Loopback 3 discards error information on multiple validation errors, turning 422 to 500, how can I solve that? - node.js

I'm migrating from Loopback 2 tot 3.
I currently have an issue with validation errors and strong-error-handler
When I post a bulk create which results in multiple validation errors, those get returned as an array of ValidationErrors.
Those errors get grouped by strong-error handler in a 500 internal server error, which is how it was before, but the details of the errors get discarded, when debug is set to false.
In my example I upload an array of tags, but for each tag, a uniqueness validation is executed. When 2 or more tags are already in the database, I have an array of errors, instead of a single validation error
I need a way to determine why the validation failed on the client side, but the details of the errors are discarded now.
Am I doing something wrong here, or should this be considered as a bug?

From the strongloop error handler documentation in loopback,
In production mode, strong-error-handler omits details from error responses to prevent leaking sensitive information:
More information
For 5xx errors, the output contains only the status code and the status name from the HTTP specification.
For 4xx errors, the output contains the full error message (error.message) and the contents of the details property (error.details) that ValidationError typically uses to provide machine-readable details about validation problems. It also includes error.code to allow a machine-readable error code to be passed through which could be used, for example, for translation.
Am I doing something wrong here, or should this be considered as a bug?
No this is the intended behaviour
Safe error fields
You can set the stack trace as "safe-error-field" so that it will be displayed in production.
For example, the stack field is not displayed by default if you run the loopback in production mode.
If you still want to display the stack field, then change the config json in the server/middleware.json
"final:after": {
"strong-error-handler": {
"params": {
"safeFields": ["stack"]


I am getting the validation to fail error even though I have given all required

I am getting the validation to fail error even though I have given all required items/parameters to the body then also it gives an error ...
schema model restaurant:
restaurant API Router for the posting :
main server index :
if any one faced same issue or if it resolved please do share with me
because i am also facing validation error event i have provide
required body items then also it is giving me validation error ...
but if i removed "mapLoaction" from schema then it was work well but
when mapLoaction is added in schema then it gives the validation
error .please look inti my issue ..
*i see some old solution but no result because they are so old 5-6 yeas agos questions.
same issue while posting othere data schemamodels also gives validation error

Customizing Validate Node Error Message in OSB 12c

When we add the Validate Node in the OSB 12c for validating the incoming request against XSD, and if the validation fails ,
in some fault messages the field name that is causing the validation error is displayed. But only for decimal values , fault message is just saying Invalid decimal Value and no mention about the field from where the error is thrown. Can we overcome this issue
I am not sure this is direct solution. But there is a workaround which may suit your need
Create an XQuery which validates the payload and throws custom error messages
eg: for xml element which should contain decimal value abc
if ($a instance of xs:long)
then ()
else (fn:error(xs:QName('Your error code'), 'your error message'))
This is a suitable method if the payload is small.
If the payload is large
identify the fields which are supposed to have these type of issues.
Create an XQuery for validating these fields with error messages.
Use validate node inside a stage and use a stage error handler
Validate the payload using xquery inside stage error handler

Beanstream errorType values

According to their API documentation, the field of errorType can return either N, S, or U. I assume N = None because that's returned upon success.
What do S and U mean?
From a Beanstream integration document:
The errorType response variable will indicate “U” if a form field error
occurs. The errorFields variable will contain a list of fields that failed validation. errorMessage will contain descriptive text that may be displayed to customers if desired.
System generated errors can be identified in a Server to Server integration by a response message “errorType=S” in the Beanstream response string. If a system generated error occurs, validate your integration and website setup.

What are all the ways CouchDB reponses fail?

I'm building a Node.js application on the express.js framework with CouchDB as a database. I'm utilizing CouchDB's session api for maintaining session state, and various databases for different sections of data.
On essentially every request my application code makes a request to Couch and then if there's an error (with Node) I can respond appropriately, by logging the error and redirecting to a 404 page or something like that. But if I get a CouchDB error, Node wouldn't consider it an error, it would consider that data. Now that's totally fine with me as long as CouchDB can only return this format:
"error": "illegal_database_name",
"reason": "Only lowercase characters (a-z), digits (0-9), and any of the characters _, $, (, ), +, -, and / are allowed. Must begin with a letter."
A JSON doc with two properties, error and reason. That's fine I can parse it and return the appropriate message; quite gracefully actually.
BUT! Is that all I can expect from CouchDB, or is there another way Couch might fail, that wouldn't yield a JSON doc with those two fields (properties)?
dscape's information of relying on the response codes is correct, and in most situations you will get an object with error and reason. The bulk-document errors are the only place I can think of where neither of these will be true. If just one document fails then you'll still get a 200, but you'll get the error/reason within the array element corresponding to the document that failed. See the docs for more info on that.

DataServiceRequestException was unhandled by user code. An error occurred while processing this request

DataServiceRequestException was unhandled by user code. An error occurred while processing this request.
This is in relation to the previous post I added
public void AddEmailAddress(EmailAddressEntity emailAddressTobeAdded)
AddObject("EmailAddress", emailAddressTobeAdded);
Again the code breaks and gives a new exception this time. Last time it was Storage Client Exception, now it is DataServiceRequestException. Code breaks at SaveChanges.
Surprisingly, solution is same. CamelCasing is not supported. So the code works if "EmailAddress" is changed to "Emailaddress" or "emailaddress"
More details
Because you've tagged this with "azure" and "table," I'm going to assume this code results in a call to Windows Azure tables. If so, I can assure you that camel casing table names is indeed supported. However, the string you pass to AddObject has to match a table that you've created, so make sure the code where you create the table is using the same casing.
