Running history command remotely in linux - linux

My requirement is to save history of the commands into a file called history_yymmdd.txt by running the following command on a remote server.
history > history_20170523.txt
I tried with the following command, but it was creating a blank file on remote server(
ssh "history > history_20170523.txt"
When I log in to the remote server and run the history command, then the file was created successfully. But I need to run the command on 20 servers so creating a script to run it remotely on each server is my objective here.
Thanks in advance.

ssh user#machine_name "cat ~/.bash_history > history_20170523.txt"
The 'history' command dumps the contents of .bash_history, so this may be useful to you.
A more elegant solution might be:
scp user#machine_name:~/.bash_history history_20170523.txt

you are doing it in a wrong way, also there is no user for the remote machine. Correct way to do is
ssh -q -tt user# 'history > history_20170523.txt'


establish ssh connection and execute command remotely [duplicate]

I wish to run a script on the remote system and then wish to stay there.
Running following script:-
ssh user#remote
This do run the script but after that I am back to my host system. i need to stay on remote one. I tried with..
ssh user#remote;bash -l
somehow it solves the problem but still not working exactly as a fresh login as the command:-
ssh user#remote
Or it will be better if i could include something in my script that would open the bash terminal in the same directory where the script was running. Please suggest.
Try this:
ssh -t user#remote '; bash -l'
The quotes are needed to pass both commands to ssh. The -t option forces a pseudo-tty allocation.
ssh user#remote;bash -l
When the shell parses this line, it splits it into two commands. The first is:
ssh user#remote
This runs on the remote machine. The second command is:
bash -l
This opens a login shell on the local machine.
The quotes were added above to prevent the shell from splitting up the commands this way.

Using local system as ssh client and server

I am using local system to learn ssh and what I am trying to do is execute a command on the remote server.
I have ssh server running on terminal1 and client on terminal2.
I used the following command on terminal2:
ssh user1# echo Display this.
but it echoes on terminal2. How would I know if the command actually worked if it's not displaying in terminal1?
Thank you.
It worked correctly. It ssh'd into the server, executed the command, and returned the stdout of that command back to you.
SSH gains access to the server, but not necessarily any TTY's active on it. You would have to jump through some hoops to send text to a specific TTY, such as your Terminal1.
A better test would be:
ssh user1# 'touch ~/testfile'
Then you can check on your server (which is localhost) to see if testfile was created in your user1 home folder. If it did, then the connection and the command succeeded.

Send shell script to linux machine remotely

I have a web application that generates a shell script with commands running on a server.
Then I also have another Linux server where the script should be executed.
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction in terms of how I could send a shell script from one server to another linux server and execute it on the second server?
You can use scp to transfer the file over
scp <source_file> <destination>
if your destination is the host in question:
scp username#x.x.x.x:/path/to/new/
For executing on the server, you have various options. You can use a cron job to execute it periodically. You can use rc.local to execute at startup. You can use ssh.
Lets take SSH as an example:
ssh username#x.x.x.x 'sh /path/to/'
The above ssh command will run myfile.txt on the server.
for linux machines easiest way is
ssh root#MachineB 'bash -s' <
as explained in Jason R. Coombs's answer

efficient way to execute command when instructed

What is the best and secure way for a terminal to ping a server for a list of commands to execute every 60 secs? For example, it could download a file (that houses the command) or query a database and then execute what is on there.
Are there more efficient/secure ways to accomplish the above?
If you want to make it into a script:
echo "This will run on the remote machine."
# Do a backup or something...
Then you can execute pass this file to the remote machine using:
ssh user#remote -i id_rsa < commands.ssh
I recommend using an sshkey so that you don't have to keep your login information in the commands file.
Note: make sure the permissions for the commands.ssh file are secure!
chmod 600 commands.ssh
You can use SSH connections which are SSL enabled. If commands are predefined you can depend on a cron job, then you don't need to login to terminal again and again to run it.

how to write expect script to login and run command on remote box

i wanted to execute commands on remote linux box from windows and also wanted to collect result of executed command. Basically i have to pass 2 boxes to execute that command here is flow.
Login to a box
ssh to another box
run command
collect output of command locally (in file)
I tried following
F:\xyz>plink -i F:\x\y\PRIVATEKEY.ppk -pw xyz
ssh -f root# yum upgrade Cyberc
but this is asking for password. I can do it by adding value in to authorized_keys but we dont have permission to do. So instead of that i wanted to write EXPECT script to pass user/pass and commands to complete my job.
Any help on EXPECT script would be much appreciated.
Unless the program on the remote linux host is interactive (i.e. it has prompts that the user must respond to), then you probably don't need to use expect - you can simply use plink to connect to the remote Linux host from your windows machine and run the command. You can specify the username and password to authenticate with the remote host in the plink command. See the following links for more info:
