IF Formula not calculating properly - excel

I've structured a formula that should spit out a numerical answer that is basically a simple sum formula with IF statements assigning numerical values to qualitative inputs. Apologies for the length, I am looking at a number of different factors.Formula is:
Cell F36 contains:
=IF(F32="Medium-High", 18, IF(F32="High", 24, SUM(F16, IF(F20="High",5,IF(F20="Medium-High",4,IF(F20="Medium",3,IF(F20="Low-medium",2,IF(F20="Low",1))))),IF(F24="High",5,IF(F24="Medium-High",4,IF(F24="Medium",3,IF(F24="Low-Medium",2,IF(F24="Low",1))))),IF(F28="High",5,IF(F28="Medium-High",4,IF(F28="Medium",3,IF(F28="Low-Medium",2,IF(F28="Low",1,IF(F28="N/A",0)))))),IF(F30="N/A",0,IF(F30="High",5,IF(F30="Medium-High",4,IF(F30="Medium",3,IF(F30="Low-Medium",2,IF(F30="Low",1)))))),IF(F32="High",5,IF(F32="Medium-High",4,IF(F32="Medium",3,IF(F32="Low-Medium",2,IF(F32="Low",1,IF(F32="N/A",0)))))))))
F16 - contains values from 1 to 5
F20, F24, F28, F30, F32 - Are dropdowns, where you choose a value: Low, Low-Medium, Medium, Medium-High, High;
Right now, based on a test input, where: F16 = 5, F20 = Low (1), F24= Medium-High (4), F28 = N/A (0), F30 = Medium (3), F32 = Medium (3) my output in F36 is 11, however doing simple adding, I should be at 5+1+4+0+3+3 = 16.
Where am I losing 5 points?

You can create a table allocating numerical output to each qualitative inputs and using vlookup to get your output. For example, for a table created on K19:L25, the following can be used:
Tried your formula and it gives the correct result. Maybe your 5 in F16 is not a numerical value? You can test it by using
and it should give a TRUE if it is a number.

Debug embedded IFs is just hell.
What you are doing is recode a 5 levels scale. You may use alternative solutions.
a. place the 5 text values (from "Low" to "High") somewhere in a sheet, say in T1:T5, even better, give this range a name
then you can retrieve the values you search with
b. if it's suitable for your use, you may use combo boxes, presenting the 5 choices and giving the desired answer (from 1 to 5) in a linked cell.
(maybe not the answer, but I can't comment…)

(This should be a comment but I needed the formatting capabilities of an answer)
This is the current logic of your formula:
Check cell F32: "Medium-High" outputs 18, "High" outputs 24
If F32 is neither of those, then SUM the following:
Lookup for F20, F24, F28, F30, and F32 where the lookup for each is:
"High" = 5
"Medium-High" = 4
"Medium" = 3
"Low-Medium" = 2
"Low" = 1
I find it strange that you first check cell F32 only to check it again later in the sum. Because this current logic produces incorrect results, we can't really advise how to fix it without sample data and expected results. My guess is you are summing too many lookups by including the F32 in there, but that's just speculation without data.


What's the logic behind PERCENTILE.INC Excel function?

I would like to know how does Excel think to calculate the values on the function PERCENTILE.INC. I'm making some studies on Percentile and Quartile, I got the below results:
How does Excel think to calculate the values on column F?
Here's the formulas I'm using:
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,75) ==> F2
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,50) ==> F3
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,25) ==> F4
=PERCENTILE.INC(B2:B21; 0,00) ==> F5
Short answer - the position of a given percentile when the data is sorted in ascending order, using percentile.inc, is given by
where p is the required percentile as a fraction from 0 to 1 and N is the number of points.
If this expression gives a whole number, you take the value at this position (e.g. percentile zero gives 1, so its value is exactly 22). If it's not a whole number, you interpolate between the value at the position given by the whole number part (e.g. for p=0.25 it's 5 and the value at this position is 52) and the value at the position one higher (in this case position 6 so the number is 55), then multiply the difference of the two values (3) by the fraction part (0.75) giving you 2.25 and finally add this to the lower of the two values giving you 54.25. A shorter way of saying this is that you go a quarter of the way between the two nearest values. So you have:
If you wished to show the logic as an Excel formula, you could implement the expression shown here on the right (where h, in the second column of the table, is the position calculated from the formula above and x is the value at that position)
like this:

How certain arrays and array functions are handled under the hood in Excel; specifically the dependence of array handling on the calling function

