Dynamic programming money change - dynamic-programming

I have two functions recursive and iterative to calculate money change; in the iterative version I needed to check for if the money is multiple of change (money modulus change is zero): is there a way to do iterative without checking for modulus?
public static int MoneyChangeRecur(int money, int[] changes)
int minChange = 0;
if (money == 0) return 0;
int min = int.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < changes.Length; i++)
if (money >= changes[i])
minChange = MoneyChangeRecur(money - changes[i], changes);
if (minChange + 1 <= min)
min = minChange + 1;
return min;
static int IterativeMoneychange(int money)
int[] ar = new int[money + 1];
int[] change = { 6, 5, 1 };
int min = 9999;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < money+1; i++)
min = 99999;
index = 0;
bool modSet = false;
for (int j= 0; j <change.Length; j++)
if (i >= change[j])
int mod=(i % change[j]);
if (!modSet) min = 99999;
if ((i-change[j] )< min)
min = (i - change[j]);
modSet = true;
if ((i - change[j]) < min)
min = (i - change[j]);
modSet = false;
if (min != 99999)// min = 0;
ar[i] = ar[min] +1;
return ar[money];
}enter code here


CS50 Tideman sort_pairs

My code is not passing check50 and I can't find what's wrong.
// Sort pairs in decreasing order by strength of victory
void sort_pairs(void)
for (int i = 0; i < pair_count - 1; i++)
int c = 0;
int high = preferences[pairs[i].winner][pairs[i].loser] -preferences[pairs[i].loser}[pairs[i].winner];
for (int j = i + 1; j < pair_count; j++)
if (preferences[pairs[j].winner][pairs[j].loser] - preferences[pairs[j].loser][pairs[j].winner] > high)
high = preferences[pairs[j].winner][pairs[j].loser] - preferences[pairs[j].loser][pairs[j].winner];
c = j;
pair temp = pairs[i];
pairs[i] = pairs[c];
pairs[c] = temp;

Interleaving Strings LCS

Hi I was trying to solve the interleaving strings problem.Here is the detailed explanation of the problem. https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/interleaved-strings/1
I was trying using lcs but it was not passing leetcode cases. Here is my Code:-
(I am taking lcs from start and end)
class Solution {
public boolean isInterLeave(String a, String b, String c) {
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer s1=new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer s2=new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer s4=new StringBuffer();
int m=a.length();
int n=c.length();
int q=b.length();
return false;
LinkedHashSet<Integer> res2= new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
res2= lcs(a,c,m,n);
LinkedHashSet<Integer> res4= new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
res4= lcs(b,c,q,n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
LinkedHashSet<Integer> res5= new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
res5= LCS(a,c,m,n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
} LinkedHashSet<Integer> res6= new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
res6= LCS(b,c,q,n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
String z=s.toString();
String u=s1.toString();
String v=s2.toString();
String w=s4.toString();
if( (b.equals(z)==true || a.equals(u)==true) || ( b.equals(v)==true || a.equals(w)==true)){
return true;
return false;
public static LinkedHashSet<Integer> lcs(String X, String Y, int m, int n)
int[][] L = new int[m+1][n+1];
// Following steps build L[m+1][n+1] in bottom up fashion. Note
// that L[i][j] contains length of LCS of X[0..i-1] and Y[0..j-1]
for (int i=0; i<=m; i++)
for (int j=0; j<=n; j++)
if (i == 0 || j == 0)
L[i][j] = 0;
else if (X.charAt(i-1) == Y.charAt(j-1))
L[i][j] = L[i-1][j-1] + 1;
L[i][j] = Math.max(L[i-1][j], L[i][j-1]);
// Following code is used to print LCS
// Create a character array to store the lcs string
LinkedHashSet<Integer> linkedset =
new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
// Start from the right-most-bottom-most corner and
// one by one store characters in lcs[]
int i=1;
int j=1;
while (i <= m && j <= n)
// If current character in X[] and Y are same, then
// current character is part of LCS
if (X.charAt(i-1) == Y.charAt(j-1))
// Put current character in result
// reduce values of i, j and index
// If not same, then find the larger of two and
// go in the direction of larger value
else if (L[i-1][j] > L[i][j-1])
return linkedset;
public static LinkedHashSet<Integer> LCS(String X, String Y, int m, int n)
int[][] L = new int[m+1][n+1];
// Following steps build L[m+1][n+1] in bottom up fashion. Note
// that L[i][j] contains length of LCS of X[0..i-1] and Y[0..j-1]
for (int i=0; i<=m; i++)
for (int j=0; j<=n; j++)
if (i == 0 || j == 0)
L[i][j] = 0;
else if (X.charAt(i-1) == Y.charAt(j-1))
L[i][j] = L[i-1][j-1] + 1;
L[i][j] = Math.max(L[i-1][j], L[i][j-1]);
// Following code is used to print LCS
// Create a character array to store the lcs string
LinkedHashSet<Integer> linkedset =
new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
// Start from the right-most-bottom-most corner and
// one by one store characters in lcs[]
int i = m;
int j = n;
while (i > 0 && j > 0)
// If current character in X[] and Y are same, then
// current character is part of LCS
if (X.charAt(i-1) == Y.charAt(j-1))
// Put current character in result
// reduce values of i, j and index
// If not same, then find the larger of two and
// go in the direction of larger value
else if (L[i-1][j] > L[i][j-1])
return linkedset;
Can anyone suggest an LCS approach to this problem?.My code is not passing the following test case
"cacabcbaccbbcbb" -String A
"acaaccaacbbbabbacc"-String B
"accacaabcbacaccacacbbbbcbabbbbacc"-String C
This will be the LCS+DP approach. Try it out:
class Solution {
public boolean isInterleave(String s1, String s2, String s3) {
int m = s1.length(), n = s2.length();
if (n + m != s3.length()) return false;
if (s3.length() == 0) return true;
boolean[][] dp = new boolean[m+1][n+1];
dp[0][0] = true;
for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
if (s1.substring(0, i).equals(s3.substring(0, i)))
dp[i][0] = true;
dp[i][0] = false;
for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
if (s2.substring(0, j).equals(s3.substring(0, j)))
dp[0][j] = true;
dp[0][j] = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
dp[i][j] = (dp[i-1][j] && s1.charAt(i-1) == s3.charAt(i+j-1))
|| (dp[i][j-1] && s2.charAt(j-1) == s3.charAt(i+j-1));
return dp[m][n];

