Do not mix blocking and non-blocking assignments in the same block? - verilog

Is it true or false in Verilog?
I do not understand what does it mean by mixing..Does it changes the output directly if it works?

The rule needs to be clarified.
Do not assign the same variable using both blocking and non-blocking assignments within the same block. The problem usually manifests itself when describing an asynchronous reset.
always #(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (!reset)
q = 0;
q < = d;
If the two events occur at the same time, but q<= d gets processed before the q=0, then there is a pending update to q after it gets set to 0, so that gets lost. There are a number of other scenarios.


What does <= operator do in this code?

module counter (clk,rst,enable,count);
input clk, rst, enable;
output [3:0] count;
reg [3:0] count;
always # (posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
count <= 0;
end else begin : COUNT
while (enable) begin
count <= count + 1;
disable COUNT;
From what I have learnt, <= is a relational operator and it will return 1 if true and 0 if false, but where does it return in this code?
In the context of your code, <= is not a relational operator, it is an assignment operator. There are two types of assignment in Verilog:
blocking : =
non-blocking : <=
In a Verilog design, you
always use blocking assignments for combinational logic
always use non_blocking assignments for sequential logic
If you do not, you simulation will be indeterminate - it will not necessarily behave the same way every time you run it. Which, of course, is not good.
So, why is that? Well, to start you must learn that Verilog has 4 scheduling regions:
from prev time step
to next time step
Blocking assignments are executed in the ACTIVE region. However, while the right-hand side of a non-blocking assignment is evaluated in the ACTIVE region, the assignment does not occur until the NBA region. This is key to why you need to use them for sequential logic.
So, why do you need to use non-blocking assignments for sequential logic? The reason is because the delay between evaluation of the right-hand side and assignment of the left hand side enables a Verilog simulation to be determinate, ie to behave the same way every time you run it. This delay means that the behaviour of the simulation does not depend on the order in which the always blocks are executed, which it would if only blocking assignments were used.
A simple analogy to the delay between evaluating the right-hand side of a non-blocking assignment and assigning the left-hand side is the clock-to-Q delay of a real flip-flop. In a real flip-flop, there is always a small delay (clock-to-Q delay) between the D input being sampled (by the clock) and the Q output being driven. This is vital to the correct operation of real sequential logic. For example, if there were no clock-to-Q delay in a real flip-flop instead of it taking exactly 4 clocks for the D input of the first flip-flop in a 4-stage shift register to get to the Q output of the fourth flip-flop, it could take any number of clocks between 1 and 4: its behaviour would also be indeterminate.

Verilog - Do I need to add delay with two always situation and also do always(*) sensitive to same input?

1) If I have two always block like:
input [3:0] m1;
reg [3:0] m1_r;
always #(posedge clk) begin
m1_r = m1_r >> 2; //or #5 m1_r = m1_r >> 2;
always #(posedge clk) begin
m1_r <= m1;
Do I need to delay for a small time to make sure that the m1's value has already load into m1_r?
2) If I use always #(*) block. Will this block be executed twice if I have the same input for two times? Or it just sensitive to different values?
Firstly, never make assignments to single variable in two different always blocks. This may result in race-around conditions and cause adverse effects in synthesis.
Referring to the trial code, you can not use always#* here due to some common reasons. This is a combinational circuit, for which the output should change whenever the RHS variables changes.
Here, when m1 changes, this block assigns the value to m1_r in NBA region (due to non-blocking assignment). Again, since m1_r changes in NBA region, the block executes second time; going into active region. This goes on forever on a single time stamp (Refer to the feedback path in image). Hence, either remove the non-blocking assignment or avoid using always #*. The code I am referring to is as below.
always #(*) begin
m1_r <= m1;
m1_r = m1_r >> 2; //or #5 m1_r = m1_r >> 2;
On the other hand, using always #(posedge clk) includes only clk in the sensitivity list. This will infer to a flip-flop.
The block will execute only once at the edge of clock. But, here also, use of non-blocking assignments and single always block is recommended.

