How to you get verbose output from ld when using Cargo? - rust

How do you get the ld linker to be verbose when you use Cargo? I've tried several things in .cargo/config, but without luck. What would the right settings be? When using gcc directly, I can just do -Wl,--verbose.
rustflags = [
"-C", "prefer-dynamic",
# "-Z", "pre-link-arg=-pthread",
"-C", "link-arg=-pthread",
"-C", "link-arg=-fopenmp",
# "-C", "link-arg=-LC:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1/lib64/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9.4",
# "-C", "link-arg=--sysroot=C:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1",
# "-Z", "pre-link-args=-LC:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1/lib",
# "-Z", "pre-link-args=-LC:\\Octave\\Octave-4.2.1\\lib",
# "-C", "link-arg=--verbose",
# "-C", "link-arg=-v",
# "-C", "link-arg=-Wl,--verbose",
# "-Z", "print-link-args",
linker = "C:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1/bin/gcc.exe"
# rustflags = [
# "-C", "link-arg=-Wl,--verbose",
# ]
# [term]
# verbose = true
I'm trying to build a library for Octave with Rust.

Found the answer:
export RUSTC_LOG=rustc_codegen_ssa::back::link=info


Nodejs node binary core dumped(Ilegal Insatruction)

I am working on bit-bake environment. I am using nodejs ver 10.15.3
dest cpu == ppc64 linux
My problem is node binary core dumps and I am not able to identify the root cause. I am trying to compile nodejs for dest cpu(ppc64).
I am not sure but I guess there are runtime requirements which are not satisfied on the target machine.
below is my recipe:-
DESCRIPTION = "nodeJS Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript"
LICENSE = "MIT & BSD & Artistic-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=9ceeba79eb2ea1067b7b3ed16fff8bab"
DEPENDS = "openssl zlib icu"
DEPENDS_append_class-target = " nodejs-native"
inherit pkgconfig
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv4 = "(!.*armv4).*"
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv5 = "(!.*armv5).*"
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mips64 = "(!.*mips64).*"
SRC_URI = "${PV}/node-v${PV}.tar.xz \
file://0001-Disable-running-gyp-files-for-bundled-deps.patch \
file://0003-Crypto-reduce-memory-usage-of-SignFinal.patch \
file://0004-Make-compatibility-with-gcc-4.8.patch \
file://0005-Link-atomic-library.patch \
file://0006-Use-target-ldflags.patch \
SRC_URI_append_class-target = " \
file://0002-Using-native-torque.patch \
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "d76210a6ae1ea73d10254947684836fb"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4e22d926f054150002055474e452ed6cbb85860aa7dc5422213a2002ed9791d5"
S = "${WORKDIR}/node-v${PV}"
# v8 errors out if you have set CCACHE
def map_nodejs_arch(a, d):
import re
if re.match('i.86$', a): return 'ia32'
elif re.match('x86_64$', a): return 'x64'
elif re.match('aarch64$', a): return 'arm64'
elif re.match('(powerpc64|ppc64le)$', a): return 'ppc64'
elif re.match('powerpc$', a): return 'ppc'
return a
ARCHFLAGS_arm = "${#bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'callconvention-hard', '--with-arm-float-abi=hard', '--with-arm-float-abi=softfp', d)} \
${#bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'neon', '--with-arm-fpu=neon', \
bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'vfpv3d16', '--with-arm-fpu=vfpv3-d16', \
bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'vfpv3', '--with-arm-fpu=vfpv3', \
'--with-arm-fpu=vfp', d), d), d)}"
GYP_DEFINES_append_mipsel = " mips_arch_variant='r1' "
# Node is way too cool to use proper autotools, so we install two wrappers to forcefully inject proper arch cflags to workaround gypi
do_configure () {
rm -rf ${S}/deps/openssl
export LD="${CXX}"
# $TARGET_ARCH settings don't match --dest-cpu settings
./configure --prefix=${prefix} --with-intl=system-icu --without-snapshot --shared-openssl --shared-zlib \
--dest-cpu="${#map_nodejs_arch(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH'), d)}" \
--dest-os=linux \
do_compile () {
export LD="${CXX}"
oe_runmake BUILDTYPE=Release
do_install () {
oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
do_install_append_class-native() {
# use node from PATH instead of absolute path to sysroot
# node-v0.10.25/tools/ is using:
# shebang = os.path.join(node_prefix, 'bin/node')
# update_shebang(link_path, shebang)
# and node_prefix can be very long path to bindir in native sysroot and
# when it exceeds 128 character shebang limit it's stripped to incorrect path
# and npm fails to execute like in this case with 133 characters show in log.do_install:
# updating shebang of /home/jenkins/workspace/build-webos-nightly/device/qemux86/label/open-webos-builder/BUILD-qemux86/work/x86_64-linux/nodejs-native/0.10.15-r0/image/home/jenkins/workspace/build-webos-nightly/device/qemux86/label/open-webos-builder/BUILD-qemux86/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/npm to /home/jenkins/workspace/build-webos-nightly/device/qemux86/label/open-webos-builder/BUILD-qemux86/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/node
# /usr/bin/npm is symlink to /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
# use sed on npm-cli.js because otherwise symlink is replaced with normal file and
# npm-cli.js continues to use old shebang
sed "1s^.*^#\!/usr/bin/env node^g" -i ${D}${exec_prefix}/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
# Install the native torque to provide it within sysroot for the target compilation
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 ${S}/out/Release/torque ${D}${bindir}/torque
do_install_append_class-target() {
sed "1s^.*^#\!${bindir}/env node^g" -i ${D}${exec_prefix}/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-npm"
FILES_${PN}-npm = "${exec_prefix}/lib/node_modules ${bindir}/npm ${bindir}/npx"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-npm = "bash python-shell python-datetime python-subprocess python-textutils \
python-compiler python-misc python-multiprocessing"
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-systemtap"
FILES_${PN}-systemtap = "${datadir}/systemtap"
I am able to apply gdb to node binary below is the snapshot. It core dumps at this point.
Thread 1 "node" hit Breakpoint 10, v8::internal::Runtime_PromiseHookInit (args_length=2, args_object=0x3fffffffd188, isolate=0x11284ab0)
at /usr/src/debug/nodejs/8.17.0-r0/node-v8.17.0/deps/v8/src/runtime/
132 /usr/src/debug/nodejs/8.17.0-r0/node-v8.17.0/deps/v8/src/runtime/ No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0 v8::internal::Runtime_PromiseHookInit (args_length=2, args_object=0x3fffffffd188, isolate=0x11284ab0) at /usr/src/debug/nodejs/8.17.0-r0/node-v8.17.0/deps/v8/src/runtime/
#1 0x000003c7b3f04134 in ?? ()
(gdb) c
Nodejs is not supported on PPC64 LE architecture. There is only support for the Big Endian platform on PPC architecture till 7.9 Version.

