Autofac Dependency Injection in Azure Function - azure

I am trying to implement DI using Autofac IOC in Azure function.
I need to build the container, but not sure where to put the code to build the container

I did write a blog entry for doing dependency injection with Autofac in Azure Functions. Have a look here:
Azure Function Dependency Injection with AutoFac: Autofac on Functions
It follows a similar approach like the one by Boris Wilhelms.
Another implementation based on Boris' approach can be found on github: autofac dependency injection
-- update ---
With Azure Function v2 it is possible to create nuget packages based on .net standard. Have a look onto
Azure Functions Dependency Injection with Autofac: Autofac on Functions nuget Package

I think for now you would need to do something ugly like:
public static string MyAwesomeFunction(string message)
if (MyService == null)
var instantiator = Initialize();
MyService = instantiator.Resolve<IService>();
return MyService.Hello(message);
private static IService MyService = null;
private static IContainer Initialize()
// Do your IoC magic here

While Azure Functions does not support DI out of the box, it is possible to add this via the new Extension API. You can register the container using an IExtensionConfigProvider implementation. You can find a full example DI solution in Azure here

Azure Functions doesn't support dependency injection yet. Follow this issue for the feature request

I've written a different answer to the main question, with a different solution, totally tied to the main question.
Previous solutions were either manually initializing a DI or using the decorator way of doing it. My idea was to tie the DI to the Functions Builder in the same way we do with aspnet, without decorators.
I don't know why my post got deleted by #MartinPieters, it seems that it was not even read.
I found no way to officially disagree with that decision, so I kindly ask that the moderator read my answer again and undelete it.

You can do it using a custom [inject] attribute. See example here


How do I specify what would normally be in web.config for an Azure Function?

I'm creating an Azure Function, and I need to set this parameter what would normally go in the web.config file:
<entityFramework codeConfigurationType="xxxxxxxx">
But Azure Functions doesn't have a web.config. How do I configure stuff that isn't a simple key/value app setting?
The entity framework code is in a class library used by lots of other things, so I can't really use code based config without major hassle.
You can place it in your code. Microsoft documentation with all options is here:
public class MyContextContext : DbContext
[DbConfigurationType("MyNamespace.MyDbConfiguration, MyAssembly")]
public class MyContextContext : DbContext

Application Initialization in Azure Function Project in VS2017 15.3.4?

In Visual Studio 2017 with the latest update, for azure functions template, I want something where I can initialize like program.cs in webjobs template.
I am trying to create a new subscription with new namespace Manager when application initializes so that I can listen to one service bus topic.
Is there a way to do that? If yes then how?
If you intend to create a subscription that this Function will be triggered on, there is no need to do that manually. Function App will create the subscription based on your binding at deployment time.
For other scenarios (e.g. timer-triggered function), you can do the initialization in a static constructor:
public static class MyFunction1
static MyFunction1()
var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connString);
if (!namespaceManager.SubscriptionExists("topic1", "subscription1"))
namespaceManager.CreateSubscription("topic1", "subscription1");
public static void Run(
// ...
Static constructor will run at the time of the first function call.
for azure functions template, I want something where I can initialize like program.cs in webjobs template.
As far as I know, Azure functions do not have good support for this right now. You can find a similar question:
I have a C# function and want to know if there is any Initialization point. I have dependency injection containers that need initialization
and want to know where to do that.
Mathew's reply
We don't have a good story for this right now. Please see open issue
here in our repo where this is discussed.

