Using more than one keypair (ssh) - linux

I've created a server on Digital Ocean and made a keypair for connection over ssh for the root user. Now it wants me to create a keypair for the new regular user I've created. What is the normal practice for naming these keys and how do I use them so the system knows which keys to use when I'm signing in to each account?

Name them however you wish to remember them; typically by user. Use the identify file option when you connect.
To connect with a file:
ssh -i /path/to/key.pem user#host
To generate a new file and save it somewhere
ssh-keygen -f /path/to/file
See man ssh && man ssh-keygen


In Azure, how to change the authentication of the server?

When spinning up a linux virtual machine, I have chosen the authentication type as password. Now I want to change to ssh. How to achieve this?
You can use Azure portal to reset password, like this:
If you want to change authentication type, you can follow this steps:
1. Create an SSH key pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
2. rename id_rsa.put to authorized_keys
mv /home/user/.ssh/ /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
3.Copy id_rsa to your local, then you can use this key to SSH it.

Transfer files between local to remote server using ssh without password authentication

I want to transfer some files from my local to remote, like github does it. I want to happend it very smooth like in shell script. I tried creating one shell script which automates the process of ssh authentication without password but for first time it exposes my remote server password. I dont want to do it that way. Like in git we can't see their server password. Is there any possible way that we can do ?
I used this article script to automate ssh login.
As i mentioned, you can use the scp command, like this:
scp /local_dir/some*.xml remote_user#remote_machine:/var/www/html
This requires that you need connect to the remote machine without password, only with ssh key-authentication.
Here is a link: to help you.
The important steps: (automatic login from host A / user a to Host B / user b.)
a#A:~> ssh-keygen -t rsa
a#A:~> ssh b#B mkdir -p .ssh
a#A:~> cat .ssh/ | ssh b#B 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

How to make key based ssh user?

I am new to Ubuntu-Linux,i have to create a ssh user in remote system and generate its key. and access this system by key_file through the command.
ssh -i key_file user#host
Can any body tell me how can i do ?
On the system you are trying to connect to, the public key (usually or something similar) needs to be added to the authorized_keys file.
If the user is brand new and the authorized_keys file doesn't exist yet, this command will create it for you.
cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Next just make sure sshd is running on the host and you should be able to connect with the command you posted.
on remote-server-
ssh-copy-id user#host
cd .ssh
make a copy of the file id_rsa and give any body who want to access this server/system.
on the other system
ssh -i id_rsa user#host
If you want to connect to another host as user "user", what you need is the public key of the user that is going to open that connection, i.e. the user you are logged in on your desktop computer or some server you are coming from, not for the user, you are logging in to on the remote host.
You can check, if the keys for your current user are already created in $HOME/.ssh; there you should find something like "id_rsa" and "" (for rsa keys). If they don't exist, you create them by calling
ssh-keygen -t rsa
The public key that is generated that way, in this example, has to be put in a file ${HOME of user on remote host}/.ssh/authorized_keys on the target host.
If this file does not exist on the remote host or if even .ssh does not exist, you have to create those files with the following permissions:
.ssh 700
.ssh/authorized_keys 600
See for details.
A detailed description of the process can be found here:

need to make password less login for same linux server with same user

i need to make passwordless login for same linux server with same user.
[airwide#eir ~]$ hostname -i
[airwide#eir ~]$ ssh airwide#
airwide#'s password:
how can make to passwordless for same server?
Password-free login via SSH is managed using SSH keys. You can generate a keypair using the command ssh-keygen. The ssh keypair is usually stored in ~/.ssh in a pair of files named id_rsa and When you use SSH to connect to a server, the SSH command will look for a private key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa, and will attempt to authenticate using that key. In order to authorize the key, you will need to place the public key into your authorized_keys file:
`cat ~/./ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
Once you've done that, you will be able to use SSH to connect without a password from the server where the id_rsa file is to the server that has the content of in its authorized_keys file. (You can do this for same-server, as in your question, or between multiple servers. Either way, it's the same process.)
Add server's private key in known host key under .ssh folder.
You are looking for ssh keys. You can create one by entering ssh-keygen. This wil create a public key and a private key. You place the public key on the remote server, and then you can use SSH without a password.
More details, and howto:

Setup SFTP to use public-key authentication

How do you setup server to server SFTP to use public-key authentication instead of user account and password?
In the client you need to generate its public key and add it to server's authorized key list.
The following are the commands you can use.
On client machine
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa
mv id_dsa* ~/.ssh/
scp ~/.ssh/ USER_NAME#SERVER:~/.ssh/HOST_NAME.key
On the server
cat ~/.ssh/HOST_NAME.key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
Remember to
chmod 700 .ssh
and also
chmod 600 authorized_keys
This is a solution for windows users
I had a similar issue on windows so I used Putty from
If you need to generate a public key then use:
Then, when you want to automate a batch to download from the FTP server the Pageant in order to load the private key into session
Then use the PSFTP to connect and perform actions
So here is sample code for the batch:
!--Loading the key to session--!
#C:\pageant.exe "C:\privatekey.ppk"
!--Calling the PSFTP.exe with the uaser and sftp address + command list file--!
#C:\psftp user#your.server.address -b C:\sftp_cmd.txt
Command list file (sftp_cmd.txt) will like like this:
mget "*.*" !--downloading every thing
!--more commands can follow here
Now, all you need to to schedule it in scheduled tasks
*I wish it was simple as unix's cron job....
