IdentityServer4 signing credential: using publicly available certificate + key? - security

We currently only use reference tokens as access tokens. This has me wondering if we could just skip the entire certificate management hell by including a self-signed X509 certificate with a ridiculously long validity and store it with our source code (private github) - stop screaming, this might make sense soon.
The worst case I see would be that someone with access to the private key (i.e. any employee or force with access to our github repository) could issue any JWT and use that in the client (angular) - but that's client-side. The APIs are protected via IdentityServer Access Token Validation and all clients are configured to use reference tokens.
Another possible pitfall would be if we ever added a client that uses JWT for access tokens, but I don't really see that happening.
To me, using a long lived self-signed certificate under source-control seems to be the easiest and okay(-ish) solution for this case - unless I've overlooked something. We would never do that with SSL certificates or similar. I'm focussing only on the IdentityServer4 signing credential in combination with exclusive use of reference tokens.
Otherwise we'll have to somehow get certificate rollover (at runtime), certificate management etc. running. I guess we could implement ISigningCredentialStore to manage where the certificates are loaded from - but that still leaves us with the issue on how to handle certificates in a Docker swarm (or just plain Docker containers).
Am I missing something here? Would this solution have any flaws?

Could you not just look it up?
like this
var cert = new CertificateService().GetCertificate(appSettings.CertificateName, StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);


Public keys in OpenID Connect

I'm currently trying to use IdentityServer4 to build a single-signon experience for my users across different apps I have. They are all hosted in the same local network and no third-party apps authenticate with it. The client apps are still Katana/Owin-based.
I'm using the implicit workflow.
At the moment I still use a certificate randomly generated at runtime to sign tokens.
I wonder
whether I actually need more and what the implications are of leaving it as it is and
how the signature is actually validated by clients.
To the second question I found this piece in the openidconnect spec:
The OP advertises its public keys via its Discovery document, or may
supply this information by other means. The RP declares its public
keys via its Dynamic Registration request, or may communicate this
information by other means.
So does that mean Katana is actually getting the public keys from IdentityServer4 and validates accordingly? And if so, would it matter if it the certificate changes? The time between issuing and validating a token is always very small, correct? So why would I need a proper, rarely-changing certificate?
Generating a new certificate on app startup has a few downsides:
If you restart your IDS4 process you effectively invalidate any otherwise valid tokens as the signature will no longer be valid
Inability to scale out - all servers need to have the same signing and validation keys
Clients might only periodically update their discovery info so you need to allow for a rollover period, something that IDS4 supports as you can have more than one validation key.
See the guidance here:
The next simplest option would be to use a self-issued cert that's installed in the host machine's ceritificate store.
First of all, OpenID Connect discovery is a process of communicating relying party to retrieve provider's information, dynamically. There is a dedicated specification for this, OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0
According to it's metadata section, jwks_uri explains about token signing key publication.
1. So does that mean Katana is actually getting the public keys from IdentityServer4 and validates accordingly?
Yes it should. If your applications (relying parties) want dynamic information, you should go ahead with discovery document to retrieve token signing key information.
2 And if so, would it matter if it the certificate changes? The time between issuing and validating a token is always very small, correct?
Discovery document is part of OpenID Connect dynamic (reference - ). So yes, it can be used to convey certificate changes to relying party (token consumers)
3. So why would I need a proper, rarely-changing certificate?
Certificate must be there to validate id tokens issued by identity provider. So at minimum, certificate must live till last token expires. Other than that, one might be using proper certificates issued by a CA, which comes with a cost. So, some implementations could have rarely changing certificates.
Bonus : how the signature is actually validated by clients.
You hash your received message, compare it against decrypted signature using public key of the certificate. Also, if you are wondering the format of key information, it is a JWK defined by RFC7517.
P.S - ID Token validation is same as validating a JWT explained by JWT spec.
Note - I am not an expert in PKI domain. Some expert could point out something else for short lived certificates independent of OpenID Connect protocol.

Difference between client certificates and certificate pinning, Do I need both?