Using a pipe character | with child_process spawn

I'm running nodejs on a raspberry pi and I want to run a child process to spawn a webcam stream.
Outside of node my command is:
raspivid -n -mm matrix -w 320 -h 240 -fps 18 -g 100 -t 0 -b 5000000 -o - | ffmpeg -y -f h264 -i - -c:v copy -map 0:0 -f flv -rtmp_buffer 100 -rtmp_live live "rtmp://"
With child_process I have to break each argument up
var args = ["-n", "-mm", "matrix", "-w", "320", "-h", "240", "-fps", "18", "-g", "100", "-t", "0", "-b", "5000000", "-o", "-", "|", "ffmpeg", "-y", "-f", "h264", "-i", "-", "-c:v", "copy", "-map", "0:0", "-f", "flv", "-rtmp_buffer", "100", "-rtmp_live", "live", "rtmp://"];
camera.proc = child.spawn('raspivid', args);
However it chokes on the | character:
error, exit code 64
Invalid command line option (|)
How do I use this pipe character as an argument?
This has been answered in another question: Using two commands (using pipe |) with spawn
In summary, with child.spawn everything in args should be an argument of your 'raspivid' command. In your case, the pipe and everything after it are actually arguments for sh.
A workaround is to call child.spawn('sh', args) where args is:
var args = ['-c', <the entire command you want to run as a string>];

