GObject.timeout_add stops running unexpectedly - python-3.x

I am working on an Ubuntu Appindicator that displays the value of a JSON API call every X seconds.
The issue is that, randomly, it will stop calling self.loop without any error or warning. I can have it running for days or for hours. I've setup (in development) debug statements and it always stops running after the loop function is called.
It's as if I was returning False or not returning from the function even though the logic in this code should always return True.
Here is the documentation for GObject.timeout_add (for GTK2 but the principle stands).
I'm not sure if it's dependent on the PyGTK version. I've had it happen in Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 17.04.
Here is the full class. The point where the JSON API is called is at result = self.currency.query(). I am happy to give further feedback.
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import GObject
class QueryLoop():
"""QueryLoop accepts the indicator to which the result will be written and an currency to obtain the results from.
To define an currency you only need to implement the query method and return the results in a pre-determined
format so that it will be consistent."""
def __init__(self, indicator, currency, timeout=5000):
Initialize the query loop with the indicator and the currency to get the data from.
:param indicator: An instance of an indicator
:param currency: An instance of an currency to get the information from
:param timeout The interval between requests to the currency API
self.indicator = indicator
self.currency = currency
self.timeout = timeout
self.last_known = {"last": "0.00"}
def loop(self):
"""Loop calls it-self forever and ever and will consult the currency for the most current value and update
the indicator's label content."""
result = self.currency.query()
if result is not None:
self.indicator.set_label("{} {}".format(result["last"], self.currency.get_ticker()))
self.last_known = result
self.indicator.set_label("Last Known: {} EUR (Error)".format(self.last_known["last"]))
return True
def start(self):
"""Starts the query loop it does not do anything else. It's merely a matter of naming because
when initializing the loop in the main() point of entry."""
GObject.timeout_add(self.timeout, self.loop)


Python multiprocess: run several instances of a class, keep all child processes in memory

