Using TypeScript enum with mongoose schema - node.js

I have a schema with an enum:
export interface IGameMapModel extends IGameMap, Document {}
export const gameMapSchema: Schema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, index: { unique: true }, required: true },
type: { type: String, enum: CUtility.enumToArray(GameMode) }
export const GameMap: Model<IGameMapModel> = model<IGameMapModel>('GameMap', gameMapSchema);
The GameMap is an enum.
First problem is already in here: I need to convert the enum to a string array in order to use it with the schema.
Secondly, I wanna use an enum value directly during the schema creation.
new GameMap({
name: 'Test',
type: GameMode.ASSAULT
returns ValidationError: type: '1' is not a valid enum value for path 'type'.
I am not sure whether this can actually work due to the string array I set in the model enum property.
My idea would be to create some kind of type conversion during the schema creation. Does this work with mongoose or would I have to create some kind of helper for object creation?

GameMode.ASSAULT is evaluating as it's numeric value, but GameMode is expecting the type to be a string. What are you expecting the string evaluation to be? If you need the string value of the enum, you can access it with GameMode[GameMode.ASSAULT], which would return ASSAULT as a string.
For example:
enum TEST {
test1 = 1,
test2 = 2
//Prints "test1"
From the Mongoose docs on validation, in schema properties with a type of String that have enum validation, the enum that mongoose expects in an array of strings.
This means that CUtility.enumToArray(GameMode) needs to either return to you an array of the indexes as strings, or an array of the text/string values of the enum--whichever you are expecting to store in your DB.
The validation error seems to imply that 1 is not contained within the array that is being produced by CUtility.enumToArray(GameMode), or the validation is seeing GameMode.ASSAULT as a number when it is expected a string representation of 1. You might have to convert the enum value you are passing in into a string.
What is the output of CUtility.enumToArray(GameMode)? That should help you determine which of the two is your problem.

Why don't you just create custom getter/setter:
const schema = new Schema ({
enumProp: {
type: Schema.Types.String,
enum: enumKeys(EnumType),
get: (enumValue: string) => EnumType[enumValue as keyof typeof EnumType],
set: (enumValue: EnumType) => EnumType[enumValue],
Don't forget to explicitly enable the getter
schema.set('toJSON', { getters: true });
// and/or
schema.set('toObject', { getters: true });
This way you can fine-control how exactly you want to represent the prop in the db, backend and frontend (json response).


How to represent a map or object with key-value pairs in GraphQL?

How can I query for the following object?
result: {
'1': {
^^^ these are dynamic keys, never constant
id: 'id1',
'20': {
id: 'id2',
'300': {
id: 'id3',
I know that I can define the result object fairly simply, if it wasn't a key-value pair object.
const ResultQueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'ResultQueryType',
fields: () => ({
id: { type: GraphQLString }
But this is clearly not what I need. I haven't encountered such a scenario with GraphQL yet, what can I do here?
You can try the dynamic key as suggested here.
const ResultQueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "ResultQueryType",
fields: () => ({
[fieldName: string]: { type: GraphQLString },
You can only query fields that have been explicitly defined in the schema.
Spec: The target field of a field selection must be defined on the scoped type of the selection set.
Docs Every GraphQL service defines a set of types which completely describe the set of possible data you can query on that service. Then, when queries come in, they are validated and executed against that schema.
In other words, you can't have a Results map type (and therefore can't query it) if its fields are not known to the schema definition. There are a couple of workarounds:
Use JSON. Many implementations let you define custom scalars as JSON or
have a JSON type that is a String alias. You keep the map structure but lose type awareness. It's left to the client to parse the result.
Refactor your map to an array. If you can merge the top-level key into each record, you can return an [Item] array.
You have to abandon the map, but you keep full GraphQL type-awareness.

Mongoose Schema type as a custom interface from TypeScript?