In trying to systematically enumerate the possibilities when rolling four identical but loaded four-sided dice, I came across some unusual excel behavior. Hoping someone can shed some light on what's going on under the hood.
The following table illustrates the possible rolls of a die:
1000 A
0100 B
0010 C
0001 D
each row is a possibility with a distinct probability. In excel, this information can be made to occupy a 4x4 cell area--that is, the letter labels above are merely for convenience.
In trying to display all possible combinations of four rolls of such a die-- where the fist combination might be A + A + A + A or 4000, the second might be B + A + A + A or 3100, and so on for each of the 4^4=256 possibilities--I decided that I wanted to systematically offset A by 0,1,2, or 3 rows for each of four rolls then sum the results. In other words, each possible group of 4 roles can be thought of as 4 copies of row A, each of which offset by some number of rows between 0 and 3, for example {0;0;0;0} or {1;0;0;0} in the first and second case enumerated directly above.
Oddly, though, I get the following. (all formulas are array formulas keyed in with shift+ctrl+enter).
=TRANSPOSE( SUM( OFFSET( A, 4x1ArrayOfRowOffsets, 0)))
displays the correct sum when entered into a 1x4 range. Likewise if =TRANSPOSE(...) is replaced by =INDEX(...,1,1). I take it because both functions natively support array arguments. However,
=SUM( OFFSET( A, 4x1ArrayOfRowOffsets, 0))
does not work--it seems that here the summation is conducted along the 4 rows returned by offset, each of which has value 1--it incorrectly displays only the value 1, even when evaluated in a multicell range as an array formula. Oddly,
=SUM( TRANSPOSE( OFFSET( A, 4x1ArrayOfRowOffsets, 0)))
does not work either--the transpose makes it so the summation is properly conducted along the columns returned by offset, but seems to throw out all but the first column.
Please note that, although the problem statement does not involve VBA, the lack of transparent array formula auditing in Excel proper (intermediate steps return #VALUE errors even when the final answer computes) likely means that, in order to investigate this problem, someone will have to write a bit of VBA that calls worksheet functions and manually outputs the intermediate calculations. This is why I posed a version of this question, here.
Interweaving INDEX calls anywhere but the outside/first function call does not fix the problem.
To try and see what is going on, I investigated further.
=INDEX( OFFSET( A, {w;x;y;z}, 0), 1, {1,2,3,4})
correctly displays the four rolls when entered into a 4x4 range. As before w, x, y, and z are integers between 0 and 3 indicating row offsets from "A" in the table, above. Furthermore,
=COLUMNS( OFFSET( A, {w;x;y;z}, 0))
returns the following when entered into a 5x5 range:
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4
n/a n/a n/a n/a
All that is to say, calling SUM(OFFSET(---)) with array arguments seems to produce varied output depending on what is doing the calling--specifically, whether or not the caller is a function which natively accepts proper array arguments. Why is this? What is actually going on, here?

Excel sum based on matrix condition and multiple criteria

Following from the example here I'm trying to add additional conditions to a sum formula. I've represented an example below:
The output that I'm looking for for example for Jan 2017 is
UP A 1
UP B 6
UP C 6
I tried with the following formula:
but I get a N/A value.
Does anyone know it if is possible to do it?
In your first example the number of rows in array1 and number of columns in array2 were equal, five. Here you have two columns and 13 rows. That they are unequal here is part (all) of the reason why you are having an issue.
Also your match function is returning a Boolean not an array
I have a way to do this using matrix condition and multiple criteria but had to change problem up a bit, see photo for example:
You can create a formula to fill the second matrix with X's see below
That being said I don't think this is particularly efficient as you are treating the one of the matrixes as a all 1's so you basically just adding an extra criteria / Boolean with added complexity....that being said u asked for this specifically and I believe that I have delivered that LOL
Just add two SUMIFS together.
=SUMIFS($E$2:$E$14, $A$2:$A$14, C$21, $B$2:$B$14, C$22, $C$2:$C$14, $A23, $D$2:$D$14, IF(INDEX($B$17:$C$19, MATCH($B23, $A$17:$A$19, 0), 1)="x", $B$16))+
SUMIFS($E$2:$E$14, $A$2:$A$14, C$21, $B$2:$B$14, C$22, $C$2:$C$14, $A23, $D$2:$D$14, IF(INDEX($B$17:$C$19, MATCH($B23, $A$17:$A$19, 0), 2)="x", $C$16))