First, I'd like to thank the StackOverflow community for the tremendous help it provided me over the years, without me having to ask a single question.
I could not find anything that I can relate to my problem, though it is probably due to my lack of understanding of the subject, rather than the absence of a response on the website. My apologies in advance if this is a duplicate.
I am relatively new to multiprocess; some time ago I succeeded in using multiprocessing.pools in a very simple way, where I didn't need any feedback between the child processes.
Now I am facing a much more complicated problem, and I am just lost in the documentation about multiprocessing. I hence ask for you help, your kindness and your patience.
I am trying to build a parallel tempering monte-carlo algorithm, from a class.
The basic class very roughly goes as follows:
import numpy as np
class monte_carlo:
def __init__(self):
def simulation(self,temperature):
for i in range(3000):
if i%10==0:
def MC_step(self):
k = np.random.randint(1000)
x[k] = (x[k] + np.random.uniform(-1,1,3))
if np.random.random()<np.exp((self.E-temp_E)/self.T):
Obviously, I simplified a great deal (actual class is 500 lines long!), and built fake functions for simplicity: __init__ takes a bunch of parameters as arguments, there are many more lists of measurement else than self.Elist, and also many arrays derived from self.X that I use to compute them. The key point is that each instance of the class contains a lot of informations that I want to keep in memory, and that I don't want to copy over and over again, to avoid dramatic slowing down. Else I would just use the multiprocessing.pool module.
Now, the parallelization I want to do, in pseudo-code:
def proba(dE,pT):
return np.exp(-dE/pT)
for _ in range(N):
for _ in range(5):
for i in range(N): # this loop should be ran in multiprocess
for i in range(N//2):
pT=G[i].T + G[i+1].T
p=proba(dE,pT) # (proba is a function, giving a probability depending on dE)
if np.random.random() < p:
T_temp = G[i].T
G[i].T = G[i+1].T
G[i+1].T = T_temp
Synthesis: I want to run several instances of my monte-carlo class in parallel child processes, with different values for a parameter T, then periodically pause everything to change the different T's, and run again the child processes/class instances, from where they paused.
Doing this, I want each class-instance/child-process to stay independent from one another, save its current state with all internal variables while it is paused, and do as few copies as possible. This last point is critical, as the arrays inside the class are quite big (some are 1000x1000), and a copy will therefore very quickly become quite time-costly.
Thanks in advance, and sorry if I am not clear...
I am using a distant machine with many (64) CPUs, running on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster).
I made a mistake in my original post: in the end, the temperatures must be exchanged between the class-instances, and not inside the global Tlist.
Edit3: Charchit answer works perfectly for the test code, on both my personal machine and the distant machine I am usually using for running my codes. I hence check this as the accepted answer.
However, I want to report here that, inserting the actual, more complicated code, instead of the oversimplified monte_carlo class, the distant machine gives me some strange errors:
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
(CMC_temper_all.py:55509): Gtk-WARNING **: ##:##:##:###: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
(CMC_temper_all.py:55509): Gdk-CRITICAL **: ##:##:##:###:
gdk_cursor_new_for_display: assertion 'GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed
(CMC_temper_all.py:55509): Gdk-CRITICAL **: ##:##:##:###: gdk_cursor_new_for_display: assertion 'GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed
The "##:##:##:###" are (or seems like) IP adresses.
Without the call to set_start_method('spawn') this error shows only once, in the very beginning, while when I use this method, it seems to show at every occurrence of result.get()...
The strangest thing is that the code seems otherwise to work fine, does not crash, produces the datafiles I then ask it to, etc...
I think this would deserve to publish a new question, but I put it here nonetheless in case someone has a quick answer.
If not, I will resort to add one by one the variables, methods, etc... that are present in my actual code but not in the test example, to try and find the origin of the bug. My best guess for now is that the memory space required by each child-process with the actual code, is too large for the distant machine to accept it, due to some restrictions implemented by the admin.
What you are looking for is sharing state between processes. As per the documentation, you can either create shared memory, which is restrictive about the data it can store and is not thread-safe, but offers better speed and performance; or you can use server processes through managers. The latter is what we are going to use since you want to share whole objects of user-defined datatypes. Keep in mind that using managers will impact speed of your code depending on the complexity of the arguments that you pass and receive, to and from the managed objects.
Managers, proxies and pickling
As mentioned, managers create server processes to store objects, and allow access to them through proxies. I have answered a question with better details on how they work, and how to create a suitable proxy here. We are going to use the same proxy defined in the linked answer, with some variations. Namely, I have replaced the factory functions inside the __getattr__ to something that can be pickled using pickle. This means that you can run instance methods of managed objects created with this proxy without resorting to using multiprocess. The result is this modified proxy:
from multiprocessing.managers import NamespaceProxy, BaseManager
import types
import numpy as np
class A:
def __init__(self, name, method):
self.name = name
self.method = method
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.method(self.name, args, kwargs)
class ObjProxy(NamespaceProxy):
"""Returns a proxy instance for any user defined data-type. The proxy instance will have the namespace and
functions of the data-type (except private/protected callables/attributes). Furthermore, the proxy will be
pickable and can its state can be shared among different processes. """
def __getattr__(self, name):
result = super().__getattr__(name)
if isinstance(result, types.MethodType):
return A(name, self._callmethod).get
return result
Now we only need to make sure that when we are creating objects of monte_carlo, we do so using managers and the above proxy. For that, we create a class constructor called create. All objects for monte_carlo should be created with this function. With that, the final code looks like this:
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing.managers import NamespaceProxy, BaseManager
import types
import numpy as np
class A:
def __init__(self, name, method):
self.name = name
self.method = method
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.method(self.name, args, kwargs)
class ObjProxy(NamespaceProxy):
"""Returns a proxy instance for any user defined data-type. The proxy instance will have the namespace and
functions of the data-type (except private/protected callables/attributes). Furthermore, the proxy will be
pickable and can its state can be shared among different processes. """
def __getattr__(self, name):
result = super().__getattr__(name)
if isinstance(result, types.MethodType):
return A(name, self._callmethod).get
return result
class monte_carlo:
def __init__(self, ):
self.x = np.ones((1000, 3))
self.E = np.mean(self.x)
self.Elist = []
self.T = None
def simulation(self, temperature):
self.T = temperature
for i in range(3000):
if i % 10 == 0:
def MC_step(self):
x = self.x.copy()
k = np.random.randint(1000)
x[k] = (x[k] + np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 3))
temp_E = np.mean(self.x)
if np.random.random() < np.exp((self.E - temp_E) / self.T):
self.E = temp_E
self.x = x
def create(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Register class
class_str = cls.__name__
BaseManager.register(class_str, cls, ObjProxy, exposed=tuple(dir(cls)))
# Start a manager process
manager = BaseManager()
# Create and return this proxy instance. Using this proxy allows sharing of state between processes.
inst = eval("manager.{}(*args, **kwargs)".format(class_str))
return inst
def proba(dE,pT):
return np.exp(-dE/pT)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Tlist = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
N = len(Tlist)
G = []
# Create our managed instances
for _ in range(N):
for _ in range(5):
# Run simulations in the manager server
results = []
with Pool(8) as pool:
for i in range(N): # this loop should be ran in multiprocess
results.append(pool.apply_async(G[i].simulation, (Tlist[i], )))
# Wait for the simulations to complete
for result in results:
for i in range(N // 2):
dE = G[i].E - G[i + 1].E
pT = G[i].T + G[i + 1].T
p = proba(dE, pT) # (proba is a function, giving a probability depending on dE)
if np.random.random() < p:
T_temp = Tlist[i]
Tlist[i] = Tlist[i + 1]
Tlist[i + 1] = T_temp
This meets the criteria you wanted. It does not create any copies at all, rather, all arguments to the simulation method call are serialized inside the pool and sent to the manager server where the object is actually stored. It gets executed there, and the results (if any) are serialized and returned in the main process. All of this, with only using the builtins!
[1.2, 1.1, 1.3]
Since you are using Linux, I encourage you to use multiprocessing.set_start_method inside the if __name__ ... clause to set the start method to "spawn". Doing this will ensure that the child processes do not have access to variables defined inside the clause.

