I Can't Edit my files in Android Studio - android-studio

For some unknown reason, I can't edit files in Android Studio. This include both java and xml files and other files ,
I can't edit nothing - cut files , or delete , write , nothing worked..
Files are not locked as Read-Only. I checked.
Restarting Android Studio did not resolve my problem.
Please Help me ! Thanks

This Can happen when you loose the focus of your Code View. you can keep focus by having a click on Scroll bar (right side) in the Android Studio.
This problem was in Android Studio version 1.2.2, So haven't experienced recently.
please Update Android Studio.


Android studio messed up every xml file. How to resolve it? [duplicate]

I have an odd problem with Android Studio.
Here is how my class file looks like on Android Studio
And here is what it looks like on a text editor.
Any ideas why it is happening? I have tried closing then reimporting the project, invalidate caches and restart, clean project, build project, delete .idea folder and .iml files. All of my files are broken when opening in AS but looks fine on text editors.
UPDATE: Quicker solution by the user Hong given below:
Delete the caches folder: C:\Users\my_user_name\.AndroidStudio3.3\system\caches
Here's what worked for me.
Close Android Studio
Go to C:\Users*your username*
Locate the Android Studio settings directory named .AndroidStudioX.X (X.X being the version)
Rename it to something like old.AndroidStudioX.X
Start Android Studio, and when it asks if you want to import settings, choose the old directory
This should fix the issue.
Thanks to the Answer of Asim, I found deleting folder caches fixed the problem for my case (all gradle files in Android Studio show contents that have nothing to do with the actual contents of these files):
This is still happening with Android Studio 4.0, so I have to delete the following folder to fix this problem:
This solution no longer works for Android Studio Arctic Fox. Please see the new answer by Nikunj Paradva. I have used the new solution and it works.
Solution for Android studio Arctic Fox and Higher Versions
Exit Android Studio
Delete caches folder from
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3 // For Arctic Fox
Open Android Studio and your code has being Perfect
Check your Android studio version and Target that version folder at below location
Note : AppData folder is Hidden in Windows
Does this situation warrant a bug report?
Yes! In fact this problem has been reported to the Android Studio team, and anyone willing to help us investigate is welcome to contribute there. Thanks!
You can also try the workaround in Hong's answer.
Close Android studio and then delete the caches folder: C:\Users\user_name\.AndroidStudio3.4\system\caches
Try to delete the Android Studio IDE cache data listed below per your platform:
~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudio[Preview]_X.Y_
See: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases#delete-unused
Updated my android studio days ago and was faced with the same problem. Solved it by uninstalling android studio and reinstalling the previous version set up I had left the SDK intact so I didn't have to re-download them working perfectly guess I won't be updating again soon.
Thanks to #Henry for confirming, by several similarly observed whacko problems the past two days, that my problem is indeed caused by a bug in AS. Follow his links to become convinced yourself. I'll let Henry file the bug report.
So there's no fixing my problem in situ without great effort--wait for bug fix.... which could take awhile.
So here's what I did to work around it and get back to work (it took less than 10 minutes):
create new project with no activity
(Do the rest inside the IDE, not using Windows or DOS.)
copy all .java files into the java folder in the IDE (it's ...\app\src\main\java\)
copy all res folders into the res folder (...\app\src\main\res\)
copy all asset files into main folder (...\app\src\main\assets\)
copy androidmanifest.xml into main folder (...\app\src\main)
do a global replace of old project name to new project name
I didn't change any of the files in the new project's ...\app\ folder because compilation was normal.
(I'll tell you this: when I saw what I THOUGHT were mangled FILES and looked at the History and saw nothing resembling what should have been there, I got a sick feeling, but I immediately opened Windows Explorer, selected all of the project's java files, and opened them, en masse, with Notepad++. Whew. No problems seen. (I didn't really think AS could actually mangle the files and I doubt it ever could. But it did wake me up at 5am!))
copy your android project to another location then open it from android studio
I changed my projects location and it solved my problem. This happened when my system was accidently shut down due to power failure.