I´d like to store a custom object that has the StationRating interface attributes, can somebody help me ?
It's possible, but it requires some boilerplate. Issues are:
Interfaces and types in TS do not exist in emitted code
While you could go in the other direction - create a schema object and make an interface/type out of it - schema object values must be constructors, eg Number, which is not the same thing as something with a number type.
But you can create a type that maps the constructor types to their primitive types (eg Number to number), then use that to turn the schema object into the type you want:
type ConstructorMapping<T> =
T extends NumberConstructor ? number :
T extends StringConstructor ? string : never; // etc: continue as needed
const schemaObj = {
score: Number,
user_id: String,
station_id: String,
description: String,
type SchemaObj = typeof schemaObj;
type StationRating = {
[prop in keyof SchemaObj]: ConstructorMapping<SchemaObj[prop]>
Then use schemaObj when calling new Schema, and you'll also have the following usable type:
type StationRating = {
score: number;
user_id: string;
station_id: string;
description: string;
Is it worth it? I'm not sure. For smaller objects, maybe not. For larger objects, maybe so. You might prefer just to write out the type and the schema object.
Is there a specific reason you want to store it in an object? You could use a virtual method to create the "Rating". I'm not exactly sure without seeing more, but if all you want to do is reference the score or create some calculations off it, then it seems like an easy enough solution.
const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
firstName: String,
lastName: String
// Create a virtual property `fullName` with a getter and setter.
get(function() { return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; }).
set(function(v) {
// `v` is the value being set, so use the value to set
// `firstName` and `lastName`.
const firstName = v.substring(0, v.indexOf(' '));
const lastName = v.substring(v.indexOf(' ') + 1);
this.set({ firstName, lastName });
const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
const doc = new User();
// Vanilla JavaScript assignment triggers the setter
doc.fullName = 'Jean-Luc Picard';
doc.fullName; // 'Jean-Luc Picard'
doc.firstName; // 'Jean-Luc'
doc.lastName; // 'Picard'

NodeJs GraphQL enum type value as dynamic
Here is my example graphQL Schema. i am trying to use enum type. How do i get enum values from backend and give it into schema?
// Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
const typeDefs = `
type User {
userId: Int
firstName: String
lastName: String
type Query {
hello: String
user: User
type CreateUserLoad {
user: User
enum Role {
type Mutation{
createUser(firstName: String, lastName: String, role: Role): User
I want to populate enum Role value from dynamic variable as
const roleData = ['writer','reader','author','admin','superAdmin'];
Can anyone help me?
You can simply use string interpolation:
// Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
const typeDefs = `
type User {
userId: Int
firstName: String
lastName: String
type Query {
hello: String
user: User
type CreateUserLoad {
user: User
enum Role { ${roles.join(' ')} }
type Mutation{
createUser(firstName: String, lastName: String, role: Role): User
In fact, on every incoming grahpql query you have to pass the parsed schema to the graphql server, so you can even change it for every request. In that case, it would be better to change the object representation that the schema parsing returned.
For creating enum types directly, say you have an array of values userRoles and want a RolesEnum type, then you can create it like so:
const roleValues = {}
for (const value of userRoles) {
roleValues[value] = {value}
const RolesEnum = new GraphQLEnumType({
name: 'UserRoles',
values: roleValues,
you can then assign that directly as a type in your schema.
If your enum values are loaded from a database or any other back-end source, or if the enum list is dynamic, then you can't have a static enum definition in your schema.
The biggest problem with setting enums dynamically is that your schema is meant to be a contract between back-end and front-end and is not suppose to be altered.
If you are going to use your role as an arbitrary string then define it as such!
type Mutation {
createUser(firstName: String, lastName: String, role: String): User
The only difference here would be that your resolver will have to check if the role exists, which is what graphql previously did for you when you were using an enum.
If the role is used on a lot of queries / mutations, you can define a scalar Role and in the resolved for the scalar you can check if the role exists and simply throw an error if it doesn't.
In this case your mutation would look the same as if you had a dynamic enum Role, but you will not need to alter the schema at all.
type Mutation {
createUser(firstName: String, lastName: String, role: Role): User
To add dynamic enums along with documentation string using string interpolation.
Example: I have a list of countries and their ISO2 Codes
const countryData = [
{name:'India', code: 'IN'},
{name:'Afghanistan', code: 'AF'},
{name:'Algeria', code: 'DZ'},
{name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'
const countryCodes = countryData.flatMap(country => [
Without using Array.join()
enum CountryCode { ${countryCodes} }

