Replace/Modify kzalloc_node in kernel code so that the function allocates more than 4MB of memory - linux

Architecture : x86-64
Linux Version : 4.11.3
This is in reference to the below Stack Overflow post :-
Allocating more than 4 MB of pinned contiguous memory in the Linux Kernel
I see that the question was asked for a PCI driver, which requested for more than 4 MB of contiguous memory in the kernel. However, my intention was to use another function in place of kzalloc_node function (or modify it!). I want to modify the kernel code (if feasible) so that somehow I can allocate more than 4 MB of contiguous memory, which kzalloc_node does not allow me to do. Of course, it will be difficult to modify MAX_ORDER as it may give rise to compiler errors. Also here the kzalloc_node function is computing the node corresponding to the CPU - so the allocation of memory happens at the node level.
Basically I am trying to increase the size of a sampling buffer so as to reduce the overhead that it incurs when it gets full and interrupts need to be raised to read in the data from the buffer. So I am trying to reduce the number of interrupts and thereby, need to increase the size of the buffer. The kernel code is using kzalloc_node to allocate memory, and hence it cannot get more than 4 MB contiguous memory. I want to know what mechanisms I have to either replace this function/allocate more memory ?
Can I replace this function ? Since I am trying to modify the kernel code, do the same boot-time allocation methods apply here ? I read that this mechanism applies for device drivers, can I also use it ?


Vulkan memoryHeaps and their memoryTypes

Above is a picture summarizing my understanding on memoryHeap and their memoryTypes generated by Vulkan for a given system setup. Thanks to the answers on this topics shared by #NicolBolas 1, 2, 3 and an answer by #krOoze 4.
Still, I have a few outstanding questions that I like help on and I have indicated them in red and elaborated below per comment of #NicolBolas.
Why are there 9 memoryType in sysRam when there are only 4x RAMs?
What is the physical meaning of each memoryType? How to use each of
these memoryType?
Why are there 2 memory types for GPU RAM? Does this mean each
memoryType of the GPU RAM is 6144MB/2 = 3072MB?
Is there a size limit to each memoryTypes? If yes, how to discover
their limits?
Why are the free memory reported by Vulkan and cat /proc/meminfo
Thanks for your help in advance.
Why are there 9 memoryType in sysRam when there are only 4x RAMs? What is the physical meaning of each memoryType? How to use each of these memoryType?
Why are there 2 memory types for GPU RAM?
I don't know what you mean by "4x RAMs"; I suspect you're talking about how many physical memory sticks are in your machine. Memory types (or heaps for that matter) don't care about such things.
As for the rest, it is always important to remember how memory works in Vulkan. Heaps represent actual physical RAM to one degree or another. Memory types represent ways of allocating that memory. But uses of memory have their own memory type restrictions.
For example, if an image has the color attachment usage parameter, the implementation can force you to use a specific memory type for the memory backing that image. And images that don't have color attachment can be restricted to using other memory types, but not that one. And so forth.
Apparently, NVIDIA does this for certain combinations of usage and formats. Simply querying the available memory types isn't enough to know how to go about allocating memory. You have to figure out what buffers and images (complete with format and usage parameters) you will use. And then you have to query what restrictions the implementation imposes on them.
Your application must adapt to these restrictions.
Is there a size limit to each memoryTypes?
It wouldn't make sense for there to be such a thing. Memory types define how memory is allocated, not how much storage is available. The latter is the job of memory heaps.
Why are the free memory reported by Vulkan and cat /proc/meminfo different?
Vulkan has no API to report free memory, only total memory. Asking for the amount of free memory is folly. Memory (or at least, virtual pages in your application) are shared by all threads in your application. And GPU memory especially is shared among all processes on the machine. By the time you get an answer back, the amount of memory may have changed. So when you go to allocate memory based on what you were told was available, it may not be available anymore.
Better to allocate first and deal with failure to allocate if it happens.
You can ask for the total memory so that you can decide on how you want to allocate chunks of memory. But that's how you determine what is and is not available, not by querying a size.
[metaquestion] Why is X in Vulkan?
Because it is allowed by the Vulkan specification. Rest is implementation detail, and only the implementer\vendor knows for sure, and may depend on how well he slept.
Why are there 9 memoryType in sysRam when there are only 4x RAMs? What is the physical meaning of each memoryType? How to use each of these memoryType?
Answered in Why does vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties return multiple identical memory types?. One for VkBuffers, one for VkImages, and one per depth format (i.e. 7). Equals 9; mystery solved.
Why are there 2 memory types for GPU RAM? Does this mean each memoryType of the GPU RAM is 6144MB/2 = 3072MB?
Likely similar reason as 1. I speculate one for VkBuffers, one for VkImages. Someone with NVIDIA could test with vkGetXMemoryRequirements.
It does not neccessarily mean RAM/2. It is not completely out of the question, but then again implementer should instead expose separate Heap if that is so.
Is there a size limit to each memoryTypes? If yes, how to discover their limits?
Roughly the Heap size. You may get significantly less due to fragmentation. And due to other processes sharing the same. Your impl may also allocate some itself for its internal needs.
You discover the limit when you get VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY. (BTW mostly works the same as on CPU side, where you get bad_alloc).
There is limit to size of single allocation (not recommended to allocate > 4 GB), and to the count of allocations too (maxMemoryAllocationCount).
Why are the free memory reported by Vulkan and cat /proc/meminfo different?
AFAIK Vulkan does not report free memory. The VkMemoryHeap shows total memory:
size is the total memory size in bytes in the heap.
You don't know anything about the memory types in Vulkan until you ask the driver.
I think the biggest misunderstanding you have is that the memory types are physically separate. As shown, you have two memory heaps, assume 0 is CPU memory, 1 is GPU. Within those heaps, you have different memory types. Each memory type occupies space within its own heap, and can use all the heap space or share it with other types. For each type you'll have different internal allocation methods with different alignment requirements and different allowed uses. There are multiple queries related to memory types including vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements, vkGetImageMemoryRequirements, and others. It all depends on what you're using the memory for.
Also, those memory types are driver dependent, and will vary between vendors (that looks like the current nVidia layout).

