How to modify string by index in Clojure? - string

I want to modify a string by applying a function to some of its chars (by starting index and length).
For example, I want to increment the ascii representation of the string "aaaaa" from the 2nd index to the 4th.
[start=1 length=3]
"aaaaa" => "abbba"
The only way I could think of is applying map, but it goes over all the sequence.

You could use subs to get the portions you do and don't want to modify. After modification use str to concatenate the result together:
(defn replace-in-str [f in from len]
(let [before (subs in 0 from)
after (subs in (+ from len))
being-replaced (subs in from (+ from len))
replaced (f being-replaced)]
(str before replaced after)))
You can call it:
(fn [sub-str] (apply str (map #(char (+ 1 (int %))) sub-str)))

Indeed map applies the function to every element in the sequence. One way to get around that is to start with map-indexed. Unlike map, map-indexed passes the element's index as the first argument to the mapping function. When we have element's index, we can use it to choose if we need to perform the operation or just return the element as is.
A solution might look like this:
(defn inc-char [c]
(char (inc (long c))))
(defn if-in-range [from to f]
(fn [i x & args]
(if (<= from i (dec to))
(apply f x args)
(defn map-subs [from to f s]
(apply str (map-indexed (if-in-range from to f) s)))
(map-subs 1 4 inc-char "aaaaa")
;; "abbba"

I thought of using map-index to execute the operation only on the specified index:
((fn [op start length] (map-indexed (fn [i m] (if (<= start i length)
(op m)
m)) "aaaaa"))
#(char (+ 1 (int %)))
=> (\a \b \b \b \a)

Here you go:
(defn replace-str
[s start-i end-i]
(apply str (map-indexed (fn [index val]
(if (and (>= index start-i)
(<= index end-i))
(char (+ (int val) 1))
(replace-str "aaaa" 1 2)
;=> "abba"


How do I find the number of characters in a string using scheme programming language?

I used string-length to get the number of characters but I am having difficulties in defining a recursive function. Should I convert the string to a list and then count the elements?
There's no useful way of doing this recursively (or even tail recursively): strings in Scheme are objects which know how long they are. There would be such an approach in a language like C where strings don't know how long they are but are delimited by some special marker. So for instance if (special-marker? s i) told you whether the i'th element of s was the special marker object, then you could write a function to know how long the string was:
(define (silly-string-length s)
(let silly-string-length-loop ([i 1])
(if (special-marker? s i)
(- i 1)
(silly-string-length-loop (+ i 1)))))
But now think about how you would implement special-marker? in Scheme: in particular here's the obvious implementation:
(define (special-marker? s i)
(= i (+ (string-length s) 1)))
And you can see that silly-string-length is now just a terrible version of string-length.
Well, if you wanted to make it look even more terrible, you could, as you suggest, convert a string to a list and then compute the length of the lists. Lists are delimited by a special marker object, () so this approach is reasonable:
(define (length-of-list l)
(let length-of-list-loop ([i 0]
[lt l])
(if (null? lt)
(length-of-list-loop (+ i 1) (rest lt)))))
So you could write
(define (superficially-less-silly-string-length s)
(turn-string-into-list s)))
But, wait, how do you write turn-string-into-list? Well, something like this perhaps:
(define (turn-string-into-list s)
(let ([l (string-length s)])
(let loop ([i 0]
[r '()])
(if (= i l)
(reverse r)
(loop (+ i 1)
(cons (string-ref s i) r))))))
And this ... uses string-length.
What is the problem with?
(string-length string)
If the question is a puzzle "count characters in a string without using string-length",
then maybe:
(define (my-string-length s)
(define (my-string-length t n)
(if (string=? s t) n
(string-append t (string (string-ref s n))) (+ n 1))))
(my-string-length "" 0))
(define (my-string-length s)
(define (my-string-length n)
(define (try thunk)
(call/cc (lambda (k)
(with-exception-handler (lambda (x)
(k n))
(try (lambda ()
(string-ref s n)
(my-string-length (+ n 1)))))
(my-string-length 0))
(but of course string-ref will be using the base string-length or equivalent)