Handling Mongoose Populated Fields in GraphQL

How do I represent a field that could be either a simple ObjectId string or a populated Object Entity?
I have a Mongoose Schema that represents a 'Device type' as follows
// assetSchema.js
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Asset = new Schema({ name : String,
linked_device: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Asset'})
export AssetSchema = mongoose.model('Asset', Asset);
I am trying to model this as a GraphQLObjectType but I am stumped on how to allow the linked_ue field take on two types of values, one being an ObjectId and the other being a full Asset Object (when it is populated)
// graphql-asset-type.js
import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString } from 'graphql'
export var GQAssetType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Asset',
fields: () => ({
name: GraphQLString,
linked_device: ____________ // stumped by this
I have looked into Union Types but the issue is that a Union Type expects fields to be stipulated as part of its definition, whereas in the case of the above, there are no fields beneath the linked_device field when linked_device corresponds to a simple ObjectId.
Any ideas?
As a matter of fact, you can use union or interface type for linked_device field.
Using union type, you can implement GQAssetType as follows:
// graphql-asset-type.js
import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLUnionType } from 'graphql'
var LinkedDeviceType = new GraphQLUnionType({
name: 'Linked Device',
types: [ ObjectIdType, GQAssetType ],
resolveType(value) {
if (value instanceof ObjectId) {
return ObjectIdType;
if (value instanceof Asset) {
return GQAssetType;
export var GQAssetType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Asset',
fields: () => ({
name: { type: GraphQLString },
linked_device: { type: LinkedDeviceType },
Check out this excellent article on GraphQL union and interface.
I was trying to solve the general problem of pulling relational data when I came across this article. To be clear, the original question appears to be how to dynamically resolve data when the field may contain either the ObjectId or the Object, however I don't believe it's good design in the first place to have a field store either object or objectId. Accordingly, I was interested in solving the simplified scenario where I keep the fields separated -- one for the Id, and the other for the object. I also, thought employing Unions was overly complex unless you actually have another scenario like those described in the docs referenced above. I figured the solution below may interest others also...
Note: I'm using graphql-tools so my types are written schema language syntax. So, if you have a User Type that has fields like this:
type User {
_id: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String
companyId: ID
company: Company
Then in my user resolver functions code, I add this:
User: { // <-- this refers to the User Type in Graphql
company(u) { // <-- this refers to the company field
return User.findOne({ _id: u.companyId }); // <-- mongoose User type
The above works alongside the User resolver functions already in place, and allow you write GQL queries like this:
query getUserById($_id:ID!)
{ getUserById(_id:$_id) {
company {
S. Arora

How to get enum values from mongoose schema using virtual method?

I'm having difficulty getting enum values from my Mongoose schema using a virtual method on that same schema.
The property I'm trying to access in the schema is defined as follows:
, roles: {
type: [{
type: String
, enum: ['user', 'admin']
, default: ['user']
The following is my virtual method I'm using to grab the enum values:
// Returns an array of all possible role enum values
UserSchema.virtual('possibleRoles').get(function() {
return this.schema.path('roles').caster.enumValues;
This works, however other examples I found online went about it in a different way. An example of this is here: Access the list of valid values for an Enum field in a Mongoose.js Schema
Is my method for accessing enums on a property dirty or incorrect? Is there a cleaner way I could write this?
This is clean and easy way.
var possibleRoles = ['user', 'admin'];
var UserSchema = new Schema({
roles: {
type: [{type: String, enum: possibleRoles}],
default: ['user']
UserSchema.virtual('possibleRoles').get(function () {
return possibleRoles;
remove the caster part, i don't know why that is there:
return this.schema.path('roles').enumValues;
that should work without any other issues
