Understanding how a Sed script breaks down into individual commands - linux

I'm new to sed, can you tell me what the following does? I can't find a complete regex in the command from below.
sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/>[[:space:]]*\n/>\\\n/g' nlTest1.txt > nlTest2.txt
Are we having 3 commands together?
Or I'm not intrepreting the command correctly.

The partitioning of the commands is:
:a;N;$!ba, which is a common idiom for reading the entire input file into the pattern space (buffer to operate on) at once, in a loop; it is composed of 3 ;-separated commands:
label :a (defines a script location that can be jumped to)
function N (reads the next line and appends it to the pattern space)
$! ba, which branches (b) to label a, if the input line is not (!) the last ($) one.
s/>[[:space:]]*\n/>\\\n/g is a regular s function call in the form s/<regex>/<substitution-string>/; here, all occurrences of a > followed by any run of whitespace followed by a newline are replaced with just >\ and a newline.


How to use m with the ed function in a Bash Script [duplicate]

I just need to move a line up in sed. I can select the line with
sed -i '7s///'
I need to move line 7 up 2 lines so it will be line 5.
I can't find anything on the internet to do this without complicated scripts, I can't find a simple solution of moving a specific line a specific number of times.
seq 10|sed '5{N;h;d};7G'
when up to line 5 append next line(line 6) into pattern space then save them into hold space and delete them from pattern space; up to line 7 then append the hold space content("5\n6") behind the line 7; now, pattern space is "7\n5\n6";finally,sed will print the pattern space at the end of current cycle by default(if no "-n" parameter)
ed is better at this, since it has a "move" command that does exactly what you want. To move line 7 to be the line after line 4, just do 7m4. ed doesn't write the data back by default, so you need to explicitly issue a w command to write the data:
printf '7m4\nw\n' | ed input
Although it is perhaps better to use a more modern tool:
ex -s -c 7m4 -c w -c q input

Sed move a line

I just need to move a line up in sed. I can select the line with
sed -i '7s///'
I need to move line 7 up 2 lines so it will be line 5.
I can't find anything on the internet to do this without complicated scripts, I can't find a simple solution of moving a specific line a specific number of times.
seq 10|sed '5{N;h;d};7G'
when up to line 5 append next line(line 6) into pattern space then save them into hold space and delete them from pattern space; up to line 7 then append the hold space content("5\n6") behind the line 7; now, pattern space is "7\n5\n6";finally,sed will print the pattern space at the end of current cycle by default(if no "-n" parameter)
ed is better at this, since it has a "move" command that does exactly what you want. To move line 7 to be the line after line 4, just do 7m4. ed doesn't write the data back by default, so you need to explicitly issue a w command to write the data:
printf '7m4\nw\n' | ed input
Although it is perhaps better to use a more modern tool:
ex -s -c 7m4 -c w -c q input

Understanding sed

I am trying to understand how
sed 's/\^\[/\o33/g;s/\[1G\[/\[27G\[/' /var/log/boot
worked and what the pieces mean. The man page I read just confused me more and I tried the info sai Id but had no idea how to work it! I'm pretty new to Linux. Debian is my first distro but seemed like a rather logical place to start as it is a root of many others and has been around a while so probably is doing stuff well and fairly standardized. I am running Wheezy 64 bit as fyi if needed.
The sed command is a stream editor, reading its file (or STDIN) for input, applying commands to the input, and presenting the results (if any) to the output (STDOUT).
The general syntax for sed is
In the shell command you gave:
sed 's/\^\[/\o33/g;s/\[1G\[/\[27G\[/' /var/log/boot
the sed command is s/\^\[/\o33/g;s/\[1G\[/\[27G\[/' and /var/log/boot is the file.
The given sed command is actually two separate commands:
The intent of #1, the s (substitute) command, is to replace all occurrences of '^[' with an octal value of 033 (the ESC character). However, there is a mistake in this sed command. The proper bash syntax for an escaped octal code is \nnn, so the proper way for this sed command to have been written is:
Notice the trailing g after the replacement string? It means to perform a global replacement; without it, only the first occurrence would be changed.
The purpose of #2 is to replace all occurrences of the string \[1G\[ with \[27G\[. However, this command also has a mistake: a trailing g is needed to cause a global replacement. So, this second command needs to be written like this:
Finally, putting all this together, the two sed commands are applied across the contents of the /var/log/boot file, where the output has had all occurrences of ^[ converted into \033, and the strings \[1G\[ have been converted to \[27G\[.

What is the shorthand for the first argument of the previous comment in bash? last is '$!'

What is the special character which indicate first ?
if we do
$ vi .bashrc
$ source !$
this !$ will replaced by .bashrc
because ! means previous line(am I correct?), $ means last word (for sure)
then what is first?
I want to insert some string in every line in vi editor using
in here, if I put
in vi editor, it will append in all lines with example.
I want to insert all in front of all string every line.
I know I can use visual block (ctrl+v) and select all front lines and insert (shift+i) insert some word and escape(esc) will do the same... but I want to do in one shot..
please let me know how to do..
Thanks in advance
There are two questions, so you are getting two kinds of answers :)
The bash command history has only a passing similarity to the vi regular expression syntax.
^ is the beginning of line in vi. $ is the end of line in vi.
!!:0 is one way of accessing the first word of the previous command in bash
!$ is one way of accessing the last word of the previous command in bash
To indicate beginning of line, the symbol used is:
See an example:
$ cat a
this is me
testing some
$ sed 's/^/XXX/' a
XXXthis is me
XXXtesting some
The character you are looking for is ^.
For example, :%s/^/example/g will prepend all lines with the string example.
In bash, !^ refers to the first argument of the previous command, and !$ the last argument.