Google Code Jam: My solution to Train Timetable problem is failing

I'm trying to solve this problem from Google's Code Jam 2008:
The problem is called Train Timetable and you can find the full explanation here:
Code Jam - Train Timetable
Note: I've decided to solve the problem with Node.js.
My code is the next:
function timeToMinutes(time) {
const timeArray = time.split(":");
const hours = parseInt(timeArray[0]);
const minutes = parseInt(timeArray[1]);
const hoursInMinutes = hours * 60;
const total = hoursInMinutes + minutes;
return total;
function timetableFiller(NAB, NBA, array) {
let timetable = {
departuresFromA: [],
arrivalsToB: [],
departuresFromB: [],
arrivalsToA: [],
for (let i = 0; i < NAB + NBA; i++) {
let tempArr = [];
tempArr = array[i].split(" ");
if (i < NAB) {
} else {
return timetable;
function timetableToMinutes(timetable) {
let timetableMinutes = {
departuresFromA: [],
arrivalsToB: [],
departuresFromB: [],
arrivalsToA: [],
for (const property in timetable) {
timetable[property].map((element) =>
return timetableMinutes;
function trainsNeededCounter(arrivalsFromDestiny, departuresFromOrigin, tat) {
let trainsNeeded = departuresFromOrigin.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrivalsFromDestiny.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < departuresFromOrigin.length; j++) {
if (arrivalsFromDestiny[i] + tat <= departuresFromOrigin[j]) {
trainsNeeded = trainsNeeded - 1;
departuresFromOrigin.splice(j, 1);
return trainsNeeded;
function responseGenerator(inputA, inputB, caseNumber) {
return `Case #${caseNumber}: ${inputA} ${inputB}`;
function problemSolution(input) {
const numberOfCases = parseInt(input[0]);
let response = [];
let caseNumber = 0;
let NAB;
let NBA;
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i = i + NAB + NBA + 2) {
caseNumber = caseNumber + 1;
const tat = parseInt(input[i]);
const arrayNTrips = input[i + 1].split(" ");
NAB = parseInt(arrayNTrips[0]);
NBA = parseInt(arrayNTrips[1]);
const arraySchedule = input.slice(i + 2, i + 2 + NAB + NBA);
const timetable = timetableFiller(NAB, NBA, arraySchedule);
const timetableMinutes = timetableToMinutes(timetable);
const trainsNeededAB = trainsNeededCounter(
const trainsNeededBA = trainsNeededCounter(
responseGenerator(trainsNeededAB, trainsNeededBA, caseNumber)
return response;
function readInput() {
const readline = require("readline");
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
terminal: false,
let problem = [];
rl.on("line", (line) => {
}).on("close", () => {
const solution = problemSolution(problem);
solution.map((response) => console.log(response));
How to replicate the issue
You should login into Code Jam with your Google account.
Paste into the code area on the right side and activate the Test run mode.
As input you can copy paste the sample input provided in the problem and you can see that the output is exactly as the sample output.
I've tried with my own variations of the input and the responses seems correct but when I run the real attempt the platform says WA or Wrong Answer.
Thank you so much for your help!
I made a video about this recently. You should check it out.
I think you can understand the logic flow from it. We are both doing the same thing basically.
-check this out
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
void solve(int t)
int NA, NB;
float T;
cin >> T >> NA >> NB;
vector<string> ASchedule, BSchedule;
if (NA > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < NA; i++)
string s;
getline(cin, s);
if (NB > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < NB; i++)
string s;
getline(cin, s);
int alength, blength;
alength = (int)ASchedule.size();
blength = (int)BSchedule.size();
if (alength == 0 || blength == 0)
cout << "Case #" << t << ": " << alength << " " << blength << endl;
float TT = T / 10;
string val, value;
int d;
vector<float> AD, AA, BD, BA;
for (int i = 0; i < alength; i++)
val = ASchedule[i];
ADH = stof(val.substr(0, 2));
AAH = stof(val.substr(6, 2));
ADM = stof(val.substr(3, 2));
AAM = stof(val.substr(9, 2));
if (val.at(9) == '0')
AAM /= 10;
AAM += TT;
AAM *= 10;
AAM += T;
if (AAM > 59)
d = -1;
while (AAM != 59)
AAM -= 1;
AAM = 0;
AAM += d;
// if (ADH > 23)
// ADH = 0;
// if (AAH > 23)
// AAH = 0;
ADM /= 100;
AAM /= 100;
for (int j = 0; j < blength; j++)
value = BSchedule[j];
BDH = stof(value.substr(0, 2));
BDM = stof(value.substr(3, 2));
BAH = stof(value.substr(6, 2));
BAM = stof(value.substr(9, 2));
if (value.at(9) == '0')
BAM /= 10;
BAM += TT;
BAM *= 10;
BAM += T;
if (BAM > 59)
d = -1;
while (BAM != 59)
BAM -= 1;
BAM = 0;
BAM += d;
// if (BDH > 23)
// BDH = 0;
// if (BAH > 23)
// BAH = 0;
BDM /= 100;
BAM /= 100;
int no1 = alength, no2 = blength;
sort(BD.begin(), BD.end());
sort(BA.begin(), BA.end());
sort(AA.begin(), AA.end());
sort(AD.begin(), AD.end());
for (int i = 0; i < alength; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < blength; j++)
if (AD[i] >= BA[j])
BA[j] = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < blength; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < alength; j++)
if (AA[j] <= BD[i])
AA[j] = 50;
cout << "Case #" << t << ": " << no1 << " " << no2 << endl;
int main()
int N;
cin >> N;
for (int t = 1; t <= N; t++)

