How to stub SOAP client request with sinon in Node JS? - node.js

I am using strong-soap module to get data from SOAP request.
var soap = require('strong-soap').soap;
soap.createClient(url, options, function (err, client) {
var method = client.GetInfoSOAP;
method(requestQuery, function (err, info) {
// bla bla
I am getting the required data. Now
I want to write unit test case to mock the SOAP request using sinon stub, but didn't get any success. Any help would be appreciated.

What you want is controlling the soap object's createClient. You can do that using techniques that fall into one of two categories:
Dependency injection - expose a setter through which you can inject a fake module you control yourself for testing
Using link seams - hook into the import/require mechanism and override what the module is getting.
The Sinon project has a nice page on using link seams through proxyquire, and I have also detailed how to do DI on the issue tracker.
To achieve the first, all you need is to do something like this in the module:
module.exports._injectSoap = (fake) => soap = fake;
Then in your test code:
const fakeSoap = { createClient : sinon.stub().returns(/* ? */) }

Hi i have solved my problem with the following code :
sinon.stub(soap, 'createClient').yields(null, {
GetInfoSOAP: function (request, cb) {
return cb(null, myDesiredData);


Node.js Soap method params parsed as string instead of related object

I'm using node-soap to consume a WebService. I've used this library and consumed this service many times before, but this time I'm having the following situation.
I create the client using the WSDL that contains the methods, inputs etc:
const soap = require("soap");
const url = "";
soap.createClient(url, {}, (error, client) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const describe = client.describe()["CotizadorLatino"]["BasicHttpBinding_ICotizadorLatino"];
The request is successful and the client is created, but when I describe the method "ObtenerMarcas" I receive the following object:
input: { datos: 'q17:DatosRequeridos' },
output: { ObtenerMarcasResult: 'q18:ListMarca' }
Whose only input param shows as only a String, while it should be an object whith different objects and attributes.
When using Soap Client and inputing the exact same WSDL endpoint, the method is described as it should, with all the children and attributes that are expected to be passed:
Soap Client Screenshot
Which makes me believe that this has something to do with the client configuration or probably something very basic that I'm not taking into account.
Can anybody point me on what I'm doing wrong?

How to mock external service when testing a NodeJS API

I have JSON API built with koa which I am trying to cover with integration tests.
A simple test would look like this:
describe("GET: /users", function() {
it ("should respond", function (done) {
.expect(200, done);
Now the issue comes when the actions behind a controller - lets say saveUser at POST /users - use external resources. For instance I need to validate the users phone number.
My controller looks like this:
save: async function(ctx, next) {
const userFromRequest = await parse(ctx);
try {
// validate data
await ctx.repo.validate(userFromRequest);
// validate mobile code
await ctx.repo.validateSMSCode(
userFromRequest.mobile_number.prefix + userFromRequest.mobile_number.number
const user = await ctx.repo.create(userFromRequest);
return, { user });
} catch (e) {
return ctx.error(422, e.message, e.meta);
I was hoping to be able to mock the ctx.repo on the request object but I can't seem to able to get a hold on it from test, which means that my tests are actually hitting the phone number verification service.
Are there any ways I could go around hitting that verification service ?
Have you considered using a mockup library like
Typically, when writing tests requiring external services, I mock the service client library module. For example, using mocha:
mockery = require('mockery');
repo = require('your-repo-module');
before(function() {
repo.validateSMSCode = function() {...};
mockery.registerMock('your-repo-module', repo);
This way, every time you require your-repo-module, the mocked module will be loaded rather than the original one. Until you disable the mock, obviously...
app.context is the prototype from which ctx is created from. You may
add additional properties to ctx by editing app.context. This is
useful for adding properties or methods to ctx to be used across your
entire app, which may be more performant (no middleware) and/or easier
(fewer require()s) at the expense of relying more on ctx, which could
be considered an anti-pattern.
app.context.someProp = "Some Value";
app.use(async (ctx) => {
For your sample your re-define app.context.repo.validateSMSCode like this, assuming that you have following setup lines in your test:
import app from '../app'
import supertest from 'supertest'
app.context.repo.validateSMSCode = async function(ctx, next) {
// Your logic here.
const request = supertest.agent(app.listen())
After re-defining app.context.repo.validateSMSCode method that your will define in your test, will work, instead of original method.

Sails JS new response in WebStorm

I'm newbie in Sails JS..
I'm trying to create a new custom response, I didn't find any auto-generator so I created it manually.
module.exports = function someName(data, options) {
I'm trying to access this response from controller:
module.exports = {
someController: function(req, res) {
The problem is that WebStorm isn't recognize this response..
Unresolved function or method someName.
But when executing the app-it's working..(WebStorm recognize the default responses which came with the 'sails new someApp').
Thanks for your help!
The code in the Sails.js library that loads custom responses probably does something like this:
files = getFilesInApiResponsesDirectory()
files.forEach(function(file) {
name = extractName(file);
res[name] = require(file); // <-- too dynamic to infer at this point
There is no way that WebStorm code analyzer could infer the relationship between res and your custom response function without actually running Sails.js code or receiving a (less dynamic, more explicit) hint.
Anyway, the message you got does not necessarily represent a critical error, it's a "code inspection" you can disable or suppress.

How do I pass parameters through "use" method in CompoundJS?

I am using CompoundJS (an MVC for Express / NodeJS). To share code between controllers the Doc says that on controller1.js I can share a method by using publish method:
function sharedFunction () {...}
publish('sharedFunction', sharedFunction); //Sharing...
And in the controller2.js I can access it by loading it and trying the use method:
load('controller1'); // _controller siffix must be omitted
This works great, however, I have a sharedFunctionthat has params:
function sharedFunction (param1, param2) {...}
publish('sharedFunction', sharedFunction); //Sharing...
I have been reading the Docs, however I can't find how, or the syntax, to add this params on my usemethod on controller1.js. Where do I send these params?:
load('controller1'); // _controller siffix must be omitted
use('sharedFunction(params here?)', {params here?}) //where do I send the params?
Thank you very much!
Here's what I've done:
var sharedFunction = use('sharedFunction');
sharedFunction(param1, param2);

Node.js SOAP Call with Complex Types

I am currently attempting to use node-soap ( to make calls to's SOAP server. However, I cannot seem to get my client code pass the proper parameters. I know that the function is calling the server since I get a server error response.
When I examine the WSDL, I notice that the server call requires ComplexType parameters. Is there a way to create the ComplexTypes that I need or can I just use Javascript objects? Here is my current code:
var soap = require('soap');
var url = '';
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
var args = {
merchantAuthentication: {
name: '285tUPuS',
transactionKey: '58JKJ4T95uee75wd'
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
The node-soap module is converting your JavaScript object to XML before sending the transaction to the server. It wraps the request in an xml element as outlined by the wsdl. Here is an example of what might be produced by node-soap when passing the object you provided (important to note the outer element is created by the node-soap module according to the wsdl):
This example is using the wsdl for the CyberSource API
<data:requestMessage xmlns:data="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.93" xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.93">
Also, I don’t know exactly how the api works, but it sounds like you might want to check out using username token authentication if necessary:
client.setSecurity(new soap.WSSecurity('username’, ‘password’));
