Legal site SQL injection attack - web

i have to write a report based on an a simple SQL injection attack. In this report i have to provide screenshots of my "walkthrough" so i cannot use pictures of other tutorials on the web. Now my question is: can anybody tell me the names of some websites vulnerable to SQL injection attack on which i can test my attack legally? Thanks to Google dorks i have already found some vulnerable websites, but i think that running the attack over them is illegal. I want to avoid the setting up of a personal website for this purpose, but if there are no other solutions i need an help also in setting up this kind of site.

There is a web application called DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application), it's not hosted on the internet. you have to download it and run as localhost on your computer. However it has a range of vulnerabilities, i have used it in the past for trying out a brute force attack. As its localhost its legal. it should be ideal for a walk through tutorial. I know you said that you didn't want to setup your own website, but the setup is a few minutes. Hope this Helps :D


How to attack my own website?

I am currently working on security for a website (JSP) that contains 2 pages: a login and a data page. Once a user logs in, he is able to SELECT data from a specific table with read only access.
After browsing security risks online, I have wrote down a general list of what I might have to defend against
Auth / Session hijacking
Direct Object Ref
Currently, I am reading about how to defend these attacks and what I should include in my code. However, I won't really know if my code actually works unless I test these attacks out for myself (and even then, there still might be other attacks that work). Right now, I just want some security, and thus I need to know how to produce these attacks so I can try them on my site.
Injections were simple as all I had to do what type '1'='1 in my code to reveal that it was flawed. Then I used prepared statements and SQL injections didn't work anymore.
How can I produce the rest of these attacks to see if my security atleast works against basic attacks?
(Also, is there perhaps some safe site or tool I can use to test out my vulnerabilities?)
I assume from your list that you're looking at the Open Web Application Security Project Top Ten. Good!
Really, the best advice I can give is to read through the OWASP site. A good first step would be to go through the individual links on that page (e.g. Broken Authentication and Session Management) and check the "Am I vulnerable?" section. Here are some further hints:
The XSS Cheat Sheet can be pretty helpful here. More examples than you can shake a stick at, ready to paste into your site.
OWASP's wiki has a CSRF Testing Guide full of great links and suggestions.
Auth/Session hijacking
Well, are you using HTTPS? See this answer for more.
More resources
If you want to Go Deeper and do some real testing, here are some things you can do:
Read the Web Application Hacker's Handbook.
Try out some of the examples on and the Google Gruyere project and see if you can break into them.
Download Kali Linux and learn to use some of the tools that come with it.
Go to a security conference or minicon near you and connect with other infosec people. Maybe I'll see you there :)

111-222-1933email#adress.tst hacker

I am learning website languages, and i am still a beginner. I am building a website that uses registrations, logins, adds, and so on... First I used PDO in my php in order to prevent mysql injections. Anyway I was hacked, they did not delete the database but it is full of this e-mail 111-222-1933email#adress.tst, and a strange code. I think that they used acunetix to see the leaks of mine website.
My question is: Do you know whats he hacker did, and what measures (besides PDO) can i use in my website to have a little bit more of security?
Use to create paramerterised queries - only use quote as a last resort.
As for your website, it could be anything - review all server and firewall logs as a starting point.
I am not an expert in php, but I think PDO by itself does not protect you from sequel injections when you take input from the user. you still have to use the PDO method quote to protect yourself.

Setting up a secure webserver

So I have finished creating my first website that I will be hosting online. It have php, html, and javascript. Now I am looking for a way to host my website securely. I have looked at sites like godaddy and web hosting hub. I was wondering what the best hosting service would be for my needs.
My needs:
Able to run php
Have a actual name, like
Be able to obscure the code so people can not just copy it(This is because my website is for my website design company and I have examples of templates people can use, but I don't want people jsut stealing those templates with a simple right click + inspect element)
Run server side scripts(Like slowing down connections to users if they fail to login too many times, to prevent brute force cracking attempts)
Deny access to people reading files(I don't want people downloading my password hash files or anything like that)
Be able to host files on the services servers, I don't just want a dns pointing back to my computer.
This question is asking for an opinion. Basically any linux web host will provide most of what you're looking for. You're asking for an opinion about which hosting site is the best. I cannot answer that.
What I do want to warn you about is this:
From your question, you're concerned with:
- security
this is not a web host provider feature, but a feature of secure web code. See for great introduction to website security.
obscure code
You cannot prevent someone from stealing your css. They will not get to your raw templates (I'm assuming you're using templates) if you set your file permissions right on the web server.
if you're concerned with brute force protections, you'll need to code that up yourself. The web host provider would not (and should not) rate limit your connections.

SQL Injection Compromised site?

This may sound like a weird question but is there any where I can download a website that is vulnerable to sql injection the url kind not login bypass?
I'm making a vulnerability scanner and I want to learn some SQLi so i can include it in my project.
Thanks, it doesn't need to be fancy. Just enough to practice on.
OWASP WebGoat is the usual example. Includes SQL injection vulnerabilities.
No, you cannot download their site to test for injection vulnerabilities. You need to download their whole DB and configs to do what you are saying. If you want to benevolently go checking the security of various sites, you have to ask them about their system and model it on your own. OWASP works on systems not recently updated with patches, like the comment of tackline-its a first port.
OWAPS's WebGoat is an application that is built to be vulnerable to attack, it is a simulation of real world vulnerabilities. The Whitebox is a collection of real world vulnerabilities, it has 2 web applications that where abandoned because the applications where so insecure. It also has a set of challenges there are vulnerable code snips taken from real world applications. This project has real world sql injection as well more serious vulnerabilities.
Try scanning the vulnerable apps with Wapiti (open source) or Acunetix ($) or NTOSpider($$$). Then try using the applications, create blog posts ect, and then scan it again.
Also check out Damn Vulnerable Linux and Google Jarlsburg.

What language or application should be used in developing website to make it secure and make it tough for hackers to hack it

I am planning to get my website development outsourced to a third party developer. Need your help in deciding on how/ what technology to be used to make it very secure. Since I am not a techie I need the website developed in a way, so that it is easy for me to maintain it and modify content easily if required.
The main purpose of the website is to provide company information about services offered and then also to exchange documents and other file using FTP server. Will be sending out surevey and newletters sometime
Looking for your advice to guide me to the right direction
As I already said on another answer, security is not a product, it's a process.
There isn't a 'secure' software or language. What makes your website/application secure is how it is developed and how the website is maintained.
There is no ready-made solution that, one time or another, won't be hacked.
If the people you are outsourcing to don't understand this, outsource to someone else.
Making your web server "hardened" against attack is best left to the expert sys-admins at Server Fault. However regardless of what technology you use, there is one HUGE thing an end user can do to protect her/his online assets:
You can make a site secure using any technology/language/framework.
It's the code quality that makes a site insecure, not the technology/language/framework.
There is no single "correct" language to use -- it's possible to write an insecure website in any language.
The key is hiring staff that have the skill and experience in developing secure web solutions, and also making sure that the system is tested often by external specialists
