Unable to create an azure image in ARM - azure

I have uploaded a back up of onprem OS disk to azure RM storage account. I want to create an image out of that os disk to provision vms in azure.
Please let me know if that is possible ?

Assuming your base system is running Windows, and you don't want to sysprep the machine, you're trying to create what's called a Specialized image in Azure. The best steps to follow to complete this are:
Create the Specialized image
Create a VM from an image

The first thing that you need to make sure that the disk is in correct format i.e VHD for azure. There are many third party tools available to convert the disk to VHD (very easy if it's hyper v machine).
Secondly do create the necessary infrastructure in azure like storage account to upload the disk and virtual network that would connect to your machine, resource group etc. Also this is currently only possible through powershell and not through portal.
Azure migarte has now made it very to migrate large number of vms if you are considering a production( much better than its was last year).
The question says unable to migrate is disk so I assume you must have gone through Microsoft document and than must have faced problem. Can you provide me the error you got while uploading?


Azure: Attaching page blob created using storage API as a data disk to Virtual Machine.

I am tying to create a page blob using the storage API and add it as a disk to the Virtual Machine. Is there a way this can be done ?
Currently when I create a blob and add it as the disk , the VM fails with provisioning state failed.
It sounds like you want to create a data disk using Azure Storage SDK for Java to attach page blob as data disk for Linux VM. However, some concepts you understanded are note accurate.
Firstly, you need to create a VHD file on local environment. As references, you can try to follow the below documents to do it.
On Windows, please refer to the document Create and Use a Virtual Hard Disk on Windows 7 to create a VHD file.
On Linux or MacOS, you can install & configure QEMU/VirtualBox/KVM to create a disk image and convert it. For example, to convert a qemu image via command qemu-image convert.
For more information, please see About disks and VHDs for Azure virtual machines
Secondly, you upload the VHD file created to Azure Blob Storage as a page blob via AzCopy or follow the related section of the tutorial Creating and Uploading a Virtual Hard Disk that Contains the Linux Operating System.
Then, you can refer to the document Add a disk to a Linux VM to attach the data disk on Azure Storage.
Meanwhile, based on my understanding, I think you just want to extend the filesystem of your Linux VM. So the other solution may be suitable for your needs, which mount Azure File Storage on Linux VMs using SMB protocol. More details, please refer to How to use Azure File Storage with Linux.
Hope it helps. Any concern, please feel free to let me know.

I would like to change Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine size without losing my data

I am using two Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines (marked as classic), both running on Linux. One is used for test purposes and internal demos, the other is production and running few of clients' instances.
What I would like to do is change the size of Virtual Machine. I understand this is quite common process and can easily be done from the Azure Management Portal and that this is not affecting data. However, when I have changed the size of our testing machine, exactly this has happened and we have lost all data.
Azure Support answer received was:
"We recommend you delete the VM by keeping the attached disks and create a new VM with the required size." Not sure why this would be better?
Any data stored on the ephemeral (internal-to-chassis) scratch disk is at risk, as it's a non-durable disk (and will in all likelihood be destroyed/recreated upon resizing a VM).
The only way to have durable data is to use Azure Storage (blobs, vhd as attached disk, Azure File storage) or external database. Azure Storage is durable (minimum 3 copies), and is not stored with your VM.
One more thing: The VM's OS Disk is a VHD in Azure Storage (so the OS disk is durable, just like attached vhd's).
You have more than one way to do that and keep in mind what David said, data on OS disks, attached disks and blobs is the only durable one.
To prevent losing data and since you're using Classic VMs, you can do the following:
1- Go to your VM on portal and capture an image out of it.
2- Go to your new image and create a new VM out of it, while specifying the new specs that you need.
3- When done, connect to your new VM while keeping the old one without termination.
4- Check if all your data is there, if yes, then you can remove the old one. (In case you need the old IP, you can still assign it to the new one).

How to capture image of Linux VM without losing data

I want to take an image of currently running Linux VM to set a reserved IP. But the problem is that I dont want to lose any data of current VM. When i checked in the site, it says that you want to reset the data to create a generalized image of that VM. So if I want to take a specialized VM, how to do that? could you please give the syntax? Is am doing right way to take specialized image of VM?
You could look to capture a snapshot of the underlying Linux .vhd page blob in Azure storage, and work with that. There are several blog posts and guidance posts all over the internet here akin to using blob snapshots to backup Azure virtual machines.

