error 500 http web server: command not handled exception - xpages

I think this topic a lot of ppl post it already. I also look for lot of thread in stack overflow and some ibm page. They do give some comment of how to solve this problem. But i still facing the same problem, it still give this error.
Case start :
Actually one of my customer, they have facing this error during running on webpages and also notes ~
error 500 http web server: command not handled exception
Action taken but not solve:
The user id signing/creating the XPages allowed to run XPages in the
server document?
Do project clean, build automatically on designer
Do testing on creating new xpages page with simple lable " hello world" , this one can run successfully only.
Try to reload the http server by
tell http quit
load http
After do this the problem still same give the same error. May i know got any other way to solve it?

"Unresolved compilation errors: java.lang.String" points to a failed install as here. A class in java.lang or java.util should always be resolved. Ensure all services and any processes for Notes / Domino are stopped before the relevant install, jar files can get locked once used. Xpages can't load, Error 500; java.util cannot be resolved

Switch on "Display XPage runtime error page" in application's XSP Properties then you'll see a detailed error message which probably will lead you to the issue:

I frequently get this error when there is a mismatch/problem with access rights or the user login has expired and the app/database doesn't redirect to the login page. I suggest you double check the security basics first. (Might also explain why the app works locally, but not on the server).


Error 500: Command not handled exception on ALL XPages

We have an issue where no XPages work on our server any longer. I am not aware of any server changes; however, I am sure something had to have been done. I have no clue where to look. We cannot get any XPages to work through any browser - tested with IE, Firefox, and Chrome. We just get "Error 500: Command Not Handled Exception". I just created a blank db and added an XPage with "Hello World" and built the project. This error appears when I try to access that xpage through the browser.
04/28/2015 09:07:34 AM HTTP JVM: CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in D:/Lotus/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
04/28/2015 09:07:34 AM HTTP JVM: CLFAD0246E: Exception occurred servicing request for: /test.nsf/testXpage.xsp - HTTP Code: 500. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in D:/Lotus/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
04/28/2015 09:07:34 AM HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception [/test.nsf/testXpage.xsp]
error-log-0.xml shows those same errors:
CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown
CLFAD0246E: Exception occurred servicing request for: /dev/samplepagersavestate.nsf/AllCars.xsp - HTTP Code: 500
Any help would be appreciated!
Server version: Windows 2012, 64 bit, Domino 9.0.1 FP2, HF590
Check the IBM_Technical_Support folder as Ferry suggested or install the XPages Log File Reader from OpenNTF also check if some other things has been done to the server recently. New version of extension library, Fixpack install.
Another thing is that I had a Windows 2012 installed server where I needed to apply 9.0.1 FP3 to before I got the xpage engine to run at all.
The resolution was discovered! We had added some Crystal Reports jar files to the C:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext directory. It appears as if Domino and XPages did not like that. Instead, we had to put them in a directory external to Domino and then needed to reference those jar files in the "JavaUserClassesExt" line of the notes.ini.
After this was completed, Xpages worked!
Is the user id signing/creating the XPage allowed to run XPages in the server document? It is the Sign agents or XPages to run on behalf of the invoker.
plugins installed via update site uploaded by a person who is no longer in NAB?

Getting 409 error on form submit

So am getting a 409 Conflict with Failed to load resource error. Happens when i click on a form submit of a generic Java web application.
On click of the button there is no application log shows up, just the following error shows up and the process ends. This log is from browser console.
What are the possibilities for such an issue? Any help/suggestion will be really helpful.Help on internet was not much helpful.
Interestingly this is very intermediate i.e. it happens for a device and the next time you won't see it, comes back from grave again in few hrs or so.
Let me start by saying that I have not received this error, but based on your problem statement, it seems you could be having trouble with a file lock on your server. If you are attempting to call a resource that is loaded in another tool like an IDE, then it is possible the file is locked and the server is raising this error.
You may only receive this error if your server is in development mode vs production mode. Production mode will cache the file and not result in a conflict.
Here is a link that partially explains the problem.
HTTP Error 409 Conflict
Hope this helps!!

IIS 6 is throwing a "500 - Internal Server Error" for some users but not others

I had written a mini App in asp classic this week. It worked perfectly on the test server connecting to the test data base. Then yesterday evening I moved it from the test server to the live server updating the connection strings to the live db.
I published it as an application to the default website in the default app pool. Then I tested it and it worked perfectly.
This morning however both myself and another user receive a 500 -internal Server error when we try and save changes to the database(there appears to be no issue reading from the db) yet my two other collogues have no issue at all.
Even more odd is that the same thing is happening on the test server where the code hasn't been changed in weeks. But this morning I cannot commit to the db from there either.
I have attempt to enable more detailed error tracking and logging but the property options for the server are seem unavailable when i tried to set up custom Active Server Pages (ASP) error pages off online tutorials.
The server is used by a lot of people so I was wondering is their a permission issue depending on the user that restricts writting to the database. Or something else that may have changed to allow some users to write data and others to receive the error.
Im very knew to IIS so it may be something glaringly obvious that I haven't considered.
This article should help you:
In earlier versions of IIS, error messages from classic ASP scripts
were sent to a Web browser, by default. Because these error messages
might reveal sensitive information to malicious users, IIS 7 and above
disables this feature by default. When your classic ASP scripts
encounter an error in IIS, you receive the following error message by
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.

