3-Tier Web App in Azure Web Apps - azure

In a typical 3-Tier web app, you run web servers in public subnet, while app tier lives in private subnet. Is it possible to run similar architecture with Azure Web apps and Api apps?
I guess you can run Asp.NET Core Web App in Azure Web App and Deploy AspNet Core Web Api to Azure Api App, then make Api end point private so only Web app can talk to it? I see options like Google, Facebook et. as auth providers. Is that what you have to do to make API private?

If you want that level of isolation, one (although expensive) option is an App Service Environment (ASE). Link to docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-web/app-service-app-service-environment-intro
App Service Environments are ideal for application workloads requiring:
Very high scale
Isolation and secure network access
The public environment where you deploy by default is public. Your endpoints will be accessible to anyone anywhere, and it is up to your app to do the filtering. This can be done, e.g. through static IP address security settings in Web.config. The problem with that is that even then you can't know for sure what IP address your front-end will use for communication. There are multiple possible addresses it may use for outbound traffic, and those are subject to possible change.
You can see an example of IP restrictions here: restricting IP security
Of course you should also have authentication set up on your API. Documentation links:

In line with what #juunas said above and a slight variant is to introduce Azure API Management Gateway in between Azure web app and Azure Api app. In standard tier API Gateway the IP address is fixed and doesn't change and you can use the API Gateway address in Azure API App web.config to whitelist.


Azure App Service - How to block MsDeploy.axd on port 8172

We have an App Service running in Azure that hosts a website. We've recently had a security review on the web site and one of the items found was that the end point below was exposed.
The recommendation is that this end point should be blocked and using a whitelist to allow limited access (e.g. the build machine that deploys to Azure). How do I block this end point?
After discussions with Microsoft support it appears that port 8172 is enabled for backwards compatibility with old versions of MsDeploy. This port is being phased out and will be open sometimes and not other times.
The fix was for us to create a new resource group, app service plan and app services multiple times until we ended up a server that had the port closed. This was frustrating but ultimately it did resolve the issue.
You could use IP level limitation in the Azure App Service access restrictions to allow limited IP addresses or VNet access to your app service. In this case, it will work on all the applications in your app service.
For some specific endpoint access control, perhaps, you need to control it with access authorization in your application code. Read Tutorial: Authenticate and authorize users end-to-end in Azure App Service and Managing access to apps.
Alternatively, you select to use Application Gateway integration with service endpoints. In this case, you only want the front end to be accessible to your end-users. The back-end should be locked down so it is only callable from the front-end. Also the front end subnet support NSG, you could restrict the end-users with IP and port to access your front end, meanwhile, it will limit access to your endpoint. See Securing Back-end App Service Web Apps with VNets and Service Endpoints for more details.
Hope this helps you.

Azure - Connecting multiple app service containers with custom domain and ssl

I am getting to the point of my project where I am ready to deploy it online with my custom domain via Azure once I make the upgrade from my Free Subscription.
So a little context, I have 1 web app service and 4 api services and each one is hosted in a separate app service such as:
And the above web app communicates to all 4 api's and some api's may or may not talk to another. (Would have loved an application gateway so hopefully I'll be changing this architecture later down the road).
So as I get ready to associate my domain to the services, the web container seems pretty straight forward to me as it just becomes www.sitename.com, but I am a little confused about the api services. The way I am thinking about this is that each api service will be in it's own subdomain, such as:
where I believe I can register my SSL and domain to each app service somehow, but this leaves me with a few questions.
Do I host each api in a subdomain using the same domain as the web
app, or is there a different way preferred like where I host them
all on the same domain with different exposed ports per API and web
listening 80/443, or maybe just use the IP address of the api app
service and allow www.sitename.com as the origin for CORS?
I am assuming that since I am associating my SSL cert to the web
service, I will need to do the following on the api services?
Would it be better (and still affordable) if I just had a VNET
associated to the app services and the domain only registered with
the web app?
Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated on how I can establish communication between my app services with my custom domain and SSL as I am fairly new to this part of the stack, but excited about learning!
As I known, on Azure cloud, there are two services can help to manage your APIs deployed on multiple app service containers: API Management and Application Gateway.
The Premium tier of API Management has the feature for multiple custom domain names, please see the offical document Feature-based comparison of the Azure API Management tiers as the figure below.
You can refer to the quick start tutorial of Create a new Azure API Management service instance and other related documents to kown how to.
"Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications." said in the introduce What is Azure Application Gateway?. And as the figure of its architecture below, "With Application Gateway, you can make routing decisions based on additional attributes of an HTTP request, such as URI path or host headers. For example, you can route traffic based on the incoming URL. So if /images is in the incoming URL, you can route traffic to a specific set of servers (known as a pool) configured for images. If /video is in the URL, that traffic is routed to another pool that's optimized for videos."
I recommended to use Azure Application Gateway which be a good choice to manage multiple app services and expose the unified urls of APIs.