Shared drive between Azure Virtual Machines

I have just moved my web site to an Azure Virtual Machine and have been up and running since last weekend. So far I'm very happy with the results and looking forward to taking advantage of Azure further in due course.
I do have what would seem to be a pretty common scenario - and, to my surprise, I can't find an obvious solution. I have a couple of VMs - one my primary server and the other which will be suspended and ready to kick in (manually is fine) if the first one has an issue. I backup my web site to Azure Storage (my backup utility supports saving to an Azure blob). That's the good news.
I had assumed that I could somehow mount the storage blob as a drive, therefore effectively having shared storage across the two VMs. However, to my surprise, I haven't found an obvious way to do that. I have found a third party utility (Gladinet Cloud Desktop) but it seems painfully slow. As I say, I admit I just assumed this would be an easy thing to do.
So, stepping back, what is the most straightforward way to access a storage blob from multiple VMs? I really don't want to set up a private network and then set up network file sharing - that seems so old school :) and places a specific dependency on one specific VM.
Any suggestions?
This is now not just possible, but very easy, and it looks just like a filesystem. Check out the new Azure File Service (in preview as of this writing).
Quoting from the announcement:
"The Azure File service exposes file shares using the standard SMB 2.1 protocol. Applications running in Azure can now easily share files between VMs using standard and familiar file system APIs like ReadFile and WriteFile."
It is better than just an SMB drive, as the announcement goes on to mention:
"In addition, the files can also be accessed at the same time via a REST interface, which opens a variety of hybrid scenarios. Finally, Azure Files is built on the same technology as the Blob, Table, and Queue Services, which means Azure Files is able to leverage the existing availability, durability, scalability, and geo redundancy that is built into our platform."
In Azure Resource Manager "Storage Account" you can create a Network File Share that can be Mounted as a Drive to multiple VM's or to computers and devices not on Azure for both Unix, Linux and Windows.
In General, go to your Storage Account ➡ Files ➡ Create FileShare ➡ Name the Share and the Disk Space Quota ➡ Click Connect to obtain the command or windows or linux to mount the share to the respective devices. Note this ONLY WORKS for Local Redundant Storage, not Zone, not Geo Redundant.
The video tutorial above shows you step by step how to do this. The only restriction is needed is OS support of the SMB 3.0 protocol which Windows 8 or above does and Windows 2012 or above does. Requires Firewall Port 445 to be opened.
You can access blobs from multiple VMs. This is a very common pattern. What you can't do is mount a drive (stored in a blob) on multiple VMs simultaneously. That is, if you decide to create a VHD disk and attach it to a VM (whether Linux or Windows - doesn't matter), then the blob-backed disk is locked to a VM and that VM can then work with the vhd like it would a local file system.
If, on the other hand, you deal with blobs discretely as single objects, you can easily work with these blobs across any number of VMs.
If you're looking to do something like network sharing (e.g. SMB), you'd either need to use the Azure File Service or stage your own SMB server VM.
In the case where you absolutely must have a mounted file system, yet want to use the file system in a primary/backup fashion, you could always do something via the API to unmount from one VM and remount to another VM. This can be executed via PowerShell (Windows only) or via the cross-platform command-line interface on Linux/Mac/Windows. You'd do this if your primary VM failed for some reason.
this are good articles, I am also looking for that, hope find the right solution.
I hope you share your experience here with your choice.
Deciding when to use Azure Blobs, Azure Files, or Azure Disks
there are premium disks
Manually create and use a volume with Azure disks in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Note : An Azure disk can only be mounted to a single pod at a time. If you need to share a persistent volume across multiple pods, use Azure Files.
Performance guidelines for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines
Deploy a SQL Server container in Kubernetes with Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

Backup Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine

I currently have a Rackspace Cloud Server that I'd like to migrate to an Azure Virtual Machine. I recently got an MSDN subscription which gives me a certain level of hosting via Azure at no cost, where I'm currently paying for that level of service with Rackspace.
However, one of the nice things about Rackspace is that I can schedule nightly/weekly backups of the VM image. Is there any mechanism for doing this on Azure? I'm worried about protecting against corruption of the database (i.e. what if someone were to run an UPDATE statement and forget the WHERE clause). Is there a mechanism for this with Azure?
I know the VMs are stored as .VHD files in my local Azure storage, but the VM image is 127 gigs. Downloading that nightly even with FIOS internet isn't really going to fly as a solution.
You can perform an asynchronous blob copy to make a physical copy of a vhd. See here for REST API details. This operation is very fast within the same data center (maybe a few seconds?). You don't need to make raw REST calls though: There's a method already implemented in the Azure cross-platform command line interface, available here. The command is:
azure vm disk upload
You can also take blob snapshots, and return to a previous snapshot later. A snapshot is read-only (which you can copy from later) and takes up no space initially. However, as storage pages are changed, the snapshot grows.
One question though: why such a large VM image? Are you storing OS + data on same vhd? If so, it may make more sense to mount a separate Azure Drive (also stored in VHD in blob storage) to store data, and make independent copies / snapshots.