opencv videocapture can't open MJPEG stream

the Opencv 2.4.9: VideoCapture cann't open the MJPG-streamer:
VideoCapture cap;"");
if (!cap.isOpened()) // if not success, exit program
cout << "Cannot open the video cam" << endl;
return -1;
I can see the video use gst-launch. and I have searched a lot,like this and tried the fifo like this,but still cann't open it.
then I want to debug into opencv,compile opencv with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG, but my GDB just cann't step into the open function.any idea?
my makefile:
CFLAGS = -g -I$(OpencvDebugLibDir)/include/opencv -I$(OpencvDebugLibDir)
LIBS = $(OpencvDebugLibDir)/lib/*.so
target : main.cpp
g++ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $# $<
by the way, I am in opensue13.1, with the same code,I can open the video in win 7.
thank you.
now I can step into some function like:imshow,waitKey, but I can not step into others like:imread,namedWindow,it shows:
29 image = cv::imread(name);
(gdb) s
std::allocator<char>::allocator (this=0x7fffffffdc7f)
at /usr/src/debug/gcc-4.8.1-20130909/obj-x86_64-suse-linux/x86_64-suse-linux/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/allocator.h:113
113 allocator() throw() { }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char** argv )
Mat image;
image = imread( "LinuxLogo.jpg", 1 );
if ( ! )
printf("No image data \n");
return -1;
namedWindow("Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
imshow("Display Image", image);
return 0;
my makefile:
CFLAGS=-g -I$(OpencvDebugLibDir)/include/opencv -I$(OpencvDebugLibDir)
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $# $< -L$(LIBS) -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core -Wl,-rpath=/home/ry/lib/lib
run gdb:
gdb test4 -d /home/ry/learn/opencv/install/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.9/modules/core/src -d /home/ry/learn/opencv/install/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.9/modules/highgui/src
opencv videocapture can't open MJPEG stream,because I don't compile opencv with FFMPEG support.
when cmake the opencv:
you get something like:
-- codec: NO
-- format: NO
-- util: NO
-- swscale: NO
-- gentoo-style: NO
so the cmake don't find the FFMPEG. I should install libffmpeg-devel in my machine(Opensuse 13.1),then the pkg-config can find FFMPEG,you can check with this:
pkg-config --list-all | grep libavcodec
then run the above cmake command again, I get:
-- codec: YES (ver 55.69.100)
-- format: YES (ver 55.48.100)
-- util: YES (ver 52.92.100)
-- swscale: YES (ver 2.6.100)
-- gentoo-style: YES
make,and I get the opencv videocapture able to open MJPG_Streamer.
PS:to find the reason,I compile a debug version opencv,and step into the VideoCapture's open function,and in the construction function of icvInitFFMPEG() in " opencv-2.4.9/modules/highgui/src/cap.cpp ":
#elif defined HAVE_FFMPEG
icvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG_p = (CvCreateFileCapture_Plugin)cvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG;
icvReleaseCapture_FFMPEG_p = (CvReleaseCapture_Plugin)cvReleaseCapture_FFMPEG;
icvGrabFrame_FFMPEG_p = (CvGrabFrame_Plugin)cvGrabFrame_FFMPEG;
icvRetrieveFrame_FFMPEG_p = (CvRetrieveFrame_Plugin)cvRetrieveFrame_FFMPEG;
icvSetCaptureProperty_FFMPEG_p = (CvSetCaptureProperty_Plugin)cvSetCaptureProperty_FFMPEG;
icvGetCaptureProperty_FFMPEG_p = (CvGetCaptureProperty_Plugin)cvGetCaptureProperty_FFMPEG;
icvCreateVideoWriter_FFMPEG_p = (CvCreateVideoWriter_Plugin)cvCreateVideoWriter_FFMPEG;
icvReleaseVideoWriter_FFMPEG_p = (CvReleaseVideoWriter_Plugin)cvReleaseVideoWriter_FFMPEG;
icvWriteFrame_FFMPEG_p = (CvWriteFrame_Plugin)cvWriteFrame_FFMPEG;
it just step over these code,so I know because I don't have the HAVE_FFMPEG defined in compiling process.