Can i use the default azure domain from an app service with an Azure Application Gateway?

I have an environment setup with multiple azure web apps across multiple Azure service plans.
I'm now retrospectively trying to add an azure WAF between the wider internet and the websites.
I have created a WAF, but am now struggling to understand whether it is currently possible to continue to use the *.azurewebsites.net app addresses and route traffic through the WAF?
Is it possible to use the built in *.azurewebsites.net app service addresses as the external entry point to the Azure WAF?
I think I understand your question, what you need to do is route the traffic to the application gateway add azure web app as the backend to the application gateway.
you cannot azure *.azurewebsites.net as an endpoint for application gateway

Access Azure web app through reverse proxy

Can you tell me whether the following scenario could be possible?
I want to access an Azure web app through a reverse proxy running on-premise.
The proxy will be responsible to authenticate the users, add a JWT (or SAML) to the request and forward it to my Azure Web App.
The Azure Web App will authorize (or not) the user to perform the request.
Potentially, there can be multiple reverse proxies on different sites.
Anybody has experience with such a setup?
Of course, this prevent the Web App to be globally available but that is not an issue.
An Azure Web App always has a public name and IP, therefor it is possible to bypass your reverse proxy and access directly the app using its public name, or IP.
However, if you need to make the traffic between your reverse proxy and the app private, you got a few options. You can either run your app in a VM or in an App Service Environment. Both offer private network access, i.e. can be added to a virtual network and a VPN tunnel be built to your on-premises network.
Difference between an ASE and a VM is that the VM you manage and maintain, while the ASE is a private PaaS service, i.e. private app service managed and maintained by Microsoft, thus more limited in capabilities than a VM.
Pricewise, a normal Azure Web App is the cheapest option. VM or an ASE are considerably more expensive.

How to make Azure Web Api project REST endpoints only available to Azure virtual network

I have a .NET Web Api project with several REST endpoints that I only want accessed by resources from within an Azure virtual network I have created. Resources such as Azure Functions and Azure Web Roles will access these endpoints only. In other words, I do not want the endpoints publicly available.
So, I configured the Web Api application with my virtual network but apparently I also need to add the Web Api application to an Application Service Environment (which are quite costly from what I have read). To quote the Azure documentation:
VNET Integration gives your web app access to resources in your virtual network but does not grant private access to your web app from the virtual network.
Do I indeed need to use an Application Service Environment and just deal with the costs or is there another way I can achieve what I want?
I do not want the endpoints publicly available.
Until now, Azure web app only supports for using an internal load balancer with the app service environment feature. If you want to make your Web API can only be accessed internally. An app service environment is required.
If you don't want to move your Web API to app service environment and your Azure function and web role have fixed ip addresses, you could configure the IP whitelist using ipSecurity configuration in your web API. For more information of ipSecurity, link below is for your reference.
IP and Domain Restrictions for Windows Azure Web Sites
