Node not working properly - node.js

any ideia why my node only runs in http? The node keeps running but if you put https in browser the node will not work properly, as it only works properly on http,

Configuring Nginx and SSL with Node.js for HTTPS
Please go through the below link and follow all steps
Note: It is mandatory to have Domain Name forwarding request to your working Node IP Address


How does a react app can be set up on server

I'm trying to understand what needs to be done to put my react app online.
Until now, I launched it on my mac using npm start, and accessing localhost:3000 or
So I currently have bought a small server, installed everything (last version of node and npm, git and other necessary things), cloned my repo, and installed all dependencies.
When I do npm start on the server, it says it's available on port 3000. But when I go in my server's ip with the following :3000, it times out.
I don't really understand what need to be done to do this, I found some things about configuring apache on the server, others about using pm2 so have a node script running even after leaving the terminal, but that would be my next step I guess.. And other about configuring things with express (but do I need node+ express here ? As it's a simple front end react page ?).
if you are using webpack devserver, use it for development only
The tools in this guide are only meant for development, please avoid using them in production!
back to your question, there is a difference between binding to or binding to
try changing the devserver to listen to
module.exports = {
devServer: {
host: ''
Usage via the CLI
webpack-dev-server --host
also note, that you will need to allow ingress rules (incoming connections). that is, allow a request from the internet to reach your server
There are a lot of configurations you will have to do when you deploy your application on a server. Building the app, Nginx, pm2 and even ssl certification. This video is 20min and has all you need.

Proxy error: Could not proxy request /api/register from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:8000/ (ECONNREFUSED)

I have a React frontend that uses jwt to authenticate with the laravel backend. The backend works and is connecting just fine using laravel views, but when I try to proxy a request from React, it gives me a Connection Refused error.
Proxy error: Could not proxy request /api/register from localhost:3000
to http://localhost:8000/ (ECONNREFUSED).
Connecting to http://localhost:8000/api/register works normally. And sending a POST request with Axios also works normally and returns the token json. But when I proxy it with node, it doesn't work.
in my package.json code is
"proxy": "http://localhost:8000",
Please anyone help me. how to fixed it?
I think you should add "/" after the port number in package.json file
"proxy": "http://localhost:8000/"
Please check these points and solve your problem:
Please check your ip of backend server.( or
Please check your backend server is running or stop if stopped then start ypur server.
Please check protocol http or https used in your backend server.(https or http)
I hope with the help of these points you can solved your problem which is facing by you.
You need to run both of the local host (3000 and 8000) in different terminal. For example, run the backend server in os(windows's) command prompt cmd and frontend server in vscode terminal.

Running both Node.js and Apache on the same domain and "URL"

Is it possible to run Both node and Apache on the same domain without adding the port in the URL ?
and serve both on the same page, i already have node running on port 8443 and Apache on port 433 and they both work fine but i need to specify in the link the port "8443" to access node which is not what i want,
i want to serve both on the same URL if possible without adding the port to the URL.
You can use Apache reverse proxy
Add this configuration to your apache conf.
ProxyPass "/nodeapp" "http:/localhost:8443"
You can access node application by
A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that retrieves resources on behalf of a client from server. These resources are then returned to the client as if they originated from the web server itself.
You can set an nginx proxy before them and separate routes to apache or node.

Run nodejs app through HTTPS

I have a node app that is setup on SSH by running node osjs run --port=4100.
It starts at without problems, but instead I want to serve it through HTTPS , where I receive an error ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED.
If I use the port I'm unable to reach it with https, but is accessible.
How can I serve the port 4100 through htttps?
This is an implementation detail of OS.js. Their docs recommend setting up a reverse proxy for servers. Doing this will give you more control over SSL and ports, like you want

Cannot POST to express server from domain with SSL on it

I have an existing ssl certificate through LetsEncrypt for my domain. On the same server as my site I have an express app running at port :8080. Before adding the SSL to the domain I was able to make requests to Now that the domain making the requests is https it obviously can't make those requests. If I instead make requests to, I get no response and instead get a timeout error.
I have attempted to curl -X -POST on the server manually and it returns (35) gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. If I however run the same command pointing to the non https domain it executes correctly. I also tried installing the https modules for express and pointing it to the same certs I'm using for the domain. For all my effort I cannot get this to work. What am I missing here? I want to make requests to a port on the same server that is serving my app.
Setup a reverse proxy in my nginx site config from the domain to the ip address the express server was running on. This solved all the issues I was having.
