How to pass Parameter NetSuite RESTLet using Advanced REST client - netsuite

How to pass Parameter NetSuite RESTLet using Advanced REST client. I Cant get parameter value.
function getRecord(datain)
var sugu = nlapiLoadRecord(datain.recordtype,;
return JSON.stringify(sugu);

If you are actually trying to send a GET request then it goes in the URL, as in the attached image. If you are trying to send a POST or PUT, then you add it into the payload, though (that will show up once you select POST or PUT).

enter image description here
You Need to pass the parameter in header not in variable .please refer that image


How to send Stringified data as body in Postman?

I have an IOT service in aws and it posts data to a pipeline. The data posted is in the form of string and the body contains just the string as follows:
I am parsing the data to JSON and then extracting it on my server but I want to know that if I wanted to test this in postman then how do I make a request? How to send the following data as body so that I could parse it locally for debugging?
First and foremost select your request type like - POST, GET, etc
then select Body and under the body select the 4th option raw
And after the 5th option there is a dropdown with text, javascript,JSON
so, select JSON and paste your JSON data and call your API
I think the solution was similar like this documentation
You can type your JSON, into the raw (JSON). And it will be seen like this picture.
If you still need to learn more, let's take an exercise session with this collection.
Thank you

Docusign API: Searching for a given Envelope/Envelopes using Custom Field

How do we compose a get url to get an envelope or envelopes that contain a given custom field. I tried to compose a get url as one shown below but not getting the desired results (i tried to follow the documentation here -> but I think i am not passing the custom field to the query string correctly[]
You're using the right API call. Try it without the square brackets and encode the value.
... &
The above is untested. If it doesn't work, we'll dig into it further
Important: are you trying to find envelopes that have a custm_envelop_field (metadata) that you created and you named "SignerEmail"?? If so, the the above is the way to go.
If you're looking for envelopes where a signing recipient's email is, try the general search as Inbar suggests. If it doesn't work, you may need another tactic.
Suggest you read here:
the parameter is called search_text and would search everything including custom fields. There's no need to separately specify custom fields.
Something like this:[]

Encoding is happening while sending parameter from Post request in Jmeter

I have a Post request in Jmeter in which, ViewState parameter is passing but value for that parameter is combination of alphabates, number, special characters . so while send that parameter request is encoding the special character for e.g. i have forward slash in paramter so while sending it is converting it to %2F and that leads in failing the request
Solution i have tried is:
uncheck URL Encode check box
UTF-8 in content encoding
for ViewState providing ${__urldecode('${viewState}')} value as Parameter value, which(viewState) i am fetching from previous response
used replace function in Parameter value
So what i am expecting is while sending Post request parameters should not get encoded.
Can someone please provide solution
I am assuming that you are trying to correlate the variable in the body of the subsequent request(2nd Request).
Try sending the data in "Body Data" instead of parameters. So, it is your variable i.e ${viewState} in "Body Data"
I hope view state is not in the URL.
Hope this helps.

Netsuite: How to getDataCenter in SuiteScript

I wish to know how to get dynamic data center url.
I have checked in nets and knew that getdatacenterurl only applicable for REST while I wish to do the same in Suitescript.
The reason for this is because currently I am hardcoded the data center in URL and this will not work if the customer change their data center in future.
I know nlapiResolveURL only help to generate the later part of URL and we still need to define the base domain at the first place.
Any helps?
A little hackish but you could use nlapiResolveURL to ask for the external URL of a Suitelet and then replace forms with system and then slice the first part before app. Something like this:
var externalURL = nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET', 'customscript_xxxx', 'customdeploy_xxxx', true);
externalURL = externalURL.replace('forms', 'system');
var dataCenter = externalURL.slice(0,'app'));
Note: The suitelet doesn't need to be public, you can use an internal one and it should still return the first part of the url.

Parse-Server query fed directly from URL query string

I'd like to know if this is even possible. And if it is possible, what the security ramifications would be.
I want to use Javascript to build a dynamic URL to query a Parse-Server database.
It appears that it might be possible based on an earlier Stackoverflow question here and a Node.js doc here
Here's how I envision it working....
So, a user would be sent (via email/Twitter/etc) a link which was created by above method. Once the user clicked on that URL link, the following would happen automatically:
Step #1: User's system would automatically submit a parse-server query.
Step #2: On success, the user's browser would download a web page which displayed the query results.
step one create the pointer value ie the query pseudo-semantic
step 2 insert the pointer value to a text-type field in parse cls=clazz
step 2b mailgun a msg containing a link like :!clazz/:yALNMbHWoy - where 'yA...oy' is oid of pointer row in parse/clazz table
Note that the link is an abstraction only. Its a uri first to express/route && function that will simply get a row from parse.clazz. That row contains the semantic for making a parse query to get back the full DB compliment to pass along to the node template setting up the html ...
in your node/router GET/clazz/:oid will lookup that Parse row in parse/clazz, using the pointer/text value to format a 2nd, Parse query. The query response from the 2nd parse.qry is your real meat ... This response can be used by the express template formatting the html response to orig request on "".
where u ask "download web page" .. that is simply node's RESPONSE to a GET on a route like "GET/clazz".