Vxworks memory allocation failure even though there is enough memory

I am rather new to vxworks, and I am building an RTP application, which needs to allocate some memory dynamically. I have configured the kernel for a memory size of 750MB.
I am allocating memory in blocks 10 numbers each of size 32MB in the very beginning of the program, but after the 5th or 6th block allocation, I get an allocation failure with message memPartAlloc: block too big 15912260 bytes (0x10 aligned) in partition 0xe004608 on the console.
How could memory allocation be failing when there is enough memory available? I do not think memory had fragmented enough for allocation to fail right in the beginning of my program and as per output of memShow(), there is indeed enough free memory to satisfy the request.
If memory has indeed fragmented due to any strange reason, is there some way to compact free space and continue in Vxworks?
This is an old question, so this answer may be moot now, and is to an extent based on speculation based on the limited information in the question.
Whilst the kernel maybe configured to support 750MB, this will be the total memory available. Some of this will be used by the OS image, although we wont expect much, and we can assume that at least 700MB should be available for use.
Some extra memory will be used to provide the stacks for each task - how much is very application dependant, as it is specified in the taskSpawn. You can check this, but again, is unlikely to make significant difference.
Lets be generous, and assume that you really only have 650MB. This should, in theory, be plenty.
And yet we have this error:
memPartAlloc: block too big 15912260 bytes (0x10 aligned) in partition 0xe004608
What can be happening? And what does this mean?
This error tells you that the memory allocator could not allocate memory, as the request was too large. Interestingly, the request is 15912260, which is not 32MB, it is actually a shade over 15MB. So it would be worth checking what you are actually requesting.
Secondly, this error message is coming from memPartAlloc. Are you using allocating memory using malloc() or memPartAlloc()? The distinction matters, since malloc will allocate memory from the system memory partition, whereas memPartAlloc allocates memory from a user-specifed, and created, partition.
If you are using memPartAlloc, ensure that you are allocating memory from the correct partition, and that it has been created with enough memory to fulfill the request.
As it appears that this was an RTP, you should also confirm that the RTP has a large enough heap allocated. This is specified via an environment variable, as this answer describes.

Can I allocate one large and guaranteed continued range physical memory (100MB)?