Excel solver 5x5 sum game

My son found this math game app and I've been playing it. Essentially you have a 5x5 grid of numbers from 0-9, and then at the end of each column and row is a target sum. Every number in the grid can be turned on or off, and when the correct sum is achieved that row or column is highlighted. You can actually play on harder levels, but for an excel problem I decided to try 5x5 just to see if I could get solver to find the answer.
The way I designed this is as follows:
(a) Cells B2-F6 have the number values from the grid.
(b) Cells H2-L6 I put in all zeroes.
(c) Cells N2-S6 I put in as the product of B2 and H2, B3 and H3, etc.
(d) Cells N8-R8 are the sum of N2-N6, O2-O6, etc.
(e) Cells S2-S6 are the sums of N2-R2, N3-R3, etc.
(f) Cells N9-R9 are the target identified by the game.
(g) Cells N10-R10 are N9-N8, O9-O8, etc.
(h) Cells T2-T6 are the target identified by the game.
(i) Cells U2-U6 are T2-S2, T3-S3, etc.
(j) Cell W2 is =MAX(T2:T6,N9:R9)
(k) Cell T12 is =N10*W2^9+O10*W2^8+P10*W2^7+Q10*W2^6+R10*W2^5+U2*W2^4+U3*W2^3+U4*W2^2+U5*W2^1+U6*W2^0
In solver, I set the object of $T$12 to be value of 0, with constraints on variable cells $H$2:$L$6 as <=1, >=0, integer.
However, I can't seem to get solver to find me a solution. I solved it in the game first so I had a solution. When I put that in, solver will tell me it found a solution after changing nothing, or on the evolutionary one it will tell me it hasn't found anything better...of course not, I've already given you the solution. But if you change just one of the 5x5 grid to be wrong, it still can't find a solution. Is this just too complex for solver? It's weird to me that when it fails it has non-integer values in the cells. I keep wondering why it's trying non-integer values when I told it not to (and I did check to be sure my Ignore Integer Constraints box is unchecked). I understand that there are 2^25 different possibilities it should have to try, but there's an infinite number more (okay, maybe finite if it has a maximum number of decimals in the data type, but for all practical, non-quantum purposes, it's infinite) if it ignores my integer requirements. Maybe it's just not comfortable with a brute-force approach and is trying to head a particular direction and just keeps finding that unsatisfactory. I also recognize that my cell T12 formula may be too much for it to handle. It just won't let me have multiple targets so I was trying to come up with a way for it to guarantee no false positives (e.g., if you just add all the difference cells in N10-S10 and U2-U6, which should all be zero, you can actually get solutions where some of the columns are non-zero but add up to zero because of positives and negatives...and those are result cells, so I can't similarly constrain them, I think).
Anyhow, here's the number set:
2 9 3 2 3
9 9 8 4 1
2 6 5 2 6
3 1 6 8 7
6 8 3 6 9
Row totals = 13, 4, 7, 19, 32 from top to bottom
Column totals = 13, 18, 8, 20, 16
I'd give you the answer...but where's the fun in that?

Using tbl.Lookup to match just part of a column value

This question relates to the Schematiq add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Using =tbl.Lookup(table, columnsToSearch, valuesToFind, resultColumn, [defaultValue]) the values in the valuesToFind column have a consistent 3 characters to the left and then varying characters after (e.g. 908-123456 or 908-321654 - i.e. 908 is always consistent)
How can I tell the function to lookup the value based on the first 3 characters only? The expected answer should be the sum of the results of the above, i.e. 500 + 300 = 800
tbl.Lookup() works by looking for an exact match - this helps ensure it's fast but in this case it means you need an extra step to calculate a column of lookup values, something like this:
A2: =tbl.CalculateColumn(A1, "code", "x => LEFT(x, 3)", "startOfCode")
This will give you a new column that you can use for the columnsToSearch argument, however tbl.Lookup() also looks for just one match - it doesn't know how to combine values together if there is more than one matching row in the table, so I think you also need one more step to group your table by the first 3 chars of the code, like this:
A3: =tbl.Group(A2, "startOfCode", "amount")
Because tbl.Group() adds values together by default, this will give you a table with a row for each distinct value of startOfCode and the subtotal of amount for each of those values. Finally, you can do the lookup exactly as you requested, which for your input table will return 800:
A4: =tbl.Lookup(A3, "startOfCode", "908", "amount")