C# Lock implement goes wrong

I try to make a lock on the incrementer "counter" in the Countrange method.
The counter should count under some conditions in the threads. If I complete the threads in order (not parallel) i get the right counter value over and over, but when i try to lock like i do in de program, it still isn't threadsafe, because i get diffrent counter values when i run the program a few times.
class Program
static int e, p, b, m;
static int counter = 0;
static int lok = 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
string input = Console.ReadLine();
string[] inputs = input.Split(' ');
counter = 0;
p = Convert.ToInt32(inputs[4]);
e = Convert.ToInt32(inputs[2]);
b = Convert.ToInt32(inputs[1]);
m = Convert.ToInt32(inputs[3]);
Thread[] ts = new Thread[p];
for (int t = 0; t < p; t++)
ts[t] = new Thread(countrange);
for (int t = 0; t < p; t++)
for (int t = 0; t < p; t++)
public static void countrange(object mt)
int to = eind * (((int)mt + 1) / p) + verdeler + b;
int from = eind * (((int)mt) / p) + verdeler - a + b;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
proef = proef + moduler * keer;
if (proef % m == 0)
lock (mt)
I made the lock static, now it works

Find rank of lottery combinations

I need to find the rank/index of a lottery combination and be able to reverse the process (Find the lottery combination given its rank).
Consider a lottery game with 5 balls from 1 to 45 and 1 powerball from 1 to 20. Duplication is not allowed and the order does not matter. The number of combinations is:
(45 * 44 * 43 * 42 * 41 / 5!) * 20 = 24,435,180
The first combination (index 0) is:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
The last combination (index 24,435,179) is:
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 20
How can I convert a combination into its index and vice versa without exhaustively enumerating all combinations?
I came across this MSDN article, which shows how to get the combination of a given index. However, I don't know how to get the index from a combination. I've tried:
Choose(c1,k) + Choose(c2,k-1) + Choose(c3,k-2) + Choose(c4,k-3) ...
Where ci is the number at position i in the ordered combination set and k is the size of the set. Since the index of a combination depends on the range of the elements, this does not work. Additionally, I'm not sure if it is going to work with elements of different sizes in the set (e.g. main pool's range is 1-45, powerball's range is 1-20)
I was able to figure it out. I created a new Combination class, based on the MSDN example, which can convert a combination to an index and vice versa. A separate index is retrieved for each pool of numbers. All the indices are then combined to represent a combination with elements of different sizes.
A Pool class was also created to represent the settings of a pool (Range of elements, size etc). The Pool class:
public class Pool {
public int From { get; set; }
public int To { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public int Numbers { get { return (To - From + 1); } }
public Pool(int From, int To, int Size) {
this.From = From;
this.To = To;
this.Size = Size ;
The Combination class:
class Combination {
public Pool[] Pools { get; set; }
public long[][] Data { get; set; } //First index represents pool index, second represents the numbers
public Combination(Pool[] Pools, long[][] Data) {
this.Pools = Pools;
this.Data = Data;