Can I allocate one large and guaranteed continued range physical memory (100 MB consecutive without breaks) on Linux, and if I can, then how can I do this?
It is necessary to mapping this a continuous block of memory through the PCI-Express BAR from one CPU1 to the other CPU2 located behind the PCIe Non-Transparent Bridge.
You don't allocate physical memory in user applications (physical memory only makes sense inside the kernel).
I don't understand if you are coding a kernel module or some Linux application (e.g. a numerical finite-element code=.
Inside applications, you can allocate virtual memory with e.g. mmap(2) (and then you can allocate a big contiguous segment of address space)
I guess that some GPU cards give access to a large amount of GPU memory thru mmap so I believe it is possible to do what you want.
You might be interested by numa(7) man page. Probably the numa(3) library should give you what you want. Did you consider also open MPI? See also msync(2) and mlock(2)
From user space -- there is no guarantee depends on you luck.
if you compile your driver into the kernel -- you can use the mmap and allocate the required amount of memory.
if it is required to use it as storage or some other work not specifically for a driver then you should set the memmap parameter in the boot command line.
e.g. memmap=200M$1700M
it will block 200 MB memory starting from the end of 1700M (address).
Later it can be used to as FS as well ;)

Virtual memory sections and memory mapping area

As process has virtual memory which is copied into RAM during run time. As given in the previous post.
Which part of process virtual memory layout does mmap() uses?
I have following doubles :
If memory mapping is inside unallocated memory and it is inside process's virtual memory. As virtual memory helps to avoid one process to touch other process's virtual memory. Then how can memory mapping is used for Interprocess Communication(IPC)?
In OS like Linux, whether has each individual process separate section of heap, stack and memory mapping or all processes have one common section for heap, stack and MMAP?
Example :
if there are P1,P2 and P3 processes are running on linux OS. will all have common table as given in picture or each individual task have separate table to each section.
In 32 bit system, 2^32=4 gigabytes of virtual memory is possible and 1G byte is reserved for kernel and 3 gigabytes for userspace applications. can each individual process have up to 3 gigabytes of virtual memory or sum of all userspace applications size could be 3 gigabytes (i.e virtual memory size of (P1+P2+P3)<=3 gigabytes)?
Using memory mapping for IPC works by mapping the same range of physical memory into two or more virtual address ranges in different processes. This works for communication because both processes are using the exact same memory cells (although they might "see" them differently, at different addresses). You change a value in one mapping, and it is instantly visible in the other mapping in a different process because it is the very same memory.
Every process has its own independent stack and heap. The OS does not care about that at all, it only cares about pages. The heap and the stack are things that are implemented by the application (via the runtime). When you call a function like malloc, the allocator in the runtime either returns a block that it already had reserved earlier or one that it has recylced (you called free earlier), or it asks the OS to reserve some more memory (sbrk or mmap). When you first access this memory, the OS sees a page fault and verifies that you are allowed to access this location (because you've reserved it) and then provides a valid page.
Every process can use (as in "reserve") the whole available address space (3GiB in your example). This does not interfere with any other process. Note that due to fragmentation and alignment, and because your executable and the stack take away a little bit, you will in practice not be able to allocate the full 3 GiB, but you can get close to it.
All processes together can use as much virtual memory as is available on the system (physical RAM plus swap space), but they can only use as much as there is physical memory available at the same time (minus a little bit for this and that, like unpageable kernel memory and such).

How does the amount of memory for a process get determined?

From my understanding, when a process is under execution it has some amount of memory at it's disposal. As the stack increases in size it builds from one end of the process (disregarding global variables that come before the stack), while the heap builds from another end. If you keep adding to the stack or heap, eventually all the memory will be used up for this process.
How does the amount of memory the process is given get determined? I can only imagine it depends on a bunch of different variables, but an as-general-as-possible response would be great. If things have to get specific, I'm interested in linux processes written in C++.
On most platforms you will encounter, Linux runs with virtual memory enabled. This means that each process has its own virtual address space, the size of which is determined only by the hardware and the way the kernel has configured it.
For example, on the x86 architecture with a "3/1" split configuration, every userspace process has 3GB of address space available to it, within which the heap and stack are allocated. This is regardless of how much physical memory is available in the system. On the x86-64 architecture, 128TB of address space is typically available to each userspace process.
Physical memory is separately allocated to back that virtual memory. The amount of this available to a process depends upon the configuration of the system, but in general it's simply supplied "on-demand" - limited mostly how much physical memory and swap file space exists, and how much is currently in use for other purposes.
The stack does not magically grow. It's size is static and the size is determined at linking time. So when you take enough space from the stack, it overflows (stack overflow ;)
On the other hand, the heap area 'magically' grows. Meaning that when ever more memory is needed for heap, the program asks operating system for more memory.
EDIT: As Mat pointed out below, the stack actually can increase during runtime on modern operating systems.
