alter vim's mode indicator text to just the first letter in airline - vim

I have vim with airline, that tells me which mode I am in. I would like to change it so that rather than the whole word it just displays the first letter. So N, I or V. Although I can find instructions for changing colours of the mode indicator, I can't find the command to add to my .vimrc that will change the text.
What do I add?

I don't use the plugin, but was able to locate the information in its help almost immediately.
You're looking for the g:airline_mode_map configuration; the example even does exactly what you're asking for (single mode letters), so just copy-and-paste the fragment into your ~/.vimrc!
Also, I would recommend to open an issue / ask the plugin author next time. It might take a bit longer until you get an answer, but it alerts the author about things that aren't yet documented or are hard to find in the documentation, so he can improve it.


Tab number, instead of number of windows

Above is default tabline, I want that instead of number of windows I ll see there index of tab, in the above example '1 quickfix.txt | 2 tabpage.txt' to simply call [index]gt to go to target page. Is it possible to acquire default string for tab, for example '2 quicklix.txt' then swap first digit with tabnumber to get '1 quickfix.txt'?
I don't want to write scripts the way vim is suggesting, see :help tagline, in the sense, that there many features like cropping and showing if file is modified, which I like and don't want to write them from scratch. What I want is to get default string for tab and modify it the way I explained earlier.
P.s. I don't want to write scripts the way vim is suggesting, see :help tagline, in the sense, that there many features like cropping and showing if file is modified, which I like and don't want to write them from scratch.
As discussed earlier, your goal is impossible to achieve without at least a little bit of scripting.
You don't have to write anything "from scratch", though. The snippets generously provided to you under :help setting-tabline and :help setting-guitablabel cover a lot of ground so you only have to copy them to your vimrc and modify them to suit your needs.

Is there a one-liner to tell vim/ctags autocompletion to search from the middle of a word?

In vim (in Insert mode, after running exuberant ctags), I am using ctrl-x followed by ctrl-] to bring up a dropdown of various possible words/tokens. It's a great feature.
The problem is that by default, this list starts with a bunch of numeric options and automatically inserts the first numeric option, and if I backspace to get rid of the numbers and start typing a part of a word fresh -- with the idea of searching from the middle of the word -- the autocompletion behavior exits entirely.
I know I could type the first letter of the word that I want, then go from there. But that assumes that I know the first letter of the word, which is not necessarily a given.
For example, if I'm working on a pair-programming project with a friend during a long weekend, I might not remember at any given moment whether he called his method promoteRecordStatus(), updateRecordStatus() or boostRecordStatus(). In this example, I would like to type RecordStatus and get the relevant result, which does not seem to be possible at a glance with the current behavior.
So with that scenario in mind: Is there a simple, vim-native way to tell the editor to start its autocompletion without any assumptions, then search all available tokens for my typed string in all parts of each token?
I will of course consider plugin suggestions helpful, but I would prefer a short, vim-native answer that doesn't require any plugins if possible. Ideally, the configuration could be set using just a line or two.
The built-in completions all require a match at the starting position. In some cases, you could drop separator characters from the 'iskeyword' option (e.g. in Vimscript, drop # to be able to complete individual components from foo#bar#BazFunction()), but this won't work for camelCaseWords at all.
Custom :help complete-functions can implement any completion search, though. To be based on the tags database, it would have to use taglist() as a source, and filter according to the completion base entered before triggering the completion. If you do not anchor this pattern match at the beginning, you have your desired completion.