if (Data.GetLength(0) != Pools.Length) {
throw (new ArgumentException("Invalid data length"));
for (int i = 0; i < Data.GetLength(0); i++) {
if (Data[i].Length != Pools[i].Size) {
throw (new ArgumentException("Invalid data length"));
public static Combination FromIndex(long Index, Pool[] Pools) {
long[][] elements = new long[Pools.Length][];
long[] c = new long[Pools.Length - 1];
long cumulative = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Pools.Length - 1; i++) {
c[i] = Combination.Choose(Pools[i].Numbers, Pools[i].Size);
checked {
cumulative *= c[i];
for (int i = Pools.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
long ind = Index / cumulative;
Index -= ind * cumulative;
cumulative /= c[i - 1];
elements[i] = Combination.FromIndex(ind, Pools[i]);
elements[0] = Combination.FromIndex(Index, Pools[0]);
return (new Combination(Pools, elements));
public static long[] FromIndex(long Index, Pool Pool) {
long[] ans = new long[Pool.Size];
long a = (long)Pool.Numbers;
long b = (long)Pool.Size;
long x = GetDual((long)Pool.Numbers, (long)Pool.Size, Index);
for (int k = 0; k < Pool.Size; k++) {
ans[k] = LargestV(a, b, x);
x -= Choose(ans[k], b);
a = ans[k];
for (int k = 0; k < Pool.Size; k++) {
ans[k] = ((long)Pool.Numbers - 1) - ans[k];
//Transform to relative
for (int i = 0; i < ans.Length; i++) {
ans[i] += Pool.From;
return (ans);
private static long GetDual(long To, long Size, long m) {
return (Choose(To, Size) - 1) - m;
public static long Choose(long To, long Size) {
if (To < 0 || Size < 0)
throw new Exception("Invalid negative parameter in Choose()");
if (To < Size)
return 0; // special case
if (To == Size)
return 1;
long delta, iMax;
if (Size < To - Size) {
delta = To - Size;
iMax = Size;
} else {
delta = Size;
iMax = To - Size;
long ans = delta + 1;
for (long i = 2; i <= iMax; ++i) {
checked {
ans = (ans * (delta + i)) / i;
return ans;
private static long LargestV(long a, long b, long x) {
long v = a - 1;
while (Choose(v, b) > x)
return v;
public long ToIndex() {
long Index = 0;
long cumulative = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Pools.Length; i++) {
checked {
Index += ToIndex(i) * cumulative;
cumulative *= Combination.Choose(Pools[i].Numbers, Pools[i].Size);
return (Index);
public long ToIndex(int PoolIndex) {
long ind = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Pools[PoolIndex].Size; i++) {
long d = (Pools[PoolIndex].Numbers - 1) - (Data[PoolIndex][i] - Pools[PoolIndex].From);
ind += Choose(d, Pools[PoolIndex].Size - i);
ind = GetDual(Pools[PoolIndex].Numbers, Pools[PoolIndex].Size, ind);
return (ind);
public override string ToString() {
string s = "{ ";
for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < Data[i].Length; k++) {
s += Data[i][k] + " ";
if (i != Data.Length - 1) {
s += "| ";
s += "}";
return s;
To see this in action:
//Create pools
Pool[] pools = new Pool[2];
pools[0] = new Pool(1, 45, 5);
pools[1] = new Pool(1, 20, 1);
//Create a combination
long[][] data = new long[][] { new long[] { 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 }, new long[] { 20 } };
Combination combination = new Combination(pools, data);
//Get index from combination:
long index = combination.ToIndex();
Console.WriteLine("Index: " + index);
//Get combination from index:
Combination combFromIndex = Combination.FromIndex(index, pools);
Console.WriteLine("Combination: " + combFromIndex);
Index: 24435179
Combination: { 41 42 43 44 45 | 20 }