Scheme: How to find a position of a char in a string

I am trying to find the index of a string where it is equal to a certain character, but I can seem to figure it out.
This is what I got so far, but its not working...
(define getPos
(lambda ()
(define s (apply string-append myList))
(getPosition pos (string->list s))))
(define getPosition
(lambda (position s)
(if (and (< position (length s)) (equal? (car s) #\space))
((set! pos (+ pos 1)) (getPosition (cdr s) pos));increment the positon and continue the loop
(define length
(lambda (s);the value s must be coverted to a string->list when passed in
((null? s) 0)
(else (+ 1 (length (cdr s)))))))
The solution is simple: we have to test each char in the list until either we run out of elements or we find the first occurrence of the char, keeping track of which position we're in.
Your proposed solution looks weird, in Scheme we try to avoid set! and other operations that mutate data - the way to go, is by using recursion to traverse the list of chars. Something like this is preferred:
(define (getPosition char-list char pos)
(cond ((null? char-list) #f) ; list was empty
((char=? char (car char-list)) pos) ; we found it!
(else (getPosition (cdr char-list) char (add1 pos))))) ; char was not found
For 0-based indexes use it like this, converting the string to a list of chars and initializing the position in 0:
(getPosition (string->list "abcde") #\e 0)
=> 4
Of course, we can do better by using existing procedures - here's a more idiomatic solution:
(require srfi/1) ; required for using the `list-index` procedure
(define (getPosition string char)
(list-index (curry char=? char)
(string->list string)))
(getPosition "abcde" #\e)
=> 4
A solution with for:
#lang racket
(define (find-char c s)
(for/first ([x s] ; for each character in the string c
[i (in-naturals)] ; counts 0, 1, 2, ...
#:when (char=? c x))
(find-char #\o "hello world")
(find-char #\x "hello world")

Idiomatic string rotation in Clojure

How to idiomatically rotate a string in Clojure for the Burrows-Wheeler transform?
I came up with this, which uses (cycle "string"), but feels a bit imperative:
(let [s (str "^" "banana" "|")
l (count s)
c (cycle s)
m (map #(take l (drop % c)) (range l))]
(apply map str m))
=> ("^banana|" "banana|^" "anana|^b" "nana|^ba" "ana|^ban" "na|^bana" "a|^banan" "|^banana")
I'm not sure if this qualifies as code golf. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
I would do:
(defn bwrot [s]
(let [s (str "^" s "|")]
(for [i (range (count s))]
(str (subs s i) (subs s 0 i)))))
(defn bwrot [s]
(let [n (+ 2 (count s))
s (str "^" s "|^" s "|")]
(for [i (range n)]
(subs s i (+ i n)))))
The second one should allocate less (one string instead of three per iteration).
There used to be a rotations function in clojure.contrib.seq that might be worth a look for inspiration. The source is reproduced below:
(defn rotations
"Returns a lazy seq of all rotations of a seq"
(if (seq x)
(fn [n _]
(lazy-cat (drop n x) (take n x)))
(iterate inc 0) x)
(list nil)))
Then you could do something like:
(apply map str (rotations "^banana|"))
; => ("^banana|" "banana|^" "anana|^b" "nana|^ba" "ana|^ban" "na|^bana" "a|^banan" "|^banana")
A stepped call to partition works:
(defn bwt[s]
(let [s' (str "^" s "|")
c (cycle s')
l (count s')]
(map last (sort (apply map str (take l (partition l 1 c)))))))
(apply str (bwt "banana"))
=> "|bnn^aaa"
If I was unconcerned about efficiency or number of characters I'd write something like:
(defn rotate-string
(apply str (concat (drop 1 s) (take 1 s))))
(defn string-rotations
(->> s
(iterate rotate-string)
(take (count s))))
(rotate-string "^banana|") ; "banana|^"
(string-rotations "^banana|") ; ("^banana|" "banana|^" "anana|^b" "nana|^ba" "ana|^ban" "na|^bana" "a|^banan" "|^banana")
In particular, factoring out the single rotation into its own function.
Another way to accomplish rotation is to use a "double string" (i.e. concatenate the string to itself) and play around with substrings.
(defn rotations [strng]
(let [indices (range (count strng))
doublestr (str strng strng)]
(map #(subs doublestr % (+ % (count strng))) indices)))
(rotations "^banana|")
;;(^banana| banana|^ anana|^b nana|^ba ana|^ban na|^bana a|^banan |^banana)
Rotations of "foo":
Take the double string "foofoo"
Length n of "foo" = 3
The rotations are all the n substrings of "foofoo" that start with indices 0, 1, 2 and have the same length n