I have a .net WEB API publicly exposed and also a Xamarin Forms App which uses the API, the app needs to be extremely secure due to the data it manages.
I will create an HTTP Certificate for the WEB API.
The Xamarin Forms app will have a login/password to validate against a local Active Directory. via a /token endpoint, and using an Authorize attribute on all endpoints to assure that every HTTP call has the bearer token in it, I implemented that using this:
I based my implementation on this one:
Additionally the customer has asked us for Client Certificate Authentication, I dont understand how this totally works.
1. I need to add a certificate to the Xamarin Project, right? How do I Add it? How do I generate it?
2. In the Web API I need to validate each http call has the certificate attached.
I found this but not sure if it will work:
However when investigating this, I also found something about certificate pinning, which is basically security but the other way around, it means the Xamarin APP will validate if the server certificate is associated with the right server (or something like that), so there is no way of a MAN IN THE MIDDLE Attack.
I found how to implement it here:
Question is:
1. Do I need both ?
Something else that I should research for on this journey?
Certificate pinning and Client Certificate Authentication are 2 very different things. Certificate pinning makes sure your app is talking to the server it expects to talk to. It also prevents eavesdropping, which is known as a 'Man in the middle' attack. I just recently wrote an article about this on my blog.
Client Certificate Authentication works the other way around. It adds an extra layer of security so your server can be sure only clients that have the certificate can communicate successfully with it. However, since apps can be decompiled without a lot of effort, this client certificate can 'easily' be obtained by a malicious user. So this isn't a silver bullet.
From my experience, Client Certificate Authentication is often used in enterprise apps, when there is an Enterprise Mobility Management solution in place (eg. Mobile Iron or Microsoft Intune or others), where the EMM solution can push the certificates to the users device out of band.
Should you use both? That really depends on the requirements of your customer, since they mitigate 2 very different problems.
The Web API link you included looks like it should do the server job properly at first sight. This article also includes how to generate a client certificate with a Powershell command.
Generating a client side certificate:
Use the Powershell command in the article that you referenced in your question.
Otherwise, this gist might help you on your way.
Add the certificate file to each platform specific project as a resource. This is usually done in the form of a .p12 file.
That all depends on which HttpClient you are using.
If you use the provided Web API solution, you should add the certificate contents as a X-ARR-ClientCert header with each request.

Client Authentication good enough for k8s?

I'm trying to secure my k8s cluster, and I'm looking at client-authentication authorization support for k8s. My requirement is that I want to be able to uniquely identify myself (e.g. client) to the k8s apiserver, but everything I read so far about client authentication is not the solution.
My understanding is that the server will just ensure that the client certificate provided is in fact signed by the certificate authority. What if a hacker gets another certificate signed by the same certificate authority (which isn't hard to do in my org) and uses that to talk to my server? It appears that popular orchestrations like Swarm and k8s support this option and touted it as most secure so there must be a reason for doing this. Can someone shed some light?
It is not only verified that the certificate is authorized by the CA. The client certificate also contains the Common Name (CN) which can be used with a simple ABAC Authorization to limit the access to specific users or groups.
Also it shouldn't be easy to get a signed certificate. IMO the access to the root CA should be very limited and it should be comprehensible who is allowed to sign certs and when it happened. Ideally the root CA should life on a offline host.
Beside that it sounds like the CA is also used for other purposes. If it is so, you could consider to create a separate root cert for the client authentication. You can use a different CA for the server certificate by setting different CA files for --client-ca-file and --tls-ca-file on the apiserver. That way you can restrict who is able to create client certificates and still verify the server identity with the CA of your organization (which might already be distributed on all org computers).
Other Authentication Methods
As mentioned Kubernetes also has some other authenication methods. The static token file and the static password file have the disadvantage that the secrets have to be stored plain text on the disk. Also the apiserver has to be restarted on every change.
Service account tokens are designated to be used by applications which run in the cluster.
OpenID might be a secure alternative to client certificates, but AFAIK it is way harder to set up. Especially when there is no OpenID server, yet.
I don't know much about the other authenication methods, but they look like they are intended for integrating with existing single-sign-on services.

What certificate store should I use to store a certificate for signing/encrypting JWT tokens?

