Using Sed or Awk to divide a file into two based on whether a line contains a numeric value - linux

I have used sed and awk for little while now, but I am having a challenge with the below problem. I am asking for an experienced sed/awk guru to help.
I have a file where some lines have numbers and some lines do not, like:
I would like to have exactly two files out of this one, where every line is represented in one of the two files (none are deleted).
One containing all lines with any numbers 0-9 on them so given above file result would be:
and another file containing the rest of the lines that do not have any numbers 0-9 on them, so given the above, file it would be:
I've tried different strategies in both sed and awk and nothing is giving me exactly what I need.
What would be the best sed or awk one liner to solve this problem?
Thank you for your time,

Easily with Awk:
awk '/[0-9]/{print > file1; next} {print > file2}' inputfile

With single GNU sed command:
sed -ne '/[0-9]/w with_digits.txt' -e '//!w no_digits.txt' input
> cat no_digits.txt
> cat with_digits.txt
w filename Write the pattern space to filename.

If you don't mind running twice over the input, you can use just grep:
grep '[0-9]' input > with_digits
grep -v '[0-9]' input > without_digits

perl -MFile::Slurp -lpe '/\d/ ? append_file("digits.txt",$_) : append_file("no_digits.txt",$_)' input.txt


Change some field separators in awk

I have a input file
and I want an output file:
I want to replace the first two ':' in 1.txt with '||o||', but with the script I am using
awk -F: '{print $1,$2,$3}' OFS="||o||" 3.txt
But it is not giving the expected output.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Perl solution:
perl -pe 's/:/||o||/ for $_, $_' 1.txt
-p reads the input line by line and prints each line after processing it
s/// is similar to substitution you might know from sed
for in postposition runs the previous command for every element in the following list
$_ keeps the line being processed
For higher numbers, you can use for ($_) x N where N is the number. For example, to substitute the first 7 occurrences:
perl -pe 's/:/||o||/ for ($_) x 7' 1.txt
Following sed may also help you in same.
sed 's/:/||o||/;s/:/||o||/' Input_file
Explanation: Simply substituting 1st occurrence of colon with ||o|| and then 2nd occurrence of colon now becomes 1st occurrence of colon now and substituting that colon with ||o|| as per OP's requirement.
Perl solution also, but I think the idea can apply to other languages: using the limit parameter of split:
perl -nE 'print join q(||o||), split q(:), $_, 3' file
(q quotes because I'm on Windows)
Suppose if we need to replace first 2 occurrence of : use below code
Like this you can change as per your requirement suppose if you need to change for first 7 occurences change {1..2} to {1..7}.
Out put will be saved in orginal file. it wont display the output
for i in {1..2}
> do
> sed -i "s/:/||o||/1" p.txt
> done

How to use grep and sed in order to replace the substring after searching some specific string?

I want to know how to use two 'grep' and 'sed' utilities or something else in order to replace the substring. I will explain what I want to do below.
We have the file 'test.txt' with the following string:
A1='AA1', A2='AA2', A3='AA3', A4='AA4', A5{ATTR}='AA5', A6='keyword_A'
After searching 'keyword_A' using grep, I want to replace the value of A5 with other string, for example, "NEW".
A1='AA1', A2='AA2', A3='AA3', A4='AA4', A5{ATTR}='NEW', A6='keyword_A'
I tried to use two commands like
grep keyword_A test.txt | sed -e 's/blabla/blabla/'
After trying all I know, I gave up at all.
Please let me know the right solution.
First, you never need grep and sed. Sed has a full regular-expression search engine, so it is a superset of grep. This command will read test.txt, change the lines that you've indicated, and print the entire result on standard output:
sed "/keyword_A/s/A5{ATTR}='[A-Z0-9]*'/A5{ATTR}='NEW'/g" < test.txt
If you want to store the results back into the file test.txt, use the -i (in-place editing) switch to sed:
sed "/keyword_A/s/A5{ATTR}='[A-Z0-9]*'/A5{ATTR}='NEW'/g" -i.bak test.txt
If you want to select only the indicated lines, modify those, and print only those lines to standard out, use a combination of the p (print) command and the -n (no output) switch.
sed "/keyword_A/s/A5{ATTR}='[A-Z0-9]*'/A5{ATTR}='NEW'/gp" -n test.txt
Using grep+sed is always the wrong approach. Here's one way to do it with GNU awk:
$ awk '/keyword_A/{ $0=gensub(/(A5({[^}]+})?=\047)[^\047]+/,"\\1NEW",1) } 1' file
A1='AA1', A2='AA2', A3='AA3', A4='AA4', A5{ATTR}='NEW', A6='keyword_A'
Using a couple variables you could define the keyword and replacement ( if they change at all ):
Then with sed:
sed -r "s/^(.+\{.+\}=')(.+)('.+"${q}".+)$/\1"${r}"\3/" file
A1='AA1', A2='AA2', A3='AA3', A4='AA4', A5{ATTR}='NEW', A6='keyword_A'
# with sed
sed "s/='[^']*\(',[[:blank:]]*A6='${A6}'\)/='${A5}\1/" YourFile
# with awk
awk -F "'" -v A5="${A5}" -v A6="${A6}" '
BEGIN { OFS="\047" }
$12 == A6 { $10 = A5; $0 = $0 }
' YourFile
Change by the end of the string, for sed and using ' as field separator in awk instead of traditional space.
assuming there is no ' in value (or need to treat the escaping method) for awk version
We can just directly replace the fifth column when the sting keyword_A is found as shown below:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=",";}/keyword_A/{$5="A5{ATTR}='"'"NEW"'"'"}1' filename
Couple of slight alternatives:
sed -r "/keyword_A/s/(A5[^']*')[^']*/\1NEW/"
awk -F"'" '/keyword_A/{$10 = "NEW"}1' OFS="'"
Of course the negative with awk is afterwards you would have to rename the new file.