Configuring lifetime scopes in autofac when used as ServiceStack's IoC

I'm currently using AutoFac as the DI container for our ServiceStack web services app. I'm able to configure the wiring and everything, but after reading the section on Scopes, I'm at a loss at which scope would be best to use when registering my components. In our particular case, I think a PerHttpRequest scope would be OK since (please correct me if im wrong) I would want to dispose the dependencies as soon as the request ends.
My question is, how do I set this up in the container? I can't seem to find the "PerHttpRequest" lifetime scope within the included methods in autofac. I'm also unsure if ServiceStack does some kind of automagic to do this for me behind the scenes.
I'm using Autofac 3.0.1 on ServiceStack 3.9.35 on .Net 4 (running as a regular ASP host, not MVC). I'm also using the class described here as the IContainer adapter.
I wanted to avoid the overhead of the dependency on MVC, so the first answer didn't quite work for me.
Instead I used Funq to register a PerRequest ILifetimeScope, and resolve the ILifetimeScope in the ConatinerAdaptor before resolving the dependency.
public class AutofacLifetimeScopeIocAdapter : IContainerAdapter
private readonly Container _requestContainer;
public AutofacLifetimeScopeIocAdapter(Funq.Container requestContainer)
_requestContainer = requestContainer;
public T Resolve<T>()
var currentContainer = _requestContainer.Resolve<ILifetimeScope>();
return currentContainer.Resolve<T>();
public T TryResolve<T>()
var currentContainer = _requestContainer.Resolve<ILifetimeScope>();
T result;
if (currentContainer.TryResolve<T>(out result))
return result;
return default(T);
Then initialise with this
_autofacContainerRoot = builder.Build();
IContainerAdapter adapter = new AutofacLifetimeScopeIocAdapter(container);
container.Register<ILifetimeScope>((c) => _autofacContainerRoot.BeginLifetimeScope())
container.Adapter = adapter;
Then cleanup with
public override void OnEndRequest()
var currentContainer = _container.Resolve<ILifetimeScope>();
This seems to behave as required for Autofac - SingleInstance, InstancePerDependency, and now InstancePerLifetimeScope which is perRequest.
Mythz response on the HostContext.Instance.Items collection can likely be used to remove the need for the
var currentContainer = _container.Resolve<ILifetimeScope>();
resolution, which should improve performance.
I think I have figured out how to make this work (using Autofac 2.6, which I am stuck on right now.) It involves using the following adapter and the Autofac.Mvc3 package:
public class AutofacIocAdapter : IContainerAdapter
private readonly IContainer _autofacRootContainer;
private readonly Container _funqContainer;
public AutofacIocAdapter(IContainer autofacRootContainer, Container funqContainer)
// Register a RequestLifetimeScopeProvider (from Autofac.Integration.Mvc) with Funq
var lifetimeScopeProvider = new RequestLifetimeScopeProvider(autofacRootContainer,null);
funqContainer.Register<ILifetimeScopeProvider>(x => lifetimeScopeProvider);
// Store the autofac application (root) container, and the funq container for later use
_autofacRootContainer = autofacRootContainer;
_funqContainer = funqContainer;
public T Resolve<T>()
return ActiveScope.Resolve<T>();
public T TryResolve<T>()
T result;
if (ActiveScope.TryResolve(out result))
return result;
return default(T);
private ILifetimeScope ActiveScope
// If there is an active HttpContext, retrieve the lifetime scope by resolving
// the ILifetimeScopeProvider from Funq. Otherwise, use the application (root) container.
return HttpContext.Current == null
? _autofacRootContainer
: _funqContainer.Resolve<ILifetimeScopeProvider>().GetLifetimeScope();
Steps to implement:
Add the Autofac.Mvc3 NuGet package to your web project (NOTE: does
not matter that your project isn't using MVC. The solution might be slightly different with Autofac 3, which cannot use Mvc3 integration.)
Follow the ServiceStack IoC page in hooking up a custom IContainerAdapter
for Autofac, using the following implementation
Note the RequestScope in ServiceStack's IOC only refers to ServiceStack's built-in Funq IOC.
To use RequestScope in another IOC Container like AutoFac you generally need to notify AutoFac at the end of the request so it can clean up all its request-scoped instances. To do this, ServiceStack provides the AppHostBase.OnEndRequest() hook you can override to get execute custom logic at the end of each request.
I'm not familiar with how AutoFac's custom lifetime scope works but more details about it can be found in:
AutoFac's InstanceScope wiki page
Primer on AutoFac's Lifetime scopes
Answer on how to manage AutoFac' request scope in MVC
Other info that might be useful for managing instances in ServiceStack is that every instance in put in the HostContext.Instance.Items dictionary or disposable added to HostContext.Instance.TrackDisposable are automatically disposed at the end of each request.
Update 2015-11-25: I changed the implementation by using global request and response filters. I put both ServiceStack V3 and V4 solutions into this repository and both versions are available as nuget packages.
I solved this problem by opening a new scope in Application_BeginRequest and disposing in Application_EndRequest. In the container adapter I check if this scope exists and use it, if not, I use the container. This allows using .InstancePerRequest() registration scope.
Described with gists here.