<= Assignment Operator in Verilog

What does the <= do in Verilog?
For example:
always #(posedge Clock) begin
if (Clear) begin
BCD1 <= 0;
BCD0 <= 0;
"<=" in Verilog is called non-blocking assignment which brings a whole lot of difference than "=" which is called as blocking assignment because of scheduling events in any vendor based simulators.
It is Recommended to use non-blocking assignment for sequential logic and blocking assignment for combinational logic, only then it infers correct hardware logic during synthesis.
Non-blocking statements in sequential block will infer flip flop in actual hardware.
Always remember do not mix blocking and non-blocking in any sequential or combinational block.
During scheduling process of simulator:
There are four regions and order of execution of commands as follows
1) Active region
--Blocking assignments
--Evaluation of RHS of non-blocking assignments(NBA)
--Continuous assignment
--$display command
--Evaluate input and output of primitives
2) Inactive region
--#0 blocking assignments
3) NBA(non-blocking assignment update)
--update LHS of non-blocking assignments (NBA)
4) Postponed
--$monitor command
--$strobe command
Using of blocking assignment "=" for two variable at the same time slot causes race condition
eg: Verilog code with race condition,
always #(posedge Clock)
BCD0 = 0; // Usage of blocking statements should be avoided
always #(posedge Clock)
BCD1 = BCD0;
In order to avoid race condition use non-blocking statement "<="
always #(posedge Clock)
BCD0 <= 0; // Recommended to use NBA
always #(posedge Clock)
BCD1 <= BCD0;
When this block is executed, there will be two events added to the non blocking assign update queue.
Hence, it does the updation of BCD1 from BCD0 at the end of the time step.
Using Non-blocking "<=" assignment in continuous assignment statement is not allowed according to verilog LRM and will result in compilation error.
assign BCD0 <= BCD1; //Results in compilation error
Only use NBA in procedural assignment statements,
- initial and
- always blocks
This is called a 'non-blocking' assignment. The non-blocking assignment allows designers to describe a state-machine update without needing to declare and use temporary storage variables.
For example, in this code, when you're using a non-blocking assignment, its action won't be registered until the next clock cycle. This means that the order of the assignments is irrelevant and will produce the same result.
The other assignment operator, '=', is referred to as a blocking assignment. When '=' assignment is used, for the purposes of logic, the target variable is updated immediately.
The understand this more deeply, please look at this example (from Wikipedia):
module toplevel(clock,reset);
input clock;
input reset;
reg flop1;
reg flop2;
always # (posedge reset or posedge clock)
if (reset)
flop1 <= 0;
flop2 <= 1;
flop1 <= flop2;
flop2 <= flop1;
In this example, flop1 <= flop2 and flop2 <= flop1 would swap the values of these two regs. But if we used blocking assignment, =, this wouldn't happen and the behavior would be wrong.
Since people have already explained the blocking/non blocking situation, I'll just add this here to help with understanding.
" <= " replaces the word "gets" as you read code
For example :
.... //Verilog code here
A<=B //read it as A gets B
When does A get B? In the given time slot, think of everything in hardware happening in time slots, like a specific sampled event, driven by clock. If the "<=" operator is used in a module with a clock that operates every 5ns, imagine A getting B at the end of that time slot, after every other "blocking" assignments have resolved and at the same time as other non blocking assignments.
I know its confusing, it gets better as you use and mess up bunch of designs and learn how it works that way.
"<=" is a non-blocking assignment operator in verilog."=" is a blocking assignment operator.
Consider the following code..
The values of a and b are being exchanged using two different always blocks.. Using "=" here caused a race-around condition. ie. both the variables a and b are being changes at the same time..
Using "<=" will avoid the race-around.
Hope i helped too..
<= is a non blocking assignment. The <= statements execute parallely. Think of a pipelined architecture, where we come across using such assignments.
A small exammple:
// initialise a, b, c with 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
initial begin
a <= 1
b <= 2
c <= 3
a <= b
b <= c
c <= a
After the first posedge clock:
a = 2, b = 3, c = 1
After the second posedge clock:
a = 3, b = 1, c = 2
After third posedge clock:
a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
As most told, it is a "Non Blocking <=" assignment widely used for Sequential logic design because it can emulate it best.
Here is why :
Mostly involving a delay(here posedge clock) it is something like it schedules the evaluation of the RHS to LHS after the mentioned delay and moves on to the next statement(emulating sequential) in flow unlike "Blocking = " which will actually delay the execution of the next statement in line with the mentioned delay (emulating combinational)