How to avoid users getting 500 Errors when server throw exception

I get the following errors in my server log.
2012-03-06 09:20:43 HTTP JVM: CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in D:/Lotus/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
2012-03-06 09:20:43 HTTP JVM: CLFAD0229E: Security exception occurred servicing request for: /demo.nsf/home.xsp - HTTP Code: 500. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in D:/Lotus/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
The user only sees this in the webbrowser (source)
<body text="#000000">
<h1>Error 500</h1>HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception</body>
So I can tell by the server log that there is a security exception thrown at the server, probably because I have wrong settings in my java.policy file. but my issue is not what is causing the error, but rather how can I avoid users getting these ugly 500 errors.
I would like the error page I have set in the application to be presented to the user just like any other exception.
The more try/catch blocks you have in your code, the better (within reason, of course):
try {
// code that might throw an error
} catch (e) {
// examine the error to see if there's a workaround
// if not, log it and inform the user
} finally {
// any code that needs to run whether or not there was an error
This way if something fails, it fails gracefully. Just be sure to make it obvious to the user that something went wrong (and, preferably, provide them instructions they can actually follow up on)... failing silently is even worse than an ugly error page if something went wrong and the user thinks everything was fine.
P.S. As Stephan indicates, there are some errors that simply can't be caught. If the XPage wasn't signed by someone with access to run XPages, for instance, it never even gets to the point of trying to run your code... the page itself is invalid, so there's nothing you can do at runtime. Always make sure that your XPages are signed during deployment.
There are a number of errors that "break through" even if you have an error page defined. E.g. when you drag a control onto itself. Security seems another area. All of them are stuff you should handle in development. I haven't seen errors that "typically" happen (true runtime after development completed and tested type of errors) escaping a custom error page. Other than that follow Declan's advice.
I had an issue like this also where my error page was not being displayed and the error 500 page would display instead.
What I discovered is that there was a problem in my error page also and the renderer therefore can't display the error for the original page and you get the server default error page instead.
The best way to check if this is the cause of your particular issue is to start with a simple error page, no theme, no ssjs libraries, no ssjs code on the page etc, just a blank xpage with some static text to indicate that it is the error page.
Once you can confirm that this is the possible cause of the error 500 then you can start building up that error page and add in the dynamic stuff bit by bit till it is the way you need it.
Dmytro Pastovenskyi has a good article about error pages in Domino.
To be on the safe side I have a static html page saying "An error occured". This page is referenced by the HTTPMultiErrorPage setting in the notes.ini on your server.
Then there is a "HTTP response headers" rule addressing special error codes.
The main problem still is, that these are global settings. So there is no easy way to catch all errors specially for your application. But a least the user don't get this annoying white error page.
I have had similar issues with this. Error messages bubbling up from some underlying fault that overrides the defined error page for the application. This is not a nice behavior (from a user perspective) and makes you feel a bit naked. I do understand that it's hard for the application to trap those - but there should at least be a way to customize that message - The default error 500 page is not very useful for a normal user anyway...
The only(?) way to try to avoid that your code throws such error (ssjs/java) is to (as Tim Tripcony already mentioned) always use try/catch statements around the code (as you already know :))
getDocumentByUNID() is a "good" example of a method that will cause the ugly (but standard) error 500 page to be displayed instead of the defined one in the app.
As for any other error types (system/security and such) - I don't think it's possible to redirect those to the (by the user) invoked applications error page because they are not invoked from the application but rather before the application is invoked (I hope I'm wrong).
Make a new XPage called error.xsp (for example). Put there some basic info that something went wrong, apologize for that fact and provide few links how to continue with the work (even though his/her data may be lost forever - history.go(-1) usually does not resolve the problem). In the background you can log the error (usage of OpenLog recommended).
Open Application Properties, XPages tab. Uncheck Display XPages runtime error page. In the combo Error page select your page (error).

facing some issues in loading application from server to blackberry mobile

am trying to access data from the server .. but am getting an error.
HTTP Error 500:internal Server Error
An Unexpected condition was encountered which prevented your request
from being fulfilled this could be caused by a problem with the
gateway,a server,or a problem with the page itself. please try
reloading a different page ...
This is the problem am facing .. please help me.
This error is usually caused when people are on a BES (as opposed to BIS).
The BES needs to be reconfigured to allow the Proxy to allow you access.
The MDS needs to have configuration changes.