Can ACS Service Namespace creation be automated?

First, let me state my real problem: I've got code that makes calls to the ACS Management service, and I'd like my integration tests to be able to be run concurrently without each test run clobbering the others. That is, since multiple people / build servers might end up running these tests concurrently, if they're all using the same ACS service namespace, concurrency issues arise.
My thinking is the simplest means of achieving this would be to generate new, unique ACS service namespaces for each test runner -- but as far as I can tell, there's no automated way of creating new service namespaces (or management client keys). Am I wrong? Is there another way of going about this?
An automated method of creating new service namespaces would be extraordinarily helpful.
You are correct. That's not possible today. Maybe you can describe your scenario in more detail and there might be some alternative solutions to avoid having to recreate the namespace?
Technically it should be possible, since the Management Portal is a Silverlight application accessing a WCF RIA Service.
If you dig deep enough you'll find some useful information:
This is the Silverlight XAP for the management of Windows Azure AppFabric:
This is the service being used when listing/creating/... namespaces etc..:
And this is a piece of the DomainContext:
public sealed class AppFabricDomainContext : DomainContext
public AppFabricDomainContext(Uri serviceUri)
: this((DomainClient) new WebDomainClient<AppFabricDomainContext.IAppFabricDomainServiceContract>(serviceUri, true))
public InvokeOperation CreateServiceNamespace(IEnumerable<string> serviceNames, string parentProjectKey, string serviceNamespace, IEnumerable<string> packageKeys, string regionKey, Action<InvokeOperation> callback, object userState)
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dictionary.Add("serviceNames", (object) serviceNames);
dictionary.Add("parentProjectKey", (object) parentProjectKey);
dictionary.Add("serviceNamespace", (object) serviceNamespace);
dictionary.Add("packageKeys", (object) packageKeys);
dictionary.Add("regionKey", (object) regionKey);
this.ValidateMethod("CreateServiceNamespace", (IDictionary<string, object>) dictionary);
return this.InvokeOperation("CreateServiceNamespace", typeof (void), (IDictionary<string, object>) dictionary, true, callback, userState);
Finding this info was the easy part, getting it to work... that's something else. Take the authentication part for example, you'll need to authenticate with Windows Live and use those credentials when calling the WCF RIA Service.
Good luck!

adding custom methods in Hook environment?

i am adding a new method into CalEventLocalServiceImpl using hook...
my code is ..
public class MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl extends CalEventLocalServiceWrapper {
public MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl(CalEventLocalService calEventLocalService) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public List getUserData(long userId) throws SystemException{
DynamicQuery query=DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(CalEvent.class)
List deatils=CalEventLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(query);
return deatils;
my question is how to use getUserData from jsp file.
Can anybody help me out....
i think u didn't gt my question...i want list of events based on USERID from Calendar achieve this task what i need to do??
I assume getUserData() is not overridden but a new method (can't look up currently). This is not what you can do when overriding a service. Instead you'd have to add a new Service and make it available to the portal.
Remember that a customized ("hooked") jsp is running in the portal classloader, while your overloaded service is running in the hook's classloader. Thus, if you create a new service and make the service.jar available to Liferay (e.g. on the global classpath) you can call it from JSPs. The interface of Liferay services can not be extended through an overloaded service.
In case getUserData() is already in the interface (as I said I can't look up currently), you just need to call the CalendarLocalServiceUtil from your jsp and it will be delegated to your wrapper.
Just to add to Olaf's answer and comments...
if you you want to extend CalEventLocalService service with just "getUsetData" and use it in one jsp than building your own service might be overkill. Simply put your code from "getUserData" in jsp. Otherwise follow Olaf's suggestions.