Verilog Blocking Assignment

I am somewhat new to Verilog. I know that in a Clock Process we should use non blocking assignments, and in a Non Clock processes, we use blocking assignments.
I have came across this code, when I was reading someone else's code.
reg iowrb_int,iowrb_met;
reg iordb_int,iordb_met;
iowrb_int <= iowrb_met;
iordb_int <= iordb_met;
iowrb_met <= iowr_bar;
iordb_met <= iord_bar;
I am really not sure about the above code ! I don't think it is doing any registering, correct? Would it mean anything to have a non-blocking in a always#(*) statement ?
Is there any difference in using blocking vs non-blocking in a always#(*) statement ?
The main difference is:
a blocking assignment is executed before the next assignment i.e. it blocks the execution of the next statement.
non-blocking assignments execute in parallel i.e. they don't block the execution of the statement following them.
Suppose a = 2 and b = 3 then non-blocking assignments:
a <= 4;
b <= a;
results in a = 4 and b = 2 - value of a before assignment
a = 4;
b = a;
Will result in a=4 and b=4 - value of a after the blocking assignment completes.
A variable getting synthesized to a register (latch or flip-flop) vs. combinatorial logic depends on the sensitivity list of the always block. It does not depend on use of blocking or non-blocking assignment.
For example:
always #(*) begin
if (enable)
q = d;
This will result in a D-latch since assignment to q is not specified for when enable==0 so it needs to remember is last assignment.
always #(*) begin
if (enable)
q = d;
q = f;
This will result in a mux (combinatorial logic) since assignment to q is specified for both cases of enable and so q need not remember anything.
The blocking vs non-blocking is so that your gate level (synthesis) matches your RTL simulation. Using a different one to alter the behaviour of the simulation as far as I know will not effect synthesis and therefore the behaviour of gate-level.
<= non-blocking effectively take a temporary copy of the copy right-hand side, and make the = blocking assignment at the end of the timestep.
a <= b;
b <= a;
is equivalent to:
a_temp = b;
b_temp = a;
a = a_temp;
b = b_temp;
The example uses combinatorial logic, that is it contains no state, so all inputs must be defined by all outputs.
always#* begin
iowrb_int <= iowrb_met;
iordb_int <= iordb_met;
iowrb_met <= iowr_bar;
iordb_met <= iord_bar;
When the right hand side updates the block should be retriggered. Since iowrb_met is on both sides I am not sure what this implies interms of electrical connectivity.
while <= implies copying to a temp location, combinatorial logic does not have this capability, it is always and continuously driven by the assignment.
I think in simulation you effectively have this:
always#* begin
iowrb_int_temp = iowrb_met;
iordb_int_temp = iordb_met;
iowrb_met = iowr_bar;
iordb_met = iord_bar;
iowrb_int = iowrb_int_temp;
iordb_int = iordb_int_temp;
In hardware you would have:
always#* begin
iowrb_int = iowrb_met; //= iowr_bar;
iordb_int = iordb_met; //= iord_bar;
iowrb_met = iowr_bar;
iordb_met = iord_bar;
Where iowrb_int is effectively the same as iowrb_met
Flip-flops are implied using always #(posedge clk
Combinatorial logic is implied using always #* but latches can be implied when the output is not fully defined from inputs.
By only changing to code to blocking assignments it may synthesize to latches and/or create logical equivalency check mismatches depending on the tools handle.
This is how it looks through the scheduler:
With blocking:
The *_int signals are assigned
The *_met signals are assigned
Move on to the next time step.
*_int keeps the non-updated values of *_met
With non-blocking:
The *_int signals are assigned
The *_met signals are assigned
A change to *_met is detected causes a loop back the the Active region of the scheduler
Re-assign the *_int signals
Re-assign the *_int signals
Move on to the next time step.
*_int has the same values as *_met
Waste CPU time to reprocessing. This is not important on a small project, but can add noticeable overhead used throughout a large project.
The correct, logical equivalent, and CPU friendly way would be to revers the assignment order (assign *_met before *_int):
iowrb_met = iowr_bar;
iordb_met = iord_bar;
iowrb_int = iowrb_met;
iordb_int = iordb_met;
The *_int signals are assigned
The *_met signals are assigned
Move on to the next time step.
*_int has the same values as *_met
OR use *_bar as the assigning value (i.e. if a==b and b==c, then a==b and a==c):
iowrb_int = iowr_bar;
iordb_int = iord_bar;
iowrb_met = iowr_bar;
iordb_met = iord_bar;
The *_int and *_met signals are assigned
Move on to the next time step.
*_int has the same values as *_met
As others have said, changing to blocking assignments here will actually not work. Using blocking assignments in combinational always blocks (which is the recommendation) require you to put assignments in the right order.
Using non-blocking assignments in combinational always blocks may seem attractive, because you can then have assignments in any order, like in VHDL. Besides performance, one good reason to avoid this is that it doesn't work with always_comb. This code does not work:
always_comb begin
tmp <= in;
out <= tmp;
The reason is that tmp will not be part of the sensitivity list. It will work as expected if you use always #(*), always #(tmp, in) or replace with blocking assignments.

