error while running this command crf_learn template train model? - crf++

$ crf_learn template_file train_file model_file
CRF++: Yet Another CRF Tool Kit
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Taku Kudo, All rights reserved.
encoder.cpp(340) [, trainfile)] feature_index.cpp(135) [ifs] open faile
templete and train file is in my CFR++ folder

It looks like you do not have permission to access the file.
Or check the path of the file.


Creating a project specific Vosk dictionary

I am working on an application which uses Vosk for speech recognition. I would like to create a dictionary for the application which contains only the trigger words and spoken numbers needed by the application. Using command line instructions found here: I was able to install Kaldi on my laptop. These are,
export KALDI_ROOT=`pwd`/kaldi
git clone
cd kaldi/tools
However, I am having a problem building a dictionary using the provided commands. These are,
export PATH=$KALDI_ROOT/tools/openfst/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KALDI_ROOT/tools/openfst/lib/fst
cd model
fstsymbols --save_osymbols=words.txt Gr.fst > /dev/null
farcompilestrings --fst_type=compact --symbols=words.txt --keep_symbols text.txt | \
ngramcount | ngrammake | \
fstconvert --fst_type=ngram >
mv Gr.fst
The problem occurs at "cd model" because there is no /model directory in the directory structure created during the Kaldi installation. Checking in my Vosk project, I find /models, but no /model directory either.
I have tried creating /model in /kaldi/tools and then running the above commands with no success. Please let me know what I am missing here. Thanks in advance.
The command cd model in the docs is actually incomplete. To run this you have to cd into the directory where Gr.fst exists. This file usually exists in the directory <any model with dynamic graph>/graph.
Head to, download a model that supports dynamic vocabulary reconfiguration (usually small models do, big models don't).
Unzip the folder
Prepare a .txt file with words that your project relates to.
Proceed with the steps mentioned in your second code snippet (with a slight modification to the cd model part)

Error in modulegen creation in Hybris 6.7

I've created a b2c_b2b_acc recipe. Now when I try to create modulegen, I'm facing the following error,
Java.util.regex.patternSyntacexception: illegal repetition near index 0 ${YMODULE_TOKEN}(.*)
In case if you use recipe - run the command ant modulegen or extgen, instead of choosing default [accelerator], choose the template related to your needs (b2baccelerator).
Go to the installer directory, for example: C:\hybris\installer.
If you don't know the name of your installer recipe, you can verify it in the recipes directory, for example: C:\hybris\installer\recipes.
For more details about the installer recipes, see Installer Recipe Reference.
Install the SAP Hybris Commerce flavor using the required recipe by entering the following command:
On Windows: install.bat -r
On Linux or Mac: ./ -r
To install SAP Hybris Commerce with B2C Accelerator, enter the following command:
On Windows: install.bat -r b2c_acc
On Linux or Mac: ./ -r b2c_acc
Refer to the readme.txt file provided in the recipe folder for specific instructions on how to install the flavor of SAP Hybris Commerce that your require. Some recipes include additional instructions to install or initialize SAP Hybris Commerce.
More info here.

line 23: /etc/init.d/setenv: No such file or directory in linux redhat

I need to configure SymmtricDS in Linux redhat Machine as Master.I am referring URL to configure in linux.
First step is completed
cp bin/sym_service.initd /etc/init.d/sym_service
next when I run this command
[root#samrtcity sbin]# service sym_service start
I get the following error.
/etc/init.d/sym_service: line 23: /etc/init.d/setenv: No such file or directory
The sym_service file is:
# Licensed to JumpMind Inc under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
# with this work for additional information regarding
# copyright ownership. JumpMind Inc licenses this file
# to you under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 (GPLv3)
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
# version 3.0 (GPLv3) along with this library; if not, see
# <>.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
. "`dirname "$0"`/setenv"
exec "$SYM_JAVA" -cp "$CLASSPATH" org.jumpmind.symmetric.wrapper.Wrapper "$1" "$SYM_HOME/opt/SymmtricDS/symmetric-server-3.7.28/symmetric-server-3.7.28/conf/sym_service.conf"
but the sym_service.conf file should be there in conf location.
Use the latest version of User Guide with the explanation how to install the Linux Daemon. The documentation linked in your answer relates to the version 2.2 and from the sym service it seems that you're using the latest version of the library.

How to prepare commercial 'Debian source package' for myApp (Debian software center) without source code?

The 'Debian source package' (.dsc, .tar.gz, .changes etc combined in a compressed file) can be build using 'debuild' command. Is it possible to prepare such package without source code? What should I write in debian/rules file?
Edit: Just for now, I used 'dh_make' and 'debuild -us -uc' commands and that works fine (all files are created as expected and .deb works fine). For that, I commented some lines in debian/rules file that has '$MAKE' and changed debian/control file as I needed.

Installshield - The files for installation requirement could not be found. The installation will now stop

I am using InstallShield to build an installer to install some custom prerequisites on my client computers. But everytime I try to run the installer, I get:
The files for installation requirement Crystal Runtime x86 could not be found. The installation will now stop. This is probably due to a failed, or canceled download.
I have told the prereq where the File sits on my local development machine, and it seems like InstallSheild takes this file, and copies it to the ISSetupPrerequisites folder in the same directory as the .exe file it generates. I can confirm my file exists in the ISSetupPrerequisites folder.
Is there something else I need to do to tell the installer where my .msi installer is for my prerequisite?
My guess is that you've copied the installer (setup.exe or something similar) to the PC that you're installing on but not the ISSetupPrerequisites folder. You need to do this because you haven't changed the setting that puts the prerequisites (Crystal Runtime x86 in your case) inside the installer itself.
To enable this, go to your release's "Setup.exe" tab and change the value of the property called "InstallShield Prerequisites Location" from "Copy From Source Media" to "Extract From Setup.exe".
You should verify the checksum and filesize attributes in the redistributable's pre-requisite file. If these don't match the local/downloaded file you'll see that error
(Example files node for MSFT VS 2010 Tools for Office Runtime)
<file LocalFile="<ISProductFolder>\SetupPrerequisites\VSTOR\vstor_redist.exe" URL="" CheckSum="a1b5c8fb246a9d0d66f12d3b6f5e471d" FileSize=" 0,40051808"></file>
Make sure the CheckSum value inside the .prq file is exactly the same as the MD5 checksum of the package copies on the web url and under < ISProductFolder >\SetupPrerequisites
You can calculate MD5 on windows using the command
certutil.exe -hashfile myPackage.exe MD5
