Save and append a file in HDFS using PySpark - apache-spark

I have a data frame in PySpark called df. I have registered this df as a temptable like below.
df.registerTempTable('mytempTable')'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
Now from this temp table I will get certain values, like max_id of a column id
min_id = sqlContext.sql("select nvl(min(id),0) as minval from mytempTable").collect()[0].asDict()['minval']
max_id = sqlContext.sql("select nvl(max(id),0) as maxval from mytempTable").collect()[0].asDict()['maxval']
Now I will collect all these values like below.
test = ("{},{},{}".format(date,min_id,max_id))
I found that test is not a data frame but it is a str string
>>> type(test)
<type 'str'>
Now I want save this test as a file in HDFS. I would also like to append data to the same file in hdfs.
How can I do that using PySpark?
FYI I am using Spark 1.6 and don't have access to Databricks spark-csv package.

Here you go, you'll just need to concat your data with concat_ws and right it as a text:
query = """select concat_ws(',', date, nvl(min(id), 0), nvl(max(id), 0))
from mytempTable"""
Or even a better alternative :
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
.select(f.concat_ws(",", f.first(f.lit(date)), f.min("id"), f.max("id")))


Casting date to integer returns null in Spark SQL

I want to convert a date column into integer using Spark SQL.
I'm following this code, but I want to use Spark SQL and not PySpark.
Reproduce the example:
from pyspark.sql.types import *
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
simpleData = [("James",34,"2006-01-01","true","M",3000.60),
columns = ["firstname","age","jobStartDate","isGraduated","gender","salary"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data = simpleData, schema = columns)
df = df.withColumn("jobStartDate", df['jobStartDate'].cast(DateType()))
df = df.withColumn("jobStartDateAsInteger1", F.unix_timestamp(df['jobStartDate']))
What I want is to do the same transformation, but using Spark SQL. I am using the following code:
CAST (jobStartDate AS INTEGER) as JobStartDateAsInteger2 -- return null value
from date_to_integer seg
How to solve it?
First you need to CAST your jobStartDate to DATE and then use UNIX_TIMESTAMP to transform it to UNIX integer.
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CAST (jobStartDate AS DATE)) AS JobStartDateAsInteger2
FROM date_to_integer seg

Spark reading parquet compressed data

I have nested JSON converted to Parquet (snappy) without any flattening. The structure, for example, has the following:
df ='<File on AWS S3>')
query = """select a.b.c from test"""
df = spark.sql(query)
When the query is executed, does Spark read only the lowest-level attribute column referenced in query or does it read the top-level attribute that has this referenced attribute in its hierarchy?

Partition column in hive external table from spark

Creating external table with partitions from spark
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").appName("splitInput").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
val sparkDf ="header","true").option("inferSchema","true").csv("input/candidate/event=ABCD/CandidateScheduleData_3007_2018.csv")
var newDf = sparkDf
for(col <- sparkDf.columns){ newDf = newDf.withColumnRenamed(col,col.replaceAll("\\s", "_")) }
Everything works fine except the partition column ExamDate format created as
ExamDate=30%2F07%2F2018 instead of ExamDate=30-07-2018
How to replace%2F with - in ExamDate format.
%2F is percent encoded /. This means that data is exactly in 30/07/2018 format. You can either:
Parse it to_date using specified format.
Manually format columns with required format.

Apply a function to a single column of a csv in Spark

Using Spark I'm reading a csv and want to apply a function to a column on the csv. I have some code that works but it's very hacky. What is the proper way to do this?
My code
spark = SparkSession\
from myfile import myFunction
df =[1], header=True,
a = line: Row(id=line[0], user_id=line[1], message_id=line[2], message=myFunction(line[3]))).toDF()
I would like to be able to just call the function on the column name instead of mapping each row to line and then calling the function on line[index].
I'm using Spark version 2.0.1
You can simply use User Defined Functions (udf) combined with a withColumn :
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
udf_myFunction = udf(myFunction, IntegerType()) # if the function returns an int
df = df.withColumn("message", udf_myFunction("_3")) #"_3" being the column name of the column you want to consider
This will add a new column to the dataframe df containing the result of myFunction(line[3]).

How to convert a table into a Spark Dataframe

In Spark SQL, a dataframe can be queried as a table using this:
sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "mytable")
Assuming what I have is mytable, how can I get or access this as a DataFrame?
The cleanest way:
df = sqlContext.table("mytable")
Well you can query it and save the result into a variable. Check that SQLContext's method sql returns a DataFrame.
df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM mytable")
