generate automatically getter and setter in Android Studio - android-studio

When I programmed with Android Studio, it seems to me that is a way to generate automatically the getter and the setter of my new java class.
Can anyone tell me how to do it?

Open the class you want, right click anywhere in the code and chose the Generate option:
Then chose what you are trying to generate: setters, getters or both:
Then select the fields you want, and you're done.


Android Studio: generate getters and setters below the field

These are my two variables in Android Studio:
I generate the getters and setters by setting my cursor on the field called "distance" and then CMD - N:
This is the result:
I don't understand why the field is always at the bottom and the getters and setters are at the top. I always have to manually switch them around so it looks like this:
This seems to happen in IntelliJ as well.
Is there no way to make getters and setters sit below the field instead of above it? It would definitely save me some time as I don't have to manually move the field.
The getter and setter are generated in the position of the text cursor. Try to position the text cursor where you want the getter and setter to end up and then generate them.

Adding User Defined Runtime Attributes?

Is there a way to add user defined runtime attributes to a button in Xamarin's storyboard designer?
I'm trying to get Pixate Freestyle to work and need to define the attributes. I can only find the place to define them within xcode.
I was working on a Xamarin Forms project and I figured out that on each platform, there is a method to update the style for a Control. The way I used to do this is something like this:
PixateFreestyle.SetStyleId(view, styleId);
PixateFreestyle.SetClassId(view, classId);
Where view is any UIView you want to style ann styleId/classId is a string with the style name in your default.css
Hope this works for you
This is where I based my project

How to automatically generate getters and setters in Android Studio

Is there a shortcut in Android Studio for automatically generating the getters and setters in a given class?
Using Alt+ Insert for Windows or Command+ N for Mac in the editor, you may easily generate getter and setter methods for any fields of your class. This has the same effect as using the Menu Bar -> Code -> Generate...
and then using shift or control button, select all the variables you need to add getters and setters
for macOS, ⌘+N by default.
Right-click and choose "Generate..." to see current mapping. You can select multiple fields for which to generate getters/setters with one step.
Android Studio & OSx :
Press cmd+n > Generate > Getter and Setter
Android Studio & Windows :
Press Alt + Insert > Generate > Getter and Setter
create the variable
right click
select "Generate" and then select "Getter and Setter" option
Android Studio & Windows :
fn + alt + insert
You can generate getter and setter by following steps:
Declare variables first.
click on ALT+Insert on keyboard placing cursor down to variable declaration part
now select constructor and press Ctrl+A on keyboard and click on Enter to create constructor.
Now again placing cursor at next line of constructor closing brace , click ALT+INSERT and select getter and setter and again press CTRL+A to select all variables and hit Enter.
That's it. Happy coding!!
Position the cursor under the variables -> right-click -> Generate -> Getter and Setter -> Choose the variables to make the get and set
Alt + Insert -> Getter and Setter -> Choose the variables
As noted here, you can also customise the getter/setter generation to take prefixes and suffixes (e.g. m for instance variables) into account. Go to File->Settings and expand Code Style, select Java, and add your prefixes/suffixes under the Code Generation tab.
Using Alt+ Insert or Right-click and choose "Generate..."
You may easily generate getter and setter or Override methods in Android Studio.
This has the same effect as using the Menu Bar Code -> Generate...
This answer deals with your question but is not exactly an answer to it. =) It's an interesting library I found out recently and I want to share with you.
Project Lombok can generate common methods, such as getters, setters, equals() and hashCode(), toString(), for your classes automatically. It replaces them with annotations reducing boilerplate code. To see a good example of code written using Lombok watch a video on the main page or read this article.
Android development with Lombok is easy and won't make your android application any 'heavier' because Lombok is a compile-time only library. It is important to configure your Android project properly.
Another example:
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class Profile {
#Getter #Setter
private String username;
#Getter #Setter
private String password;
Android development with Lombok is possible. Lombok should be a compile-time only dependency, as otherwise the entirety of Lombok will end up in your DEX files, wasting precious space. Gradle snippet:
dependencies {
compileOnly "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.18"
In addition you may want to add the Lombok IntelliJ plugin to support Lombok features in your IDE at development time. Also there is Hrisey library which is based on Lombok. Simply put, it's Lombok + Parcellable support.
You can use AndroidAccessors Plugin of Android Studio to generate getter and setter without m as prefix to methods
Ex: mId;
Will generate getId() and setId() instead of getmId() and setmId()
Use Ctrl+Enter on Mac to get list of options to generate setter, getter, constructor etc
use code=>generate=>getter() and setter() dialog ,select all the variables ,generate all the getter(),setter() methods at one time.
Another funny way
Type the parameter name anywhere in the object after definition, you will see setter and getter, Just select and click enter :)
I tried with Android Studio 2.3
Right click on Editor then Select Source -> Generate Getters and Setters or press Alt + Shift + S
Just in case someone is working with Eclipse
Windows 8.1 OS | Eclipse Idle Luna
Declare top level variable private String username Eclipse kindly generate a warning on the left of your screen click that warning and couple of suggestions show up, then select generate.

Generate code for core data attributes in xcode 4

In xcode 3 there was a helpful feature in the data model builder where you could highlight some attributes/relationships in an entity, right-click, and choose to copy method and property declarations to the clipboard. (You could choose if you wanted objective-c 2.0 property declarations also). Then you could paste them into your NSManagedObject subclass.
I see how you can still generate the entire class file; but this isn't helpful if you are adding attributes to an existing entity. Have they removed this feature from xcode 4? I used it all the time!
See the Core Data Model Editor Help: Creating Objective-C Accessor Methods for a Managed Object
You may find MoGenerator useful.
Watch out for the fact that the special paste menu item only appears in the Edit menu not the contextual menu in the source editor.

Manually create a dialog child window using an ID from resource.h

I want to add a simple panel to a dialog created using Visual Studio resource editor, but the resource editor doesn't allow this - I need to add my own CWnd as a dialog child. However that way I think I have to use CWnd::Create manually, and pass in names for the class and the window.
I want to create an ID like IDC_MYPANEL, and as much as possible add the window so it works like something defined in the template. What's the right way to do this, and what's the best MFC class to use as a simple panel... just use CWnd itself?
What do you mean by 'a simple panel'? If it's a custom control, derive from CWnd, override Create() and call CWnd::Create() with NULL as the class name so that MFC makes its own, and add a line to resource.h with the IDC_XXX value of your control. If it's a sub-dialog, with controls on it, derive from CDialog and call CDialog::Create() with the IDD that you define in your dialog.
The only difference when creating a control at runtime is that in OnInitDialog, you do some Create() and initialisation things, and you don't include a DDX_Control() line for that control. For the rest everything works the same.