How to log the return value of a POST method after returning the response?

I'm working on my first ever REST API, so apologies in advance if I've missed something basic. I have a function that takes a JSON request from another server, processes it (makes a prediction based on the data), and returns another JSON with the results. I'd like to keep a log on the server's local disk of all requests to this endpoint along with their results, for evaluation purposes and for retraining the model. However, for the purposes of minimising the latency of returning the result to the user, I'd like to return the response data first, and then write it to the local disk. It's not obvious to me how to do this properly, as the FastAPI paradigm necessitates that the result of a POST method is the return value of the decorated function, so anything I want to do with the data has to be done before it is returned.
Below is a minimal working example of what I think is my closest attempt at getting it right so far, using a custom object with a log decorator - my idea was just to assign the result to the log object as a class attribute, then use another method to write it to disk, but I can't figure out how to make sure that that function gets called after get_data every time.
import json
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from functools import wraps
from pydantic import BaseModel
class Blob(BaseModel):
id: int
x: float
def crunch_numbers(data: Blob) -> dict:
# does some stuff
return {'foo': 'bar'}
class PostResponseLogger:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.post_result = None
def log(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
def func_to_log(*args, **kwargs):
post_result = func(*args, **kwargs)
self.post_result = post_result
# how can this be done outside of this function ???
return post_result
return func_to_log
def write_data(self):
if self.post_result:
with open('output.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.post_result, f)
def main():
app = FastAPI()
logger = PostResponseLogger()
def get_data(input_json: dict, request: Request):
result = crunch_numbers(input_json)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
Basically, my question boils down to: "is there a way, in the PostResponseLogger class, to automatically call self.write_data after every call to self.log?", but if I'm using the wrong approach altogether, any other suggestions are also welcome.
You could have a Background Task for that purpose. A background task "will run only once the response has been sent" (see Starlette documentation). "This is useful for operations that need to happen after a request, but that the client doesn't really have to be waiting for the operation to complete before receiving the response" (see FastAPI documentation).
You can define a task function to run in the background for writing the log data, as shown below:
def write_log_data():
Then, import BackgroundTasks and define a parameter in your endpoint with a type declaration of BackgroundTasks. Inside of your endpoint, pass your task function (i.e., write_log_data, as defined above) to the background_tasks object with the method .add_task():
from fastapi import BackgroundTasks
def get_data(input_json: dict, request: Request, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
result = crunch_numbers(input_json)
return result
The same principle could be applied if a middleware was used to capture and log the response data, as described in this answer, or a custom APIRoute class, as demonstrated in this answer.
For future reference, if you (or anyone) ever need to use async/await syntax, and run into concurrency issues (such as the event loop getting blocked) while performing some heavy background computation, please have a look at this answer, which explains the difference between defining an endpoint or a background task function with async def and def (briefly, async def endpoints/background tasks will run in the event loop, whereas def functions will run in an external threadpool that is then awaited), as well as provides solutions when it comes to running blocking I/O-bound or CPU-bound operations in such functions.

RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'NewsExtraction.get_article_data_elements' was never awaited

I have always resisted using asyncio within my code, but using it might help with some performance issues that I'm having.
Here is my scenario:
An end user provides a list of news sites to scrape
Each element is passed to an Article Class
A valid article is passed to an Extraction Class
The Extraction Class passes data to a NewsExtraction Class
90% this of the time this flow is flawless, but on an occasion one of the 12 functions in the NewsExtraction Class fails to extract data, which exist in the HTML provide. It seems that my code is "stepping on itself," which cause the data element not to be parsed. When I rerun the code all the elements are parsed correctly.
The NewsExtraction Class has this function get_article_data_elements, which is called from the Extraction Class.
The function get_article_data_elements call these items:
published_date = self._extract_article_published_date()
modified_date = self._extract_article_modified_date()
title = self._extract_article_title()
description = self._extract_article_description()
keywords = self._extract_article_key_words()
tags = self._extract_article_tags()
authors = self._extract_article_author()
top_image = self._extract_top_image()
language = self._extract_article_language()
categories = self._extract_article_category()
text = self._extract_textual_content()
url = self._extract_article_url()
Each of these data elements are used to populate a Python Dictionary, which is eventually passed back to the End User.
I have been trying to add asyncio code to the NewsExtraction Class, but I kept getting this error message:
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'NewsExtraction.get_article_data_elements' was never awaited
I have spent the last 3 days trying to figure this issue out. I have looked at dozens of questions on Stack Overflow on this error RuntimeWarning: coroutine never awaited. I have also looked at numerous articles on using asyncio, but I cannot figure out how to use asyncio with my NewsExtraction Class, which is called from the Extraction Class.
Can someone provide me some pointers to solve my issue?
class NewsExtraction(object):
This class is used to extract common data elements from a news article
on xyz
def __init__(self, url, soup):
self._url = url
self._raw_soup = soup
async def _extract_article_published_date(self):
This function is designed to extract the publish date for the article being parsed.
:return: date article was originally published
:rtype: string
json_date_published = JSONExtraction(self._url, self._raw_soup).extract_article_published_date()
if json_date_published is not None:
if len(json_date_published) != 0:
return json_date_published
return None
elif json_date_published is None:
if self._raw_soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class': regex.compile("--publishDate")}):
date_published = self._raw_soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class': regex.compile("--publishDate")})
if len(date_published) != 0:
return date_published.text
logger.info('The HTML tag to extract the publish date for the following article was not found.')
logger.info(f'Article URL -- {self._url}')
return None
async def get_article_data_elements(self):
This function is designed to extract all the common data elements from a
news article on xyz.
:return: dictionary of data elements related to the article
:rtype: dict
article_data_elements = {}
# I have tried this:
published_date = self._extract_article_published_date().__await__()
# and this
published_date = self.task(self._extract_article_published_date())
await published_date
I have also tried to use:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# asyncio.run(self.get_article_data_elements())
I'm really banging my head on the wall with using asyncio in my news extraction code.
If this question is off base, I will be happy to delete it and keep reading about how to use asyncio correctly.
Can someone provide me some pointers to solve my issue?
Thanks in advance for any guidance on using asyncio
Your are defining _extract_article_published_date and get_article_data_elements as coroutines, and this coroutines must be await-ed in your code to get the result of their execution in an asynchronous way.
You can do this creating an instance of type NewsExtraction and calling this methods with the keyword await in front, this await pass the execution to other task in the loop until his awaited task completes its execution. Note that there are no threads or process involved in this task execution, the execution is passed only if it is no using cpu-time (await-ing I/O operations or sleeping).
if __name__ == '__main__':
extractor = NewsExtraction(...)
# this creates the event loop and runs the coroutine
Inside your _extract_article_published_date you must also await your coroutines that perform requests over the network, if you are using some library for the scraping make sure that uses async/await behind the scenes to get a real performance while using asyncio.
async def get_article_data_elements(self):
article_data_elements = {}
# note here that the instance is self
published_date = await self._extract_article_published_date()
You must dive into the asyncio documentation to get a better understanding of these features of Python 3.7+.