How to delete 5 lines before and 6 lines after pattern match using Sed?

I want to search for a pattern "xxxx" in a file and delete 5 lines before this pattern and 6 lines after this match. How can i do this using Sed?
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;N;s/\n/&/5;Ta;/xxxx/!{P;D};:b;N;s/\n/&/11;Tb;d' file
Keep a rolling window of 5 lines and on encountering the specified string add 6 more (11 in total) and delete.
N.B. This is a barebones solution and will most probably need tailoring to your specific needs. Questions such as: what if there are multiple string throughout the file? What if the string is within the first five lines or multiple strings are within five lines of each other etc etc etc.
Here's one way you could do it using awk. I assume that you also want to delete the line itself and that the file is small enough to fit into memory:
awk '{a[NR]=$0}/xxxx/{f=NR}END{for(i=1;i<=NR;++i)if(i<f-5||i>f+6)print a[i]}' file
Store every line into the array a. When the pattern /xxxx/ is matched, save the line number. After the whole file has been processed, loop through the array, only printing the lines you want to keep.
Alternatively, you can use grep to obtain the line number first:
grep -n 'xxxx' file | awk -F: 'NR==FNR{f=$1}NR<f-5||NR>f+6' - file
In both cases, the lines deleted will be surrounding the last line where the pattern is matched.
A third option would be to use grep to obtain the line number then use sed to delete the lines:
line=$(grep -nm1 'xxxx' file | cut -d: -f1)
sed "$((line-5)),$((line+6))d" file
In this case I've also added the -m switch so grep exits after finding the first match.
if you know, the line number (what is not difficult to obtain), you can use something like that:
start=`expr $curr_line - 5`
end=`expr $curr_line + 6`
sed "${start},${end}d" $filename (optionally sed -i)
of course, you have to remember about additional conditions like start shouldn't be less than 1 and end greater than number of lines in file.
Another - maybe more easy to follow - solution would be to use grep to find the keyword and the corresponding line:
grep -n 'KEYWORD' <file>
then use sed to get the line number only like this:
grep -n 'KEYWORD' <file> | sed 's/:.*//'
Now that you have the line number simply use sed like this:
sed -i "$(LINE_START),$(LINE_END) d" <file>
to remove lines before and/or after! With only the -i you will override the <file> (no backup).
A script example could be:
LINE_NO=$(grep -n $KEYWORD $FILE | sed 's/:.*//' )
echo "Keyword found in line: $LINE_NO"
echo "Deleting lines $LINE_START to $LINE_END!"
Please note that this will work only if the keyword is found once! Adapt the script to your needs!

Removing string between two symbol in line

I am trying to remove a string between two symbol in line from a csv file. Here is my sample file :,A-B:,awef.C.D.E,A-B:,few.C.D.E,A-B:,dfs.C.D,A-B:,few.C.D,A-B:,fdsferger.C.D.E,A-B:,wef.C.D,A-B:,jty.C.D.E
The output would be like this :,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D.E
Any way I can achieve it?
The following awk command can do this:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{sub("[^.]*.","",$3);print}'
It basically divides each line into the three comma-separated fields then removes the initial part of the third field, up to and including the first . character.
Then it simply outputs them again.
See the following transcript for a demonstration:
pax> echo ',A-B:,awef.C.D.E,A-B:,few.C.D.E,A-B:,dfs.C.D,A-B:,few.C.D,A-B:,fdsferger.C.D.E,A-B:,wef.C.D,A-B:,jty.C.D.E' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{sub("[^.]*.","",$3);print}',A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D.E
Here is an awk that should do:
awk '{sub(/:,[^.]*\./,":,")}1' file,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D.E,A-B:,C.D,A-B:,C.D.E
You can use sed also
sed -r 's/(.*:,)([a-z]*.)(.*)/\1\3/g'
sed -r 's/:,[^.]+\./:,/' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/^\(.*,\)[^.]*\./\1/' file
Use greed to gather up all the columns but the last and then delete upto and including the first ..

How to display the first word of each line in my file using the linux commands?

I have a file containing many lines, and I want to display only the first word of each line with the Linux commands.
How can I do that?
You can use awk:
awk '{print $1}' your_file
This will "print" the first column ($1) in your_file.
Try doing this using grep :
grep -Eo '^[^ ]+' file
try doing this with coreutils cut :
cut -d' ' -f1 file
I see there are already answers. But you can also do this with sed:
sed 's/ .*//' fileName
The above solutions seem to fit your specific case. For a more general application of your question, consider that words are generally defined as being separated by whitespace, but not necessarily space characters specifically. Columns in your file may be tab-separated, for example, or even separated by a mixture of tabs and spaces.
The previous examples are all useful for finding space-separated words, while only the awk example also finds words separated by other whitespace characters (and in fact this turns out to be rather difficult to do uniformly across various sed/grep versions). You may also want to explicitly skip empty lines, by amending the awk statement thus:
awk '{if ($1 !="") print $1}' your_file
If you are also concerned about the possibility of empty fields, i.e., lines that begin with whitespace, then a more robust solution would be in order. I'm not adept enough with awk to produce a one-liner for such cases, but a short python script that does the trick might look like:
>>> import re
>>> for line in open('your_file'):
... words = re.split(r'\s', line)
... if words and words[0]:
... print words[0]
...or on Windows (if you have GnuWin32 grep) :
grep -Eo "^[^ ]+" file
