"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started.
I did go through several articles mentioning this issue. Also both the web management service and web deployment agent service is running on remote machine. Also in IIS’s management service part I did enable the remote connection. When try to deploy a website from server machine itself, it’s working. But from my local machine to windows server it’s showing error like cannot connect to remote server. Anyone has any clue on how to solve this issue?
Note: Microsoft Web Deploy tool 3.5 is running on both server and the local machine.
Looking forward.
What happens when you try just using FTP in Visual Studio? You mentioned "web project", I know some Visual Studio things are iffy with connecting to web servers. Just try a simple FTP into the server, then you should be able to save/test/deploy projects and files that way.
If you're still having problems, there's just an unlimited amount of problems that could cause this (hence why I don't work on Windows servers anymore). Could be ports, firewalls, security settings, folder permissions, user privileges, any combination of things. Good luck.

Web Deploy unable to validate connection

I am trying to learn how to setup Web Deploy functionality on both sides Server and host/client computer. Created a Windows Server 2012 Web Server in Hyper-V and able to access default web page in host/client computer. On server installed Web Maintenance Service, Web Deploy 3.5 and performed all the required steps e.g. "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" and added Administrator to IIS Manager Permission for the website in IIS. I disabled Firewall totally to make it work for the first time.
On client computer I created a dummy MVC Application in Visual Studio and trying to create publish profile for this app. As soon as I hit the Validate Connection I got the option to receive and save the security certificate from server but after that in gives me following warning (snapshot):
Tried doing all the steps all over but no luck.
I am open to all feedback. Thanks in advance.
Found the solution. Instead of adding publish information manually, I am suppose to use publishsetting file generated in server through "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" feature of IIS. Server address ends with file name which ends with .axd

Cannot Connect to Windows Azure VM (Server 2012 R2) Web Deploy Service

I can't seem to be able to deploy a site to a windows server 2012 r2 running IIS and Web Deploy in Azure VM. I have verified that the port is open, the credentials are correct and the site name as well. I tried using http: and https: also tried using msdeploy.axd end point and the MSDEPLOYAGENTSERVICE one nothing. Check is the services are running and if I can connect to the machine which at can on port 80 to the default site. Tried connecting from multiple connections I get the same result...
Could not connect to the remote computer ("<computer name>"). On the remote computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Deployment Agent Service") is started. Learn more at: Unable to connect to the remote server.
After dealing with this for about an hour now, I figured out how to fix this on my Azure Virtual Machine.
First the obvious
Check that port 8172 (if you're using default settings) is open in your firewall
Check that the processes MsDepSvc and WMSVC are running.
Check that the site name is correct.
Management Service
In ISS, at the root level of the server, check your settings under Management Service.
It should have Enable Remote Connections checked:
Did you download the full package
This was the one that got me, I hadn't installed everything.
On the bottom of the WebDeploy page:
You can download the full package, and then just install everything.
You don't mention if you have an endpoint configured for your Azure VM. If not, make sure you create an endpoint with a private port of 8172.
EDIT: Here is a troubleshooting guide for web deploy that includes the error message you've encountered. Additionally, from my own experience I have managed to mistype the site name and not install .NET and seeing similar errors.
Helpful but in the end in our case it was TLS mismatch. Check both machines can do TLS 1.2 if you are forcing it. Have put more detail here Cheers

How to enable Windows 2003 as a WebDAV client?

I have written a program that uses webDAV to download documents from a sharepoint server. It works well with client OS (XP, Vista, 7) but it doesn't on the 2003 server it's supposed to work.
How can I enable WebDAV client (not server) on Windows server 2003 x86 ?
On Server 2003 Web Folders (WebDAV client) is not installed by default. You can install it from Microsoft website:
Note that this will install Web Folders extension. In case you wish to use Map Network Drive wizard (mini-redirector, another WebDAV client) follow this steps:
Make sure WebClient service is running. Open Services snap-in and find WebClient service. On Windows Server 2003 this service is disabled by default. If the service is disabled open WebClient Properties dialog and on General tab set Startup Type to Automatic. Restart the computer.
Your WebDAV server must be located on a default port 80. Map Network Drive wizard will fail to connect to any ports other than 80 displaying “The network path http://server/folder/ could not be found” message. Map Network Drive feature does not support SSL / HTTPS connections.
Your WebDAV server must accept anonymous connections or use Integrated Windows Authentication. Map Network Drive will fail to connect to WebDAV servers using Basic or Digest authentication. Use NTLM or Kerberos instead.
Connect to a folder on a WebDAV server rather than to the site root. The Map Network Drive wizard on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 will fail to connect to URLs such as http://server/. Instead specify an existing folder: http://server/folder/.
The WebDAV client should be installed on all Windows since Windows 2000. Probably the service is not on by default for server platforms. Check if the WebClient service is running.