I'm adding support for JWT tokens in my Web Application, and I have an X509 certificate which it needs for signing those tokens.
I have rejected the idea of using the same certificate we use for HTTPs (see Can I use the Private Key Certificate of Web App to sign JWT?).
I think a self signed certificate should do the trick, in fact I can't see any advantages of a web of trust in this scenario (that doesn't mean there aren't any, I just can't think of any).
The web application runs on a farm of web servers. My current plan is to generate a self signed cert and put the X509 certificate into the certificate store in Windows on each machine. Our IT department are checking, but they think they can roll that out to all the Web Servers in the farm using Group Policy. So this seems like a feasible plan.
The certificate store in windows looks pretty confusing to me. I think there are two options:
1) Put it in "My" store for the user under which the IIS App pool run. There are many app pools, so potentially the certificate will be in many stores.
2) Put it under the LocalMachine store, and then grant explicit access to the specific certificate for the IIS user(s).
3) Something else I can't think of.
Is there a "correct" place for these type of certs, and if so where is it?
The usual CertificateStore for signing certificates is the My store. I normally place them in LocalMachine location, but it is probably safer to put them in the certificate store for the Application Pool identity itself.
I would then give the Application Pool read-only access to this certificate only (right click certificate, then 'All Tasks' > 'Manage Private Keys', then add your Application Pool identity and give 'Read' permissions only.

Are OAuth2 and SSL enough to secure an API

I'm trying to figure out the best way to secure an API. I only allow SSL and I'm using OAuth2 for authentication, but that doesn't seem like enough.
The major concern I have is that anyone could inspect the requests being made by a legitimate client to the API and steal the OAuth client_id. At that point they would be able to construct any request they want to impersonate the legitimate client.
Is there any way to prevent this? I've seen people use a HMAC hash of the parameters using a secret key known only to the client and server but I see 2 problems with that.
It's very difficult (impossible?) to prevent a malicious user from decompiling your client and figuring out the secret key.
Some parameters seem odd to make an HMAC hash of. For example if a parameter was bytes of a file, do you include the whole thing in your HMAC hash?
You can deploy mutually-authenticated SSL between your legitimate clients and your API. Generate a self-signed SSL client certificate and store that within your client. Configure your server to require client-side authentication and only accept the certificate(s) you've deployed to your clients. If someone/something attempting to connect does not have that client certificate, it will be unable to establish an SSL session and the connection will not be made. Assuming you control the legitimate clients and the servers, you don't need a CA-issued certificate here; just use self-signed certificates since you control both the client-side and server-side certificate trust.
Now, you do call out that it's really hard to prevent someone from reverse engineering your client and recovering your credential (the private key belonging to the client certificate, in this case). And you're right. You'll normally store that key (and the certificate) in a keystore of sometype (a KeyStore if you're using Android) and that keystore will be encrypted. That encryption is based on a password, so you'll either need to (1) store that password in your client somewhere, or (2) ask the user for the password when they start your client app. What you need to do depends on your usecase. If (2) is acceptable, then you've protected your credential against reverse engineering since it will be encrypted and the password will not be stored anywhere (but the user will need to type it in everytime). If you do (1), then someone will be able to reverse engineer your client, get the password, get the keystore, decrypt the private key and certificate, and create another client that will be able to connect to the server.
There is nothing you can do to prevent this; you can make reverse engineering your code harder (by obfuscation, etc) but you cannot make it impossible. You need to determine what the risk you are trying to mitigate with these approaches is and how much work is worth doing to mitigate it.
Are you running the OAuth authentication step over SSL itself? That prevents all kinds of snooping though it does mean you'll have to be careful to keep your OAuth server's certificate up to date. (Note, the OAuth server can have a public SSL identity; it's still impossible to forge with even vaguely-reasonable amounts of effort. It's only the private key that needs to be kept secret.)
That said, you need to be more careful about what you are protecting against. Why do people have to use your client code at all? Why does it have to be “secret”? Easier to give that away and put the smarts (including verification of login identity) on your server. If someone wants to write their own client, let them. If someone wants to wave their account in public in a silly way, charge them the costs they incur from their foolishness…