Display last pressed set of valid keys on Vim's statusline [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Vim "show my last command" command?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I often find that I press the wrong set of keys but I can't figure out what I went wrong with.
In other words, a fat finger. However I don't know if it's a fat finger or not just from the output, a lot of the time yes I could figure it out, but instead I prefer Vim to tell me where I went wrong.
What I would like is to have something in my statusline that outputs the last set of valid key presses.
No showcmd does not work for my needs, that only outputs what I'm currently typing, tells me what Vim knows from me currently.
What I need is to know what Vim knew from me the last time I pressed keys.
So for examples, what I pressed on the left and what I want this addition in the statusline to tell me on the right.
j j
jjjjj j
5j 5j
4jj j
Isome text I
Aoh yeah A
. (Whatever the dot key just repeated)
Etc. You get the idea. :)
What would be a simple way to achieve this? It's probably some obscure variable that Vim keeps track of and I'm just not aware of it.
Any help is appreciated. :)
No, there's no built-in way to tell you if what you just typed is wrong and only a subset of what you type is recorded with some persistence (Ex commands, searches but not normal mode commands or inserts).
Recording everything you type is "easy" or rather "doable" with a key logger. Making sense of the content of the log (supposing we are able to decide where a command starts and where it ends) is another matter entirely. jjjj, 4j, /foo<CR>, 56G, or even using the mouse are all perfectly valid ways to move the cursor to foo and AFAIK, no one has ever written a program able to tell you which one of the method above is the most "valid".
So, in the meantime, you are left with your brain and how good it is at focusing on a given task and at manipulating abstract concepts: pay attention to what you do, identify bottlenecks and look for possible improvements.
From Seven habits of effective text editing:
While you are editing, keep an eye out for actions you repeat and/or spend quite a bit of time on.
Find out if there is an editor command that will do this action quicker. Read the documentation, ask a friend, or look at how others do this.
Train using the command. Do this until your fingers type it without thinking.

Vim Repeat dot (".") command buffer?

I really like the behavior of YankRing, which lets me access the last several things I've yanked or deleted or changed without thinking.
However a complementary feature like this is completely missing for the . repeat command, most often when I type something I really want to repeat, then accidentally overwriting that edit by pressing x to clean something up.
Often it's possible to get back some time still by visual-mode yanking what I just typed, but this is not ideal.
It should be really easy to remember the past few commands.
The question is how possible is it to extract from Vim the representation of the last command contained in whatever stores what . will do before it gets blown away?
If it is as I fear, the only way is to get a plugin to bind to every single command that could edit something, and instrument it in such a way as to store our own repeat-buffer. This is really not practical because I can already imagine how many other plugins that will break. But, I would still really really want this feature if it is possible in any way.
Unfortunately, there's no way to get and replay the command behind the . command. The only workaround is to be perpetually in macro recording mode, and use the macro register as a replacement for the . command.
This tactic is employed by the RepeatLast plugin, which might offer what you want.
Keyword completion and/or ctrl-a in insert mode should cover your needs.
A more yankring-like solution should be possible but, as you say, probably a little too intrusive. Did you look on by yourself before asking others to do it for you?

What should I use vim Visual mode for?

I have been using vim for a couple of years now, and though I have learnt a lot of time saving shortcuts, but I have never used the Visual mode, which is supposed to be all powerful :
... Visual block mode (to edit columns) is something many editors lack, but that I can't live without. I have shocked and awed people at work using just this, making some edit in a few keypresses that someone would've otherwise spent ten minutes doing manually.
I want to understand why and when should I be using Visual mode.
Can someone give me an example of "making some edit in a few keypresses that someone would've otherwise spent ten minutes doing manually"?
If you see CTRL-CCTRL-V and recognise what it does, you should use visual mode.
If, like me, you see A:esc0df:$p$x as an edit command, don't bother :-)
When I use visual mode, it's to select whole lines or blocks. For example you can do [esc][shift+v][y] to copy the currently line I'm on. Here's more information.
Visual mode allows you to perform an operation on a block of text. It is the only way to perform an operation on a block in Vim.
A simple example of this would be copying or moving text.
A more advanced example would be sorting the lines in a certain part of a file. You can do this by entering visual mode, selecting a block of text, pressing Esc to enter command mode, and typing !sort. You can see more details about his example and how it works here:
I actually just did a screencast showing off great uses for visual mode. You can check it out at
As other's have said, it's great for doing any sorts of editing (edit, remove, search/replace) withing a specific range of code.
Insert a column of commas.
Delete a column of commas.
Act on rectangular selections.
Act on a section of text that is not a line or word.
Several good examples have already been given. Here are some others.
I also use visual mode:
To swap two regions of text.
To refactor out variables, types, and functions.
To surround the selection with pair of things (usually brackets)(NB: surround.vim also does this I guess), but also with control statements.
But simply most of the time to have a more interactive way to yank or change text.
To paste over without overwriting the current unnamed register.
To highlight the current selection (with Mark.vim)
And to do many other things I don't remember right know.