Verilog code simulates but does not run as predicted on FPGA

I did a behavioral simulation of my code, and it works perfectly. The results are as predicted. When I synthesize my code and upload it to a spartan 3e FPGA and try to analyze using chipscope, the results are not even close to what I would have expected. What have I done incorrectly?
Your problem is with lines 13-16, where you set initial values for state registers:
reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] previousstate = 0;
reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] presentstate = 1;
reg [6:0] fib_number_cnt = 1;
reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] nextstate = 1;
This is an equivalent to writing an "initial" statement assigning these values, which isn't synthesizable -- there is no such thing as a default value in hardware. When you put your design inside an FPGA, all of these registers will take on random values.
Instead, you need to initialize these counters/states inside your always block, when reset is high.
always #(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
previousstate <= 0;
presentstate <= 1;
... etc ...
Answer to the follow-up questions:
When you initialize code like that, nothing at all happens in hardware -- it gets completely ignored, just as if you've put in a $display statement. The synthesis tool skips over all simulation-only constructs, while usually giving you some kind of a warning about it (that really depends on the tool).
Now, blocking and non-blocking question requires a very long answer :). I will direct you to this paper from SNUG-2000 which is probably the best paper ever written on the subject. It answers your question, as well as many others on the topic. Afterward, you will understand why using blocking statements in sequential logic is considered bad practice, and why your code works fine with blocking statements anyway.
More answers:
The usual "pattern" to creating logic like yours is to have two always blocks, one defining the logic, and one defining the flops. In the former, you use blocking statements to implement logic, and in the latter you latch in (or reset) the generated value. So, something like this:
wire some_input;
// Main logic (use blocking statements)
reg state, next_state;
always #*
if (reset) next_state = 1'b0;
else begin
// your state logic
if (state) next_state = some_input;
else next_state = 1'b0;
// Flops (use non-blocking)
always #(posedge clock)
if (reset) state <= 1'b0;
else state <= next_state;
Note that I'm using a synchronous reset, but you can use async if needed.
Lines 13-16 are correct. "reg [6:0] fib_number_cnt = 1;" is not the same as using "initial" statement. Read Xilinx synthesis guide for more detailed description of how to initialize the registers.