Ibpy: how to capture data returned from reqAccountSummary

I'm using ibapi from interactive brokers and I got stuck on how to capture the returned data, generally. For example, according to api docs, when I request reqAccountSummary(), the method delivered the data via accountSummary(). But their example only print the data. I've tried capturing the data or assign it to a variable, but no where in their docs shows how to do this. I've also google search and only find register() and registerAll() but that is from ib.opt which isn't in the latest working ibapi package.
Here is my code. Could you show me how to modify accountSummary() to capture the data?
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.common import *
class TestApp(EWrapper,EClient):
def __init__(self):
# request account data:
def my_reqAccountSummary1(self, reqId:int, groupName:str, tags:str):
self.reqAccountSummary(reqId, "All", "TotalCashValue")
# The received data is passed to accountSummary()
def accountSummary(self, reqId: int, account: str, tag: str, value: str, currency: str):
super().accountSummary(reqId, account, tag, value, currency)
print("Acct# Summary. ReqId>:", reqId, "Acct:", account, "Tag: ", tag, "Value:", value, "Currency:", currency)
return value #This is my attempt which doesn't work
def main():
app = TestApp()
app.my_reqAccountSummary1(8003, "All", "TotalCashValue") #"This works, but the data is print to screen. I don't know how to assign the received TotalCashValue to a variable"
# myTotalCashValue=app.my_reqAccountSummary1(8003, "All", "TotalCashValue") #"My attempt doesn't work"
# more code to stop trading if myTotalCashValue is low
if __name__=="__main__":
You cannot do this in the main function, since app.run listens to responses from the TWS. Once you have set up all the callbacks as you correctly did, the main function will be looping forever in app.run.
You have to put your code directly into the accountSummary function. This is how these kind of programs work, you put your logic directly into
the callback functions. You can always assign self.myTotalCashValue = value to make it available to other parts of your class, or even to another thread.
-- OR --
You run app.run in a thread and wait for the value to return, e.g.
add self._myTotalCashValue = value to accountSummary, import threading and time and then add something like this in main:
t = threading.Thread(target=app.run)
t.daemon = True
while not hasattr(app,"_myTotalCashValue"):
As usual with threads, you have to be a bit careful with shared memory between app and main.

locks needed for multithreaded python scraping?

I have a list of zipcodes that I want to pull business listings for using the yelp fusion api. Each zipcode will have to make at least one api call ( often much more) and so, I want to be able to keep track of my api usage as the daily limit is 25000. I have defined each zipcode as an instance of user defined Locale class. This locale class has a class variable Locale.pulls, which acts as a global counter for the number of pulls.
I want to multithread this using the multiprocessing module but I am not sure if I need to use locks and if so, how would I do so? The concern is race conditions as I need to be sure each thread sees the current number of pulls defined as the Zip.pulls class variable in the pseudo code below.
import multiprocessing.dummy as mt
class Locale():
pulls = 0
MAX_PULLS = 20000
def __init__(self,x,y):
#initialize the instance with arguments needed to complete the API call
def pull(self):
if Locale.pulls > MAX_PULLS:
return none
# make the request, store the returned data and increment the counter
self.data = self.call_yelp()
Locale.pulls += 1
def main():
#zipcodes below is a list of arguments needed to initialize each zipcode as a Locale class object
pool = mt.Pool(len(zipcodes)/100) # let each thread work on 100 zipcodes
data = pool.map(Locale, zipcodes)
A simple solution would be to check that len(zipcodes) < MAP_PULLS before running the map().