Android Studio shows wrong file contents

I have an odd problem with Android Studio.
Here is how my class file looks like on Android Studio
And here is what it looks like on a text editor.
Any ideas why it is happening? I have tried closing then reimporting the project, invalidate caches and restart, clean project, build project, delete .idea folder and .iml files. All of my files are broken when opening in AS but looks fine on text editors.
UPDATE: Quicker solution by the user Hong given below:
Delete the caches folder: C:\Users\my_user_name\.AndroidStudio3.3\system\caches
Here's what worked for me.
Close Android Studio
Go to C:\Users*your username*
Locate the Android Studio settings directory named .AndroidStudioX.X (X.X being the version)
Rename it to something like old.AndroidStudioX.X
Start Android Studio, and when it asks if you want to import settings, choose the old directory
This should fix the issue.
Thanks to the Answer of Asim, I found deleting folder caches fixed the problem for my case (all gradle files in Android Studio show contents that have nothing to do with the actual contents of these files):
This is still happening with Android Studio 4.0, so I have to delete the following folder to fix this problem:
This solution no longer works for Android Studio Arctic Fox. Please see the new answer by Nikunj Paradva. I have used the new solution and it works.
Solution for Android studio Arctic Fox and Higher Versions
Exit Android Studio
Delete caches folder from
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3 // For Arctic Fox
Open Android Studio and your code has being Perfect
Check your Android studio version and Target that version folder at below location
Note : AppData folder is Hidden in Windows
Does this situation warrant a bug report?
Yes! In fact this problem has been reported to the Android Studio team, and anyone willing to help us investigate is welcome to contribute there. Thanks!
You can also try the workaround in Hong's answer.
Close Android studio and then delete the caches folder: C:\Users\user_name\.AndroidStudio3.4\system\caches
Try to delete the Android Studio IDE cache data listed below per your platform:
~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudio[Preview]_X.Y_
See: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases#delete-unused
Updated my android studio days ago and was faced with the same problem. Solved it by uninstalling android studio and reinstalling the previous version set up I had left the SDK intact so I didn't have to re-download them working perfectly guess I won't be updating again soon.
Thanks to #Henry for confirming, by several similarly observed whacko problems the past two days, that my problem is indeed caused by a bug in AS. Follow his links to become convinced yourself. I'll let Henry file the bug report.
So there's no fixing my problem in situ without great effort--wait for bug fix.... which could take awhile.
So here's what I did to work around it and get back to work (it took less than 10 minutes):
create new project with no activity
(Do the rest inside the IDE, not using Windows or DOS.)
copy all .java files into the java folder in the IDE (it's ...\app\src\main\java\)
copy all res folders into the res folder (...\app\src\main\res\)
copy all asset files into main folder (...\app\src\main\assets\)
copy androidmanifest.xml into main folder (...\app\src\main)
do a global replace of old project name to new project name
I didn't change any of the files in the new project's ...\app\ folder because compilation was normal.
(I'll tell you this: when I saw what I THOUGHT were mangled FILES and looked at the History and saw nothing resembling what should have been there, I got a sick feeling, but I immediately opened Windows Explorer, selected all of the project's java files, and opened them, en masse, with Notepad++. Whew. No problems seen. (I didn't really think AS could actually mangle the files and I doubt it ever could. But it did wake me up at 5am!))
copy your android project to another location then open it from android studio
I changed my projects location and it solved my problem. This happened when my system was accidently shut down due to power failure.

Android Studio - Cannot resolve symbol themes, colorprimary,

I am seeing in Android Studio 3.1.2 an error for AppCompat themes and colors attributes like attr/colorPrimary.
But only in Android Studio. Compile and run does work.
For example:
My app.gradle:
supportLibVersion is 27.1.1!
This helped in the similar problem. Maybe this help you:
Close the project from the File menu. Then open the project again as existing Android Studio project.
I posted my answer on link mentioned by V.March. Basicly Invalidate Caches / Restart solved my problem

Project build.gradle file won't open, Android Studio

This is the first time I've encountered this issue with Studio. For both the project and app level files, when I double click to open build.gradle I get the following problems:
Android Studio 2.3 - File opens, but displays "Loading" indefinitely.
Android Studio 3.0 - File doesn't even open at all. Clicking on them does nothing.
Has anyone else seen this behavior before? And solutions? Advice would be appreciated.
I had the same problem. This plugin was causing it: 'Android Method Count'.
I deleted the plugin, and it worked
delete xxx.iml file, if that still doesn`t work, restart Android studio more.

Android Studio SDK Issue

I was installed new version of Android Studio but its not show the SDK .Any one help to solve this path issue.See this images.
Android studio configure that not show the SDk where i fix it path of sdk[enter image description here]1
Generally the stored path of android sdk in generally hidden.
So as per my experiences go as i say,
First allow your Pc to show hidden file.
Go to the following directory of your Pc or Lappy:
Here You can see your Sdks.
Open Android Studio
In search bar type "sdk" .(Beside it you will see the android sdk location.Change it.)
Set the path of android sdk which you went into earlier in your lappy's directory shown above.
Here's the link..
And I ain't on Skype. Sorry😔
Thanks to all who give me suggestion.
Now its fix to reinstall complete android studio.
jdk file croup t or missing that why its show many problem.
I copy sdk file in another place and paste again when i reinstall my android studio its fix:) and no need to be download again sdk packages.