LISP - Modify String

I have to write a program that changes a string's vowels, consonants and other symbols into C, V respectively 0. I've done this but I wonder if there is a more efficient and elegant way to do it. Would appreciate input.
(defun string-to-list (string)
(loop for char across string collect char))
(defun is-vowel (char) (find char "aeiou" :test #'char-equal))
(defun is-consonant (char) (find char "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz" :test #'char-equal))
(defun letter-type (char)
(if (is-vowel char) "V"
(if (is-consonant char) "C"
(defun analyze-word (word-string)
(loop for char across word-string collect (letter-type char)))
Moreover, I would like to make it a string, how could I do that? Should I define a function that would iterate through the list and make it a string or is it an easier way to do it?
(defun letter-type (char)
(cond ((find char "aeiou" :test #'char-equal) #\V)
((alpha-char-p char) #\C)
(t #\0)))
CL-USER> (map 'string #'letter-type "analyze-word")
Just for the sake of the idea:
(defun multi-replace-if (sequence function &rest more-functions)
(map (type-of sequence)
(lambda (x)
(loop for f in (cons function more-functions)
for result = (funcall f x)
while (eql x result)
finally (return result)))
(multi-replace-if "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
(lambda (x) (if (find x "aeiouy") #\v x))
(lambda (y) (declare (ignore y)) #\c))

Haskell to Clojure

I am going over this haskell lecture on count down game, i don't know any haskell but i am intrested in the problem, i am trying to port his code to clojure.
this is the part i got stuck must be something i don't get in haskell,
split :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
split [] = [([],[])]
split (x:xs) = ([],x:xs) : [(x:ls,rs) | (ls,rs) [([a],[a])]
nesplit = filter ne . split
ne :: ([a],[b]) -> Bool
ne (xs,ys) = not (null xs || null ys)
exprs :: [Int] -> [Expr]
exprs [] = []
exprs [n] = [Val n]
exprs ns = [e | (ls,rs)
I have my own split given 1 2 3 4 it spits out,
(((1) (2 3 4)) ((1 2) (3 4)) ((1 2 3) (4)))
(defn split [v]
(if (= (count v) 1)
(list (first v))
(map #(list (take % v) (drop % v)) (range 1 (count v)))))
(defn exprs [v]
(if (= (count v) 1)
(map #(concat (exprs (first %)) (exprs (second %))) v)))
(exprs (split [1 2 3 4]))
that gives me,
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Integer
Can anyone tell me what am i missing from the haskell code?
His full code listing is available here.
This is closely following the Haskell implementation as far as my limited Haskell fu allows me to do....
(defn split
(map #(split-at % s) (range 1 (count s))))
(defn ne
(every? (complement empty?) s))
(defn nesplit
(filter ne (split s)))
(declare combine)
(defn exprs
(when-let [s (seq s)]
(if (next s)
(for [[ls rs] (nesplit s)
l (exprs ls)
r (exprs rs)
e (combine l r)]
Haven't tested it though.
As for your error message: I think the problem is, that you don't call split recursively in exprs. Then you get 1 were a sequence is expected...
Random other note: count is linear in time for sequences. Since we just need to know, whether we have more than one element, we can check the value of (next s) against nil.
the exception results from exprs being called recursively and eventually being invoked with a list of integers. your code only handles a list of lists or a list of length one.
(exprs '(2 3 4))
leads to the else branch of the if statement which expands out to:
(map #(concat (exprs (first %)) (exprs (second %))) '(2 3 4))))
which comes out to:
(concat (exprs (first 2)) (exprs (second 2)))
(concat (exprs (first 3)) (exprs (second 3)))
(concat (exprs (first 4)) (exprs (second 4)))
and (first 2) throws:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Integer