do_install error while running custom bitbake in poky build

I am using latest poky-am335x to build simple helloworld application. With some workaround I can able to compile the application. I am doing lot of trails to install binaries but build is throwing error.
error log :
DEBUG: SITE files ['endian-little', 'bit-32', 'arm-common', 'common-linux', 'common-glibc', 'arm-linux', 'arm-linux-gnueabi', 'common']
DEBUG: Executing shell function do_install
NOTE: make -j 4 DESTDIR=/home/pis1kor/workspace/poky-am335x/build/tmp/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/helloworld-1.0-r0/image install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
ERROR: oe_runmake failed
ERROR: Function failed: do_install (see /home/pis1kor/workspace/poky-am335x/build/tmp/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/helloworld-1.0-r0/temp/log.do_install.29583 for further information)
Bitbake file :
DESCRIPTION = "Simple helloworld application"
SECTION = "examples"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.tar"
do_compile () {
make -C ${WORKDIR}/helloworld all
do_install() {
oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
#do_install() {
# oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
# make -C ${WORKDIR}/helloworld/ install
# oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' install
# cp -f ${WORKDIR}/helloworld/helloworld ${WORKDIR}/image
# oe_runmake install ${WORKDIR}/helloworld
# make -C ${WORKDIR}/helloworld install
# install -d ${D}${bindir}/ ZZ
inherit autotools gettext
Makefile :
IDIR = ./include
CC = arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon -mtune=cortex-a8 --sysroot=/home/pis1kor/workspace/poky-am335x/build/tmp/sysroots/am335x-evm
LIBS = -lm
FILES = ./src/helloworld.c
OUT_EXE = helloworld
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
all: $(FILES)
$(CC) -o $(OUT_EXE) $(FILES) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
$(INSTALL_DATA) -C helloworld ../image
# sudo cp ./helloworld ../image/
rm -f *.o helloworld
The commented lines are kept like that because just to mansion all the trails I tried with.
The basic differences are the below.
S = "${WORKDIR}/helloworld/"
EXTRA_OEMAKE = 'all -C ${S}'
"EXTRA_OEMAKE" is the key macro which I didn't used before.
I have changed the bitbake file file like below.
DESCRIPTION = "Simple helloworld application"
SECTION = "examples"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
PR = "r0"
S = "${WORKDIR}/helloworld/"
EXTRA_OEMAKE = 'all -C ${S}'
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.tar"
inherit autotools gettext

Error when spawning child process in node.js

I'm trying to get a little ffmpeg converter-service up and running, made pretty good progress so far. But when it comes to spawning the actual ffmpeg process for conversion, i'm hitting a brick wall.
// options.ffmpegopts is an array containing format-specific parameters
var args = [ '-y', '"' + options.targetfile + '"' ];
args = options.ffmpegopts.concat(args);
var ffmpegProc = spawn('ffmpeg ', args);
ffmpegProc.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('stderr: ' + data);
When executing this code, i get the following console output:
stderr: execvp(): No such file or directory
I already checked different node versions (0.4.0, 0.4.2 and 0.5.0-pre) without any effect.
Another really strange behavior is the fact that i have to call spawn including a space ('ffmpeg ' instead of just 'ffmpeg'). If i omit this space, i get a different error (stderr: "/path/to/my/movie.mpeg": no such file or directory). When calling ffmpeg directly from the shell, the command sent to child_process.spawn() executes without any problems.
Any hints on that one? I already checked other projects who achieve the same (like node-imagemagick or ffmpeg-node, but the enlightment didn't hit me...
Update: strace() output
When running my application using strace -fF -o strace.log node server.js, i can grep the following process spawning calls:
execve("/usr/local/sbin/ffmpeg", ["ffmpeg", "-i", "\"/data/media_dev/test/ORG_mymovi"..., "-sameq", "-ab", "128k", "-ar", "44100", "-b", "512k", "-r", "25", "-s", "320x240", "-f", "flv", ...], [/* 20 vars */]) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
execve("/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg", ["ffmpeg", "-i", "\"/data/media_dev/test/ORG_mymovi"..., "-sameq", "-ab", "128k", "-ar", "44100", "-b", "512k", "-r", "25", "-s", "320x240", "-f", "flv", ...], [/* 20 vars */]) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
execve("/usr/sbin/ffmpeg", ["ffmpeg", "-i", "\"/data/media_dev/test/ORG_mymovi"..., "-sameq", "-ab", "128k", "-ar", "44100", "-b", "512k", "-r", "25", "-s", "320x240", "-f", "flv", ...], [/* 20 vars */]) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
execve("/usr/bin/ffmpeg", ["ffmpeg", "-i", "\"/data/media_dev/test/ORG_mymovi"..., "-sameq", "-ab", "128k", "-ar", "44100", "-b", "512k", "-r", "25", "-s", "320x240", "-f", "flv", ...], [/* 20 vars */]) = 0
After seeing that strangely escaped double quotes on the path, i tried to call ffmpeg without the quotes...worked like a charm. But the problem remains, i need to be able to work with spaces in my paths.
Any suggestions?
Update: Solution
Got it working with spaces, a simple inputfile.replace(' ', '\ ') was enough.
I'd wager money that the space at the end of "ffmpeg " is the cause of the current problem. A quick little C program will show that:
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
execvp(argv[1], &argv[1]);
gives the following output:
$ ./execvp "ffmpeg"
FFmpeg version 0.6-4:0.6-2ubuntu6, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers
$ ./execvp "ffmpeg "
./execvp: No such file or directory
I suggest removing the space again, and re-run under strace(1) -fF. Look for the command that is actually executed, and look to see if the error message about /path/to/my/movie.mpeg is coming from ffmpeg or from node.js.