How do I write a sed script to grep information from a text file

I'm trying to do my homework that is restricted to only using sed to filter an input file to a certain format of output. Here is the input file (named stocks):
BAC;Bank of America Corporation Com;238,059,612
CSCO;Cisco Systems, Inc.;28,159,455
INTC;Intel Corporation;22,501,784
MSFT;Microsoft Corporation;23,363,118
VZ;Verizon Communications Inc. Com;5,744,385
KO;Coca-Cola Company (The) Common;3,752,569
MMM;3M Company Common Stock;1,660,453
And the output needs to be:
I did come up with a solution, but it's not efficient. Here is my sed script (named try.sed):
/.*;.*;[0-9].*/ { N
s/\(.*\);.*;.*\n\(.*\);.*;.*\n\(.*\);.*;.*\n\(.*\);.*;.*\n\(.*\);.*;.*\n\(.*\);.*;.*\n\(.*\);.*;.*/\1, \2, \3, \4, \5, \6, \7/gp
The command that I run on shell is:
$ sed -nf try.sed stocks
My question is, is there a better way of using sed to get the same result? The script I wrote only works with 7 lines of data. If the data is longer, I need to re-modify my script. I'm not sure how I can make it any better, so I'm here asking for help!
Thanks for any recommendations.
One more way using sed:
sed -ne '/^====/,/^====/ { /;/ { s/;.*$// ; H } }; $ { g ; s/\n// ; s/\n/, /g ; p }' stocks
-ne # Process each input line without printing and execute next commands...
/^====/,/^====/ # For all lines between these...
/;/ # If line has a semicolon...
s/;.*$// # Remove characters from first semicolon until end of line.
H # Append content to 'hold space'.
$ # In last input line...
g # Copy content of 'hold space' to 'pattern space' to work with it.
s/\n// # Remove first newline character.
s/\n/, /g # substitute the rest with output separator, comma in this case.
p # Print to output.
Edit: I've edited my algorithm, since I had neglected to consider the header and footer (I thought they were just for our benefit).
sed, by its design, accesses every line of an input file, and then performs expressions on ones that match some specification (or none). If you're tailoring your script to a certain number of lines, you're definitely doing something wrong! I won't write you a script since this is homework, but the general idea for one way to go about it is to write a script that does the following. Think of the ordering as the order things should be in a script.
Skip the first three lines using d, which deletes the pattern space and immediately moves on to the next line.
For each line that isn't a blank line, do the following steps. (This would all be in a single set of curly braces.)
Replace everything after and including the first semicolon (;) with a comma-and-space (", ") using the s (substitute) command.
Append the current pattern space into the hold buffer (look at H).
Delete the pattern space and move on to the next line, like in step 1.
For each line that gets to this point in the script (should be the first blank line), retrieve the contents of the hold space into the pattern space. (This would be after the curly braces above.)
Substitute all newlines in the pattern space with nothing.
Next, substitute the last comma-and-space in the pattern space with nothing.
Finally, quit the program so you don't process any more lines. My script worked without this, but I'm not 100% sure why.
That being said, that's just one way to go about it. sed often offers varying ways of varying complexity to accomplish a task. A solution I wrote with this method is 10 lines long.
As a note, I don't bother suppressing printing (with -n) or manually printing (with p); each line is printed by default. My script runs like this:
$ sed -f companies.sed companies
This sed command should produce your required output:
sed -rn '/[0-9]+$/{s/^([^;]*).*$/\1/p;}' file.txt
OR on Mac:
sed -En '/[0-9]+$/{s/^([^;]*).*$/\1/p;}' file.txt
This might work for you:
sed '1d;/;/{s/;.*//;H};${g;s/.//;s/\n/, /g;q};d' stocks
We don't want the headings so let's delete them. 1d
All data items are delimited by ;'s so let's concentrate on those lines. /;/
Of the things above delete everything from the first ; to the end of line and then stuff it away in the the hold space (HS) {s/;.*//;H}
When you get to the last line, overwrite it with the HS using the g command, delete the first newline (generated by the H command), replace all subsequent newlines with a comma and a space and print out what's left. ${g;s/.//;s/\n/, /g;q}
Delete everything else d
Here's a terminal session showing the incremental refinement of building a sed command:
cat <<! >stock # paste the file into a here doc and pass it on to a file
> Symbol;Name;Volume
> ================================================
> BAC;Bank of America Corporation Com;238,059,612
> CSCO;Cisco Systems, Inc.;28,159,455
> INTC;Intel Corporation;22,501,784
> MSFT;Microsoft Corporation;23,363,118
> VZ;Verizon Communications Inc. Com;5,744,385
> KO;Coca-Cola Company (The) Common;3,752,569
> MMM;3M Company Common Stock;1,660,453
> ================================================
> !
sed '1d;/;/!d' stock # delete headings and everything but data lines
BAC;Bank of America Corporation Com;238,059,612
CSCO;Cisco Systems, Inc.;28,159,455
INTC;Intel Corporation;22,501,784
MSFT;Microsoft Corporation;23,363,118
VZ;Verizon Communications Inc. Com;5,744,385
KO;Coca-Cola Company (The) Common;3,752,569
MMM;3M Company Common Stock;1,660,453
sed '1d;/;/{s/;.*//p};d' stock # delete all non essential data
sed '1d;/;/{s/;.*//;H};${g;l};d' stock # use the l command to see what's really there!
sed '1d;/;/{s/;.*//;H};${g;s/.//;s/\n/, /g;l};d' stock # refine refine
sed '1d;/;/{s/;.*//;H};${g;s/.//;s/\n/, /g;q};d' stock # all done!
