Access urandom device get "permission denied", why? - linux

I can create a new urandom device on a some directory (test_urandom in below example), and it works as expected. E.g.
test_urandom$ sudo mknod -m 0444 ./urandom c 1 9
test_urandom$ ls -l
total 0
cr--r--r-- 1 root root 1, 9 Jun 9 09:06 urandom
test_urandom$ head -c 10 ./urandom
However, if I create the same device node in another directory, which in my case is an ext4 filesystem on a LVM (Logical Volume Management), it failed and system complained with permission denied.
test_urandom_lvm$ sudo mknod -m 0444 ./urandom c 1 9
test_urandom_lvm$ ls -l
total 0
cr--r--r-- 1 root root 1, 9 Jun 9 09:06 urandom
test_urandom_lvm$ head -c 10 ./urandom
head: cannot open ‘./urandom’ for reading: Permission denied
If I am allowed to create a device in the filesystem, why not allowed to read the device? What caused the permission denied? What changes is needed to make it work?

The filesystem is mounted with the nodev option, which inhibits block and character special device operation. Mounting it dev will allow them to work.


Unable to write to a file with group permissions

We are getting the error "permission denied" when trying to write to a file that is owned by a service user and a shared group. In particular that is www-data:www-data and the user trying to write to it is in the group www-data.
There is no acl on none of the parent folders and the permissions to the file and folders are correct.
Here some details:
$ sudo -u deploy id -Gn
$ ls -lah /tmp
drwxrwxrwt 17 root root 4.0K Jul 11 11:22 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4.0K Jul 8 10:08 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 0 Jul 11 10:50 test
$ echo 'hello world' | sudo -u deploy tee -a /tmp/test
tee: /tmp/test: Permission denied
hello world
we tried that on different folders and made sure there is no acl on any of the folders or parents or files...
Unfortunately that is not described in the link stark posted in the comment. And also not in any other page I found until I found an answer here on stackoverflow that clarified it.
2018 two new filesystem configurations got added to sysctl that should prevent regular files and fifos from beeing opened with the O_CREAT flag (as append mode is doing) in directories with the sticky bit set unless the user is the owner of the file. This commit added the settings:
To change that behaviour you have to set fs.protected_regular to 0:
sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0
Or to persist the change add fs.protected_regular=0 to your sysctl.conf.
side node: since O_CREAT is not deleting or renaming the file I'm wondered why it is connected to the sticky bit. It really is possible to create a file in directories with the stick bit set.

How to use rsync properly to keep all file permissions and ownership?

I am trying to use rsync to backup some data from one computer (PopOS! 21.04) to another (Rocky 8.4). But no matter which flags I use with rsync, file permissions and ownership never seem to be saved.
What I do, is run this command locally on PopOS:
sudo rsync -avz /home/user1/test/ root#
And the result I get something link this:
[root#rocky_clone0 ~]# ls -ld ttt/
drwxrwxr-x. 2 user23 user23 32 Dec 17 2021 ttt/
[root#rocky_clone0 ~]# ls -l ttt/
total 8
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user23 user23 57 Dec 17 2021 test1
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user23 user23 29 Dec 17 2021 test2
So all the file ownership change to user23, which is the only regular user on Rocky. I don't understand how this happens, with rsync I am connecting to root on the remote host, but as the result files are copied as user23. Why isn't -a flag work properly in this case?
I have also tried these flags:
sudo rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo -u user23 rsync -a" /home/user1/test root#
This command couldn't copy to the root directory, so I had to change the remote destination to user23's home folder. But the result is the same.
If someone could explain to me what am I doing wrong, and how to backup files with rsync so that permissions and ownership stay the same as on the local computer I would very much appreciate it.
Have a look at how the (target)filesystem is mounted on the Rocky(target) system.
Some mounted filesystems (such as many FUSE mounts) do not support the classical unix permissions, and simply use the name of the user who mounted the filesystem as owner/group.
Any attempt to chown/chmod/etc (either by you or by rsync) will just silently be ignored, but appear to "succeed" (no errors reported).

Programmatically create a btrfs file system whose root directory has a specific owner

I have a test script that creates and destroys file systems on the fly, used in a suite of performance tests.
To avoid running the script as root, I have a disk device /dev/testdisk that is owned by a specific user testuser, along with a suitable entry in /etc/fstab:
$ ls -l /dev/testdisk
crw-rw---- 1 testuser testuser 21, 1 Jun 25 12:34 /dev/testdisk
$ grep testdisk /etc/fstab
/dev/testdisk /mnt/testdisk auto noauto,user,rw 0 0
This allows the disk to be mounted and unmounted by a normal user.
I'd like my script (which runs as testuser) to programmatically create a btrfs file system on /dev/testdisk such that the root directory is owned by testuser:
$ mount /dev/testdisk /mnt/testdisk
$ ls -la /mnt/testdisk
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 3 testuser testuser 4096 Jun 25 15:15 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 23 17:41 ..
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Jun 25 15:15 lost+found
Can this be done without running the script as root, and without resorting to privilege escalation (use of sudo) within the script?
Comparison to other file systems
With ext{2,3,4} it's possible to create a filesystem whose root directory is owned by the current user, with the following command:
mkfs.ext{2,3,4} -F -E root_owner /dev/testdisk
Workarounds I'd like to avoid (if possible)
I'm aware that I can use the btrfs-convert tool to convert an existing (possibly empty) ext{2,3,4} file system to btrfs format. I could use this workaround in my script (by first creating an ext4 filesystem and then immediately converting it to brtfs) but I'd rather avoid it if there's a way to create the btrfs file system directly.

Can't expose a fuse based volume to a Docker container

I'm trying to provide my docker container a volume of encrypted file system for internal use.
The idea is that the container will write to the volume as usual, but in fact the host will be encrypting the data before writing it to the filesystem.
I'm trying to use EncFS - it works well on the host, e.g:
encfs /encrypted /visible
I can write files to /visible, and those get encrypted.
However, when trying to run a container with /visible as the volume, e.g.:
docker run -i -t --privileged -v /visible:/myvolume imagename bash
I do get a volume in the container, but it's on the original /encrypted folder, not going through the EncFS. If I unmount the EncFS from /visible, I can see the files written by the container. Needless to say /encrypted is empty.
Is there a way to have docker mount the volume through EncFS, and not write directly to the folder?
In contrast, docker works fine when I use an NFS mount as a volume. It writes to the network device, and not to the local folder on which I mounted the device.
I am unable to duplicate your problem locally. If I try to expose an encfs filesystem as a Docker volume, I get an error trying to start the container:
FATA[0003] Error response from daemon: Cannot start container <cid>:
setup mount namespace stat /visible: permission denied
So it's possible you have something different going on. In any case, this is what solved my problem:
By default, FUSE only permits the user who mounted a filesystem to have access to that filesystem. When you are running a Docker container, that container is initially running as root.
You can use the allow_root or allow_other mount options when you mount the FUSE filesystem. For example:
$ encfs -o allow_root /encrypted /other
Here, allow_root will permit the root user to have acces to the mountpoint, while allow_other will permit anyone to have access to the mountpoint (provided that the Unix permissions on the directory allow them access).
If I mounted by encfs filesytem using allow_root, I can then expose that filesystem as a Docker volume and the contents of that filesystem are correctly visible from inside the container.
This is definitely because you started the docker daemon before the host mounted the mountpoint. In this case the inode for the directory name is still pointing at the hosts local disk:
ls -i /mounts/
1048579 s3-data-mnt
then if you mount using a fuse daemon like s3fs:
/usr/local/bin/s3fs -o rw -o allow_other -o iam_role=ecsInstanceRole /mounts/s3-data-mnt
ls -i
1 s3-data-mnt
My guess is that docker does some bootstrap caching of the directory names to inodes (someone who has more knowledge of this than can fill in this blank).
Your comment is correct. If you simply restart docker after the mounting has finished your volume will be correctly shared from host to your containers. (Or you can simply delay starting docker until after all your mounts have finished mounting)
What is interesting (but makes complete since to me now) is that upon exiting the container and un-mounting the mountpoint on the host all of my writes from within the container to the shared volume magically appeared (they were being stored at the inode on the host machines local disk):
[root#host s3-data-mnt]# echo foo > bar
[root#host s3-data-mnt]# ls /mounts/s3-data-mnt
total 6
1 drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 .
4 dr-xr-xr-x 28 root root 4096 Sep 16 17:06 ..
1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Sep 16 17:11 bar
[root#host s3-data-mnt]# docker run -ti -v /mounts/s3-data-mnt:/s3-data busybox /bin/bash
root#5592454f9f4d:/mounts/s3-data# ls -als
total 8
4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 16 16:05 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Sep 16 16:45 ..
root#5592454f9f4d:/s3-data# echo baz > beef
root#5592454f9f4d:/s3-data# ls -als
total 9
4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 16 16:05 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Sep 16 16:45 ..
1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Sep 16 17:11 beef
root#5592454f9f4d:/s3-data# exit
[root#host s3-data-mnt]# ls /mounts/s3-data-mnt
total 6
1 drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 .
4 dr-xr-xr-x 28 root root 4096 Sep 16 17:06 ..
1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Sep 16 17:11 bar
[root#host /]# umount -l s3-data-mnt
[root#host /]# ls -als
[root#ip-10-0-3-233 /]# ls -als /s3-stn-jira-data-mnt/
total 8
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 16 17:28 .
4 dr-xr-xr-x 28 root root 4096 Sep 16 17:06 ..
1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Sep 16 17:11 bar
You might be able to work around this by wrapping the mount call in nsenter to mount it in the same Linux mount namespace as the docker daemon, eg.
nsenter -t "$PID_OF_DOCKER_DAEMON" encfs ...
The question is whether this approach will survive a daemon restart itself. ;-)

Can I change devices permissions with chmod?

Before read: I don't want to use any udev rule.
I need to change (programmatically) the permissions of some device. But first in order to underestand what I have to do (in code) I want to make the job using just chmod command.
So far, I've tried this:
root# ls -l /dev/sdb
root# brw-rw-rw- 1 root disk 8, 16 Apr 7 05:27 /dev/sdb
root# chmod 0600 /dev/sdb
root# ls -l /dev/sdb
root# brw------- 1 root disk 8, 16 Apr 7 05:27 /dev/sdb
as you can see, /dev/sdb has read and write permissions only for the owner (wich is root). But I'm still able to create new files and read files from my connected flash drive.
What I'm missing. How can I use chmod to prevent users to write to some device?
Can be done what I'm asking for?
Thank in advance.
